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Announcing End Season 1 Rewards


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Oh boo hoo, you don't have the patience or skill to complete the hardest content in the game so you're going to call it eliticism because for some strange reason you find it unfair even though you can obtain it yourself if you bothered to put some effort it.


There is nothing wrong with having unique content that has to be EARNED through participation and completing difficult content. The point of doing the harder content is to be REWARDED. I mean, would you compete in the olympics if everyone who was competing got a gold medal? "Congrats all, you're all amazing, heres a gold for EVERYONE!!! WOOOO!!!"


PVP is the hardest content in the game? Since when? I am confused ... I raid HM and NIM ... but no rancor mount there ... PVP you just stand in the corner get killed a bunch and collect ranked coms ... how is that challenging .. or even fun.

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The other 95% doesnt even play the game anymore..


Also, the current rank 1 team just unsubbed from the game, have fun getting that spot guys.. or you know, just stop at 1500 rating.


Wrong the other 95% prefer PVE and only play PVP when they feel there is nothing left to do cause they are sick of dailies.

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PVP is the hardest content in the game? Since when? I am confused ... I raid HM and NIM ... but no rancor mount there ... PVP you just stand in the corner get killed a bunch and collect ranked coms ... how is that challenging .. or even fun.


Maybe you should read the post of the guy I quoted? Oh wait...that takes too much time so you'd rather just assume.


But since you wanna sling mud...ya sure pvp takes way more skill. I mean, pve is just memorizing patterns and killing an AI that does the same thing every week. I mean, if pvp was so easy we wouldn't see so many terrible players incapable of using their DCD's properly and never breaking 200k damage in a long fight...but hey, it totally takes no skill though.


Also, if you bothered to read the yellow text, you guys are getting a rancor drop in the new NiM mode...

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I really feel for you junkies.


I saw the announcement and got jittery myself. 'April 8th? Thank ****, I'm not too late.' I queued up with a few guildies in the solo and spent as much time with them as against; eventually we fell into a rotation where we weren't even seeing each other. My -- rating from having never played went to 7-3 and I was done.


I did PvP once. I started the pet collecting early on in the game and eventually realized that there were 2 I couldn't get. They were sitting right there at a vendor but I couldn't get them with no valor. I had already quit PvP after just a few matches at that point and people were surprised even back then to see me in queue, but I needed that 70 valor. 2 (no exaggeration) broken keyboards and however much yelling later, I had them.


Fast forward to 3 days ago. The 10 matches took longer than I'd hoped. I'd abstained from PvP for 18 months. I 'verbally' joke with the junkies in my guild about how they need to get themselves to a clinic and we all make jokes about how they'll never see me in PvP again. But, here it was. There's a pet in the rewards. There's even a nice mount if 1500 somehow happened, but as long as it was 1150 after 10, I was fine.


I queued. I respec'd. I got berated by anyone who wasn't in my guild about my crap full 78 set and my horrid 855 expertise after bolster (you guys have a nasty habit of checking people out and judging by the cover). I knew what I was doing was 'wrong' gear-wise but I was hoping that there was just as much wrong on the other end of the field and that I'd probably tip the scales in our favor at that point; see, I got very good on the way to 70 valor.


So, I'm done, right? I'm getting my pet and don't collect mounts so I'm set?




I'm sticking it out with you guys. I'm joining the fold. I'm going to be as careful as I can with this keyboard and not get pissed when I don't kill 2 at once (like became the usual) any more. I'll start the right way too - I'm queuing in unranked and will gear up proper. When I'm told the time is right (by the likes of the uber-junkies in the guild) then I'll start joining ranked queues. I'll sit till it pops. You guys'll have me plus whoever I can drag in with me.


I'm not going to come stink up ranked for 10 matches and then leave with what I want. I'm not going to shrug my shoulders at the (admittedly awesome) mount now that I've got my wonderful PvE way to obtain something close enough. I'm going to do the process right and not leave you guys out to dry. I'm going to earn my scratches and bruises learning how things are done 18 months newer and then duke it out in ranked.


I feel you guys have been slighted (however flavorful a rancor mount drop in Dread Fortress is; you can't deny that). I have no clue how minuscule one more person on one server feels in light of this but I'll try to help. I can't do more than that.

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FUMING MAD .... what the hell ... why should there be a special mount just for pvp'ers ... and why is it a rancor.


Wow, you are really really far behind in the conversation. :-)


EDIT: to answer your question: yes, there will be a Rancor for PvE'ers too. And eventually, one in the CM.

Edited by NoFishing
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FUMING MAD .... what the hell ... why should there be a special mount just for pvp'ers ... and why is it a rancor.


Last thing I want to do is grind pvp that much so I can have the rancor mount I have been wanting since launch. Please tell me there will be a rancor mount for PVEers too.

I hope you're just trying to make some sort of joke thing.

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Fixed that for ya.

You have a great sense of humor. Or you are seriously deluded. PvP is a marketing check box for TOR. Every player who considers him- or herself primarily (or exclusively) a PvPer could quit and the game wouldn't even notice. You're a niche. Deal with it.


Without PvE and people who consider themselves mainly PvErs, there is no game.

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You have a great sense of humor. Or you are seriously deluded. PvP is a marketing check box for TOR. Every player who considers him- or herself primarily (or exclusively) a PvPer could quit and the game wouldn't even notice. You're a niche. Deal with it.


Without PvE and people who consider themselves mainly PvErs, there is no game.


You realize the massive amount of people that left after 1.2 were pvpers right? They failed to launch rank and pulled like 6 hours before 1.2 went live and people started leaving left and right. The casual pve players come and go and rarely stick around very long. PvP players are hardcore. You give them what they want and they don't go anywhere. You don't? They leave and droves, and guess what, swtor noticed it heavily. The subs in this game declined by quite a lot after 1.2 and kept bleeding until it went F2P and even after that its barely stabilized.

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And your point is ...?


Assuming you're right, they left, game's still here.


Ya and it had to go F2P to remain, and its barely alive at that.


the game went from 1.7m subs to below 500k in a span of a few months after 1.2

Edited by Raansu
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You are still talking without using knowledge or reason man. I was there for 1.2 and it wasn't PvPers who left en masse. It was the general populace. There were so few content updates for the game. Bioware couldn't keep up with their monthly release schedule and the servers were diluted and underpopulated. For anyone to say PvPers propped the game up after launch is purposefully lying due to malicious reasons or lack of knowledge on what happened. Ranked PvP was not the make or break thing nor were the sorc nerfs or whatever else happened. There was so little freaking content then! That's what causes people to leave and rightfully so.


If you disagree explain why the original Rakghoul event, which was post 1.2, had the largest number of people in game since launch? If people left over sorc nerfs or no ranked PvP they wouldn't have stayed for that.

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Why does it matter? We've got actual hard numbers of how many qualify. A guy even calculated % of the 25k players that qualify and it's less than 3% in actuallity. Is it really important what base musco took by stating a clearly arbitrarily set percentage number, evidently done just to balm the worries about top tier exclusivity?


Even if half of the people on the leaderboards only dabbled in rated warzones for a couple matches and then gave up the 1k people globally with the rancor are still the top 10% of the 10% of the entire playerbase. How much more of special snowflake do you need to be?


The ranked community that drives PvP in this game is all laughing at how low the bar is set for tier 1. People who worked their butt off to get 2k+ ratings don't have anything to show for it, and have a right to be mad that they aren't being rewarded for their efforts. Having a reward for being in the top 10% isn't enough- the 1% needs motivation to be as good as they are, or else they'll just not bother and move to a different game that WILL reward their tryhardness.

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Does Bioware have a company policy that every good decision has to be mucked up within 2 days?


Seriously, fire the brain dead Dev who decided to put the mount on the Cash shop. Seriously, do it. Maybe for good measure, make it a policy to not hire anyone with the same first or last name as that Dev.

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You don't really believe the decision to have more than a single rancor mount in the game was made in the last 2 days, do you?


Doesn't matter when it was made, I was talking kore about how they try not to let a good announcementever go without a terrible one a day or two later.

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Doesn't matter when it was made, I was talking kore about how they try not to let a good announcementever go without a terrible one a day or two later.

Yeah, dude, they're out to harsh your bliss.


Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.




Everyone with half a brain knew they were going to put a rancor on the CM. You would've preferred they not tell anyone, apparently. You'd have been much happier wallowing in PvP special snowflake ignorance until it actually hit the CM?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Maybe iam stupid. But as i see it there is 4 different color ''divisons'' atm. You have blue, bronze, silver and gold. If tier 1 is the bronze one, what is silver and gold than? you have 2 other divisions that doesnt fulfill a prupose at all?sorry i dont see the logic.
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