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2.7 changes


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Hey all. Bioware has some newclass changes in 2.7, and yes, scrappers are screwed again.


They say they want to tune the healing tree down a bit. But they gonna do that with removing the knockdown from our opening shot? That puts an end to our burst, cause we'll get stunned right after our opener...


It's like they force us to use assasins/shadows if you want to use stealth. Those classes already had better burst and better survivability, well now they will also have the knockdown that will be taken from us.


I have a 55 concealment operative and 55 scrapper and i love pvp. But as happy i was with the buff in 2.6, if they nerf my classes again in 2.7 i'm done with them.


Can somebody try explaining to me why they remove the knockdown from high in the scrapper tree if they want to nerf the healing tree? I'ld really like to see a developper answering this, cause I really start believing they don't play scrapper/concealment at all.

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KO changed to a 1.5s root and allowing Back Blast to work without being behind the target is nothing to do with the separate nerfing of infinite EMP spam.


Roll limiting to 2 per 10 seconds is map balance as well as class balance for all specs.


Anyway you know the stuff you like about the low CD, low resolve knockdown. Well that's a main reason that scoundrels are considered to have too much CC.


If the patch is made live then every time you jump someone from stealth they will have the chance to react before you pop back blast instead of having no chance because a root disables none of their skills while a knockdown disables almost everything.


So anyone who knows their talents can stun you, CC you, knock you, pop shields or other DCD or hilariously vanish on you. Or just flat out start hitting you back.


Instead of being on their face taking it in the *** with no options other than blowing their CC to stop it which is a huge disadvantage to start a fight with against a class with another stun and a instant CC plus another knockdown soon if they vanish during the fight.


Anyway the sugar with the pill is that Back Blast won't need to be in their *** once you use Shoot First. Which will be good because a root won't stop them turning to face you.

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That is just it. As a scrapper we get so much movement buffs that it's easy to get behind à target for using backblast. So only keyboard- turners need this, and lets be honest, keyboardturners schouldn't be complaining at all if they lose à fight.


So it's basically no sugar for me, just byebye knockdown, scrapper game over...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my two cents:


If you're gonna decrease healing abilities why not SEPARATE THAT FROM PVE TO PVP.....


You already automatically set off our pvp flag when we join PVP and turn it off when he exit.


You nerfed smuggler FLYBY but left it the same for SNIPERS lmao!


My thing is.....if you can do changes to one why should u make other players be miserable as well?


Not everyone does PVP and Not everyone does PVE....


You want balance? Nerf every class because all i've seen so far is a bunch of BUFFS of for other classes and NERFS for smuggler alone.

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drop your smuggler / agent and use a sage / inquisitor or merc / commando.


they have stronger heal and have same ( sage ) or much more ( pyro merc ) damage than any smuggler /agent.

and the merc also wears heavy armor.


makes no sens to play an agent / smuggler any more.

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yea I had a similar reaction. All the other changes seem reasonable. but on fall after shoot first really stings and hurts the entire rotation. maybe even decrease the max potiental for it to effect to like 50% or 25% chance.
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Yup. If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times now: I would have been much happier had they nerfed the damage to SF into the ground and kept the knock down than what they did instead. I'm so mad that I'm seriously thinking of deleting character and rerolling as a Slinger. And I hate playing Slingers.
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my 2 cents

1) I hate that with 2.7, flash grenade will only effect single targets for gunslingers. I can only think that this nerf is due to people whining on pvp about the 35m stun. drop in by 5m then, but don't make it single target :/

pve wise, it a very useful ability.


2) The XS flyby. bring back the power. It was not a necessary nerf. As was previously stated in this thread, snipers were not nerfed.


I can only assume that these nerfs came about by imperial played moaning that gunslingers were just out of range.

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Here's my two cents:


If you're gonna decrease healing abilities why not SEPARATE THAT FROM PVE TO PVP.....


You already automatically set off our pvp flag when we join PVP and turn it off when he exit.


You nerfed smuggler FLYBY but left it the same for SNIPERS lmao!


My thing is.....if you can do changes to one why should u make other players be miserable as well?


Not everyone does PVP and Not everyone does PVE....


You want balance? Nerf every class because all i've seen so far is a bunch of BUFFS of for other classes and NERFS for smuggler alone.


my 2 cents

1) I hate that with 2.7, flash grenade will only effect single targets for gunslingers. I can only think that this nerf is due to people whining on pvp about the 35m stun. drop in by 5m then, but don't make it single target :/

pve wise, it a very useful ability.


2) The XS flyby. bring back the power. It was not a necessary nerf. As was previously stated in this thread, snipers were not nerfed.


I can only assume that these nerfs came about by imperial played moaning that gunslingers were just out of range.


Why does everyone seem to think Snipers weren't nerfed? You guys do realize they nerfed orbital strike as well (IE: The Sniper/Operative Fly-by).


Its not that imperials moaned, its that Pubs clearly don't know what they're talking about.


Now, as for the flashbang change it was the only ranged AoE mez. All other AoE mezz's were melee based. Smugglers/Operatives kept their AoE because it was a 10m one. When a sniper/slinger threw out the AoE mezz it almost never broke because people weren't actively beating on someone 30m away. When an Operative uses theirs or a Sentinel/Marader/Jugg/Guardian use theirs its melee so people very frequently broke it due to AoE's flying, hitting someone in their face, etc.


Now, that doesn't mean you have to AGREE with the flashbang change, but that's the reason it happened.


However, the keypoint behind this post is telling those of you who think Sniper/Operative Orbital wasn't nerfed that you're wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The entire thing seems to be PvP based class changes. I do PvP but only in the lower levels, then only for the daily/weekly exp. At the 55 level, I don't PvP as I do not dedicate myself to only PvP (which to even play casually and have fun you need to do) All that said, I do not thing PvE wise any of these changes need to be made. How often do the DEVs hear, OMG a smuggler was spam healing on an OP and its simply so unfair, then they used a ranged AOE stun and 5 mobs were stunned! Just dosn't happen. Keep PvP and PvE separate, there is a flag that controls behavior, let the DEVs use it. Nurf heals and stuns in PvP, leave PvE alone, or as some have said, you will Nurf Smugglers out of existence.
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my 2 cents

1) I hate that with 2.7, flash grenade will only effect single targets for gunslingers. I can only think that this nerf is due to people whining on pvp about the 35m stun. drop in by 5m then, but don't make it single target :/

pve wise, it a very useful ability.


2) The XS flyby. bring back the power. It was not a necessary nerf. As was previously stated in this thread, snipers were not nerfed.


I can only assume that these nerfs came about by imperial played moaning that gunslingers were just out of range.


they should have kept the aoe and reduced the range sniper/slinger need help under focus fire

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drop your smuggler / agent and use a sage / inquisitor or merc / commando.


they have stronger heal and have same ( sage ) or much more ( pyro merc ) damage than any smuggler /agent.

and the merc also wears heavy armor.


makes no sens to play an agent / smuggler any more.

Duran'del here:


Commandos have 2 or 3 DCDs depending on spec, and all of them minus diversion are on CDs of over 1 and a half minutes. Compare that to cloaking screen, evasion, and all the other DCDs smugglers have. Heavy armor is near useless, too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
lets be honest, keyboardturners schouldn't be complaining at all if they lose à fight.


So it's basically no sugar for me, just byebye knockdown, scrapper game over...


Just another elitist in disagreement with a legitimate call for some semblance of class balancing, only because they're scared that they'll lose their OP'ness, and will have to actually learn to play the game, against other human players, who, by nature, are purely unpredictable, when it comes to tactics....If nothing else.

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Why are failbobs like you and SupaCoopa (aka Dura-I don't know how to L2P-andel) even allowed to post anything about class balancing?

Neither you, nor SupaCoopa (aka Dura-I'm a 18 year old virgin and veeeery special-andel) have any clue or knowledge about class balancing.

You are a typical "I only play shadow cause Darth Maul rocks and I'm number one rocker!!11elf" Player; a miserable beeing not able to see beyond your own nose. You suck at playing against competent Players; but you would never admit, that it is the Player who beats you; it's always the class of the superior Player, so this class has to be nerfed, right?

SupaCoopa (aka Dura-SirTalksALotOfNonsense-andel) sucks at gaming and keeps on spamming pointless "ideas" about classes, he 1) doesn't know how to play, or 2) he propably hasn't played yet.


So, both of you: Stop posting and L2P.

Hint: You should start playing multiple classes and, most important, you should try to understand them. You are simply not able to give constructive critique about class balancing, if you don't know how the different classes work.

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As a healer, I used scamper to get away from stunning assassins and shadow, stunning spamming sorcs and OP merc's missles.


Now I can no longer heal a couple of times, scamper to LOS to live long enough to try to heal again. They have ruined my soundral. I'm thinking of deleating my account after 2.5 years. Pretty tired of them nerfing the wrong charc.:mad::mad:

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How come nobody is talking about the re-grant on upper hand when the target is below x%? Smugs are the only class that has a BS aoe heal and BW takes the one really clutch ability away? That makes no sense. Worst healing class by far now.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Why are failbobs like you and SupaCoopa (aka Dura-I don't know how to L2P-andel) even allowed to post anything about class balancing?

Neither you, nor SupaCoopa (aka Dura-I'm a 18 year old virgin and veeeery special-andel) have any clue or knowledge about class balancing.

You are a typical "I only play shadow cause Darth Maul rocks and I'm number one rocker!!11elf" Player; a miserable beeing not able to see beyond your own nose. You suck at playing against competent Players; but you would never admit, that it is the Player who beats you; it's always the class of the superior Player, so this class has to be nerfed, right?

SupaCoopa (aka Dura-SirTalksALotOfNonsense-andel) sucks at gaming and keeps on spamming pointless "ideas" about classes, he 1) doesn't know how to play, or 2) he propably hasn't played yet.


So, both of you: Stop posting and L2P.

Hint: You should start playing multiple classes and, most important, you should try to understand them. You are simply not able to give constructive critique about class balancing, if you don't know how the different classes work.


What are you, 12? ;p

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