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Everything posted by PeterKannNix

  1. I'am german ... and we got our own servers because we are racists and many of us are bad in English. Still we are enough to be a economic factor to earn a penny from.
  2. I think you can't compare GS with the ground combat. GS is more like a FPS or let's say TF2 and the Gunship is the sniper. On these games sniper are also dangerous but you can counter their range advantage by using cover. Cover is very spare in space and most mission targets are in the open so .. cover is of limited use and with a little thinking on side of the GunShip you can place yourself in a way that there is no cover available for approaching targets. Also the fights between two opponent that "dogfight" takes much longer as in these games. So a sniper has tons of time to aim and shoot. In FPSs most encounter last only one or two seconds there your open so that a sniper can shoot you. In GS it's nearly impossible to "sneak on" a Gunship that has some form of awareness. The radar will show him your approach and as you mentioned as soon as one other guy is covering him your dead. Also the aim of Gunships is very simple "bring cursor on red box click" and boom 1500 damage. On top of that they are slow but not made from thin tissue like in nearly every other game so they can mostly run, liking their wounds and return. If i play gunships it mostly that way. The only thing killing me are other gunships or scouts, striker that could approach me because i got too blood thirsty (not checking the radar) and use heavily invested cluster missiles. (And i guess thats only because i have nearly no invest in my GunShip)
  3. Yeah because we are all idiots ... Who could pulled a gunship and we could kill them a few times but there were 10 other people fighting you also .. edit: also i thought the insanely overpower sting is owning gunships with ease... (our exploded quite like all other ships)
  4. Even if it's a rant, he is right. The last 4 deathmatches all ended with my team getting slaughter by two gunships. We lost by an extreme huge margin and they got 75% of all kills in all matches. My whole team tried to killed them and we got insta gibed 75% of the time. The few times we could destroy one we there so badly damage that the rest of their team could kill us with a fly slap. Even our Vets said it's pointless.
  5. Yeah i have that too.. sometimes it's the missile lock breaker of the target but most times it's lag. I also have ships jumping through space quite often. Sometime to an degree that you can hit them with lasers... Simple solution .. who has suck a crappy internet connect shouldn't be able to participate in GS. Nearly all other "fps" games kick player that can't fulfil some minimum ping rate and packet loss ratios.
  6. As long as bombers always fill the first ranks on the score board something is wrong. Bombers are much to easy to play for their reward. The same is for gunships .. it's easy to kill enemies (as the hit detection is very forgiving) and as long as your not brains dead it's easy to flee. A scout can be extremely deadly but only in a good hand he will really shine.
  7. My ships are only lightly upgraded (It's hard to get exp if you mostly have to fight biased fights because the enemy is stuffed to the teeth.) and i quite regularly get one shot. (Sure quite often my shield is a little damage because of some glance shoots but it was still green) And yes that sucks... I got set up against two guys watching each other extremely often.. (Damn i hate them) .. and my chance to kill one of them is null percent. I burst in with afterburner or even barrel role and the second i start to open fire scratching their shield i explode, snipped by the other one. They are even pestier than the ****** bombers. I hate playing gunships as they are so boring to play but that's my only chance to also get 10 medals.
  8. Hmm i must be a ****** pilot .. but on my hand it doesn't matter if i fly a Scout or a Strike craft. I shot till my energy is empty and even with 90% hits he often has still shields left. If i also get my missiles to hit him i can scratch his paint. Meanwhile i got slaughter by a wave of drones and/or mines. In my scout i quite often simply exlode with the nice text that a railgun drone killed me. (Even in full afterburn) in my last 20 games (or so) the top was always a bomber and even novice bombers nearly always get 10+ medals. Sometimes the best is a Sting but that's only happening if the game is extremely unbalanced and he can farm the newbies.
  9. as the devs here are known to listen to player request.
  10. Enjoy your little game as long as it last. GS as it is now will die out quite quickly. In the moment it's new and shining but the "weak" player will quickly lose interest. Hope enough good player on both sides are left then, so you can play at all. I think GS is simply boring and quickly extremely unfair even more then ground PvP. I go back to ground PvP as i can enjoy that much more then GS. damn had they invest the development resources to the core game it would be a much better investment. my 2 cent
  11. If that's true.. he simply use a hack or exploiting a "wall hack" issue.
  12. Sure you can also be valid in a stock ship as the difference isn't handleable by skill but if your always fighting 1v4 or even more because all of your team mates are still clueless or .. dead .. you won't be able to do anything. That's the problem. I don't have a problem going against more experienced player but if my team is mostly newbie filled and they are mostly vets it's simply a waste of time. You can do anything as you always have one or two guys ****** your behind. Most times you can't take off the shield of your target before your display flashes red with incoming fire from all directions. (Or you simply pop because you got sniped.)
  13. They add a few big design flaws that turns off a big number of possible fans. a) No matchmaking worth mentioning b) Add sniper to a dog fighter simulation c) No proximity radar. d) Please kill the guy who decided to use such a ****** movement system. e) The maps are boring like hell f) No reason to do the fights. g) Balancing is a joke h) No matchmaking worth mentioning i) No versatility in equipment. (80% of the people use the same stuff) tbc.
  14. Gunships are simply a stupid idea. Who in the right mind add snipers to a dog fighter simulation. They should simply add a map who no gunships are allowed and let players queue for that map directly then they can check if the people want fair fights or stupid sniper duels.
  15. if i see heavily biased matches i simply leave. Sorry to my fellow comrades but i don't enjoy beeing farmed for 7min. GS will be more or less a dead birth if they didn't add some balance control in.
  16. @Verain As you said you seem to be a selfish jerk. I also want to play the game as often as possible but i don't feel good in winning a game against little toddlers but as i said on many other PvP games. Go continue ****** the new players you will get what you want. In a few months only a few elitism player are left and you can fight them over and over again once every few hours if all of you are online. The last five games i joined .. ended about 1000v~50 and ran halve the max match time. Most of the time my side couldn't leave spawn protection without being raped. Yeah my team learned that the easiest way to enjoy the game was to leave the battle zone and play a flash point.
  17. That would be a great thing.. if you want to steal a babies lollipop go to your local park. Yeah and by destroying the game experience of many possible players you will surely increase the player base of GS. If you generate a naked alt to join a newbie leagues your simply a bastard and i think you simply enjoy to feel great by owning stupid little newbies. We all know the problem with the player base and not enough games opening up but as it is now it's simply totally unfair and demotivating for any new player.
  18. The request is fully legit. Guys with tons of invested fighter resources shouldn't be set up against people with nearly null resources or add a stupid level system that allows to balance weak and strong players. About 90% of the guys i have contact too don't play GS as they don't like to be used as target dummies add to that the idiotic idea of sniper ships and you will simply have many player who don't play GS. In the form it's in the moment the update will be dead in a few months as it will be totaly dominated by the few "elite" player.. groups.
  19. Im Vergleich zu allen anderen Klassen die ich spiele (Soldat, Saboteur und Attentäter) fällt ungemein auf, wie wenig Skills man hat. Mit den anderen drei Klassen gehen mir mehr oder weniger die Quickslots aus aber als Jugger habe ich im Grunde nur eine Leiste wirklich belegt. Gerade single target Powers fehlen ein bisschen, schließlich kann man die Hälfte der zeit keine AEs einsetzten um die ganzen gemezzten nicht aufzuwecken. Immer wieder muss man warten bis Skills vom Cooldown runter sind um was sinnvolles einsetzten zu können oder man "burnt" seine Wut mit dem Standard effekt. Dadurch spielt er sich auch ein wenig langweilig.
  20. Also ich spiele Attentäter, Saboteur, Soldat und eben Jugger (Vernichtung im Moment) .. die DD Skillungen des Juggers sind echt ein Witz. Gefühlt mache ich mit meinem Soldaten doppelt soviel schaden mit meinem Attentäter dreimal soviel und mit meinem Saboteur viermal soviel. (ja ich übertreibe) Gerade silberne NPCs mit guten Damageskills sind echt Horror für meinen Jugger der zwar nicht gut aber auch nicht schlecht ausgerüstet ist und über die Lache ich mit allen anderen Klassen. Goldene schaffe ich zwar fast immer aber meine rest HP sind dann meist so 20-30% wo selbst mein Saboteur, wenn ich ohne Cooldowns arbeite landet. Mein Saboteur (Main) spielt sich deutlich entspannter und "mächtiger" als mein Juggernaut (DD). Mal von den Escape und Control fähigkeit abgesehen kann ich auch noch ganz gut als Heiler aushelfen. Als Juggernaut in DD kann man Tanken aber ziemlich vergessen da ist man etwas zäher als Papier. Würde momentan auch sagen das man an den DD Bäumen und Skills noch deutlich schrauben muss.
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