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Ok, just to sum up the current state of the game in regards to macros.


WITHOUT MACROS being a part of the game, players with the devotion to buy superior equipment like macro-keyboards/mouses, will have a supreme edge over less dedicated players/ players that cant afford these extras. Is this skill?


Some will possibly take the risk installing external add-ons, risking exposing themselves for dangerous software or being banned from the game if BW finds out. Is this skill?


WITH MACROS, everyone will have an even playing field, regardless of equipment or risk willingness. Skill will be based on intelligently setting up macros and you will be able to access all your skills without compromising other functions of the game.


Personally I and all the other MMORPGs Ive played lately thinks this is a no-brainer. Macros will be used either way.

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Macros are coming, not sure on the extent, however macros do leave opening for exploits. Such as in wow using 2 abilities as a warrior that state they cannot be used together, at the same time (the swifty one shot macro). So hopefully the macro's are minimal and don't let you script I win buttons.
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It's funny that all ... and I mean ALL top ranked Arena and RBG players use Macros - and all the terrible keyboard turners stuck in the 1200's do not.


Nobody uses /castsequence macros in PvP - they are useless.


Hell, nobody uses them in PvE either - they are useless against anthing that requires target switching and if you miss or are dodged/parried they will throw your entire rotation off.


What we do use them for is focus targeting (ie shift-D will CC your focus while D will CC your current target) combining multiple abilites to one button with modifiers selecting which ability get's used (you can do 2 here in swtor, but what about 3?) and combining off the GCD abilities into one keypress (long dps CD's combined with a burst ability, for example)


Everybody has access - hell, if you can't write them yourself all you have to do is look them up yourself. It's really hard to google stuff, I know.




All you folks ranting about macros being "exploits" and using /castsequence macros as examples are just painting yourselves as complete "bads" or just ignorant "noobs".

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It's funny that all ... and I mean ALL top ranked Arena and RBG players use Macros - and all the terrible keyboard turners stuck in the 1200's do not.


Nobody uses /castsequence macros in PvP - they are useless.


Hell, nobody uses them in PvE either - they are useless against anthing that requires target switching and if you miss or are dodged/parried they will throw your entire rotation off.


What we do use them for is focus targeting (ie shift-D will CC your focus while D will CC your current target) combining multiple abilites to one button with modifiers selecting which ability get's used (you can do 2 here in swtor, but what about 3?) and combining off the GCD abilities into one keypress (long dps CD's combined with a burst ability, for example)


Everybody has access - hell, if you can't write them yourself all you have to do is look them up yourself. It's really hard to google stuff, I know.




All you folks ranting about macros being "exploits" and using /castsequence macros as examples are just painting yourselves as complete "bads" or just ignorant "noobs".


You can do all that right now, there is a focus modifier key that when you hold it casts whatever ability you are using on your focus. So no need for macros there, and you can bind ctrl, alt, shift versions of all your keys right on your ui. So you don't need those macros either. The only thing you cant do is combine 2 skills into one button. So why exactly do you need those macros if you so good? I doubt having to push 2 buttons instead of one is totally game breaking to you.

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macro's should not be implamented into the game. they are just to easy to exploit and abuse.

if you want to show players you can play the game then single clicking is the way forward.or bind keys to your mouse buttons.


This isn't always the case for macro's I personally use macro's to switch gear sets or to post comments in chat, macro's have much more use than exploits. To not have them makes the game seem unfinished to me on top of all the other issues... That's another topic.

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I think there is some confusion about how macros would work, if Bioware decides to add them in a future patch. For simplicity, I think the anti-macro crowd relies on the assumption that Bioware would use the Rift macro system.


In Rift, you can macro multiple GCD abilities together and the game will go down the list and fire the first ability that is off cooldown - in effect, making the decision for the player. For example, with the Rift system this macro would work:


/cast Vicious Slash

/cast Battering Assault

/cast Assault


It would attempt to cast Vicious Slash and if you had 3 rage, it would cast it. If not, it would move down the list to the rage generating abilities. If Battering Assault was on cooldown, it would cast Assault.


This is the type of macro system that most players despise, since the macro is making decisions for the player and allowing them to bypass an important part of the game - managing their class resource system.


The other macro system Bioware could add would be similar to what WoW uses. In WoW, a macro only allows you to use ONE GCD ability - the rest will not work. In the example above, the WoW system would only check for Vicious Slash and then it would stop, since that ability has a GCD.


I would really like to see a system like WoW, which allows you to do functions like @target, @focus, @mouseover, etc. It would be useful and unlike the Rift system, you still have to make decisions - it won't play the game for you.

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I think there is some confusion about how macros would work, if Bioware decides to add them in a future patch. For simplicity, I think the anti-macro crowd relies on the assumption that Bioware would use the Rift macro system.


In Rift, you can macro multiple GCD abilities together and the game will go down the list and fire the first ability that is off cooldown - in effect, making the decision for the player. For example, with the Rift system this macro would work:


/cast Vicious Slash

/cast Battering Assault

/cast Assault


It would attempt to cast Vicious Slash and if you had 3 rage, it would cast it. If not, it would move down the list to the rage generating abilities. If Battering Assault was on cooldown, it would cast Assault.


This is the type of macro system that most players despise, since the macro is making decisions for the player and allowing them to bypass an important part of the game - managing their class resource system.


The other macro system Bioware could add would be similar to what WoW uses. In WoW, a macro only allows you to use ONE GCD ability - the rest will not work. In the example above, the WoW system would only check for Vicious Slash and then it would stop, since that ability has a GCD.


I would really like to see a system like WoW, which allows you to do functions like @target, @focus, @mouseover, etc. It would be useful and unlike the Rift system, you still have to make decisions - it won't play the game for you.


Quoted for so much truth.

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Simple macros would be a great conveniet way to manage few skills or text messages.





/cast BUFF

/cast SPELL


Too complex and game breaking MACROS could be forbidden, but honestly I won't mind considering most good MACROS would be available online anyway for people to use.


Id love to see MACROS but ones that are too game breaking should be left out. Simple ones, yes other NO.

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The absence of macros greatly decreases my enjoyment of the game. Has nothing to do with PvP or bots or any other crap the anti-macro people lie about. There are simply to many skills. There are more than fit on two hotbars, it's ridiculous, shameful, really.


I get physically tired constantly playing piano with a million hotkeys while trying to move, consider cool downs, search 2-3 bars for the ability I need only occasionally. It's cumbersome, and is the strangest way I've seen a studio ruin an otherwise excellent game.


Macros, Bioware. Now, not later. Now.

Edited by Die_Scream
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There are simply to many skills.


Macros, Bioware. Now, not later. Now.


THIS! Getting a macro system would make playing guard more enjoyable, why they have so many skills compared to PT is beyond me. Since the "sunder armor" skill has a CD it would be great to get it macro'd to the other rage builder. Or just remove the bloody CD don't really see the point with that but thats a whine for another place:p


And to all you macro haters, pissoff... You don't have to use em if it's put in the game.:rolleyes:

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No macros please!


Bind the abilities to your keys. You dont need a 200$ mouse to play the game. My mouse has 2 side buttons and 1 i use for auto run.


Shift+1, 2, 3, F, Q, E, R, etc

Ctrl+1, 2, 3, F, Q, E, R, etc.



G buttons for logitech keyboards...


There are so many options. Doing macros is just being lazy.


Besides, if macros get in game they are very easy to abuse.


So a big NO to macros.


ALT + 1,2,3,4,5, gl with that yo while your having to run around aswel.. Guess I gotta start training my pinky or smt then.

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So to "show people you can play" you need to go and purchase a 200$ gaming mouse? Thanks for the heads up. I still prefer macros. That is what almost every newer MMORPG have been realizing too, and I must say I was very surprised to see SWTOR hadnt implemented this from start.


gaming mouse are 60-80 bucks bro, I bought my razer naga on amazon it was only 58 bucks.

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macro's should not be implamented into the game. they are just to easy to exploit and abuse.

if you want to show players you can play the game then single clicking is the way forward.or bind keys to your mouse buttons.


You obviously don't understand how macros work...it let's you play the game smoother so it is more about I don't know tactics and skill than who can click/press buttons faster. I would love some "mouse-over" mods for healing. The actually challenge in the game should be knowing what to do and reacting quickly, not what you're purposing.

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Not adding macros in game just lets the people w/ game pads and other gaming keypads / mouse w/ 9+ buttons to reap the rewards. i have a game pad that you can macro (say 4, 5 and 6 in either 1 press or a sequence) tho i don't use it, i find that option alone is unfair to those who don't have such an item.
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For those of you who think Macro's are a good idea I have one word for you..... Warlock.


Warlocks in WoW were nothing without their macros. Without their ability to hit one button and put 5 DOT's up simultaneously they were pwned hardcore in PVP. It was so bad that Blizzard had to account for it in balance issues dealing with the class because they became OP.. way OP. There were two kinds of Warlocks in WoW. Those who used macros and let the class then work as it became intended and those who did not and switched to another toon because their performance was the suk.


No, Macro's are closer to an exploit than anything else in the game. That is why SOOO many people are so protective about it and what BW already knows. That is that macro's do not help "average" players, they help hardcore PVP'rs, and those who know more then the average Bear about computers. It is an edge and as one who does not use macro's simply because it is an exploit I applaud BW's decision.


I am sure I will get flamed as a newb, technophobe, poor player etc but you can say what you want.... without macro's everyone is more even... and that is a much better test of your PVP ability than knowing how to /castpwnnewb.


Keep combat macro's out of the game, it is much more of a pure experience when you PVP and I for one congratulate BW on their staying strong on the issue.

Edited by Damhooligan
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No macros please.


If you must play with macros, go try Rift. Everyone is at the same skill level then because they spam the same 3 buttons. Here it is a mix of gear and skill. Macros make it only based on gear.


Please no macros.


Toffle I agree with you. Leave the macros out. It shows who has the skills to play over those who do not have the skills.

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The lack of macro support in tandem with focus functionality inhibits me from playing as effectively as I feel that I am capable of, and by extension, decreases the amount of enjoyment I can derive from PvPing in this game.


Here's why: No one can deny, a large portion of SWTOR players are going to be coming either directly from WoW, or will at least be players with prior experience with that particularly behemoth. If you ask any competitive PvP player in WoW, focus and macro functionality are absolutely vital to maximize efficiency. In addition, many healers will find their ability to effectively heal a large group impacted by a lack of mouse-over macros, another staple of the competitive WoW PvP and PvE communities.


Before you point out "this is not WoW", we're all aware it isn't, obviously. But not supporting features that detract nothing from the game and would be welcomed (and the absence of which is already negatively affecting the experience of many people I know personally within the game) is silly.


There is nothing about macro and focus use that suggests "skill-less". Ask yourself, what is easier to manage? A single target, or multiple targets, each of which could be casting spells or performing abilities that you need to maintain awareness of at all times? The only people who dislike macros in this context either were unable to use them properly, or were unwilling to even try using them initially.


Bottom line, macros, particularly in a PvP scenario and particularly in concert with focus, should be supported and available to those who wish to utilize them.

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No macros please.


If you must play with macros, go try Rift. Everyone is at the same skill level then because they spam the same 3 buttons. Here it is a mix of gear and skill. Macros make it only based on gear.


Please no macros.


adding macroes doesnt take skill away from the game, it makes retaliation skills ect more easy to manage instead of having 2 bars full of skills and only use a set number.


having macroes doesnt make everyone the same level...in Rift 2 rogues can have the same macroes/ gear but the good rogue will know how to use his macroes in his specific order...


oh and also i have a rogue on rift...i still have 2 bars of skills lmao no 3 button spamming for me :p

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Any particular reason they dont have the opportunity to make macros in this game?


Especially in PvP this is bothersome. In PvE its not that big of an issue as you have plenty of time to choose the right skills, or simply doesnt need that many.


With so many skills, not to mention so many overlapping skills (skills with CDs that do about the same thing) I really cant see any reason not to implement macros.


The amount of skills even at level 20 is starting to get so high that its hard to have them all hotkeyed. Starting to use mouseover-click on skills in your hotbar in PvP is simply not an option if you wanna play efficiently.


I for one feel the includement of macros would drastically enchance the game. The ability to combine the right skills into the right macro and hotkey is just as much skill as having to stretch your fingers 20 cm across the keyboard to hit that skill you couldnt fit in close proximity.


With all those buttons going to skills, it also hurts the hotkeys for more mundane functions like "character", "sit" etc. as you need those buttons for single skills.


Please BioWare, put "implementing macros" on top of your todo-list as this would make the gaming experience alot more enjoyable for alot of people, especially more advanced/experienced players that thrive in highpaced gameplay.


THey said they will and also addons.


Be patient

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For the love of god please do not implement macros that will allow someone to chain abilities. However, I do agree there's a need for a ""CC on &T" type of macro/hotkey being in the same line as an ability. The problem becomes when people start exploiting crazy chains. Part of the skill is having the focus/concentration of performing 20+ different abilities with different buttons. There's more than enough hotkeys available:



Shift 1-5

All the letter keys around the WASD cluster

Shift + above


That's well over 20 right there all within reach. Go train your muscle memory. Should be pretty easy for some of you guys that play 15 hours a day.

Edited by bklynfinest
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