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Bombers have ruined everthing that was GSF!!


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Well, I took a bomber out today. Got shot down multiple times no matter how many drones/seeker mines I launched.


Someone was saying it was easy and required no skill? Yeah, right.


(They say the same about gunships. I tend to die more with those too.)


That's because you're up against people that can actually deal with bombers and gunships. It's easy when you're up against 2 ship newbies who have 2 matches under their belt that it becomes easy. I eat gunships for breakfast on my Pike.


The only way a gunship can survive is if they run to the cap ship in time. Beyond that, unless it's 2 or 3 to 1, they are dead.


And I'm not even a veteran or anything, got maybe 30 matches on me without the best upgrades as I haven't spent CC to upgrade my Pike at all.

Edited by Jandi
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Gunships were nerfed in 2.6 FYI so they aren't nearly so bad anymore.


What happened to Gunships in 2.6 is hardly a nerf. Seriously, railguns went from firing every .901 seconds and doing almost no damage to every 1.6 (ish) seconds but doing about 400-500 damage with the minimum charge of 25%. A 2% shield piercing loss on slugs? Puh-lezze!

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Thanks a padload Bioware for completely ruining GSF. Starfighting in the Star Wars setting is, by definition, fast-paced, on the edge dogfighting. Now half the people putt putt along in their tank slugs and dogfighting has become a thing of the past. GSF gave me, for the first time in a very long time, a type of pvp that I can truly enjoy. I was completely hooked. Now you devs have ruined that for us GSF lovers. Flying around killing an endless chain of drones and mines that you can't even target with a gunship much less kill with a fighter or scout without being killed yourself is NOT starfighting!!


Now if someone like myself who NEVER gets on the forums takes to time to post then you know LOADS of other people are extremely dissatisfied with what GSF has become since you've added those flying tank turds.


People have griped in the past about gunships but they actually have very balanced strengths and weaknesses and fit in the GSF landscape quite well. If you're skilled enough gunships are not invincible. To be a successful gunship pilot one has to actually have skills. To be a successful bomber pilot, on the other hand, all one has to do is get a moderate amount of points into their ship and be able to mash the right and left mouse buttons repeatedly.


I liked GSF so much that I had pilots on both side of the factions. I have an imp pilot and a pub pilot on two different servers. Most folks on the Ebon Hawk and Jedi Covenant servers know or have heard of Baelyn-tiel. So anyone who knows me or knows of me, knows that I play a LOT of GSF and had always defended it against people criticized it because they couldn't master it in two days. Now any Roger Rookie can rack up the kills and assists just by flying a bomber. I tried out the bomber and I was getting in the top five on the lists with NOT ONE SINGLE POINT put into ship upgrades. That is ludicrous! Moreover, flying a bomber is slow-paced and boring.


I'm pretty much ready to quit GSF altogether. It's not because I think bombers are invincible. It is because they've turned starfighting into a drone/mine clean up match. That's not the GSF I have come to love to play.


I really got into GSF because I've maxed-leveled pretty much all of my characters. I'm actually thinking about cancelling my subscription that I've had since beta.


Thanks devs for ruining a brilliant stroke in pvp.


- Baelyn-tiel, former GSF junky


....That basically sums up everything i feel about it right now. i used to spend hours playing. now i see nothing but Premades and bombers. when there is only 1 or 2 bombers in the game, its fun as hell since 2 bombers cant lock down an entire game on their own (or atleast it takes 2 bombers to be able to lock me out of a point)


The perfect aim drones have to friggin go. i defended the GSs though all the whiners who couldn't lrn to fight them. i can't defend 4 bombers no-skilling their way to win after win.

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I'm a scout and play both sides. Before bombers were introduced, there was no challenge, and I hoped that bombers would be the counter to my scout.


Lo and behold, I can't carry my entire team anymore. And that's a good thing. Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE my scout and I love dogfighting. I love the thrill of pwning lesser skilled players and I don't mind losing to anyone better than me. But the problem is not bombers.


The problem is players who can't play the way they want to play. Scouts not wanting to fly fighters with EMP. Gunships who go for kills instead of ion AoE. People are unwilling to counter bombers.


The problem is scouts still wanting to cap a sat 3v1. We can't do that anymore. And we really shouldn't be able to. It's a team game.


The problem is the ace pilots who do not build a network and/or share their knowledge with newer players. If a sat is locked down by 2 bombers, 1 gunship, and 1 scout, coordinate with your team and push that line or hit another sat. Treat it like Civil War or Novare Coast.


When I play GSF, I just want to shoot and kill stuff. I get it. But when I lose, I don't blame anything except my unwillingness to change and adapt.

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... Scouts not wanting to fly fighters with EMP ...

Against any at least a bit competent Bomber, the EMP field is borderline useless. Range 3000 (3500 specced), cooldown 45 seconds. Meanwhile, Bomber has Seeker Mine (secondary weapon, so you can't disable the use of it) with cooldown 15 seconds, range 4000 (4500 specced) and option to have up 2 of them at a time. And that's not talking any other mines/drones, defense turrets, and the bomber's (heavy) laser cannon. Good luck trying to get into position where the EMP blast will make an actual impact, and not dying - with the most fragile ship there.


I'm not saying EMP field is completely bad, but in my opinion it currently fails at its intended purpose - anti-bomber weapon - and instead gets used in jousting and against Gunships.

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I'm not saying EMP field is completely bad, but in my opinion it currently fails at its intended purpose - anti-bomber weapon - and instead gets used in jousting and against Gunships.

Pretty much agreed. It's alright for jamming the use of certain mines and drones (though not seismic, annoyingly), but nothing I'd call extraordinary compared to preventing the use of barrel roll.


The best counter to drones and mines is having a gunship sat back mashing ion railgun AoE. Neither of the EMP components are anywhere near as effective.

Edited by Bleeters
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I completely agree with the original poster. I used to love the old tie fighter game. I was hoping for something similar. It was pretty close initially. But now with the abundance of gunships and bombers it has devolved into something very different. Not fun for me.
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....That basically sums up everything i feel about it right now. i used to spend hours playing. now i see nothing but Premades and bombers. when there is only 1 or 2 bombers in the game, its fun as hell since 2 bombers cant lock down an entire game on their own (or atleast it takes 2 bombers to be able to lock me out of a point)


The perfect aim drones have to friggin go. i defended the GSs though all the whiners who couldn't lrn to fight them. i can't defend 4 bombers no-skilling their way to win after win.


I like the addition of bombers, as I think they add another interesting layer to GSF that was needed. But at the moment, they can take too much punishment and have too easy of a time dealing it out. As you noted, the perfect aim on the drones is an issue, but I really do think how tough they are is an issue as well. I admit my Pike is only to the 3rd tier on his Quads, but I was shooting up a bomber today, hit him with a proton and hit him with a concussion (both are at the 2nd tier now), and he still had health to go. That's all kinds of messed up, I think.


No clue how tiered that bomber was, but they're still close to being able to do the most damage at the same time as taking the most punishment.


I do hope they can take a good approach to this issue, though. I think the EMP counters could do better (Nova's recharge on that is WAY too long at 45 seconds boosted, and it seems like the EMP rocket has a bit too long of a lock-on time... it's almost as slow as a proton lock, which is a LONG time when you're approaching a bunch of drones and bombers at 7k meters), but if they boost those that will have some effect on the damage and health issues I'm seeing in bombers.


Even then, I hate the feeling that I have to fly my Pike or my Nova in so many matches because of bombers. It'd be nice if bombers weren't so extreme of an edge that you see clouds of them teaming up with gunships or clogging a map.

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I always thought bombers were just an easy way for people who cant fly to get involved with GSF and were more of a nuisance than a threat, but now that ive seen a few matches with 4 or 5 bombers just burying satellites in drones and mines I would have to agree they are total game wreckers and they need to be fixed fast.
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I always thought bombers were just an easy way for people who cant fly to get involved with GSF and were more of a nuisance than a threat, but now that ive seen a few matches with 4 or 5 bombers just burying satellites in drones and mines I would have to agree they are total game wreckers and they need to be fixed fast.


Domination matches have become rather annoying lately. When one team takes a satellite, it ends up guarded by 2 or even 3 bombers, at which point the other team is *not* taking it back. If a couple gunships get thrown in the defensive mix, it's even worse. That means the matches are decided in the opening minute or two. Whoever grabs two satellites and gets bombers under them first, wins. Come-from-behind victories have become incredibly rare. Even if your team is winning, it's incredibly boring because there's nothing for Scouts/Strikes to really do.



I just got out of a losing match where I put up over 50k damage. Guess how many kills I got? Two. Yeah, two kills and two or three assists out of 50k damage, because I spent the entire match assaulting satellites guarded by *minimum* of two bombers.

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Domination matches have become rather annoying lately. When one team takes a satellite, it ends up guarded by 2 or even 3 bombers, at which point the other team is *not* taking it back. If a couple gunships get thrown in the defensive mix, it's even worse. That means the matches are decided in the opening minute or two. Whoever grabs two satellites and gets bombers under them first, wins. Come-from-behind victories have become incredibly rare. Even if your team is winning, it's incredibly boring because there's nothing for Scouts/Strikes to really do.



I just got out of a losing match where I put up over 50k damage. Guess how many kills I got? Two. Yeah, two kills and two or three assists out of 50k damage, because I spent the entire match assaulting satellites guarded by *minimum* of two bombers.

Well said! That's exactly what I've been talking about when I've spoken about how bombers have fundamentally changed the dynamic of GSF and not for the better.

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Enemy team has two drone carriers on one sat?


Time to show them the meaning of terror with my minelayer.


Seriously dronecarriers are decenptive, their drones can be sweeped out easily. Minelayers are the truly borked ones with their 100% shield piercing mines.


Also anyone notice that mines have really odd detonation cues? Like I found myself surround by mines yesterday, slammed on my brakes to come to fullstop. And while I was turning around at fullstop, all the mines detonated and instagibbed me. And since nobody else died with me, I am fairly certain another player didn't set them off.

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Seriously dronecarriers are decenptive, their drones can be sweeped out easily. Minelayers are the truly borked ones with their 100% shield piercing mines.


Minelayers in Dominion and drone carriers in Deathmatch.


Also anyone notice that mines have really odd detonation cues? Like I found myself surround by mines yesterday, slammed on my brakes to come to fullstop. And while I was turning around at fullstop, all the mines detonated and instagibbed me. And since nobody else died with me, I am fairly certain another player didn't set them off.


Server lag. The most annying thing in GSF.


If they have two bombers and a gunship on one satellite, almost half the team (or a third with a full 12) is there. If you can't team up and take the other two with the opposing team is gimped, I don't know what to say.


Your math is horrible and your logic is borked.


2 bombers and a gunship are enough to completely lock down a satellite (in your 8 vs. 8 example).

Another 2 bombers and 1 whatever at a second satellite leaves only the third satellite for the opposing team to cap.

Since your team has still 2 players left to attack that third sat, the opposing team needs to defend it and leave some ships there, which in turn means they have only 2/3 of their team to attack one of your sats.




In such a scenario, NO ONE will ever cap another satellite for the rest of the match.

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Your math is horrible and your logic is borked.


2 bombers and a gunship are enough to completely lock down a satellite (in your 8 vs. 8 example).

Another 2 bombers and 1 whatever at a second satellite leaves only the third satellite for the opposing team to cap.

Since your team has still 2 players left to attack that third sat, the opposing team needs to defend it and leave some ships there, which in turn means they have only 2/3 of their team to attack one of your sats.




In such a scenario, NO ONE will ever cap another satellite for the rest of the match.


Yup. This sums it up perfectly.


It's not impossible, but you'd have to rely on the one team being incredibly incompetent or irresponsible (and likely both).

Edited by ptwonline
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Soooo the average GSF team? :cool::D:p


No, the average GSF team is not nearly bad enough for that.


You'd need something like half the team trying to cap 1 sat against a lone defender and failing for minutes, and not going to help their own satellites under attack either. Won't happen.


Or 4+ players on your team chasing down 1 enemy for most of the game. Won't happen.

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Seriously dronecarriers are decenptive, their drones can be sweeped out easily. Minelayers are the truly borked ones with their 100% shield piercing mines.


Also anyone notice that mines have really odd detonation cues? Like I found myself surround by mines yesterday, slammed on my brakes to come to fullstop. And while I was turning around at fullstop, all the mines detonated and instagibbed me. And since nobody else died with me, I am fairly certain another player didn't set them off.


If the minelayer is watching you, he can set off the mines on his own. All it takes is deploying 1 over the limit.


No, the average GSF team is not nearly bad enough for that.


You'd need something like half the team trying to cap 1 sat against a lone defender and failing for minutes, and not going to help their own satellites under attack either. Won't happen.


Or 4+ players on your team chasing down 1 enemy for most of the game. Won't happen.


Heh. I've had the first happen against me.


Got me defense diamond and 12 kills to 1 death.

Edited by Morgrid
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No, the average GSF team is not nearly bad enough for that.


You'd need something like half the team trying to cap 1 sat against a lone defender and failing for minutes, and not going to help their own satellites under attack either. Won't happen.


Or 4+ players on your team chasing down 1 enemy for most of the game. Won't happen.


-shrug- That's what I see happen every time I'm doing my dailies / weeklies on BC... I'm usually the only one holding A or C depending on what I feel like going for... And when I'm the aggressor, I'm either seeing a single mine layer or drone carrier holding the sat. And if you know what you are doing, well they are a little more work to take down, but since I run a proton Star Guard, I use my range to my advantage....


I guess it just depends on what server you're on, and when you play.


Then again I like the tatical aspect that the game has picked up, if I wanted a true dog-fighting game, I'd go back to :csw_xwing: Vs. :csw_tiefighter: Since you know, that game actually required skill since there was no evasion or weapon accuracy ratings...

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-shrug- That's what I see happen every time I'm doing my dailies / weeklies on BC... I'm usually the only one holding A or C depending on what I feel like going for... And when I'm the aggressor, I'm either seeing a single mine layer or drone carrier holding the sat. And if you know what you are doing, well they are a little more work to take down, but since I run a proton Star Guard, I use my range to my advantage....


I guess it just depends on what server you're on, and when you play.


Then again I like the tatical aspect that the game has picked up, if I wanted a true dog-fighting game, I'd go back to :csw_xwing: Vs. :csw_tiefighter: Since you know, that game actually required skill since there was no evasion or weapon accuracy ratings...


I also often use my bomber (usually dronecarrier) in Domination since it's bombers are so much more powerful.


Any strike fighter coming after my sat and I'm solo? I go out to meet him. If he's lining up to destroy defenses I can get a lot of hits on him and drop drones/mines to cause him big trouble. When he goes to dogfight me I can I can simply go evasive and regen my shields long enough for the drones/mines to do their work, for turrets to respawn, and defenders to come and help if they are needed. Help can get there in 10-15 secs, or 30 seconds if they are really slow and inattentive. But if I can't destroy the attacker outright then most of the time attackers just realize that it's a stalemate and give up, and I go back to the sat to repair back to full.


My typical stats in a Domination match using my bomber if I'm defending a capped sat: 3 kills, 6 assists, 0 deaths, 380ish objective points. People hardly bother to even try to attack because they know the outcome. Just wait until I have the bomber upgraded.

Edited by ptwonline
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My typical stats in a Domination match using my bomber if I'm defending a capped sat: 3 kills, 6 assists, 0 deaths, 380ish objective points. People hardly bother to even try to attack because they know the outcome. Just wait until I have the bomber upgraded.


I know the feeling in Domination I'm usually using my War Carrier, and I often move out to engage attackers, after I've put into ops chat "A is under attack"...


And your stats sure look like mine in Domination too.... Sometimes I wonder if I get any credit for what my missile or rail Drones do...


Do you run seeker mines or Protons? I like Protons and Heavy Lasers on my bird, with the rail Drone position to give it enough of an engagement zone covering the sat, as well as most of the way to B.

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Personally I love bombers, and what they did to the game. They brought balance to the Scout, and made the Strikes significantly more relevant in the meta.


As a Strike pilot, I enjoy the changes. Bombers are good targets for Strikes, their mines and drones something Strikes can handle very well, and having the ability to handle all ship roles (though not as well as the specialists, of course) is extremely handy. In short, Strikes really are "multi-role" now

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Hmm i must be a ****** pilot ..


but on my hand it doesn't matter if i fly a Scout or a Strike craft.


I shot till my energy is empty and even with 90% hits he often has still shields left. If i also get my missiles to hit him i can scratch his paint. Meanwhile i got slaughter by a wave of drones and/or mines.


In my scout i quite often simply exlode with the nice text that a railgun drone killed me. (Even in full afterburn)


in my last 20 games (or so) the top was always a bomber and even novice bombers nearly always get 10+ medals. Sometimes the best is a Sting but that's only happening if the game is extremely unbalanced and he can farm the newbies.

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