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Upgrading T7


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random parts for droids rarely drop.


you'll notice missions have 2 kinds of rewards.

They either reward you, or your companions.

Class quests/heroics reward you. Random world quests reward your companions? iirc.

Something like that.


Also, commendations are a good way to keep him geared.

Had the world boss in tattoine actually drop purple droid parts last night.

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One thing that bugs me when collecting loot for my T7 - when I mouseover the item i dont get a view of whats already in the slot, as I would if collecting loot for myself. Same thing when finding augument for armor or lightsaber. Can it really be true that I have to close the reward window, remember the stats, open the companion window, finding the apropriate slot and comparing the stats..


Is there a key I am missing to press or is it just like this?

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One thing that bugs me when collecting loot for my T7 - when I mouseover the item i dont get a view of whats already in the slot, as I would if collecting loot for myself. Same thing when finding augument for armor or lightsaber. Can it really be true that I have to close the reward window, remember the stats, open the companion window, finding the apropriate slot and comparing the stats..


Is there a key I am missing to press or is it just like this?


Go into the UI options and turn on the ability to compare companion something or other. I forget precisely, but it is there in your options.

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it's sad that gear has to have the specific companion name on it in order for them to use it, why is this?


No it doesn't. Most of my T7's gear doesn't have his name on it. I got a kick *** rifle from a flashpoint that I equipped T7 with.

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Here is a tip for anyone using a comp.... PvP gear can be equipped.



I have 1 headset and 1 implant on my T7, for some reason i couldn't equip both implants. but thats about it in pvp gear, but its something to upgrade


His second implant slot actually equips a second "parts" item, rather than an implant. Not sure if the labeling or the equipping is a bug, but that's how it works right now.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


Having trouble upgrading T7. He's got 3 implant slots, so I bought 3 of the same from a commendation vendor but he can only use one of them, but the tooltip doesn't give any advice about what else can go in those slots. Can anyone help?



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It's kind of a pain in the butt. To the OP, it's a little comforting to know that I'm not the only person having this problem. I'm also level 31 and I love Kira but she loses a lot of health... real quick-like... so I'm having to fin ways to upgrade T7 in hopes that with him, I'll have better luck in the final moments of Act 1.
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Hi all,


Having trouble upgrading T7. He's got 3 implant slots, so I bought 3 of the same from a commendation vendor but he can only use one of them, but the tooltip doesn't give any advice about what else can go in those slots. Can anyone help?




As pointed out on the previous page. Two of those slots are actually incorrectly labelled parts slots, not implant.

Iirc T7 uses:

2 cores, 2 motors, 2 parts, an implant and a sensor unit.


Your ship droid actually uses the same gear/stats. Tho T7 stuff tends towards endurance/absorb/defence rating.

But should you want a healer before doc, then you can bodge T7s gear onto him.

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Make sure you don't sell all your apparently outleveld stuff for him carelessly, some of the green quality items you get for your companions from quest rewards are actually moddable gear. Edited by mufutiz
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Just to save people time. For the upper levels you can buy, (Credits, not commendations) orange grade motors and parts from one of the opening vendors on Belsavis. Never had issues finding cores as all of the higher level planets seemed to have sold them, but finding those motors and parts were a pain! Edited by Direwolfe
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