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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class Changes that should also be in 2.7


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  • Removal of the bleeding effects on Blade Storm/Force Scream and Overhead Slash/Impale while boosting their upfront damage.


I disagree. I like my burns. In fact, keep the front end damage the same and increase the DoT comparable to MindCrush/Crushing Darkness.

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I disagree. I like my burns. In fact, keep the front end damage the same and increase the DoT comparable to MindCrush/Crushing Darkness.


You are one of the few, who actually likes them. :)

And no, buffing those dots to Mind Crush level would be ridiculous and not even slightly balanced.

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ignore this poster that started this thread clearly clueless he is !


I disagree. This is one of the most accurate and insightful threads this board has seen and the op is as far from clueless as players in this game can get. Unfortunately, I think the efforts were mostly a waste.

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I disagree. This is one of the most accurate and insightful threads this board has seen and the op is as far from clueless as players in this game can get. Unfortunately, I think the efforts were mostly a waste.


Thank you, appreciate it.

I hope my efforts are not in vain and some designer actually have a look at those proposals.

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You are one of the few, who actually likes them. :)

And no, buffing those dots to Mind Crush level would be ridiculous and not even slightly balanced.


I love the burns in Veng spec.. but no to buffing the dots. Veng spec is great how it is now.

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Next up will be sharpshooter/marksman.

The awkward rotation and immobility issues kinda put it behind the other two specs in arena.

Any suggestions?


I've always played MM exclusively, and 99% of it PVP aswell. Leveled with it too. Personally I don't have many problems with the spec, I absolutely love it and put out good dps with it. Burst capabilities are always available aswell. I haven't played it much since 2.7 since my sorc is my main PVP char since 2.6 so I haven't get to really try it out with the newly fixed weapon damage. My dps might go up to average 1300 instead of 1150 now in arenas with maxes of 1700 instead of 1550.

But I do believe it is underappreciated. It's much more mobile now than it used to be because of Entrench changes (50% speed boost immune to movement impairing effects every 6seconds for 6seconds), it might make LoS less of a pain (Thinking of Tatooine arena).


I have thought whether MM should get a skill in skill tree to upgrade the Covered Escape like the other specs have. Maybe instead of the Orbital skills since they've become extremely redundant now.

Another thing I'd much appreciate is if the Imperal Demarcation skill would be improving legshot to +1/2 seconds rooted instead of lowering cooldown by 1,5/3seconds.


I haven't thought that well yet about how this would influent the game but i don't see a problem with PVE except if the MM CE upgrade would do damage (I'd rather make it a 3m wide root aoe, to make MM a rootspec)








  • Sharp Aim/Precision Ambush now ignores 40% of the enemy armor. (Up from 20)
  • Cover Screen now gives you 100% ranged and melee defense for 2 seconds but with a 10 second internal cooldown. (Up from 6 second 30% ranged defense with no cooldown)
  • Charged Aim/Zeroing Shots buff now lasts for 15 seconds. (Up from 10 seconds)


I'm not sure if Precision Ambush needs to be buffed. I mean, I wouldn't mind;) but with the new increase in weapon damage, let's wait it out. (Though I still can't manage to get 10k crits, i couldn't even get 9k before, even now it's rare. With full Power/surge/acc)


Cover screen was always pretty meh but this would make me try it out, besides it's 20% now, not 30%. If this happens (ofc not, why would BW listen) sniper wouldn't deserve a Last Save DCD like Bioware wants, but still another small thing for defense (my CE idea maybe?)


Oh zeroing shots duration being longer would be great. Especially for PVP. Stuns, knockbacks, any control ability completely ****s up rotation as a sniper, mainly because of this short interval it's up. Hmm I'm not sure if it even lasts 10seconds right now. It always seems shorter like 8-9 seconds. More than 15 seconds isn't needed either.

Edited by Aerilas
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Thank you for the feedback.

Yes, I also find that covered escape on mm is not as good as covered escape on the other trees.

I am not sure what effect to give it though...maybe a longer roll or a shorter cooldown?


With ranged classes kinda dominating pvp right now, do you think that a 7 second root would be fair to the minority of melees left? :D

Lethality could also spec into it and rooted targets will then take 7 seconds of dot damage because those don't break leg shot.


What I really wanted to do with marksman was deleting the 2-snipes in a row rotation. It is not fun, but changing it back to what it was before would not really work with all the other changes. What about 1 snipe resetting followthrough but with an internal cooldown, do you think that would work?

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With ranged classes kinda dominating pvp right now, do you think that a 7 second root would be fair to the minority of melees left? :D

Lethality could also spec into it and rooted targets will then take 7 seconds of dot damage because those don't break leg shot.

I did say I hadn't thought about the consequences much yet :) I knew it could be bad.

They could put the legshot skill higher in the tree, do a switcharoo like they did with sorcs. Only hopefully this time a better one.


What I really wanted to do with marksman was deleting the 2-snipes in a row rotation. It is not fun, but changing it back to what it was before would not really work with all the other changes. What about 1 snipe resetting followthrough but with an internal cooldown, do you think that would work?


The internal cooldown then shouldn't be too long and not too short either rather exactly right, but you're trespassing in PVE with this (rotations and all) so I'm not sure this is the best way.

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  • 2 weeks later...


You realize 2.7 is already done...right??? You also realize that threats of leaving mean literally nothing...don't you?


Maybe make a new thread?


You realize that this thread is older than 2.7 ?

You realize that changing titles in this forum is bugged?

You realize that I wasn't threatening anybody but only making a statement that I won't update this thread anymore?

Edited by Venjirai
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