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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


IA healer here, and I say you are full of it. I can stand in place with 2-3 people beating on me and not dip below 50%.


I find it hard to believe that someone in your rank (skill) would be having a simple issue with one player almost killing them.


BTW cloak screen FTW, saves my butt all the time.

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comments on healing balance in PvP are retarded. The OP is only level 44. Not going to be able to comment on healing balance or any other aspect of PvP balance until you're talking about level 50 vs level 50 with 400+ expertise.



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I don't think i'ts so bad. Healing as sage, I feel like I do add a decent amount of value to my team. However, I do noticed I can get nuked easily and that I can't heal through players getting nuked by other certain classes (force lightning!). But, I think that is a balance issue that will get corrected soon.


I notice others in this thread feel very similarly. Give it a bit more time for the level 50 brackets to fill.

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I don't think you're thinking that through. If a healer's hp/s can't outdo a single DPS's DPS, then every healer you have on your team makes your team weaker because you should just replace them with a DPS.


NOT, you should not just replace healer with DPS just becuz he cant outheal DPS's DPS BECUZ .....the healer can also DPS !!!


Just think , If you want healer to be the same good like any other DPS and in the same time NOT immortal what would you do ? Right , 50% heal and 50% dmg, what it means ? It means that healer wont be weaker than DPSer and in the same time he wont be immortal and fight wont last forever.

Edited by Tamernator
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The crux of the argument seems to be people's concern with the magnitude of healing, and I don't think that's it at all.


First, the raid frame update issue still happens and it makes it literally impossible to heal effectively. This is a massive concern for healers! Without getting into balance arguments (I'll do that later), I think we can agree that a broken UI is a problem. It makes it more difficult (in a bad way) and less fun.


Then there's other issues. Healers are not well rewarded in PvP in terms of medals. I can do massive healing in the game, on an objective player, and still get less medals and points than the gentleman who's done nothing but farm kills away from the objective. That's bad incentive design, and again, that's not something that's really worth arguing. The incentive scheme for Warzone rewards is a bigger issue across all classes and roles, but I suspect it will be tweaked.


Then there's stuns. I don't want or expect to beat melee DPS by self-healing. I want to make that clear. I do find the number of stuns and interrupts to be quite high; high enough that the amount my heals are worth is less relevant than the number of times I'm stunned or interrupted. Combined with snares that make kiting a melee attacker difficult, I'm beginning to be baffled as to the role of ranged healers! If a melee player gets on you, there's very few ways to disengage or survive without significant help-- and most meleers have charge, grapple, or stealth! This is of least concern to me; I think it's an issue, but it's BY FAR the most likely to be sub-optimal play on my part.


The last concern I have is balance between healers. Even non-heal-specced Sorc/Sages have EXTREMELY powerful abilities (Static Barrier is the best skill in PvP, imo, especially combined with Sprint) and can sprint. Ops and Mercs get comparatively little, especially in Huttball. This one is of significant concern, as Huttball victory seems largely governed by whoever has the greater of (Number of Chargers + Number of Sorc/Sages)/Number of Players Below 50.


As I say, I couldn't care less about heal magnitude. I'd like to be more relevant in objective fights and have a chance to at least disengage from melee. I'd also like to see incentives adjusted to make brain-dead non-objective DPS less appealing than objective-focused play.

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NOT, you should not just replace healer with DPS just becuz he cant outheal DPS's DPS BECUZ .....the healer can also DPS !!!


Just think , If you want healer to be the same good like any other DPS and in the same time NOT immortal what would you do ? Right , 50% heal and 50% dmg, what it means ? It means that healer wont be weaker than DPSer and in the same time he wont be immortal and fight wont last forever.


We don't want to DPS. Some of us would rather excel in one area than be mediocre in two.


You're going to have to explain to me how healing is a benefit to your team in a world where healing is weaker than DPS and healers only heal 50% of the time...because to me that just sounds like DPS zergfest garbage. Granted, I don't think things are too out of whack right now. Even when I'm not running in my premade, my Op still has higher healing numbers than the damage numbers of most DPSers, and I can keep myself up vs two people if I outplay them.

Edited by raelimar
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Two clear issues:


- The UI is terrible for healers. Raid frames don't update, so you end up having to click avatars to target people, and they're usually moving targets surrounded by others. Or, you can try to find their name in the raid listing.


- The rewards are poor. I get more medals DPS'ing on my heal-specced operative than healing. Killing and tanking (protecting) earn heaps of medals and commendations. Healing does not.


The magnitude of heals vs DPS may also be an issue, but that's hard to say pre-50. The UI and the commendations, however, will always be a problem.

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Two clear issues:


- The UI is terrible for healers. Raid frames don't update, so you end up having to click avatars to target people, and they're usually moving targets surrounded by others. Or, you can try to find their name in the raid listing.




same issue here.


also, i hate having to go into cover to use certain abilities :(

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So what you are saying is you want to be able to outheal dps and never die? I agree healing is not perfect, but i do not agree a healer should be able to out heal dps all the time.


A single healer should be able to outheal a single dpser assuming no interrupts/stuns. That's pretty much common sense. Sorry you lack this.

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Nah. This is garbage. It is literally impossible to solo pvp as a healer in this game. Should be possible for a healer to keep himself alive while slowing killing an enemy assuming the enemy doesn't wise up and interrupt or stun. That's common sense. However, I see button-smashing ******* getting away with complete horse ****. This game is a disgrace w/r/t pvp.
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After healing on my Sith Inquisitor since level 10 I think these things would make PVP healing much, much better:


1) Raid frames not bugging out and showing people about to die at 100%.


2) Raid frames graying out if a target is out of range OR out of line of sight.


3) If smart camera could be disabled (always fun to healing on the move and be completely unable to see what's behind you).


4) Target of target unit frame.


5) More medals for healing.


There's a few more but they pale in comparison to these (for me).

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A single healer should be able to outheal a single dpser assuming no interrupts/stuns. That's pretty much common sense. Sorry you lack this.


Assuming no interrupts/CC used by either player, it should be a stalemate. The healer shouldn't be able to outheal the dps IE gain health while the dps is doing damage to them, they should however be able to heal for a similar amount as incoming dps but not outheal incoming dps.

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Assuming no interrupts/CC used by either player, it should be a stalemate. The healer shouldn't be able to outheal the dps IE gain health while the dps is doing damage to them, they should however be able to heal for a similar amount as incoming dps but not outheal incoming dps.


You're right. My bad.


I'm just so sick of seeing button-smashing tards kill me. I can understand them DPSing faster than I can DPS, but it is complete horse **** that they can DPS 2x faster than I can heal.

Edited by Ganymedea
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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


As a 42 Sorc Healer, I can Bullshiat on you, I am easily one of the most valuable players in a Warzone. But, I am in Vent with 2-3 others from my clan, and working as a team.


Even in a pug, I an capping the ball, planting or stopping the Bomb from being planted, and capturing control points. I am very happy, being top Healer 99.9% of the time and Making the difference in the game, and my team winning or losing.


opps, deleted 1 -4 as I dont want to tell people my little secrets, to my success.


5) Don't just heal bot. Rotate in some damage and all the CC you can lay out.


6) Spending your time, here on the forums whinning about how bad you play SWTOR, cause your were so UBER FRACKING AWESOME SAUCE in WoW, is not making you better at SWTOR.


7) And yes, as a healer standing still healing in a Warzone, your gonna FING die, sometimes a lot. The other team is going to search you out and kill you. Its funny sometimes I have 4 enemies chasing me around the whole Huttball map to kill me. But, guess what WE JUST SCORED. You job is to help the TEAM win. By, CC. By, Heals. By, Damage, or by Dying. What ever leads to victory.


Enjoy you stay in SWTOR, if you cand handle the heat of a lazer blaster in the arse, there is always your 2700 Retardo Druid....

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Healing was out of control in WoW. I can only comment about pvp during Wotlk and not Cataclysm, but healers were stupid op if the player was good.


My assassination or subtlety spec rogue literally could not kill a geared resto druid, had to be perfect on interrupts and cc's to kill a good resto sham and no way in hell kill a good disc priest. I'm talking about 2200+ level arena players, not scrubs.


Some people think a healer should be this nigh unkillable being. As if that's balanced...


I do believe that a healer 1v1 against another should "barely" be capable of keep himself topped off if he devotes all his time and resources to healing himself. A healer should also be able to keep a player 100% while fighting just one other guy. Anything more than that and healers enter the realm of op.


If you can tank 2 people as a healer or keep one guy going strong against 2 or more people then the balance is out of wack.


Healers and tanks in SWTOR are abit underappreciated atm. Alot of people don't realize how crucial these specs are and won't for awhile.


My immortal jugg gets an mvp vote maybe 1 in 3 games and that's dealing +50k damage while spamming taunt, aoe slow and guarding for +50k damage at level 20. That may not sound like much when you have Bounty Hunters aoe spamming 200k, but I can assure you I did a hell of alot more for the team. Same goes for healers. When I've had a decent healer watch my back while I guard him for 55% damage reduction we have rolled people.


People don't realize yet, but they will. WoW had nothing even close to comparable to a tank with a 55% damage reduction shield for an ally + a 30% damage dealing reduction if the taunted player attacks the guarded ally. I've caught jedi shadows beating down an imperial player and my team mate has 20% hp while the shadow has +80% and then I guard my team mate and taunt the enemy. The enemy's damage is now reduced effectively by 85% which basically neuters his damage. It's funny watching the almost dead guy then proceed to kill while I just use taunt, aoe slow etc.


I don't play a healer, but I assume it's much the same.

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7) And yes, as a healer standing still healing in a Warzone, your gonna FING die, sometimes a lot. The other team is going to search you out and kill you. Its funny sometimes I have 4 enemies chasing me around the whole Huttball map to kill me. But, guess what WE JUST SCORED. You job is to help the TEAM win. By, CC. By, Heals. By, Damage, or by Dying. What ever leads to victory.


This x10.

Silly WoW healers thinking they can just stand still and healbot and then come here and whine because.. because.. omg it works in WoW and not here!!!11 Whadda ya mean 'change tactics', I dun wanna!!!111

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