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GSF Needs Stealth


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stealth ships are the one thing that worries me about GSF.


I dont mind the Fotm scouts as I can still see them and have a chance, but a Fotm scout class with stealth would ruin some of my enjoyment. I like the fact that everyone can see everyone else, I like that stealth doesnt exist in GSF and I really hope that in never makes it into the game. I have no doubts there are people that feel the other way.


I just dont see how, or why, stealth fits in with GSF

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I think the stealth ships are ment to fill a gap in the current balance.


Right now they seem to using a system of hardcounters. Gunships hardcounter bombers, bombers hardcounter scouts, scouts hardcounter strikes.


A stealth done right would hardcounter gunships (which don't have a hardcounter right now. but would hopefully be vulnerable to strikes possibly due to stealthier not being able to deal with strike's durability or some such.)

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I think the stealth ships are ment to fill a gap in the current balance.


Right now they seem to using a system of hardcounters. Gunships hardcounter bombers, bombers hardcounter scouts, scouts hardcounter strikes.


A stealth done right would hardcounter gunships (which don't have a hardcounter right now. but would hopefully be vulnerable to strikes possibly due to stealthier not being able to deal with strike's durability or some such.)


I'd say that the gap to fill is "Scouts hard-counter Infiltrators, Infiltrators hard-counter Gunships. Strike counter nothing and is countered by nothing."


Why ? Because stealth is for ambushes. You can ambush something idle like a Gunship, and the biggest ennemy of high-range and slow individuals is being taken by surprise in short range.


On the contrary, Scouts are elusive, fast, and fit close range. Anything that can mess with the Infiltrator strategy. Add that Targeting Telemetry is an uncloaking ability, and we can assume a Sensor Beacon could warn of the presence of an incoming ship before it cloaked, ruining partially its strategy.


And lastly, Strikes are versatile. Anything versatile can't be hard-countered since it has no apparent weakness. But its weakness is that it's not specialized enough to counter anything.

Edited by Altheran
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Dampening hardcaps at 15km due to concerns with dampened gunships. The stealth ships will have a literal stealth component that will be used like a operative uses stealth. However these ships are not coming anytime soon, the most recent addition should be the third class of strikes, scouts, and gunships, which for the first two classes will be "command" ships with a "command" component that does commandy thingies.


The stealth ships are coming in June. The line there was "a new class of ships". They could, I suppose, drop development and switch to a different class, but I think infiltrator is the right call.


As to the release date o type 3 strikes ("command") and type 3 scouts... we don't know. I would actually assume it would be before June, because they probably want to fill that gap in with some new ships.

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For one of your "Escape" options, close range fighters (i.e. scouts) should have the option to choose "stealth."


This would greatly balance out a lot of things in this game. A "stealth" enabled scout could be used to counteract gunships, and used to keep defensive bombers honest. Sacrificing an escape option (like Do-a-Barrel Roll or Reverse Thrusters) would keep it from becoming overpowered. Stealth should break when an attack is made, but not during a "missile lock" phase.


This one change alone could change the entire scope of GSF and make it more fun for everyone.


first, there is already evidence of a stealth ship coming in as the fifth ship type anyway, and also I get the feeling someone is going to yell "stealth is OP" when it does come out, besides strike fighters and scouts already hunt gunships like dogs.

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Everyone needs to stop with these pie-in-the-sky ideas of stealth for the various classes that are already available. To quote a Producer,


"June 10th: Game Update 2.8

Nightmare Mode Dread Palace Operation

New ships and an entirely new Ship Role for Galactic Starfighter

And much more… this is going to be the biggest update up to this point - we will reveal more once we are a bit closer to June"


I have bold the important part, so just calm down and wait for the new class to be added.



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The stealth ship should be a melee. Strap some huge lightsabers to the wings or nose and remove shields.


Its not going to be "a" ship. From what I have seen it will have at least two variants. The first being sorta like a stealthy Flashfire with less defenses. The other like a Stealth Strike.

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A thousand times no.


This part of the game is already broken enough with gunships and bombers now we don't need to throw stealth into the mix so that a gunship can stealth and fire off a shot before anybody can possibly see them. It will be like night elf hunters in WoW's early days when it came to battlegrounds firing aimed shot while stealthed with their racial all over again.


So again, no!

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i personally dread the stealth ship comming in.


Stealth can be one of the major contributing factors to actually cause massive balence issues and rarely ever solve any balence issues.


Most issues people say within gsf are actually leanring errors, lack of skill, lack of understanding of each ship type.


any experienced gsf pilot on any server will tell you they could quite easy go out in a unmodified ship and contribute more than alot of the more novice players in fully upgraded ships.


Stealth is one of the worse ideas i have always hated in any pvp mmo and in space i sence would be a aweful idea, how would anyone counter a team of stealth ships popping out right next to you and down u in 1 second. that to me sounds like a recipe for disastor.

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