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Class Changes Coming in Game Update 2.7


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Nerfing classes for PvP, what happens if you're a person who doesn't do PvP? I get punished for PvP players? I left WoW casue i was sick of this bull***** and i think i will have to do the same with this game.


Grow a brain Bioware, you cannot nerf one side without affecting the other unless you compensate for it, go down the same path as Blizzard and see how many people of you player base is left after it. ToR is all ready one of the least played MMOs around.


Your class got nerfed? Yes, you should definitely quit and pick up a new MMO because surely that won't happen in that one.

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What? Its a 2s knockdown....


And I dont even have a Scoundrel/Operative. But this is a hugely unnecessary nerf.


A 1.5* second knockdown. WHICH WE CAN USE EVERY 90 SECONDS I might add..


Keep the knockdown, increase the cooldown on Hidden Strike to 15 seconds. That will stop, what feels like to most people, a chain stun when being jumped by a Concealment Operative.


I hate to play the 'compare' game, but Jarring Strikes used to be 3 seconds, then 1.5 seconds, and now it won't even knock the target down. Why do Assassins still have Spike. Don't even get me started on Low Slash on a 15 second cooldown.

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We still intend to make changes to Mercenaries/Commandos in 2.7 but the Combat team is still working through them. As soon as I have concrete information I will pass it on!




Revert ElectroDart to 30m, or even 35/40, and lower its cool-down.


Why is this not even acknowledged as needed since 1.4?

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<3 this answer :)


I lub ya, TUX, so I hope I don't wipe the smile off your face with this observation, but the fact that "the combat team is still working through them" shows A) the class' rank in priority and B) the devs have no clue what the issues are and/or no idea how to fix them to make them competitive.

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Please tell me that Shadow/Assassin DPS is also being looked at. They're fine in PvP but playing a DPS that in PvE is regarded as "lackluster" (quoting Dulfy.net there btw) sucks :(


Yes, if any of the dps classes need help it should be sins/shadows, yet we don't hear any changes to them too?

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Hey can sorcs get 30m electrocute back too?


Pretty sure Snipers would like a 30m Debilitate as well.


Would be a shame if the classes weren't homogenized to carbon-copies of each other in the name of PvP, right?

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Pretty sure Snipers would like a 30m Debilitate as well.


Would be a shame if the classes weren't homogenized to carbon-copies of each other in the name of PvP, right?


The difference is snipers never HAD a 30m debilitate.


Once upon a time sorcs did have 30m electrocute, before it was taken away in the utterly resolve-breaking 1.4 patch.

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Scoundrels getting screwed


Other Classes: Party Time!


Maybe Bioware thinks people play too much on scoundrel and wants to force them to play other classes?


Here's what I don't understand:


How do these suggestions to "fix things" are taken into consideration? Who do we have to speak to? Where do post? Who's package do we have to satisfy?


It feels like 10 ppl got together to say scoundrel is "unkillable" which is highly laughable and BIOWARE immediately listened but the vast majority of the forum is AGAINST the nerd yet they don't seem to care...so again.....IS THEREW ANYONE relevant enough to speak to?


I'd like to know who they are because right now this feels like "bioware said something so you have to eat it" type of thing

Edited by royhenderson
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Ok this is my first post about a stupid class change...


I play the concealment tree in PVP and PVE. PVE we have the fortress HC8 clear and PVP I have the full gear. So I think I know how to play my class. Honestly I have not needed the last dm boost. It is a hit and run class like the rogue in the good very old wow times. The class is not easy to play because of the energy managemt and that is perfect for me. I do nasty damage in PVE but I have to "run" for it....

It wont get boring and sorry if some one need a buff to hit with the backsab from every corner then he is playing the wrong class...


I use the hidden strike in PVE to interrupt cast from mobs( if there is no interrupt left) or save some player who will be eaten by an add. In PVP it is a very nice opener with a shock effect for the victim. It is also a life saver because I canI interrupt other player with it, especially healers.

Jarring Strikes now causes Hidden Strike to immobilize the target....this is just not useful...that is crap. You will take out the fun of the class with that. This will be done because of a 1.5 sec stun?! Hahahaha that is a bad joke?

I dont really care about the roll and the shield but the the hidden stricke and the surgical precision...


Btw we have two sabbo heals in our raid...how should they heal the HC group after that nerf!?


Concealment operatives are so rare...dont patche them out of the game...

Re rolling on an Assasin is no option because the play style is not the same.


So in the end I can just quit the game when this patch goes live and that would be a shame because I realy liked it

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Guardians and Juggernauts (and by proxy the ENTIRETY of the Warrior/Knight class) are getting ****ed over in one of their biggest weapons:


Force Sweep. Or Smash, depending on which class.


That move is handy in a PVP yes, but even MORE SO in PVE for those of us who occasionally have to deal with the bug of an enemy turning invisible on you and thus you cannot attack them nor target them. So by making it a requirement to have to target an enemy to use Force Sweep basically makes me useless in a fight because the only thing that can damage an invisible enemy is radial attacks and by taking away said radial attack, well there goes a huge chunk of offense. It's very much a get out of jail free card and that is BAD.


The rest I care little for but DUDE! Why nerf a move that is a saving grace for a buggy instance?

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the nerf to OPERATIVE / SCOUNDREL healing , because of PVP balancing , shouldnt be applied also in PVE


BIOWARE i dont care about PVP balancing (since it is necessary i assume), but you shouldnt balance PVP without saying that it wont affect PVE since it will affect PVE no matter how insignificant it is to you or your combat team.


make the PVP balancing WORKS only in PVP environment (AKA WARZONES only)...

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the nerf to OPERATIVE / SCOUNDREL healing , because of PVP balancing , shouldnt be applied also in PVE


BIOWARE i dont care about PVP balancing (since it is necessary i assume), but you shouldnt balance PVP without saying that it wont affect PVE since it will affect PVE no matter how insignificant it is to you or your combat team.


make the PVP balancing WORKS only in PVP environment (AKA WARZONES only)...


one more thing, since ORBITAL STRIKE / XS-FLYBY now relegated as a fluffy damage dealer, shoudnt it be given to players at much lower level ? level 34 is where sage/sorcerer can spam force-storm/force-quake endlessly with minuscule amount of force... make ORBITAL STRIKE available at lv34 because balancing is not about changing its dps , its cooldown or its type, but balancing also should be reviewed on when that skill should be given to player.


a minor , yet signature skill like orbital strike should be given at much much lower level since its damage nerfed so badly..

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OH NO, They nerfed my Operative/Scoundrel. what am I gonna do now, cry and complain?!? Oh wait I have like 10 other toons with different classes and buffs I can exploit until they get nerfed and move on to the next. Problem solved people. Some of you should quit crying and learn that you don't put work into just one class, but multiple.

Besides half of the people crying aren't even good at the class they're playing.

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OH NO, They nerfed my Operative/Scoundrel. what am I gonna do now, cry and complain?!? Oh wait I have like 10 other toons with different classes and buffs I can exploit until they get nerfed and move on to the next. Problem solved people. Some of you should quit crying and learn that you don't put work into just one class, but multiple.

Besides half of the people crying aren't even good at the class they're playing.



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OH NO, They nerfed my Operative/Scoundrel. what am I gonna do now, cry and complain?!? Oh wait I have like 10 other toons with different classes and buffs I can exploit until they get nerfed and move on to the next. Problem solved people. Some of you should quit crying and learn that you don't put work into just one class, but multiple.

Besides half of the people crying aren't even good at the class they're playing.


So it's ok for a class to get nerfed into the ground because there are 7 other classes you can play? I have all 8 classes obroan geared, and I think that's an idiotic statement.

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OH NO, They nerfed my Operative/Scoundrel. what am I gonna do now, cry and complain?!? Oh wait I have like 10 other toons with different classes and buffs I can exploit until they get nerfed and move on to the next. Problem solved people. Some of you should quit crying and learn that you don't put work into just one class, but multiple.

Besides half of the people crying aren't even good at the class they're playing.


I am so glad that people like this aren't on the development team. This has got to be the stupidest response I have ever seen in awhile.

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After 2.5 years , the devs make scoundrel/operatives complete useless. Why don't just delete this class bioware? I really tired of that ..2.7 will be critical to many players.And reason? because some bad's who can't do dps even in dummy ,or bad sages who don't even armor themselves, complain 'we take a lot of damage from smasher's and stealths' and the same ppl come in wz's or even ranked arenas with pve gear!

Crybabies you listen ,then crybabies you will get.

Do you have memory to all of you dev's what mass exodus bring the 1.2 update? Or you all already forget that?

We are very few old players who still playing from early access here. And you know why? Because a large number of them left when open world pvp and ranked warzones removed! Entire guilds. Guilds who recruit people who care for serious pvp and YOU dev's betray them!And most of this people had pre-order the game! And not free but with a LOT of money than this game deserves! Let me remind you YOUR prices

collector's edition---> 120e+

DDE----> 76e

Standard edition----> 54e

Do you think after all you have done to pvp part of the game many of us we will continue to sub? I don't think so........

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