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After patch thoughts on Gunships and a slight gripe


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So the new patch came out, and my thoughts on Gunships. They still wipe out a ship in 1 shot. They still get out shots in sniper mode a bit to quick.


I get the point a fully upgraded gunship can do things to a ship that are hateful, but come on it is getting a bit aggregating to see 4-5 gunship line a breast in these new maps just eating up starfighters without having a single chance to engage. (Yes I've read the how-to manual written by other players)


Second frustration: As I play blissfully in my Empire created class in General and then que into SF, there seems to be a severe case of HUA on the Imp side. (For those in Rio Linda (Head up Arse) to be nice .


I do not know if it something about play styles, or something on the imp side but getting dominated in SF matches to make the best of players go Oh please merciful GOD why are we not playing better? I mean scores lke 10/50 on Dom matches or Cap and hold map 30/1000 or just two examples. Verses when I do go on the Repub side the chanced to win are a bit more numerous and the beatings not as bad. So what is going on?

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So the new patch came out, and my thoughts on Gunships. They still wipe out a ship in 1 shot. They still get out shots in sniper mode a bit to quick.


I get the point a fully upgraded gunship can do things to a ship that are hateful, but come on it is getting a bit aggregating to see 4-5 gunship line a breast in these new maps just eating up starfighters without having a single chance to engage. (Yes I've read the how-to manual written by other players)


Second frustration: As I play blissfully in my Empire created class in General and then que into SF, there seems to be a severe case of HUA on the Imp side. (For those in Rio Linda (Head up Arse) to be nice .


I do not know if it something about play styles, or something on the imp side but getting dominated in SF matches to make the best of players go Oh please merciful GOD why are we not playing better? I mean scores lke 10/50 on Dom matches or Cap and hold map 30/1000 or just two examples. Verses when I do go on the Repub side the chanced to win are a bit more numerous and the beatings not as bad. So what is going on?

I'm one of those "dominating gunships" you're talking about... let me tell you, it's boring and way to effective to ever want to play anything other than gunship (in deathmatch) and bomber (in domination).


I've talked about how easy it is and how GSF overall should be more about dogfighting than turret-making, and people (because internet) respond by saying "Wah just because you're not good enough to beat a gunship doesn't mean it should be nerfed!" which clearly ignores the fact that I AM the gunship in the scenario xD. So... expect the same level of intelligence in response to this post.


I've already pointed out a few things that could "solve" the problem. One being the introduction of a "stealth" engine option (to replace current barrel roll/korrigan/etc.) for scouts, or the removal of engine-based escape options for gunships. Those would very much bring the gunship more in line with the effectiveness of other fighters.

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I'm saying a more balanced play, and what I'm seeing, is not balanced. I'm all for if your a damn good player hey have at it, but to see guys/gals in Gs with 12+ kill and dominating the kill scene, in a mode, makes one wonder if the SF thing is ever going to be "balanced".
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I'm saying a more balanced play, and what I'm seeing, is not balanced. I'm all for if your a damn good player hey have at it, but to see guys/gals in Gs with 12+ kill and dominating the kill scene, in a mode, makes one wonder if the SF thing is ever going to be "balanced".


I am agreeing with you xD. Playing anything other than GS in Deathmatch and Bomber in Domination is a waste of comms at this point.

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Well, ok, then Pikes and Starguards can one shot too, and will do so more often. Counting crits, there's a lot of wild stuff going on. A 16% chance to crit that has to happen during bypass which isn't smart to use versus a full health target anymore...



And the scout has to have no health upgrades. It's a lot of junk that has to line up on top of a suboptimal play.

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