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Self destruct shouldn't count for the other team.


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When you self destruct, it counts 1 point for the other team. It should be neutral not count for either side. In death match, if a group of players of one side have another player on the other side in order to help with victory all he has to do is keep self destructing after respawn. Of course all the factors would have to fall into play for this to happen. It is possible.


Or if someone just wants to be an ***, he can do the same to give points to the other side.


Just a thought.

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They specifically count it for both TDM and Domination to avoid an even more exploitive behavior, which is ramming yourself into a wall to deny the other team points. If you stop counting it for the other team, people wil smack themselves into a wall anytime they can and just respawn. So I think they need to leave it exactly as it is.
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When you self destruct, it counts 1 point for the other team. It should be neutral not count for either side. In death match, if a group of players of one side have another player on the other side in order to help with victory all he has to do is keep self destructing after respawn. Of course all the factors would have to fall into play for this to happen. It is possible.


Or if someone just wants to be an ***, he can do the same to give points to the other side.


Just a thought.


dude there are plunty of people that i've been engaging that will crash just to get out of me killing them

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it's annoying enough already to have someone dive into a sat to deny me a kill point.

taking away my team & assist point would just make it all that much more annoying of a tactic.

it's fine as-is. although, I wouldn't mind seeing a further penalty in the form of, say, -20 ship req at end of match for each self-destruct after the third (let nubs slam into a few things for free)

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How about instead of self destructing they allow us to suicide bomb other players to even the odds. The ought history and lore this has always been a crazy but valid tactic. Sith/imperial pilots are suicidal lol so sacrificing yourself when defeat is imminent to kill the other player should be a valid option. Right now we fly right into each other like we aren't physical ships.


Lore wise suicide runs should be a valid tactic incorporated into GSF and it should have an achievement attached to it, this would give noob players a better chance at face to face dogfighting.


Besides what imperial pilot wouldn't love flying their scout into an enemy ace face to face and showing them that despite your upgrades head on collisions are not survivable.


So pls Bioware pls.. Allow us the ability to ram each other for even kills.

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it's annoying enough already to have someone dive into a sat to deny me a kill point.

taking away my team & assist point would just make it all that much more annoying of a tactic.

it's fine as-is. although, I wouldn't mind seeing a further penalty in the form of, say, -20 ship req at end of match for each self-destruct after the third (let nubs slam into a few things for free)


If I'm ever that person I'm sorry. I can't get used to the touchiness of Cherry red mechanical keys. So many barrel roll deaths :(

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