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Worst customer service?


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Couple of days ago I had trouble with the latest patch. It would patch fine on the launcher but in-game it'd be stuck in quick play mode at 99.99% Anyway, I posted here and in the CS forum and got answers only from other user but never from a representative. So I decided to write an in-game ticket to see if I could get some help there. First time the answer took only a couple of hours, but I got a generic copy-pasted answer and my ticket closed without even getting asked if my problem was solved. So I wrote another one, detailing my problem and my bad experience with my later ticket (I even included the number). This time, the answer took about a day... AND IT WAS THE SAME GODDAMNED COPY-PASTED ANSWER AND THEY ALSO CLOSED THE TICKET!!!


Seriously, what the ****? I bought this game, I re-subbed like an idiot because f2p is to get subs nothing more, you get pushed all the time to do it to a point where it's a huge pain in the butt. And I get second class service?


Am I the only one who get's this crap?

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Their CS is truly horrible.


What I've noticed:


- it seems to be a contracted service from an outside company rather than Bioware/EA employees.


- they're ranked in terms of closed tickets - so they will close everything - they love to categorize tickets as bug reports and close them, or as suggestions, and close them with a note to post in the Suggestions forum (might as well forget it for all the good it will do).


- there is no feedback as to the progress of your ticket once they "pass it on" even if they do, and no updates to it, not even a tracking number that you can check or anything.


- the CS reps don't care about your feelings, nor do they seem to have training about how to word their responses to calm the customer down. You just get the canned cut/paste response over and over again, no matter how much that enrages you.


- they can't fix anything. They don't have any of the tools you'd expect from an MMO CSR - ability to restore items or deal with bugged quests, ability to reverse emails, ability to even talk to you in game via whispers to discuss the issue, NOTHING. You post a ticket and it gets closed and that's the end of the process.


- Bioware/EA's way of fixing ANY bug seems to be to apply a patch. You got a bugged interface? Wait for a patch. Quest you can't remove from your log? Nobody can remove it from your log, wait for a patch. UI bugged? Wait for a patch. It's stupid.


- I'm not sure they actually forward anything. I've been submitting bug reports for various minor issues graphics with armor sets OTHER than the stupid Relaxed set they fixed, and the just fixed that one specifically, and only because people posted a million-page thread on the forums about it. Everything else stays bugged for 2 years or more.


- Or maybe they do forward everything and the devs are just not fixing anything.

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I have been experiencing the dc to server list with error 9000 since the patch a couple of weeks ago. The first time was on my old pc and then 4 days later I played on my new liquid cooled, gaming pc and it still continues. I sent in reports and got pat answers...the same exact pat answers hehe. No it is not my pc nimrods, same dc issue and gee how odd that it started for the first time the day of your crap patch...


I am in Wildstar beta and am actually enjoying the experience. Something I have not done in a very long time here.

Hurry Wildstar!!!

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When you submitted the in-game tickets, did you submit them as "Bug Report"?


Dude, they will classify your ticket as "Thank you for submitting a bug report." even if you specifically choose a different category, explain in the ticket that this is not a bug report and you want something resolved, and YELL at them in a second ticket about closing your first ticket as a bug report which it was not.


I have been experiencing the dc to server list with error 9000 since the patch a couple of weeks ago.


As have I, it happens on weekends at prime time. It's the fact that they have too many people now for the 6 servers they decided to shrink down to, and no inclination of adding more servers cause the population may decrease again. Either that, or DDOS attacks by hackers pissed off at them.


Normally, 9000 would be an internet connection issue, not a computer issue, so they will advise talking to your internet provider to make sure they're not dropping packets on you. But that's ******** because I have done that and the ISP found no issues; it's caused by server lag due to too many people.

Edited by Merouk
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Try picking up the phone and calling them next time. I'm lucky enough to never have had to use the in-game customer service yet. I guess that's a good think on BW's part. But I have had issues with my account and found that their phone service is up to par. I have used it twice and have gotten through right away both times. I talked to a guy who seemed to actually live in this continent and know what he was talking about.
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Personally, I can't complain. I am a German player, so the CS agents answering my tickets are probably not the same as the ones answering your tickets, but I've never had issues with them.

I also haven't had technical problems so far.



Of course, there are some copy-paste answers, but frankly, something like that is needed to save time and money in modern business.

I do not deny that sometimes tickets are not being read carefully enough. I got one ticket closed as duplicate when I submitted different tickets for different characters about missing Rakghoul DNA canisters.

Still, I just wrote another one and that one got dealt with accordingly.


I can't judge your case as I lack the information to do so. If it got closed several times, maybe you did submit it in the wrong section as someone suggested (not claiming you did, but it is a possibility).


And about the they don't care how you feel statement... I haven't experienced this so far. In fact, when I sumbitted another ticket about the Rakghoul DNA Canisters, they apologised for incorrectly closing my previous one.


I, for one, don't have a problem with their customer service.

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It sounds like you've had a bad experience, but I can only go from my own and I've had nothing but positive dealings with the Customer Service representatives.


They've gone out of their way to do things for me that they are not obligated to do and improved my experience of the game.


Here's a suggestion: be polite and treat them like human beings? ;)


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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Try picking up the phone and calling them next time.


This would be a good option if they hadn't shut down their toll-free number. I have no desire to actually pay a phone bill for something I should be getting as part of my $15 a month plus whatever I've spent on the market. LIke, AT THE VERY LEAST I expect a toll-free number to call.


To the OP: All of the actual troubleshooting and help I've gotten with technical issues on SWTOR has been from players on the forums, which just speaks volumes about the technical support for this game.

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I have been experiencing the dc to server list with error 9000 since the patch a couple of weeks ago. The first time was on my old pc and then 4 days later I played on my new liquid cooled, gaming pc and it still continues. I sent in reports and got pat answers...the same exact pat answers hehe. No it is not my pc nimrods, same dc issue and gee how odd that it started for the first time the day of your crap patch...


I am in Wildstar beta and am actually enjoying the experience. Something I have not done in a very long time here.

Hurry Wildstar!!!


Whatever was going on with my connection issues disappeared after the last mini-patch. Just to ask, all your drivers are up-to-date correct? I'm sure the game updates wouldn't have suddenly messed with your firewall settings, so I'll leave that out of the picture, and on the same token I doubt you'd suddenly have problems with your port settings either.

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To answer some questions:


I'm not from the US and they don't have a line for my country, so I'd rather not have to make a long distance call.


I did try many things to solve the problem without having to re-download (which is what I had to do eventually)


I did write in a very polite way, despite my anger.

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I had to use the in game customer service once, took 2 weeks for a response. They stated they needed to know the name of the character I was having a problem with, even though I put the characters name in the original report. So I made sure I wrote the characters name multiple times and re-sent the report.. Got a reply a little over a week after that and they fixed the issue. So a little over 3 weeks for them to "help". Now it wasn't a serious issue, and they did fix it in the end. 3 weeks later.... Edited by Xdancp
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Can he scream at you if he resubmits a ticket with polite and human beings wording and they still don't solve it to his satisfaction? Cause I really doubt that that's the issue.


Random internet guy can scream at me if he wants, but anyone "screaming" at a Customer Service agent -- hardly well payed individuals in a life affirming job -- needs to see a psychiatrist, especially if it is over a computer game.


I can't comment on this specific experience, but I've found that BioWare has solved most of my problems within days of my ticket. I just haven't had the negative experiences you guys and gals are reporting.


- Arcada

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