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Interfering in one's enjoyment of battle


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It's an MMO. If I see you fighting a boss, I'll toss you help as I run by. No need to thank me...I'm just being kind. If you want a single player experience, don't play an MMO.




I've been known to toss in slows (which... to be honest do pretty much nothing), stuns, and the heavy accuracy debuffs from Sniper/GS/Sentinel/Mara. I even saw some guy kiting a champion and gave him Predation. It's part of the multiplayer experience.


You should expect help from same-faction players. If you expect a lot of help, you're being a bit needy, as you're asking people to go out of their way to provide help you didn't ask for. However, if you expect zero help, you're being needy in the opposite way: You're asking people to go out of their way to not play the game in the common way.


If you're looking for a game where you can prove your skill against mobs, then an MMO is a poor choice.

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I've been known to toss in slows (which... to be honest do pretty much nothing), stuns, and the heavy accuracy debuffs from Sniper/GS/Sentinel/Mara. I even saw some guy kiting a champion and gave him Predation. It's part of the multiplayer experience.


Be careful with those they (mobs) might just ragequit because 90% accuracy debuff isn't something you want to get. :cool:

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Eleven pages on this? My goodness!


I mostly play healers so, yeah, I’m gonna toss out a random heal to a random character fighting some random mob now and then. But I’ve been playing MMOs long enough to know that there are far too many players like the OP who take offense at such assistance. So, I usually check the character’s HP and the mob’s HP. Unless the mob is significantly healthier than the character, I let destiny decide their respective fates. If I stand there and watch you die, just know that I would have gladly helped, but have learned the hard way not to volunteer thanks to players like the OP. So send your bichin’ to him.


My in-game altruism fluctuates. Some days, I’m eager to help. Some days, I wish all your characters would die.


The other day, I had a crafting alt (level 39) on Coruscant waiting for his Companions to return and decided to farm a handful of Commendations doing the two Heroic-4s. On my way to the Jedi Temple for Enemies of the Republic, I noticed someone in General chat asking for help with that mission. I sent a /whisper telling him that I would help and sent a Group invite. What I got was a more-rude-than-it-needed-to-be manifesto about how he only does missions “on-level” with other “on-level” characters and doesn’t need his hand held. I said fine, offered him good luck, and pointed out that since he was so polite about the whole thing, I wouldn’t bother to log in my level 18 healer who could have run it with him. It took me about 2 minutes to complete and I emerged from the instance to see him still sitting … still spamming General for help.


Now, I don’t begrudge his principles in wanting to get that life-altering sense of accomplishment by completing a virtual task in the manner the game designers designed it to be virtually completed. But a simple statement that he did not want higher level help would have sufficed. I get it, and find nothing wrong or shameful in wanting a challenge. But to try to chastise me for offering to help? It’s reactions like that make me just tune out General chat and ignore all pleas for assistance.


Tl;dr: Helping is good. Bichin’ ‘bout getting help is bad. Mmkay?

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I've seen and witnessed a lot of players Interfering in other player's battles with bosses and mobs, with out asking if they need help or assistance.


Every one has their own style of game playing in a mmo, I will tell you All now, if you are not part of my group or I'm solo and you Interfere in combat battle with a mob or boss, Customer service will receive a ticket with your name on it for interfering.


Simple rule of thumb do not interfere in a players enjoyment of a battle, you will get burned... it his or her 's battle with a boss or mobs. that is why EA imposed the rule in the first place, do not interfere in the enjoyment of other player game play. simple put do not be a killjoy.


Term - Interfere is : To come between as so to be a hindrance.


On planetary quest battle with bosses can't be repeated or reset so if you interfere in a players game play you are breaking the Rules interfering is just that.


Let us know how this works for you Sarge.

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I've seen and witnessed a lot of players Interfering in other player's battles with bosses and mobs, with out asking if they need help or assistance.


Every one has their own style of game playing in a mmo, I will tell you All now, if you are not part of my group or I'm solo and you Interfere in combat battle with a mob or boss, Customer service will receive a ticket with your name on it for interfering.


Simple rule of thumb do not interfere in a players enjoyment of a battle, you will get burned... it his or her 's battle with a boss or mobs. that is why EA imposed the rule in the first place, do not interfere in the enjoyment of other player game play. simple put do not be a killjoy.


Term - Interfere is : To come between as so to be a hindrance.


On planetary quest battle with bosses can't be repeated or reset so if you interfere in a players game play you are breaking the Rules interfering is just that.


What rules are being broken exactly by doing so?





If you did not tell them politely to stop helping you, you did not try to solve the situation at all. So you're part of your own problem. Had you warned the other player that you did not want or need their help, yes you may have some grounds for an argument.

If any rule was broken, IMO it would be "Improperly use in-game support or complaint buttons or make false reports to Service staff members, including the SWTOR CS." Essentially, you're clogging up the CS with pointless complaints while there are much bigger problems that need attention.

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Probably a bad idea to kick this beehive, but here goes. I used to jump in unsolicited and help people, and never really thought twice about it, and that seems to be the activity that the OP objects to. I stopped doing it, because on a fundamental level, I don't think I should abruptly jump into someone else's virtual experience without being asked to do so. SWTOR is not an MMOG; it is an MMORPG. While the multiplayer aspect is important and valid, so is the role-playing one, and if I can't mind my business and let other players enact their virtual experiences unbothered, maybe I shouldn't be playing an RPG. Edited by humphreyhufnagel
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I disagree OP, aslong as I have tagged the enemy first I don't mind passing help, I also throw out passing heals and full class buffs when passing other players myself if I see they are in need of it


Only time I haven't liked it is during the Kingpin bounties when you want to take in bounties alive but the people who are randomly helping are nuking them down before you can freeze the bounty. When I'm helping randoms with their kingpins I always lay off and put my comp to passive about 20% hp on the bounty in case the random player wishes to capture rather than kill them

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No, that's not an accurate comparison. As I said, I don't mind getting help if I really do need it. If you helped me gathering my stuff after I've dropped it, I would thank you for it.

But if you took my bag from me to carry it for me (especially without asking first), only because it appears to be heavy, I will tell you to get lost.


wow, what misanthropes


I really think people like this should stick to single player games. To complain about being helped? Wow.

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What if the person is clearly in need of some help? I usually stay out of others fights unless it looks like they are clearly not going to make it.

Of course, everyone's first instinct (I hope) is to help out a player who appears to be struggling. But in an online universe, many factors are in play, and I won't interfere with someone who may be role playing an experience, for example, that may involve struggle. Or maybe despite the difficulties they are enduring, they nevertheless want the satisfaction of completing a challenge on their own. Or there may be a whole host of reasons, real or absurd, that the player doesn't want to be interfered with. It's an RPG; I let them RP - whether or not my unsolicited assistance would benefit them is immaterial.

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Of course, everyone's first instinct (I hope) is to help out a player who appears to be struggling. But in an online universe, many factors are in play, and I won't interfere with someone who may be role playing an experience, for example, that may involve struggle. Or maybe despite the difficulties they are enduring, they nevertheless want the satisfaction of completing a challenge on their own. Or there may be a whole host of reasons, real or absurd, that the player doesn't want to be interfered with. It's an RPG; I let them RP - whether or not my unsolicited assistance would benefit them is immaterial.


You see a random player at very low health running away from elite, do you really think he/she is role playing?

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Its threads like this, that make me so happy that the devs created the "Special Snowflake" title.


If receiving assistance hurts your "feels", then you should change your mindset and come on back to society. Its actually pretty cool here.

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You see a random player at very low health running away from elite, do you really think he/she is role playing?

I really have no idea, and it's none of my business. As I said, they may have any number of reasons, from perfectly valid to ridiculous, that they would like to complete content without unsolicited interference. I just feel that they should be allowed to freely do so, without interference from me. Ask for help - I'm right here. Don't ask for help - play your RPG however you want, at whatever pace you want. I personally welcome help almost without exception, but that doesn't alter the reality that some people don't.

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Simple rule of thumb do not interfere in a players enjoyment of a battle, you will get burned... it his or her 's battle with a boss or mobs. that is why EA imposed the rule in the first place, do not interfere in the enjoyment of other player game play. simple put do not be a killjoy.


I do not agree with you. Sometimes I see players that are about to get killed and most of them thank me if I save them.


It is all about doing what the situation requires, I have never since pre-launch of this game recieved bad mouthing for helping out.


I understand that you see it differently and want to claim it is a game interfering rule to not help other players, I simply do not see it that way.

Edited by Icestar
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Its threads like this, that make me so happy that the devs created the "Special Snowflake" title.


If receiving assistance hurts your "feels", then you should change your mindset and come on back to society. Its actually pretty cool here.

The OP actually also objected to this occurring while in group, suggesting that they also enjoy the social aspect of an MMORPG. I think they took objection more to unsolicited interference than social interaction. But Special Snowflake is hilarious.

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The thing that will get someone on my bad side is if I am fighting a boss in front of a security chest/quest item and they grab the chest while I am fighting. Nothing against TOS about it, but that is a pretty big violation of etiquette.

I totally agree with this... this is something that gets me really mad, while what the opening post mentioned is just a minor annoyance, if at all.

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I only interfere under the following conditions:


1. They are very clearly losing the battle, and I'm in a good mood.

2. Some random PvPer attacked them when they were attacking trash mobs, so I decide to help the guy in the trash mob fight.


Most people I know appreciate the help under both conditions, so I don't mind a few randoms writing a hilarious CS ticket complaining about my help.


Note: If a group of Imps/Pubs are fighting in-character while RPing, I never interfere.

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75% of the time I'm all business, just grind it out, gear up and call it day, and if someone hops in and helps out, yay. But the other 25% of the time, I'm just tooling around, maybe trying out a sub-par rotation just for the fun of it or something, lost in my own little Star Wars world. When <NoobKilla99> jumps in and drops an orbital strike, that experience is diminished. But in my opinion, submitting a complaint about it is pointless; that type of interference in someone else's game, in addition to being pretty common, is unavoidable in a game like this.
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It's an MMO, you are playing with other players. If you are fighting something out in the open world, and you get assistance from another player, that is not interference, and it is not an actionable CS issue. And if it is something like the bounty event where your boss has to die before they can summon a new one, wouldn't making them wait until you finally kill yours be interfering with their game play?



As for the OP, well you can send my name up as many time as you like, see if I care one little bit.

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