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Without cap ships...


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only thing worse than loseing a game is people that spawn camp, only thing that ever achieves is puts people off playing gsf.


u want to know difference between u and me would be in that game if that's how it started shaping up I wouldn't give a crap about kills, damage etc would just fall back and go pick up some power ups for achievement instead farming noobs.


Grats u really made ya self look a real **** and doing ya part to decrease gsf players. may not ***** right now with queues but without a constant stream of new people coming through it will eventually increase queue times on all servers.


You mad?

Edited by ToMyMa
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There's nothing wrong in doing it, tbh, as it's almost the same as camping at your own ship (before patch). It's a game mechanic, albeit a bad one.


There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with spawncamping GSF TDM because it's expressly allowed due to the willful deactivation of the turrets by Bioware.


With the amount of time, effort and cash sunk into this game by the developers, I simply cannot believe they didn't test out this "fix" and decided this is what they wanted. They had to have known spawncamping would occur; it's why the turrets existed in the first place. To PREVENT it.


They didn't want to prevent it anymore. So spawncamping it is. ;)

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Yeah it's really bad. As soon as I get a vid of it I'll put it up. So far today things have been fairly chill. I expect it to be worse tonight.


Maybe we can reach some kind of happy middle ground where the cap ships give you a 3-sec warning or something? But farming at spawn needs to be dealt with swiftly and harshly. It's part of the reason Ilum pvp got shut down for so long........ needs to be fixed. spawn point rez really really ruins the community fast.


Just because Bio took them out doesn't make it acceptable. You people that think something in-game is okay because the code allows it are scum and you're ruining your own communities by exploiting/abusing things like this.


Typical pvp community mentality to support something like spawn camping then shout at everyone else saying it's their fault for letting it happen then justifying it by saying the game allows it.

Edited by siegeshot
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The history of this game seems to be Bioeare really not being able to see what would happen. Over and over and over.


Bioware: take a piece of advice. When considering a change think of the worst, most game-breaking, most exploitive, and most against the spirit way that it could possibly be abused. Congratulations: you have just predicted how it will be used. Welcome to multiplayer games.

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The history of this game seems to be Bioeare really not being able to see what would happen. Over and over and over.


Bioware: take a piece of advice. When considering a change think of the worst, most game-breaking, most exploitive, and most against the spirit way that it could possibly be abused. Congratulations: you have just predicted how it will be used. Welcome to multiplayer games.


pmsl awesome, well put, :)

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Maybe we can reach some kind of happy middle ground where the cap ships give you a 3-sec warning or something? But farming at spawn needs to be dealt with swiftly and harshly. It's part of the reason Ilum pvp got shut down for so long........ needs to be fixed. spawn point rez really really ruins the community fast.


Just because Bio took them out doesn't make it acceptable. You people that think something in-game is okay because the code allows it are scum and you're ruining your own communities by exploiting/abusing things like this.


Typical pvp community mentality to support something like spawn camping then shout at everyone else saying it's their fault for letting it happen then justifying it by saying the game allows it.


You hit the nail right on the head with this one. Well said.

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I said that sarcastically...I was implying (poorly) that you were going to drive players away from GSF. I LOVE GSF and I want more and more players to queue up and gear up so that it remains fun content for a long time.


You did demonstrate something to me though...as much as I can't believe it, players will be stupid enough to NOT change spawn locations. I don't think we need Cap ships back how they were, but we need to do something with GSF so that IF you're able to set up your farm like you did there, there needs to be an idiot-proof way to spawn somewhere else, away from the blockade...because you proved that some player will just never figure it out on their own...which again, shocks me I guess...


yes. I was reading this OP and I all I could think was "couldn't we just move to the other spawn point? Or have a bomber create a new hypergate spawn point?"

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The question that the devs actually care about here is: Did the lack of capital turrets affect the outcome of the game towards either side? If the answer is no, which in this case it was, they don't care about your, my, or anyone else's feelings on the matter.


It's morally depressing, and quite horrible to be spawn camped, but turrets were affecting the outcome of games by earning kills for a team just by them parking on their gunships near it. (I may be smart enough not to bum rush that, but pugs who just followed the red markers were getting unfairly killed)


So, the dev team removed them. The lack of turrets doesn't affect the winner of the match, it just makes people sad and the game go quicker towards the side that was so much stronger that they pushed the losing team back to the spawn. It's well established that they don't care about our feelings, only numbers.

Edited by Nocher
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All this does is continue to build evidence against gunships and their ridiculous range and damage.


Sooner or later, your 2k crits against ships and your insane damage on damage overcharge will be a thing of the past.


Personally I cant wait...

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All this does is continue to build evidence against gunships and their ridiculous range and damage.


Sooner or later, your 2k crits against ships and your insane damage on damage overcharge will be a thing of the past.


Personally I cant wait...


Personally, it doesn't bother me at all :p


I main a Pike and FlashFire, so I'd be happy about it, but it's not needed... without gunships it would be impossible to clear a 'mined' satellite (Ion railgun is priceless in those situations)

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I have the pit stop thread which is a potential solution to this issue.


The way I see it, Bio ware put in an additional spawn point and now expects the player to make the corrective action to fix this problem. That is a very VERY bad assumption. Common sense isn't as common as you'd be led to believe Bioware.


The solution needs to be something that is passively a part of the game, and a given for new players.

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I really don't see the problem here as there are multiple spawn points in GSF Deathmatch and if the other team is too stupid to bother switching spawn points when the opposing team camps one of their spawn points then that's their problem.
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And somebody who gets killed by you a couple times needs only to get on the horn in the Ops channel and declare, "Hey, South Spawn Point is bad news, don't go there. Spawn middle and let's go kick that pig!"


The fact that you did this against new players is absolutely odious, however. They haven't developed the team coordination skills, the ability with their fighters, or the knowledge of the board to mount an effective defense against this. Which tells me you did this simply to prove it could be done...aaaand maybe feel like a bit of a big, mean jerk.


Well, congratulations, you're a big mean jerk in my book.

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and somebody who gets killed by you a couple times needs only to get on the horn in the ops channel and declare, "hey, south spawn point is bad news, don't go there. Spawn middle and let's go kick that pig!"


the fact that you did this against new players is absolutely odious, however. They haven't developed the team coordination skills, the ability with their fighters, or the knowledge of the board to mount an effective defense against this. Which tells me you did this simply to prove it could be done...aaaand maybe feel like a bit of a big, mean jerk.


Well, congratulations, you're a big mean jerk in my book.



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Dayum, I've upset a lot of people... over a damn video game :eek: I'm rather impressed.


I know that the phrase 'it's just a game' is overused, but really, I find it rather strange that you act like I'm the only person that has done this (note: I'm not).


And that game was won, anyways, because if you're allowed to spawn camp your opponents... I'd say, I myself, would lose a game quickly (if I knew it was lost), opposed to having it drag out. But that's just my opinion.

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I can speak only for myself, but I'll go on record as saying that once this thread drops off the first page, I'm probably going to forget you, your name, what you were on about, and whatever point you were trying to make. I've got better use for my brainspace.


'Umadbro' really doesn't apply to me, at least, here.


However, you do symbolize a mindset I hope never pervades my server. To address your point: yes, it is a game, but it's a game we all play together and something we all want to enjoy. There's a line between competitive gameplay for the purpose of fun and engaging in tactics deliberately designed to not give people a chance at that fun. We veterans, we few notable pilots for one reason or another, are supposed to be welcoming to the new bloods, and maybe not stomp them into goo as hard as we know we can, otherwise they rightly drop out and it just becomes our little club.


That's not fun. It is a game. Let people have fun with it.

Edited by QuinMantha
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Working as intended... Look at the map in the corner of the screenshot. The entire enemy team is using a different spawn point. You have one spawn point mined/camped, but not a single enemy ship is there for you to fight, which makes the whole thing rather pointless. The main issue on your screenshot is poor match-making, not spawn-camping. Turrets wouldn't change the outcome, they would just allow the game to drag on.


Prolonged spawn-camping is not possible, unless one of the teams refuses to leave their own spawn, but I find it dishonest for that team to complain about spawn-camping in such a case.


When a weaker team gets pushed back to a spawn point by a stronger team, one of 2 things will happens: either the weaker team will switch spawns (as seen in the screenshot), or they will keep spawning there intentionally and eventually overwhelm the other team with fresh ships. Those ships can re-join the fight almost instantly after getting killed, with full power and all their CDs up, while the other team runs out of power and CDs and eventually loses to attrition, even if its pilots are better players.


As for one team trying to cover all 3 enemy spawn points, it is ridiculous to think that it might even work. If you split your team into 3 groups, to cover all 3 spawn points, one of those groups will most likely run into the entire enemy team and get wiped, then the enemy team will go look for the 2nd group and wipe them, then they will wipe the 3d group. Congrats, you just gave the enemy team 12 (or 8) free kills.


Some teams deliberately choose to fight at or near their own spawn point from the start, setting up shop there with a bunch of gunships and possibly bombers. This gives them time to get their little camp set up before the other team gets there. They also have the advantage of getting instant reinforcement from any teammate who dies, and being able to get instantly back into the fight themselves if they get killed, instead of having to cross half the map. This is a valid tactic. But it is dishonest to come and cry on the forum about spawn-camping if you use this tactic and the enemy team comes to your spawn and wipes you out. If you refuse to leave your spawn, the enemy will have to go there to kill you. But it is not spawn-camping by the enemy, it is your own decision to camp your own spawn, and you should not get your capital-ship turrets back to make it easy-mode.

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I can speak only for myself, but I'll go on record as saying that once this thread drops off the first page, I'm probably going to forget you, your name, what you were on about, and whatever point you were trying to make. I've got better use for my brainspace.


'Umadbro' really doesn't apply to me, at least, here.


However, you do symbolize a mindset I hope never pervades my server. To address your point: yes, it is a game, but it's a game we all play together and something we all want to enjoy. There's a line between competitive gameplay for the purpose of fun and engaging in tactics deliberately designed to not give people a chance at that fun. We veterans, we few notable pilots for one reason or another, are supposed to be welcoming to the new bloods, and maybe not stomp them into goo as hard as we know we can, otherwise they rightly drop out and it just becomes our little club.


That's not fun. It is a game. Let people have fun with it.


I really love that my ONE action has made me into some kind of jerk that hates fun and all that. Gotta love it. :rolleyes:

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I really love that my ONE action has made me into some kind of jerk that hates fun and all that. Gotta love it. :rolleyes:


Yes, damn you for providing a proof of concept! Stay there; the constable will be 'round shortly to cart you off. XD


When people don't have a valid argument, they slip into logical fallacies. The one being used on you is called "attack the messenger". Sorry it's happening, but for whatever it's worth their mewling does not, in any way, invalidate your proof of concept.


Thanks for showing us what can and IS happening out there - even if some can't handle the truth of the matter. -bp

Edited by Sidenti
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The question that the devs actually care about here is: Did the lack of capital turrets affect the outcome of the game towards either side? If the answer is no, which in this case it was, they don't care about your, my, or anyone else's feelings on the matter.


It's morally depressing, and quite horrible to be spawn camped, but turrets were affecting the outcome of games by earning kills for a team just by them parking on their gunships near it. (I may be smart enough not to bum rush that, but pugs who just followed the red markers were getting unfairly killed)


So, the dev team removed them. The lack of turrets doesn't affect the winner of the match, it just makes people sad and the game go quicker towards the side that was so much stronger that they pushed the losing team back to the spawn. It's well established that they don't care about our feelings, only numbers.


The best solution would be turn the turrets back on but they don't award kills. simple.

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@OP: There are multiple spawn points for a reason. :p


then count ya self lucky.


Ive seen teams split over all 3 spawn points, what u propse there? not really got much chance with 4 sat on each spawn point get little to no chance 1 or 2 of u appear to kill all 4.


The turrets need going back on but just not award points.

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