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Need to go shower, because that was disgusting.


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I just played a TDM in which we were pretty stacked. After my death, I respawned, nabbed a damage overcharge, and proceeded to boost onto their capital ship. There was literally nothing to stop me, and I grabbed four or five kills before the buff wore off.


Four or five kills. On their capital ship. Against people who had just spawned and were trying to orient themselves.


Now you're saying, "Oh, Mae, that's nothing, powerups do that because they're stupid. Next you're gonna tell us that everyone switched capital ships, or at least that they switched to bombers and mined you, because you can't expect pugs to time their respawns so you're suddenly fighting five people instead of one or two."


Yeah, none of that happened. I stayed on top of their capital ship for the entire rest of the match. If someone spawned, I targeted them. If I targeted them, they died unless they immediately barrel rolled into the rest of my team. Things only became moderately interesting when I ran out of missiles. Oh, and by the way, at least one of my teammates realized what I was doing and dove in to get a piece of the action himself. Suddenly there's two guys molesting everyone who spawns one by one.


There's no indicator in the UI that you can switch spawn points. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some people didn't know it was possible. Someone suggested big red arrows labeled "PICK YOUR SPAWN"; while I don't think that's a perfect idea because it would quickly grate on experienced players, it would at least be something. The problem is, I was expecting people to spawn somewhere else and was totally prepared to boost my way there and continue the stomp. It wouldn't have taken me very long, either, because of boost recharger.


One person switched to a bomber at the end of the match. Unfortunately for him, he was a dronecarrier with torps and a railgun drone, so after the railgun hit me once and I blew it up (and turned around to nail his repair drone), he had basically nothing. So this guy invested what's probably a good chunk of his available fleet req into trying to counter me... and got nothing for it. That can't feel good.


Another way to have countered this tactic would have been to sync with allies so everyone spawned at once. Five against one is far from an ideal situation for me, and I would almost certainly have died and been forced to the other side of the map. A "sync spawns with allies within ten seconds" button would be great for new players, both in TDM and Domination.


This is what happens when capital ship turret gunners go "on strike". This is only one person taking advantage of flawed mechanics (or lack thereof). It's not fun for the losing side at all, and I can't imagine people wouldn't quit if a premade sat on the ship.

Edited by Armonddd
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My understanding was that the respawn timer was universal so that respawn would be sent in waves. Unfortunately that doesn't help much when the entire respawn wave isn't good enough to take on one pilot.


But yeah there where a lot of better ways to fix the capships that didn't involve removing the turrets.

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My understanding was that the respawn timer was universal so that respawn would be sent in waves. Unfortunately that doesn't help much when the entire respawn wave isn't good enough to take on one pilot.


It wasn't, or at least I only noticed one or two people spawning at a time.

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I agree with Armondd this is an issue. I think TDM was better before the patch, as the capital ships added some complexity to the fight.


Also, while I'm at it, I think the damage overcharge needs to be looked at. It's far more efficient to focus on hunting down the DO power-up to go on a killing spree (and then go back to hunting power ups when its worn off), than it is to actually fight the enemy. This seems rather counter-intuitive.

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I agree with Armondd this is an issue. I think TDM was better before the patch, as the capital ships added some complexity to the fight.


Also, while I'm at it, I think the damage overcharge needs to be looked at. It's far more efficient to focus on hunting down the DO power-up to go on a killing spree (and then go back to hunting power ups when its worn off), than it is to actually fight the enemy. This seems rather counter-intuitive.


That's only true for pilots like us - you get heavily reduced requisition grants for any kills made with DO.


I've also done different games where I actively sought out DO, and ones where I just kept an eye out for it and grabbed it when I saw it. I always had better performance with the latter over the former.

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This is only one person taking advantage of complete stupidity and inexperience on the part of the enemy team..


Fixed that for you.


Good pilots beat bad pilots who are so bad they don't even know there are two other spawns. This is not something new. Why are people like you constantly making humblebrag posts highlighting this "problem?"

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I always said this was an issue if they removed capital ships defences. :(


Yes, they could have used some other type of change. For example, each capital ship could use its turrets in different time frame. And that could be sent as a match message like "capital ship B recharged his blasters and is ready to use them in the next X minutes." And something like "Capital ship A needs to recharge them and will not fire for X minutes." Or just give a capital ship that will fire on you a mark on the HUD.

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I feel I should clarify why I don't think this is an issue (outside of maybe needing the UI to be more obvious that there's more than one spawn).


That this worked against clearly awful pilots is indicative of nothing. The outcome of the game would've been no different if this had never happened. If the pilots were any good and were more knowledgeable, which is to say knowledgeable at all, this would never have happened. Bioware cannot play the game for bad players, and shouldn't try.

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I feel I should clarify why I don't think this is an issue (outside of maybe needing the UI to be more obvious that there's more than one spawn).


That this worked against clearly awful pilots is indicative of nothing. The outcome of the game would've been no different if this had never happened. If the pilots were any good and were more knowledgeable, which is to say knowledgeable at all, this would never have happened. Bioware cannot play the game for bad players, and shouldn't try.


It's just not fun for them. Games are supposed to be fun. This is why I at least want some way of telling people that different spawn points exist, since it's literally never mentioned anywhere. I don't disagree that the outcome was inevitable, but that doesn't mean it needs to be frustrating.

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Well if players hadnt have been pulling ahead by a few kills in TDM and then camping their own cap ship and running out the clock for an auto-win they wouldnt have had to eliminate the cannons. All it takes is a few sleazy players on each server to mess it up. Look in the older posts in the GSF forums and you can find threads on this
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You know none of us actually think your intent here is to prove something about the cap turrets right?


If you wanna act the d-bag then do so and be honest about it.


Go ahead and think that. I'm going to complain about BioWare's stupid decisions until they fix them.

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You know none of us actually think your intent here is to prove something about the cap turrets right?


If you wanna act the d-bag then do so and be honest about it.


Honestly, I do think his intent is to prove this is a bad idea. I disagree with him on many issues, but I don't see him as someone who does this for fun. And if he did, why post about it in the forums? There are many teams farming kills this way right now, and they won't post because then they won't be able to do it anymore.


The point is that this is happening, and will continue to happen until the issue is fixed one way or another. I was never a fan of turrets to begin with, as I hate the idea of safe retreat zones in PvP, but simply removing them while still allowing all ships to fly there is obviously not the right answer either.


Hopefully this is just the short term fix until they are able to implement one of the better solutions people have suggested here in the forums.

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Honestly, I do think his intent is to prove this is a bad idea. I disagree with him on many issues, but I don't see him as someone who does this for fun. And if he did, why post about it in the forums? There are many teams farming kills this way right now, and they won't post because then they won't be able to do it anymore.



That is all.

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I just played a TDM in which we were pretty stacked. After my death, I respawned, nabbed a damage overcharge, and proceeded to boost onto their capital ship. There was literally nothing to stop me, and I grabbed four or five kills before the buff wore off.


Four or five kills. On their capital ship. Against people who had just spawned and were trying to orient themselves.


Now you're saying, "Oh, Mae, that's nothing, powerups do that because they're stupid. Next you're gonna tell us that everyone switched capital ships, or at least that they switched to bombers and mined you, because you can't expect pugs to time their respawns so you're suddenly fighting five people instead of one or two."


Yeah, none of that happened. I stayed on top of their capital ship for the entire rest of the match. If someone spawned, I targeted them. If I targeted them, they died unless they immediately barrel rolled into the rest of my team. Things only became moderately interesting when I ran out of missiles. Oh, and by the way, at least one of my teammates realized what I was doing and dove in to get a piece of the action himself. Suddenly there's two guys molesting everyone who spawns one by one.


There's no indicator in the UI that you can switch spawn points. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some people didn't know it was possible. Someone suggested big red arrows labeled "PICK YOUR SPAWN"; while I don't think that's a perfect idea because it would quickly grate on experienced players, it would at least be something. The problem is, I was expecting people to spawn somewhere else and was totally prepared to boost my way there and continue the stomp. It wouldn't have taken me very long, either, because of boost recharger.


One person switched to a bomber at the end of the match. Unfortunately for him, he was a dronecarrier with torps and a railgun drone, so after the railgun hit me once and I blew it up (and turned around to nail his repair drone), he had basically nothing. So this guy invested what's probably a good chunk of his available fleet req into trying to counter me... and got nothing for it. That can't feel good.


Another way to have countered this tactic would have been to sync with allies so everyone spawned at once. Five against one is far from an ideal situation for me, and I would almost certainly have died and been forced to the other side of the map. A "sync spawns with allies within ten seconds" button would be great for new players, both in TDM and Domination.


This is what happens when capital ship turret gunners go "on strike". This is only one person taking advantage of flawed mechanics (or lack thereof). It's not fun for the losing side at all, and I can't imagine people wouldn't quit if a premade sat on the ship.


This is why gunships need to be fixed.

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Reduced requisition for DO? I haven't heard of that. As far as I knew, I thought you got extra req for kills and assists while using power ups, as outlined in the detailed endgame report


That's because you actually get a bonus for kills while under the effects of any power up. Mouse over the lines of the earnings screen during a TDM and read.

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I just played a TDM in which we were pretty stacked. After my death, I respawned, nabbed a damage overcharge, and proceeded to boost onto their capital ship. There was literally nothing to stop me, and I grabbed four or five kills before the buff wore off.


Four or five kills. On their capital ship. Against people who had just spawned and were trying to orient themselves.


Now you're saying, "Oh, Mae, that's nothing, powerups do that because they're stupid. Next you're gonna tell us that everyone switched capital ships, or at least that they switched to bombers and mined you, because you can't expect pugs to time their respawns so you're suddenly fighting five people instead of one or two."


Yeah, none of that happened. I stayed on top of their capital ship for the entire rest of the match. If someone spawned, I targeted them. If I targeted them, they died unless they immediately barrel rolled into the rest of my team. Things only became moderately interesting when I ran out of missiles. Oh, and by the way, at least one of my teammates realized what I was doing and dove in to get a piece of the action himself. Suddenly there's two guys molesting everyone who spawns one by one.


Great post, lousy subject line. Let's hope it gets spotted by the devs.


Anywho, this is all as predicted. Yeah, on some servers people abused the capitol ships. I never saw that. This is replacing a scratch with a knife wound. Permitting spawn griefing is bad game design.

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One person switched to a bomber at the end of the match. Unfortunately for him, he was a dronecarrier with torps and a railgun drone, so after the railgun hit me once and I blew it up (and turned around to nail his repair drone), he had basically nothing. So this guy invested what's probably a good chunk of his available fleet req into trying to counter me... and got nothing for it. That can't feel good.


I thought you said bombers were OP? This is pretty much how it is for bombers unless they have about a minute to get fully entrenched on an unchallenged node. Except for some UI issues and bugs, I think they're doing ok balance-wise.

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