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Deathmatch Fails


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So the game basically devolves constantly into one side just hugging near one of the capital ships in a tight cluster and having the gunships and bomber drones pick off whoever goes in to try and attack. Great design, Bioware. Sucks all the fun (and point) of half the players even trying. If you're in a scout or strike fighter forget it. You might as well just exit the battle and re-queue.
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A lot of people have reported seeing this behavior. I have played a lot of matches today and I haven't seen this happen. If anything the losing team gets backed up to their capital ship. It is probably just the type of people you play against who care more about winning than having fun.
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Losing team backed up to cap ship- That's fine. The team gets a defensive advantage, and the winning team can just pull back if they don't want to risk it.



Winning team retreats to cap ship, runs dronecarriors and mostly gunships to maintain a prìckly outside- degenerate gameplay.

Edited by Verain
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So the game basically devolves constantly into one side just hugging near one of the capital ships in a tight cluster and having the gunships and bomber drones pick off whoever goes in to try and attack. Great design, Bioware. Sucks all the fun (and point) of half the players even trying. If you're in a scout or strike fighter forget it. You might as well just exit the battle and re-queue.


The problem I have seen is too many feel the need to run to the mothership for protection in TDM more than anything else. This is especially true of gunships who use this tactic because of their range. You have 2 areas you can spawn from in TDM. Just click the box that has the other one and come up from behind as a group and pin them between the mothership and your group. :)

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The best solution to this annoying problem is for BW to put a 5-10 second time for people to leave the capital ship range at launch. After that they get shot down, even by the friendly capital ship giving the Opponents the death point.
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Switch your spawn points. There's two points for a reason.


I don't "camp" the spawn point on purpose. It's just where the battle leads after a team is wiped a few times. But it really boggles me that people choose the same spawn point over and over again like they expet some sort of different result. Pick the other one and try to sneak around, or find the damage overcharge, or -something- different.

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Practically every shooting game I've ever played has had this dynamic in some form or another when the two teams are not balanced between player skill. I've seen this alot too in GSF and just try not to spank the imps too hard when it's happening because I'm hoping they learn something and keep playing. Oops did I say imps? I meant the "other team". ;)
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I play a lot of GSF, I see this camping in the cap ship shadow all the time. Especially the gunships. You have to turn and run before the cap turrets get you, the gunship then snipes you. I followed a gunship all match doing this, he scored 1 kill on me the whole match and me 0. I kept chasing, he kept hiding at cap ship, I barrel rolled away to cover and we started all over again. Either disconnect the turrets or put the cap ship as out of play area so you get damaged going back. Simple fix and a rather large fly in an otherwise pleasant soup. Oh, and any chance of some upgrade on my strike fighter? Getting one shotted in a fully upgraded ship sucks.
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Switch your spawn points. There's two points for a reason.


I don't "camp" the spawn point on purpose. It's just where the battle leads after a team is wiped a few times. But it really boggles me that people choose the same spawn point over and over again like they expet some sort of different result. Pick the other one and try to sneak around, or find the damage overcharge, or -something- different.


I don't think the OP was talking about the losing team getting pushed back to their cap ship, but instead, was talking about the *winning* team retreating to their cap ship to preserve their lead. When that happens, the winning team can use gunships and bomber drones to pick off anyone who tries to get close. That, in turn, forces the other team to switch to gunships and bombers as well.

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So the game basically devolves constantly into one side just hugging near one of the capital ships in a tight cluster and having the gunships and bomber drones pick off whoever goes in to try and attack. Great design, Bioware. Sucks all the fun (and point) of half the players even trying. If you're in a scout or strike fighter forget it. You might as well just exit the battle and re-queue.


This tactic is bad and it is happening.

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The only way this could be a thing is if there is a premade on the server who uses the tactic, no pug has the coordination to pull it off. If it's premade, then they are your problem.


I've yet to see this happen on my server and I play an awful lot of GSF.

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BW needs to address capship retreating. I understand the whole capship system is an aneit camping measure but... it's not working right


Here is what you do: Do not follow them, and actually get your team to move away, forcing the other team to go after you if they want to get you


Though the screwy afk system should make anyone who flees there get marked afk so they can't stay there long, instead of the afk system we got now where I am in combat literally killing a bunch of imps and I get marked on and off again as afk, its ridiculous!

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This is a major flaw in the GSF. Having a " save zone" where the enemy can fly and let NPC mech kill for them is very lame.


I am always getting into dogfights and then seeing them run away to the cap ship in hopes I fly after them and get blasted by the cap ship or burn out my thrusters tring to catch them giving them clean attacks as I have to run away from the cap ships.


I cant for the life of me understand this the rest of the pvp area in this game once you leave the safe/launch area you can not return to its safty unless you die GSF not the case and is very weak.

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So the game basically devolves constantly into one side just hugging near one of the capital ships in a tight cluster and having the gunships and bomber drones pick off whoever goes in to try and attack. Great design, Bioware. Sucks all the fun (and point) of half the players even trying. If you're in a scout or strike fighter forget it. You might as well just exit the battle and re-queue.


They're are 2 spawn points for a reason. Learn where they are instead of coming on here like a nub and running your mouth. If you keep using the same spawn point, and blindly fly back into the lions mouth, you deserve to get camped. Use a different spawn point to assist your team, or stop queuing for GSF.

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Here is what you do: Do not follow them, and actually get your team to move away, forcing the other team to go after you if they want to get you!


Can you *actually* get your team to do this?!? Most people don't understand more than tab = next kill...

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1. I didn't know that it's possible to change the spawn point in Deathmatch, either. :)

2. Retreating to the capital ship in close matches is typical human behavior that is demonstrated in RL. Take the FIFA World Cup for example: The last 10-15 minutes in a match that is 1:2 is so painful to watch it's almost funny. Avoiding any deaths in a Deathmatch when the countdown shows 1 minute may be lame but I understand the reasoning behind it.

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Running and hiding behind capship turrets is something I see a lot of, especially with gunships. It's not just in deathmatch, either.


The "Get your team away from them" strategy only works if your team reads chat.

Goes into a history lesson. I'm... sorry, were you trying to kill something? -Cortana


How about some solutions? Here are some:


Capship turret kills don't count as points.

More spawn points. Cover spawn point selection in the tutorial. Make sure people know there is a tutorial, especially if the account fights its first starfighter battle without reading it. The tutorial could use more practical stuff, and less click-through-kinda-read-everything.

Starfighter weapons and non-engine abilities don't function within range of capship turrets-nice and simple, at least until "attack the capship" missions come out.

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They're are 2 spawn points for a reason. Learn where they are instead of coming on here like a nub and running your mouth. If you keep using the same spawn point, and blindly fly back into the lions mouth, you deserve to get camped. Use a different spawn point to assist your team, or stop queuing for GSF.


Go back re-read your quote he is talking about the other team camping in there own spawn keeping themselves safe from attack and using range to snipe while using there cap ship as a big safe zone knowing that they can't get attacked at close range

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