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If a team is losing 25-5 or 40-0. Please, stop backfilling the match


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Yes, I know it sucks when half your team quits on you at the first sign of defeat. I know that backfilling with no option to not backfill, was introduced to make sure having a bunch of sissies on your team did not seal your defeat, and left you with a chance to win after those sissies quit.


But let's be realistic here. If a team is losing 40-10 or something along those lines, backfilling them at this stage is not helping anyone. It does nothing to help the team, because 1 good player cannot really shift the balance of the whole game so far into the match. And it's frustrating to the player who backfilled.


I'm not asking to get rid of the backfills entirely. I'm just saying that after a certain point it makes no sense at all to backfill. It's a great system to deal with people who had to quit for RL issues. Or to deal with idiots who quit the moment the enemy team gets 1 more kill. But it's terrible for players who fill into matches that cannot be won.

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Having seen 1 player come into a losing match and withing 30 seconds have 9 kills, one player can make up good chunk of the difference.


Exceptions, not the rule. Besides, getting 9 kills in 30 seconds is still not good enough when losing 40-15 and every single one of your teammates is dying like flies.

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Having seen 1 player come into a losing match and withing 30 seconds have 9 kills, one player can make up good chunk of the difference.


She-frigging-nanigans!!! (30 seconds 9 kills... really? I was born on a Wednesday, not last Wednesday.)

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Having seen 1 player come into a losing match and withing 30 seconds have 9 kills, one player can make up good chunk of the difference.


That's... a lot. I can name maybe a dozen players who could do that (only half of which are on your server), and all of them would struggle at it.


Guessing this was TDM?

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She-frigging-nanigans!!! (30 seconds 9 kills... really? I was born on a Wednesday, not last Wednesday.)


And then you woke and realized it was just a dream.


I hope you guys realize this is entirely possible, and the pilot in question likely reads the forums.

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I have a better idea. If you leave a game 3 times in a day, you are locked out for 24h. That will stop the ******s from leaving for sure.


That's a good idea too. Stopping sissies from leaving in the first place will spare players the trouble of joining up into certain defeat.

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I hope you guys realize this is entirely possible, and the pilot in question likely reads the forums.


Against horrible pilots in un-upgraded Strike Fighters while you snipe away in a fully upped Gunship, sure. But then, if you *were* up against such pilots, why would your team be losing so badly in the first place.

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Against horrible pilots in un-upgraded Strike Fighters while you snipe away in a fully upped Gunship, sure. But then, if you *were* up against such pilots, why would your team be losing so badly in the first place.


Doesn't have to be a gunship, doesn't have to be stock strikes.


I'm not "nine kills in 30 seconds when TDM is pushed back to my capital ship" good, but my scout can easily get kills against even fully upgraded enemy scouts because I'm that much better than them.

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Against horrible pilots in un-upgraded Strike Fighters while you snipe away in a fully upped Gunship, sure. But then, if you *were* up against such pilots, why would your team be losing so badly in the first place.


Well I did 7 kills in 20 seconds once. I had picked up damage overcharge flew around a asteroid and came across 5 gunships all in a row. I had BLC. heh.


And then I picked off a couple fighters that where tagging me afterwards.


That match was one of those where you win by two points and then the scorecard reveals that you where the only person on your team to place higher than the opposing team.

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Doesn't have to be a gunship, doesn't have to be stock strikes.


I'm not "nine kills in 30 seconds when TDM is pushed back to my capital ship" good, but my scout can easily get kills against even fully upgraded enemy scouts because I'm that much better than them.


I'm not saying there aren't many terrible pilots out there, but 9 kills in 30 secs takes some seriously favourable circumstances.


I dogfighted a scout down today, on my bomber. That made me laugh and a bit sad at the same time as I only use my bomber if we have 0 on our side on cap matches.

Edited by Jandi
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I'm not saying there aren't many terrible pilots out there, but 9 kills in 30 secs takes some seriously favourable circumstances.


Ah, but here's the thing: favorable to you is not the same as favorable to the rest of your team.


I've won multiple TDMs by landing 50%+ of my team's kills and assisting in another 20%+, but it can still be a close match (down to 1-2 kills difference when time runs out) if my team is getting farmed by the rest of the enemy.


And if you backfill a TDM that's going something like that, and you can barrel roll straight into a damage overcharge, and the entire battle is swarming around the capital ship you spawned at... well then.

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Ah, but here's the thing: favorable to you is not the same as favorable to the rest of your team.


I've won multiple TDMs by landing 50%+ of my team's kills and assisting in another 20%+, but it can still be a close match (down to 1-2 kills difference when time runs out) if my team is getting farmed by the rest of the enemy.


And if you backfill a TDM that's going something like that, and you can barrel roll straight into a damage overcharge, and the entire battle is swarming around the capital ship you spawned at... well then.


This. You're so wise bro beans.

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Ah, but here's the thing: favorable to you is not the same as favorable to the rest of your team.


I've won multiple TDMs by landing 50%+ of my team's kills and assisting in another 20%+, but it can still be a close match (down to 1-2 kills difference when time runs out) if my team is getting farmed by the rest of the enemy.


And if you backfill a TDM that's going something like that, and you can barrel roll straight into a damage overcharge, and the entire battle is swarming around the capital ship you spawned at... well then.


I always , well almost always, have more assists than kills on my Pike. Damn scouts ninjaing mah kills.

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I've been backfilled into the losing side of a faceroll before. And I ended up at the top of my sides scorecard. something unimpressive like 5-1-0. I'm not a great pilot, so I'm sure if some of you Aces got in that situation it could change the match. I know, not likely, but possible.


Also, all Req is good Req.


And, as slow as match pops can be sometimes, I'll take the backfill facestomping. I won't like it, but I'll take it.

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Scout or fighter with damage overcharge can easily turn the tide of battle, so backfilling has a little sense IMHO.

By the way, kill-stealing is one thing, but... 30-40% of the time I am shooting enemy ship - and then he CRASH INTO A ROCK! (I am getting assist for this :) ). Now THAT is really frustrating... :)

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hell no.


Ive seen games like 38-1 come back to a win in deathmatch. not over till its over and those that give up will lose, never quit keep fighting.


I was just in a match that we were losing, badly cause our newbie squad kept barrel rolling into cliffs etc. Then, when the score was something like 30-15 or so, they switched to bombers and gunships and sat at their capital ship for the rest of the game and waited the timer to run out.


The capital ships need to go. Make a shield that you can't shoot through at the spawn points but the capital ships are becoming the new tactic of choice for premades. It's pathetic.

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Exceptions, not the rule. Besides, getting 9 kills in 30 seconds is still not good enough when losing 40-15 and every single one of your teammates is dying like flies.


I agree, not sure what purpose these counter intuitive observations are for other than premade teams not having a good match and needing more fodder for their wins.

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