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Is SWTOR the pariah of MMOs?


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I'm talking about the dungeons that scale to your level(s) and party size - not Helms Deep.


Those are called skirmishes and they do not bolster a level 20 so he can do a level 80 skirmish. There is ten level cap on who you can run with. You can adjust it to a higher level but your level stays the same. There is no bolstering except helms deep in lotro.

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This talk about whether SWTOR is a failure or not is dumb. It's fan bois or haters fighting a dumb war of words. In the real world all that matters is that the game is making money. It would appear this is the case based on the information provided by EA.


Oh, it didn't live up to your expectations? So what? Who the hell are you anyways? Sub or don't. Play or don't. It really doesn't matter what other people think or say.

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You do realize this game is a laughing stock to the rest of the MMO community, do you not? Go in GW2 and lots of ppl will talk **** about this game n how it flopped.


It turned into one huge cash grab and went f2p in less than a year. what did you expect? The old BW team is to blame as well. Making an MMO on singleplayer standards was NOT the way to go...

What's funny about that is that GW2 is a total crap game and pretty much flopped as well. If it were not free after the first buy it would probably be shut down.

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Those are called skirmishes and they do not bolster a level 20 so he can do a level 80 skirmish. There is ten level cap on who you can run with. You can adjust it to a higher level but your level stays the same. There is no bolstering except helms deep in lotro.


Fine. Skirmishes. And just because it was a lower range doesn't mean it wasn't done there first...it was...or was it actually CoH that did it first with sidekicks? Isn't that the same as "bolstering"?

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I generally enjoy this game, but most of your post is nonsense. This game failed to meet almost every single expectation possible. Most of that was due to bw's failure to listen to those of us who full time tested in regards to almost everything.


- The game was launched far too soon.

- The time between beta server wipes was ridiculously short; and as a result most if the "endgame" remained virtually untested.

- What LITTLE endgame existed was shallow, bug ridden, and extremely laggy.

- The game takes the idea of theme park, which was honed to a science in WoW, and took it to an unhealthy level. As a result every planet just seems like a large dungeon. It makes WoW appear borderline sandbox.

- PvP failed to deliver on every level. It has since been run into the ground, ending up where we are today with garbage arenas; which a vast majority of players were vehemently against both pre and post launch.

- Poor Dev -> player interaction early after launch, setting the tone for future reaction from playerbase.

- The game missing many features which have become expected of a modern, post WoW, theme park mmo.


I could go on, but you get the point. Like I said, I generally enjoy this game. But the bitterness expressed by ex-players and the reputation it has is WELL deserved.

Every MMORPG that I have ever stuck with from launch (most notably DAoC, Earth & Beyond, WoW, GW, Auto Assault, DDO, LotRO, and now SWTOR) shipped incomplete. Every one of them. The new MMOs coming out (RPGs - not FPS simulators ... different genres) won't be any different. People who are bitter to this day about TOR taking 6 months to get to where it should have been at release are dealing with issues that reside well outside the scope of video games imho.


It's 2014. Unless one is somehow still playing an unpatched 2011 1.0 release version of the game, it's time to pull the piñatas out off the wayback machine and get with the here and now program.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Whereas TOR chat is usually:


Jawa + movie title

people trading, forming ops, or telling people to queue for PvP

Some sexist and political talk, but nothing like in WoW


What server do you play on, because this doesn't sound like Harbinger, unless you have a LOT of people on ignore. :-)

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Fine. Skirmishes. And just because it was a lower range doesn't mean it wasn't done there first...it was...or was it actually CoH that did it first with sidekicks? Isn't that the same as "bolstering"?


Ok obviously you have no clue what bolstering is. Skirmishes DO NOT bolster you, they are scaled instances that scale to your level. A level 20 can NOT be bolstered and join a group with a higher level you are level 20 until you level up. EXCEPT in helms deep. So no lotro did not bolster first.

I can't comment on CoH never played it.

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On Harbinger, you also hear what a skilled healer player X is, some apocalyptic drivel and talk best labeled "burn eyes after reading".
Put a dozen or so players on ignore and it gets fixed pretty quick. Digital anonymity spawns epeen dweebdom. It's like that everywhere now, not just in MMOs. To think that this new ineffably entitled and butthurt generation (I think a famous comedian called it "pussification") is going to eventually lead us through the 21st century is downright scary.
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Ok obviously you have no clue what bolstering is. Skirmishes DO NOT bolster you, they are scaled instances that scale to your level. A level 20 can NOT be bolstered and join a group with a higher level you are level 20 until you level up. EXCEPT in helms deep. So no lotro did not bolster first.

I can't comment on CoH never played it.


Forgive me, I'm new here. Maybe you could explain this "bull steering" better to me? The scaled skirmishes are the LOTRO equivalent of bolstered FPs.


Sidekick explained: "The hero sidekick and the villain lackey, and their opposites, the exemplar and malefactor, are game features that allow low- and high-level characters to play together without completely sacrificing rewards and without enemies being vastly over- or underpowered compared to some team members."

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Ok so I have to confess that I have been one of the most ardent SWTOR haters on the internet as far as I am aware of. I have trolled and dueled far and wide over the myriad failures of SWTOR. After all this time I realized that SWTOR just is what it is, and all of those other possibilities, explored with rancor, are just fevered dreams.


Multitudes were let down by their expectations (which in many cases were realistic and valid) and once they moved on SWTOR got a permanent black mark in their book. The game is different now than it was at launch, and taken for what it is, it's a fine themepark game. It can just be a hard journey to that realization, and some may never come to that.

Edited by mattgyver
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But yeah, SWTOR does tend to get more hate than other MMO's, at least from what I've seen. Even from talking to people IRL about games, when I bring up that I play TOR, they look at me funny and say something along the lines of " Ugh why? Didn't that game die? "


Yeah that's kinda my point - people tend to be completely dismissive of TOR, in a way that I just don't see them react to other games that have been (subjectively) successful. I do see the same reactions to Teso, but that game hasn't even launched yet.


On balance, I do like this game. It was my first MMO, my first exposure to group raiding, PvP, and so on. While I could list a litany of things that annoy me or features that should have been present at launch but we still don't have, this game has kept me quite entertained for 2+ years.

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Forgive me, I'm new here. Maybe you could explain this "bull steering" better to me? The scaled skirmishes are the LOTRO equivalent of bolstered FPs.


Sidekick explained: "The hero sidekick and the villain lackey, and their opposites, the exemplar and malefactor, are game features that allow low- and high-level characters to play together without completely sacrificing rewards and without enemies being vastly over- or underpowered compared to some team members."

Yeah sidekick is more in line with bolstering. In Swtor a level 10 gets bolstered to level 54 in pvp instances, not in fps. The scaled instances in lotro and Swtor are kind of similar though. But to bolster mean to change a toons level and or stats to be able to compete with or against a toon of a higher level.

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It's almost embarrassing to say you play SWTOR? Is it like this across the genre or just in certain games? Curious what other peeps have noticed.


All I know is, if you mention "WoW" in public, you get shunned and girls immediately walk away. Unless they play, in which case you weren't interested to begin with.

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Ok so I have to confess that I have been one of the most ardent SWTOR haters on the internet as far as I am aware of. I have trolled and dueled far and wide over the myriad failures of SWTOR. After all this time I realized that SWTOR just is what it is, and all of those other possibilities, explored with rancor, are just fevered dreams.


Multitudes were let down by their expectations (which in many cases were realistic and valid) and once they moved on SWTOR got a permanent black mark in their book. The game is different now than it was at launch, and taken for what it is, it's a fine themepark game. It can just be a hard journey to that realization, and some may never come to that.

Not that mine matters in the grand scheme of things, but "realistic and valid" is an opinion not everyone shares, myself included. Sandboxes died long ago in favor of theme parks. The Twitter generation 140-character attention span plague has seen to that. Hopefully one will eventually rise that players who relish building online kingdoms can call home. Edited by GalacticKegger
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/I've actually been unsubbed for quite some time now...


Then... why are you here posting? Is this really the most entertaining and/or productive thing you have to do?


I'm honestly curious here. Once I'm done with a game, I move on. I don't frequent the WoW or LotRO forums or whatever.

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Then... why are you here posting? Is this really the most entertaining and/or productive thing you have to do?


I'm honestly curious here. Once I'm done with a game, I move on. I don't frequent the WoW or LotRO forums or whatever.

Dude ... he just got here yesterday, but somehow has been unsubbed for quite awhile now. Do the math. :rolleyes: Edited by GalacticKegger
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I've actually been unsubbed for quite some time now...


Hmm well a normal, healthy, mature person would move on from a video game they dislike. The opposite person would continue posting on a VIDEO GAME they hate. Well at least we know which category you fall into.

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Says it all in the spoiler and very similar to someone else that left, seems a username designed for greatness and given he appears to pay to be here still.



About Gamesux

Biography This game sux

Interests MMOs, FPS's, Major League Gaming, Women

OccupationCompetitive PvP'er; Trolling PvE Carebears

Signature So new games are coming out and with the state of PvP as it is, SWTOR will lose a ton of players to those games.



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Please guys, has anyone ever seen any MMO community where they didn't hate everything? We are, as a group, the biggest complainers in the gaming world. Let me see if any of you recognize "this guy" in every MMO you've ever played:


"I hate our game, it's such a disappointment! I hate your game, lol, what a flop!! I can't wait for the next game, it's going to be so much better than all other games ever!!!! I HATE THIS NEW GAME, I'M GOING BACK TO MY OLD GAME EVEN THOUGH I HATE IT!!!!""

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