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Is SWTOR the pariah of MMOs?


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I love Star Wars but WHY did it have to be a STAR WARS IP that had to show the gaming community this? Why couldn't have been something like a possible successor to WoW? Like a legitimate one, made by Blizzard.


Anywho your correct. No one will ever, ever attempt to make a massively single-player online RPG ever again. Class stories was THE worst idea for thinking that that would let them get returns on their investments. Singleplayer games don't have the longevity a multiplayer game especially a multiplayer game like an MMO has.


Yep, I bet they wish they'd made a single player game with multiplayer aspects instead of an MMO now.

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If this game is to be shutdown, I hope they convert it to a single player game. I love the class stories and would hate to not be able to experience it again one day.


If they had made it as a 4 player co-op RPG, it would likely have gone down as a classic.

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Positive control has been lost, and it will only get worse over the weekend with no babysitters. Ciao until next week I guess.


That's my M.O. Too busy playing the game and with the wife to bother with forums on the weekends anyway.


At some point, BioWare will become annoyed enough with it to fix it, right?

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That's my M.O. Too busy playing the game and with the wife to bother with forums on the weekends anyway.


At some point, BioWare will become annoyed enough with it to fix it, right?


Enough with the Bioware-bashing!


They've proved your biased hate wrong already!


P.S. j/k

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If this game is to be shutdown, I hope they convert it to a single player game. I love the class stories and would hate to not be able to experience it again one day.
I COMPLETELY agree with this statement......


Me too.


Though I'd be willing to pay a subscription for a single-player version, and make cash shop purchases, so I don't know if that counts as 'shut down'.

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'The first rule of Fight Club...'


I've drifted through a few other MMOs on my way to SWTOR and there has always been a vocal hatred of other games in general chat. Hey, even on fleet you've got a better than even chance of getting called out for offering praise of SWTOR.


Truth. People in one game always hate on people who play other games. Been that way since the number of MMOs was greater than 1.

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Group Finder. Which gets abused constantly

GSF. ("Real" space battle instead of a space roller-coaster.) I agree with the "Real" being in quotations due to all the 1 shots on both sides and obvious dominance on those who are starting GSF later than others having almost no chance over those with full upgrades

Bounty Event.Which hasn't been modified and still asks for ridiculous prices for reskins of old armors

Better looking gear.In your opinion

Up-Leveled Rakghoul Event.As much as I enjoyed that the Rakghoul event wasn't tossed away, I literally got bored of the daily during day 1 of it

Class Representatives .Because that worked the first time *sarcasm*

Animal mounts Fine and dandy


Yep. I see how one could say the developers completely ignore player feedback. Clearly. :rolleyes:


Reply in red.


But also, how about CE getting regular updates? How about bugs from beta not getting fixed, or when we were told that the Cartel Market wouldn't become that much of a focus, yet we constantly see new gambling packs, and we rarely see issues getting resolved in a timely manner when it isn't the cartel Market, etc.? How about the class story issue, you decided to not talk about?

Edited by Eillack
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You do realize this game is a laughing stock to the rest of the MMO community, do you not? Go in GW2 and lots of ppl will talk **** about this game n how it flopped.


It turned into one huge cash grab and went f2p in less than a year. what did you expect? The old BW team is to blame as well. Making an MMO on singleplayer standards was NOT the way to go...


Implying GW2 was not just empty lies.

Implying GW2 did not turn into a huge cash grab.

Implying GW2 is even worth mentioning, or its toxic elitist community.

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Reply in red.


But also, how about CE getting regular updates? How about bugs from beta not getting fixed, or when we were told that the Cartel Market wouldn't become that much of a focus, yet we constantly see new gambling packs, and we rarely see issues getting resolved in a timely manner when it isn't the cartel Market, etc.? How about the class story issue, you decided to not talk about?


Nailed it. I like how after 2 years they finally fix the Imperial Scholar title and Sith Academy codex. Now they need to fix the Bane Brigade and Master of the Burning Way titles.

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Reply in red.


But also, how about CE getting regular updates? How about bugs from beta not getting fixed, or when we were told that the Cartel Market wouldn't become that much of a focus, yet we constantly see new gambling packs, and we rarely see issues getting resolved in a timely manner when it isn't the cartel Market, etc.? How about the class story issue, you decided to not talk about?


My point was that developers listen to player feedback and act upon player feedback.


Do they listen to every single player and do everything every single player wants? Nope. They have things like budgets and deadlines and they have to do what's right for the game. Get over it, snowflake, if they're not doing exactly what you want today.


The fact that you seem to be able to find fault with, well, just about anything, doesn't detract from the fact that the developers listen to what we say and actually do implement some of it.


I would not have argued that during game test or release. They didn't listen then. At all. But now, they do.


So stop acting like they don't. It just makes you look ignorant.

Edited by DarthTHC
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The poster has been here since all of 6:00 AM yesterday morning and has done nothing but trash the community. Unless they have somehow managed to min/max every class through end game AND make over 100 astroturf posts like the one you commented on in less than 20 hours (that's right folks - 1st day on the job and over 100 posts in less than 20 straight hours), they are making it up as they go.


Looks like the forums need ANOTHER reset ... :(


What the...? So he's either lying or there's some sort of exploit that allows unsubscribed accounts to post?


I think we all know it is our good friend Professional Gaming Analyst with Harvard Law degree. He just ran out of permutations of the name he used for months now

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My point was that developers listen to player feedback and act upon player feedback.


Do they listen to every single player and do everything every single player wants? Nope. They have things like budgets and deadlines and they have to do what's right for the game. Get over it, snowflake, if they're not doing exactly what you want today.


The fact that you seem to be able to find fault with, well, just about anything, doesn't detract from the fact that the developers listen to what we say and actually do implement some of it.


I would not have argued that during game test or release. They didn't listen then. At all. But now, they do.


So stop acting like they don't. It just makes you look ignorant.


The thing is that they haven't even cared about the majority, not some random player, but a majority on feedback. How many years are you going to ride this rant train? I mean hell, I'm disappointed and just saying what SWTOR is at this point, I want it to be much better and would love EA to give a damn about SWTOR, but I even remember really on in this game that you always have had a stick up your ***.


I've been here sense beta too cupcake, and I have seen no change in their interaction with the remaining player base, unless it's to advertise the next Cartel Box or something to just get anything from the players' pockets.


But what do I know, I've just been following SWTOR since I first heard the rumors of another Star Wars MMO that would replace SWG.


At this point SWTOR is the joke of the Internet. Whether it's some random forum, or just in another MMO, when someone mentions SWTOR laughter begins and a discussion on how badly it flopped ensues. Last week in TESO beta alone there actually was a healthy amount of testers saying they are coming over to TESO from SWTOR and gave very similar stories on just how much SWTOR veered from it's original purpose and how they wished this game was better, but at this point on its current path, it's unlikely.


SWTOR will just be a MMO that'll get forgotten completely in a few years and EA will try to hide its existence or ignore any mention of it. It's a damn shame too.

Edited by Eillack
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Why do people keep saying that this game failed? Because it's f2p? It has more subscribers now than it did back when it was subscription only, and it's gaining more every single day. Just in my guild alone I had 4 members in the last week subscribe to the game when they hit 50 just for the extra content, warzones, and having the ability to raid.


What I will say about this game is that the release cadence feels a little slow right now, but that's only because in every MMO in existence the cadence feels slow when you reach the climax of a story arc. All of the raiders have defeated The "you know who" and now we're just waiting on the next story arc to be released. It sucks, and it's painful, but it's the way of all MMO's.


People just like to bash SWTOR because a bunch of WoWhard's who also loved Star Wars kept telling the world that SWTOR was 100% going to be the, "WoW Killer." The game got too much media hype and too much attention, and when it released with only ~1 1/4 Operations, everyone was like, "Where's the content?!?!" Bioware was forced by EA to release an unfinished product and paid the price. When 1.3 was released, Daniel Erickson was quoted as saying something to the effect of, "... this is the game we wanted to release." Keep in mind, 1.3 wasn't released until way later, in June 2012. If it weren't for EA, Bioware probably would have released the game sometime in April 2012 and had all of the content they wanted in the game at release. The game would not have had such a rough start, but I guarantee it still would have still gone f2p, because that's the way the MMO market is shifting.


As for being the pariah of MMO's. Yes. Why? Because people expected more in the beginning and were let down. Unrealistic expectations or not, they were let down. I, personally, love the game. I've been here since 2nd wave of early access day 1, and I will be playing for as long Bioware will keep the servers running. I want nothing more than for SWTOR to keep developing and becoming a better game. Don't listen to other people's nonsense. Just have enough self-worth to continue doing something you enjoy, regardless of the opinion's of others.

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Why do people keep saying that this game failed? Because it's f2p? It has more subscribers now than it did back when it was subscription only, and it's gaining more every single day. Just in my guild alone I had 4 members in the last week subscribe to the game when they hit 50 just for the extra content, warzones, and having the ability to raid.


Sorry, but the bolded part if incorrect. Pretending that Bioware did not make lots of mistakes at launch is silly. They had 2 million subs then, and now we have "just under 500k" as they termed it. I agree, right now the game is successful, I like the rate of content release and they make a lot of revenue from Cartel Market, but no, the game would have been far more successful if it had any sub retention at launch.

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The thing is that they haven't even cared about the majority, not some random player, but a majority on feedback. How many years are you going to ride this rant train? I mean hell, I'm disappointed and just saying what SWTOR is at this point, I want it to be much better and would love EA to give a damn about SWTOR, but I even remember really on in this game that you always have had a stick up your ***.


I've been here sense beta too cupcake, and I have seen no change in their interaction with the remaining player base, unless it's to advertise the next Cartel Box or something to just get anything from the players' pockets.


But what do I know, I've just been following SWTOR since I first heard the rumors of another Star Wars MMO that would replace SWG.


At this point SWTOR is the joke of the Internet. Whether it's some random forum, or just in another MMO, when someone mentions SWTOR laughter begins and a discussion on how badly it flopped ensues. Last week in TESO beta alone there actually was a healthy amount of testers saying they are coming over to TESO from SWTOR and gave very similar stories on just how much SWTOR veered from it's original purpose and how they wished this game was better, but at this point on its current path, it's unlikely.


SWTOR will just be a MMO that'll get forgotten completely in a few years and EA will try to hide its existence or ignore any mention of it. It's a damn shame too.




I can't even take this post seriously.


"OMG my microcosm of gaming says SWTOR sucks. So it must be true."

Edited by Arkerus
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Sorry, but the bolded part if incorrect. Pretending that Bioware did not make lots of mistakes at launch is silly. They had 2 million subs then, and now we have "just under 500k" as they termed it. I agree, right now the game is successful, I like the rate of content release and they make a lot of revenue from Cartel Market, but no, the game would have been far more successful if it had any sub retention at launch.


As would every single other MMO launched since WoW.


Saying they would have been more successful if they had more subscriber retention is like saying "I will have more money in my pocket if I just get more money and put it in my pocket."



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As would every single other MMO launched since WoW.


Saying they would have been more successful if they had more subscriber retention is like saying "I will have more money in my pocket if I just get more money and put it in my pocket."




Well, both statements are true if you think about it. :D

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Well, both statements are true if you think about it. :D


While I agree that both statements are true, they also represent real life dynamics that are extremely illusive to most people and most companies. :D


The broader player based in today's MMO market are extremely nomadic and for the most part lack any sense of investment and loyalty to an MMO. It did not used to be that way, but it is indeed what the market is today, and is precisely why new MMOs do not have higher retention rates in the early months after a launch. The players have become accustomed to binge eating and then discarding and hitting the next fast food joint on their list of MMOs. The only thing that slows them down at all is when there are long dry spells between MMO launches. And while they may slow down some while waiting.. the animation of their complaints just becomes more direct and obvious in their forum posts.

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Why do people keep saying that this game failed? Because it's f2p? It has more subscribers now than it did back when it was subscription only, and it's gaining more every single day.


Just curious, what is your source? Is it just anecdotal from your guild? Because the latest financial results from EA indicate that monthly subscription revenue fell 16% YOY, driven by declines in POGO and SWTOR. It is the CM that continues to grow and support the game.

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I am playing multiple MMOs too, and when people talk SWTOR, it's usually the F2P system getting the heat. And let's face it - SWTOR -does- have the most punishing and restrictive F2P system of any MMO I am aware of. At no point the game tries to hide that it's considering F2P/Preferred status players to be second-class customers and wants everyone to subscribe instead. Other games give subscribers -more- while this one gives cash shop customers -less-, piling restrictions upon more restrictions.


I guess 90% of the bad reputation SWTOR has stems from the F2P system alone. To be honest, SWTOR's F2P system -does- make you either subscribe or start hating the game. The people in the other games probably tend to be from the latter group, I guess.

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