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1.0.1 high prority bug fixes, LOL?


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I feel a little lost. Can anyone give me a link to the actual patchnotes, please? Last messages on SW twitter page are dated 24 of December, launcher redirects me to General discussion section, and Developer tracker doesn't say anything specific, too. Sorry for a nooby request )


Upd.: nevermind, launcher shows the notes now.

Edited by JackBurden
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What you are seeing is not the devs prioritizing unimportant bug fixes. What you are seeing is the devs working on a bunch of different bugs at once, and making more headway with some of them than others. Some bugs are fixed in a matter of hours, others could take days, weeks, or months even, to root out the error in the code, then make sure the fix doesn't cause more errors somewhere else.


When the devs successfully fix something, they implement that fix. What, would you prefer that they withhold the more minor fixes which are ready to go, in order to give the illusion that they are putting "all their efforts" into fixing major bugs?


Sometimes, you hit a wall in your diagnosis, and you can't continue for some reason. Perhaps you've submitted a change request to the test server, and are waiting for the higher ups to give the go ahead. Perhaps you need one of your potential fixes reviewed. Perhaps you're just stuck and need to consult with a colleague. Are you just going to sit there, doing nothing, waiting for assistance? Of course not, you're going to move onto another project in order to keep busy. And this project you move onto should be small, because as soon as you do have your feedback/consultation/etc. that allows you to continue with your original task, you don't want the burden of another large project that you only partially started.


So, you turn your attention to a minor bug, something further down your list of priorities. And thus, bugs don't always get fixed in the absolute order of priority.




Unfortunately the most reasonable and well thought out post in this thread will be ignored by all the flaming haters because they can't have their cake RIGHT NOW!!!!!

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- How about fixing the Auction House by adding a simple search field without having to use idiotic drop downs.


- How about fixing the game not remembering that every time I launch the game my toon shows dark corruption again


- How about fast walking being turned off every time one zones somewhere ie in pvp


- How about making the drop down actually filter anything when you select "show usable" so that one does not buy things they can not use



But of all things you MUST fix the Auction House ffs. If I don t continue my sub in a month it will be because its virtually impossible to find mats on the AH due to nobody wanting to use it

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Yeah because they are going to fix all the bugs on the 1 week ...


No, but there are some game breaking ones that have to be at the top of their list. The combat being almost completely non-responsive a lot of the time and cooldowns never ending has to be fix #1. Stealth only working half the time is another.

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No, but there are some game breaking ones that have to be at the top of their list. The combat being almost completely non-responsive a lot of the time and cooldowns never ending has to be fix #1. Stealth only working half the time is another.

Are you saying that, because you have actually tried it yourself, or simply because you heard it? I have yet to face any of these problems myself, along with a few of my e-friends. (:rolleyes:)


Also, this problem may also have something to do your connection. If your ping is über*****, then logically your attacks will be delayed a lot.

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I feel a little lost. Can anyone give me a link to the actual patchnotes, please? Last messages on SW twitter page are dated 24 of December, launcher redirects me to General discussion section, and Developer tracker doesn't say anything specific, too. Sorry for a nooby request )


Patch information is listed under Patch Notes. On the SWTOR website main page, go to where it says "News & Updates" then select "Patch Notes" from the drop-down menu.


Hope this helps! :)

Edited by TarotMage
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There is a good saying when it comes to any program or software.


If you can't find a bug, you ain't doing it right.


in the world of internet and different combinations and scenarios, that each individual player and customer creates, there can never be a system that has no bugs.


Fixing a bug and inserting new code will create new kind scenarios that cannot be foreseen by any virtual or human mind, until it happens and can be traced back. Beta had a fraction of servers and amount of players, and that leaves just as many possibilities that could not have been counted in beta. Like any other game, they appear now as more servers and variety of scenarios have been opened through launch.


Bugs have been and always will be found, and every game has them to some extend. Some more visible, some less, some more notable to some as they are to others.


Accept these facts and report the bugs. Obviously they want them fixed as soon as they can work out a fix, it is after all a business and investment for them both in reputation as it is financially.

Edited by Rethan
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Are you saying that, because you have actually tried it yourself, or simply because you heard it? I have yet to face any of these problems myself, along with a few of my e-friends. (:rolleyes:)


Also, this problem may also have something to do your connection. If your ping is über*****, then logically your attacks will be delayed a lot.


You need to spend more time on these forums. The combat being unresponsive and broken is the #1 complaint here. It's a MAJOR issue that many are having...but keep rolling your eyes at it...

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Entire patch notes can be found here:




They fixed the ability delay unless you can't comprehend what you read. It was a UI bug that would cause it to be a few tenths of a second ahead of the actual activation time. So what you THOUGHT you saw was a finished ability but in reality the UI was just a bit ahead.


It's been patched, you can stop jumping on the bed now in a fit of rage.

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You need to spend more time on these forums. The combat being unresponsive and broken is the #1 complaint here. It's a MAJOR issue that many are having...but keep rolling your eyes at it...

The rolling eyes was a mere reference to my use of the e-friends term. :)

I have seen quite a few threads about it. Needless to say though, they should look at their end before blaming the software.

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I don't know what game you guys were playing that said Rift had no bugs at launch. I remeber items going missing from my bags at everylog in and had to contact GM's which took a week for items to be given back at which time they were no longer useful. This is just one of many that I encountered.


The health bar bug makes healing almost impossible on my Sage. I run out of force all the time because I am healing ppl that are full health because it takes too long to show up. My lag is averageing around 56 so no it's not a lag problem.

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This is not a ready to go console game, its an MMO, and if you cant deal with how MMO's are released and tweaked and changed theres the uninstall button. :)


That is not an excuse!


Obviously, MMOs require more patience due to their long-term nature. But continuously hiding behind the 'it just came out' shield to defend half-developed game systems makes me sad.

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The rolling eyes was a mere reference to my use of the e-friends term. :)

I have seen quite a few threads about it. Needless to say though, they should look at their end before blaming the software.


My rig and internet can handle much higher demanding games than this. It's not my end.

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My complaint isn't quite a bug, rather it's an... inconvenience. This is for my Bounty Hunter... One of the first two attacks you start out with, the one that doesn't build heat. It just fires off a quick few bursts. With the other attack- the missles- it will automatically target the nearest enemy when I push the button. However, with the first attack I mentioned, it will not. This isn't a gamebreaker, however it is annoying when I want to use the ability and I have to go and hit a hotkey or click the enemy first, at which point it makes it unfavorable to use the ability.


The second thing is a similar problem I had with WoW. If I happen to have a friendly selected, or a dead body, then it won't target the nearest enemy when I activate qualifying offensive abilities (such as the missles). Again, annoying, because constantly my selector will somehow end up on a dead body or an ally in the middle of a fight. I'm ready to go and keep firing, but it won't work.


Very simple solutions to both... I'm not saying you should make it to where it permenantly does my version, but an -option- would be nice.


Options are everything. People love those little things of customization. The ability to have the minimap rotate. To be able to drag around your windows, such as the map, bag, and character panel. Fix the little inconveniences sometime in the future, when the bigger things are out of the way, and give us a lot more options. It would be nice.


My final little complaint is that when I'm typing a message- because I'm a fast typer- it usually cuts off the last character I used in the message. I'll find myself missing a period, or the last letter of my word, and that gets quite annoying. I'm not sure if it's because of lag because I do have a bit, but I think it's not, seeing how when I open up the chat again, the character that was cut out is there, sitting in the beginning. So I'll often be sending out messages such as this:


"Wow, that was awesome"

"!There's no way, how did that happe"

"nOmg I hate this chat glitch"


Done for now.


/end rant

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So explain us why RIFT had ZERO bugs on release ?

Wasnt RIFT an MMORPG ? (btw i quited rift and im not fan of it,still it had the best release)

To the topic:

Fully agree with the OP. Their priorities seem to be different from what the players want.

This is VERY VERY BAD for the game.


i'm sorry what?


RIFT had zero bugs on release? i hit 50 in rift during the headstart, i got several shard first along with other guildies who powered there with me, and even some world firsts.


the game was far from bug free.

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That is not an excuse!


Obviously, MMOs require more patience due to their long-term nature. But continuously hiding behind the 'it just came out' shield to defend half-developed game systems makes me sad.

It is an excuse, obviously.

Do you expect a MMO to be perfect within 1 month of the release? As you said yourself, MMOs require a lot of patience due to their long-term nature. Obviously it is naive to believe that such huge game can be perfect within one month of release.


At this point, I could make a reference to World of Warcraft, but I'm going to let that one skip, as I've had enough of World of Warcraft comparison in my lifetime.


I'm simply going to say this: I have yet to see a MMO perfect. Even after years of development.


BioWare will fix the bugs as soon as they can. But in order to do so, they need to be sure on exactly what to amend changes to.

Edited by _Strimell
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Different bugs have different difficulties - typically if it's a mispelling/renaming, it's easier than some sort of logic error; The scope of the change also impacts how easy it is to "get to market". If the fix can blow up a whole bunch of other things, it may take longer to make sure it works.


Also, I have no clue how Bioware is set up, but from an individual situation - if I keep at a difficult bug too long (trying to figure it out, etc) - then my ability to figure it out becomes weaker and weaker. Switching away for a bit to something simple (like adding baby names) may make all the difference in being able to tackle the larger challenge.


That being said, the way they conveyed the information could have been better. Perhaps something along the lines of "While we were hard at work, we had Santa's elves work on their typing skills - since they were all done for the year making toys." Or probably something more realistic or religion-agnostic ;)

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Game is "live" for few days but you forgot one thing; Beta Test. Beta is for testing not for actual game play. People tested it for many months and naturally we, testers, expect a good non buggy game.


Yes there will be always bugs but they should be only minors not majors or game breakers. Classes should be balanced, graphics should be fine, quests and environments should be perfect but they are nowhere near perfection. Servers are badly balanced some of them are empty and some of them are overpopulated. We all see those on beta test phase and we all reported bugs and non working stuff but they simply ignored us. Only message we got from them is copy pasted automatic replies


That is why community is angry towards Bioware and EA.

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It is an excuse, obviously.

Do you expect every single game to be perfect within the first month? If so, you are naive. Especially since it is a MMO.


Not a particularly useful question if you're looking to garner information. Looks more like an attempted insult delivered via a rhetorical question. Better to ask if I am prepared to wait and give Bioware the time to improve the state of certain things. To which, the answer would be yes.


Having lower standards than my own is not a crime, just disheartening. :)

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Or the sith corruption always turning on after zoning.

I hate this bug so hard! It's so annoying! :mad:


I'm a RIFT player and I must say, the SWTOR launch was smooth, but not as smooth as the launch of RIFT.


But I must also say, that SWTOR is a really huge game, where RIFT has a small world.

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