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1.0.1 high prority bug fixes, LOL?


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^ So true 100% i agree with him. also the FPS is pissing me of rly i payed more then 3000$ for my machine and i cant even get in to the imperial fleet and i start laging like masive i bounce in to walls. i can do almost nothing. I can run battlefield 3 On Ultra directx11 and stil i dont lag on one spot. it just makes me wanne quit this game. but i give them time to solve this problem in this next month either its not fixed. i quit the game, and do somthing else when i hear they fixed that problem then i come back. i dont want to waste money wich somthing u cant play with all the lag


Really with the FPS? I have a constant 111 FPS no matter where I got and my comp was less than $2000...


I work for a major game publisher and I can tell you from experience that the issues in this game right now are small fry issues from a production stand point, especially for PC games.


Everyone's PC is different which means there is no way to accurately put a product out right away that works good for everyone. This game is playable from 1 to 50 with only minor inconveniences.


If there is a problem with a quest, most likely the player didn't do it right. For instance, if you use the emergency fleet pass to leave your starting planet instead of taking the ship, you will have to fly back to the original planet and take the ship or the quest will not trigger.


When it comes to PC games being released there are a few required's for the possibility of a game being released. This game was released before BW wanted to and thus they had to focus on these required's.


1. Does it install and run.

2. Can the player progress through gameplay to the "end".

3. Does the game crash and if so how and where (priority depending).


If these are met the game, though the developer and more than likely the testers working for the company, will be upset, but at least the players can get what they've been wanting.


I would LOVE a perfectly polished game but I don't want to wait 2 more years. I am happy to get in now, even with the problems. They will be fixed, this isn't Call of Duty on PC where the fix comes only in November in the form of a new game.

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All MMOs have bugs on release...why is anyone shocked or taken back by this?


I don't know, I expect bugs on releases for MMOs, although FFXIV didn't have bugs, that was half a game on release, but that's another totally different subject.


I fully expect problems, and I'm completely OK with them taking their time to get it right. I'm just laughing at people saying certain "other MMOs" were perfect on release.

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Maybe if they invited more players for closed beta that acually test stuff and report so that most bugs are gone in retail. So I dont have to pay montly fee for beta testing and reporting bugs. I registered here in 2009 and did not get any invites until every did. So less ppl testing means more bugs in retail.


I am not paying to report bugs, I just dont. If you go to a resturaunt do you cook the food you order also?


I was in two beta weekends. I reported every single bug I found, big or small.


You want to know something? Every single bug I reported is still in game as of this moment...

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How bug fixes in software get pushed out is based on several factors beyond knowledge of the bug.


In no particular order:


What team is responsible for the bug

How difficult is the bug to fix

Does the fix for the bug have potentially negative impact on other things in the game

Has the cause of the bug even been found


Complaining about bugs getting fixed is really just an exercise in stupidity. As a wise man once said "It is better to be silent and let people think you the fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt."


took your post seriousely till i got to the last paragraph, and dam, i now think ur an idiot.

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I haven't seen any problem that I've reported that are major issues fixed. I also haven't seen significant problems that have probably been reported and are well known be fixed...


The thing that annoys me is that I see a lot of data entry mistakes or laziness that causes me at least a little confusion and I don't know how much it causes others.


I also see little things being tweaked that make me go "ok there is this huge problem over here, but you're fixing... or removing stuff over here"


1) For example The Sith Academy Codex entry can't be gotten above level 1, but if you play correctly you'll be level 2 or 3 in that short walk there and codexes are meant to be gotten any level...so why is there a level restriction at all?


2) While at the same time... They removed the title Imperial Scholar from the game which was working perfectly and I don't know a single person who disliked the title or thought it was out of place, but in doing so replaced it with nothing else and didn't clean up the codex so the available title still says 0/1 or 0/2 (if your a Sith Warrior) for Korriban and the overall total number of entries is wrong.


I don't see they would do #2 when #1 is a problem and even in doing #2 they caused more problems and it shows the laziness of the data entry people, because it is really apparent they, and other people possibly responsible for that data, aren't being thorough...

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So explain us why RIFT had ZERO bugs on release ?

Wasnt RIFT an MMORPG ? (btw i quited rift and im not fan of it,still it had the best release)

To the topic:

Fully agree with the OP. Their priorities seem to be different from what the players want.

This is VERY VERY BAD for the game.


You must be 12yo NO BUGS on release? I work for one of the biggest most successful SaaS companies in the US we have way more money and probably hundreds more developers then Bioware and we have bugs.


Get it straight EVERY piece of software has bugs even MAC there is no software that exists without bugs.


There is this thing its called the real world welcome to it... servers need to be patched not just the application running on the servers but the underlying operating system as well. Thats just the servers then there are patches related to the networking equipment which supports the infrastructure the firewalls the switches etc.. and guess what ALL of those have bugs too!!

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Sure all bugs need to be fixed but you are all lucky! I can't even get in the game like many others who can't. We have been spending the last couple of days to download English Assets 1! Our speeds range from 40kb/s to 4mb/s. Then when English Assets 1 says its finished downloading and installing, you have to start it over all over again!
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Very disappointed I will apparently still have to avoid war zones on my healer. It's irritating and makes it unplayable when your raid frames are broken more than half the time.


Perhaps I'm a masochist... But when I'm in a warzone, I see people's health bars when looking at their characters on the field. If they need healing I try to figure out their name (not easy when they have a title and a legacy name mixed in there), locate that name on the raid frames (remember the raid frames reports 100% health all the time), click on their name and then heal them... Rinse and repeat.


Oh my god, I am a masochist.

Edited by ironix
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Unbelieveable.. Bioware puts out a patch a week after launch and people are still complaining.. Do you all do anything else other than complain?? Or is that all you do is complain??


Did it ever occur to you complainers that some bugs might be harder to fix than others??


Did it ever occur to you that something is better than nothing??


What is with you people?? If you all think you can do this better?? By all means.. Start a software company.. Create a brand new MMO.. Then deal with whiner poluting your forums..


Give it a rest people.. Be thankful what you get.. If you have no faith that Bioware is going to fix the bugs, then please.. Go play another game..


Can I have your stuff..


Otherwise.. Just sit back and be patient.. :cool:

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Really with the FPS? I have a constant 111 FPS no matter where I got and my comp was less than $2000...


I work for a major game publisher and I can tell you from experience that the issues in this game right now are small fry issues from a production stand point, especially for PC games.


Everyone's PC is different which means there is no way to accurately put a product out right away that works good for everyone. This game is playable from 1 to 50 with only minor inconveniences.


If there is a problem with a quest, most likely the player didn't do it right. For instance, if you use the emergency fleet pass to leave your starting planet instead of taking the ship, you will have to fly back to the original planet and take the ship or the quest will not trigger.


When it comes to PC games being released there are a few required's for the possibility of a game being released. This game was released before BW wanted to and thus they had to focus on these required's.


1. Does it install and run.

2. Can the player progress through gameplay to the "end".

3. Does the game crash and if so how and where (priority depending).


If these are met the game, though the developer and more than likely the testers working for the company, will be upset, but at least the players can get what they've been wanting.


I would LOVE a perfectly polished game but I don't want to wait 2 more years. I am happy to get in now, even with the problems. They will be fixed, this isn't Call of Duty on PC where the fix comes only in November in the form of a new game.


Orly u get 111 Frame raids persecond yea right u lie such lies man, rly tell me u play on max setting k. get in to full server and go in town on empirial fleet or republic fleet, and show us ur FPS cus i call lies on u. cus i get fps up 126 but, when i get in to the main city my frame raids drops down to 25, dude

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Is this a bad joke? In the time from beta to now you only managed to include these few insignificant bug fixes?


How about fixing the raid frame bug (health bars not updating) that is game breaking.


Or characters getting stuck when zoning into already completed class missions.


Or the sith corruption always turning on after zoning.


Or party always disbanding upon entering a warfront.


Or a bug with shadows maybe assassins too allowing them to capture control points in warfronts in 1.5 seconds after popping out of stealth.


You don't understand, out of all the bugs in the game it was more important to fix slicing. LOL@Bioware.

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They had a day off. During that Day Off, 2 of my friends got stuck on quests and couldn't advance. Another (a third) had the same thing happen, but it was a class quest: he can no longer advance through his LAST bounty hunter quest, meaning he can not get access to nearly ANY level 50 content, including the Ilum dailies. TONS (if not all) of bounty hunters are having this literally game breaking bug.


I, personally, am one of the many people suffering from massive frame drops because the game stops using more than 15% of my GPU at certain points. I am thus required to play on my Girlfriends computer, despite being able to run any other game on max settings (don't bother telling me it's my fault, I've done every single thing there is possible to do, and the hundreds of other people having the same issue with different pieces of hardware point to this being on their end).


Why should I give them a break when I paid for their product which is nearly unplayable? If you want constructive criticism rather than "BIOWARE YOU SUCK", fine, I agree, but give them a break? If my work results in clients being unable to get what they are paying me for, I either get fired or have to work harder and do overtime. I do not "get a break" just because I worked really hard up until that point.


you sir, are my hero. makes me think...what was beta for? Your last paragraph are my thoughts exactly.

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1. Does it install and run.

2. Can the player progress through gameplay to the "end".

3. Does the game crash and if so how and where (priority depending).


Depending on the class you picked, #2 will not be possible.

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took your post seriousely till i got to the last paragraph, and dam, i now think ur an idiot.


He was pretty much spot on, I'm not sure why you think that any of these bugs in the patch list slowed down the progress on any other bug being fixed. If you DO think that then you have a large misunderstanding as to how software engineering works.


If you simply HAVE to call someone an idiot, please learn to spell damn, I and you're when you do. They are very simple spellings.


I am not paying to report bugs, I just dont. If you go to a resturaunt do you cook the food you order also?


If I don't like the fish I'll tell them I don't like the fish and why, if I find a bug I'll report it. Your analogy is awful, pretty much like every other armchair software developer forum poster on the internet these days, I'm just shocked you didn't mention a car.

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I think it is hilarious how everyone thinks you can just blink at a bug and fix it. You honestly think they have fixes for these other issues and decided to shelve them? Ever think for a minute some bugs are easier to fix than others? So they fix the easy stuff while working on the harder stuff. I want one of you whiny people to tell them how to fix these bugs you are complaining about. If you dont know then let Bioware do their job and stop complaining.
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Sure all bugs need to be fixed but you are all lucky! I can't even get in the game like many others who can't. We have been spending the last couple of days to download English Assets 1! Our speeds range from 40kb/s to 4mb/s. Then when English Assets 1 says its finished downloading and installing, you have to start it over all over again!


I had this problem in beta. I came up with a solution and posted it to the forums, but that has been long wiped.


Without going into the comprehensive solution I had posted, what you need to do is look in the installer's log file after a failure. In there it'll show URLs for each file it downloads as part of the patch. Manually download these files using firefox or whatever. Start up the launcher and let it start its download. Cancel the download and close the launcher. Copy your manually downloaded versions of the files into the appropriate SWTOR directory. Open the launcher again and all should be well.


And no, sorry. I am not going to go into any more detail than that. My original solution took quite some time to write-up in an "everyone can do this" how-to manual sort of way.

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I would love to see everyone that is whining and crying develop an MMO and have it perfect. Guess what? Probably not going to happen. Software programming is not easy at all, especially on something like an MMO. This isn't B'Witched, someone can't just wiggle their nose and the game be perfect.
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Orly u get 111 Frame raids persecond yea right u lie such lies man, rly tell me u play on max setting k. get in to full server and go in town on empirial fleet or republic fleet, and show us ur FPS cus i call lies on u. cus i get fps up 126 but, when i get in to the main city my frame raids drops down to 25, dude


I do play on maximum graphics though I run it in windowed fullscreen so I can easily thumbs down songs on pandora... I will admit that there are occasional stutters but they only last a split second and are generally only after just entering the fleet... I don't know what to tell you...


I am only running i7 980x with 10gigs of corsair dominator RAM and 2x GTX470's... Far cry from what I could have purchased for the 3,000 you spent... perhaps you are on AMD using Radeon... they often have problems being the underdog.

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Perhaps I'm a masochist... But when I'm in a warzone, I see people's health bars when looking at their characters on the field. If they need healing I try to figure out their name (not easy when they have a title and a legacy name mixed in there), locate that name on the raid frames (remember the raid frames reports 100% health all the time), click on their name and then heal them... Rinse and repeat.


Oh my god, I am a masochist.


You know, I'm really putting up with what I see as a game that lacks in controls and display relative to the competition because I see heaps of potential and am having tons of fun. But when I have to pick through player nameplates to heal or cycle through targets quickly to see my team's health I draw a freaking line.


No. I shouldn't have to do that. I shouldn't be told I'm expecting too much to have raid frames that freaking work. The raid frames that are so pitifully customizable in the first place, at that. I really hope this would be the sort of thing that they include as a hotfix as soon as possible, rather than waiting on a patch though. So that's what's keeping my hope in tact - that it truly is a tricky bug, that they're working hard and that it's not in the patch because they'd have included it earlier if they already figured it out.


And yes, you are a masochist. It's more than the standard masochism that marks most healers. ;)

Edited by Excedrin
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Guys, everything YOU experience may not be a bug, but a problem concerning your computer setup. My bro constantly fell off taxi's and because this bug was not reproducible I assumed for him that his Windows install was borked (This happens to Windows all the time). After a clean install all is fine.


Give the devs time to reproduce the "bugs" to whittle down the problem.

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I think it is hilarious how everyone thinks you can just blink at a bug and fix it. You honestly think they have fixes for these other issues and decided to shelve them? Ever think for a minute some bugs are easier to fix than others? So they fix the easy stuff while working on the harder stuff. I want one of you whiny people to tell them how to fix these bugs you are complaining about. If you dont know then let Bioware do their job and stop complaining.


so Basicly ur saying u get wat u payed for, yea right. u know i let u in on somthing u call us QQ cus of the issues from the game. that they need to fix, cus if payed for somthing that needs to be fixed, even tho if u QQ or complain. its to let them know its very annoying there is an issue in the game, did uknow there is also a report button in the game it self its not there for an reason. what u just said made no sense at all

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so Basicly ur saying u get wat u payed for, yea right. u know i let u in on somthing u call us QQ cus of the issues from the game. that they need to fix, cus if payed for somthing that needs to be fixed, even tho if u QQ or complain. its to let them know its very annoying there is an issue in the game, did uknow there is also a report button in the game it self its not there for an reason. what u just said made no sense at all


Holy grammar and punctuation errors :confused:


Seriously, my eyes hurt from attempting to read that

Edited by skullcowboy
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