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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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None of this happens in World of Warcraft, the end.


Umm lol yes it does! It just doesn't happen at the speed that it does with TOR. It might happen at 1/10 of a second, at which point it is almost indiscernible to the naked eye. This is most likely a server issue that is dependent on BUS speeds. If you learned to comprehend what you read, you would've noticed that I mentioned that point.


Thank you for failing.


Also you never countered my point that if it is happening to everyone, how is it not balanced?

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Everyones health stays at 100 percent and doesn't show the damage they are taking. If they get that fixed i'll probably try again. Right now I can't tell who needs heals unless I manually target their toon.


Ok this is absolute BS. Raid frames show when players take damage, please post a video of a FP or a WZ where there is absolutely no change happening to the raid frames, then I will believe you.


It may be slow to respond, but it is not broken.

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No, but you look like you are a few IQ points short of double digits. Raid frames display all the players, I've never had an instance otherwise. Your focus should be on the tank and doing OH on DPS when needed. The raid frames do update, albeit a little slow, but not slow enough where all the players are dead before you realize; ZOMG who were Iz healingz?!1


Also as far as targeting goes, you have a tab button, its on the left hand side of your keyboard, use it. You may actually find it easier than having to use your brain, since that is really what you are complaining about.


Wow, really? You're completely ignoring known bugs now? I've had it multiple times, and I'm sure everyone else has, that when you get into a WG sometimes only 6 or 7 of the 8 people show up on your RF.


Also, displaying HP at 100% when it is indeed at 50% is a gigantic flaw. Much of how the healing done in this game is management and not just spam healing. By showing incorrect information, it takes people out of the correct playstyle.


I don't get where you're going with the tab comment. Yeah, tab targeting works great for enemies (which I never talked about) but not for healing.


You insult someone else's IQ, but then all of your rebuttals hold zero weight. Do you think before you post?


There are glaring holes that need to be fixed in the UI, as well as adjustment on gameplay elements, such as ranges, if they want healing to be fun and continued to be played.

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A healer is unkillable if he has guard up. Simple.

The only class that i feel are lacking on the healing side is OP. Their heals are not strong enough to heal trough damage. They are fast and we have 2 hots but they are still not strong enough to keep someone up.


For all you people who thinks its okay that healers cant out heal damage.

Why do you think there are no healers in bgs? We get insta focused by 1 guy and we're completly locked down. We cannot heal anyone but ourself nor can we keep ourself up.


Obviously its not just cause healers are getting ganed in pvp it's also that BW hates healers.

Any healer that have played DPS aswell as healing in a WF should know how EXTREMLY hard it is to rack up medals and get decent valor/commendaitions.


I know there are some classes that have it harder than others. I belive operatives have a very hard time cause all their major dps abilitys are melee and they wear medium armor = insta **** once you go into the big *** zerg. If i focus on healing i will only get about 3~4 medals. But when i go concelment spec i'll get between 7~9 medals.


Anyway, point is noone wants to play healer cause they are simply not as good as all the other options you have.


Let the flamin beingz!

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Ok this is absolute BS. Raid frames show when players take damage, please post a video of a FP or a WZ where there is absolutely no change happening to the raid frames, then I will believe you.


It may be slow to respond, but it is not broken.


Actually UI is bugged and doesn't update health in a raid frames... keep informed..

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33 SI .... I've run with my friends and they seem to appreciate me a bunch. As long as I'm not focus fired (pretty much if I'm far enough away from the fray) I seem to be left alone for the most part. Now if I'm defending something I'm usually focus fired, but even with 3 people, 1 bubble, and 1 hot I can usually last a few seconds ... just long enough for a friend to take 1 or 2 out.


Granted it's not perfect and SI's are relatively squishy compared to BH's or IA's or whatever medium or heavy armor person that can heal. My biggest issue is with chain stuns ... pvp in this game is very stun heavy and what seems to be no diminishing return on it really. That is my main complaint.

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Wow, really? You're completely ignoring known bugs now? I've had it multiple times, and I'm sure everyone else has, that when you get into a WG sometimes only 6 or 7 of the 8 people show up on your RF.


This is an assumption. This has never happened to me. Stop assuming that it happens to everyone.


Also, displaying HP at 100% when it is indeed at 50% is a gigantic flaw. Much of how the healing done in this game is management and not just spam healing. By showing incorrect information, it takes people out of the correct playstyle.


*sigh* please provide proof of this statement, as I have not encountered this as a healer (to the extent you mention). Sometimes it's slow to respond, but like I said earlier (please read) it is not slow enough where the PC you are healing is so close to death that you don't have a chance to heal.


I don't get where you're going with the tab comment. Yeah, tab targeting works great for enemies (which I never talked about) but not for healing.


You were talking about targeting in general. For healing you can click on raid frames, stop being so ignorant.


You insult someone else's IQ, but then all of your rebuttals hold zero weight. Do you think before you post?


A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. You call someone stupid then QQ when they do the same towards you. Nice double standard there. It makes me wonder if you think before YOU post.


You are more than welcome to post evidence backing your statements. But spewing the same asinine comments, over and over again, will get you no where.


There are glaring holes that need to be fixed in the UI, as well as adjustment on gameplay elements, such as ranges, if they want healing to be fun and continued to be played.


I can agree with the UI. Ranges are fine, and what is fun and what isn't is your OPINION. Healing works for me.

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This is an assumption. This has never happened to me. Stop assuming that it happens to everyone.




You're right, it doesn't happen to EVERYONE, only about, I'd say, 99.99999% of healers. You alone being the sole exception, ya know.

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You're right, it doesn't happen to EVERYONE, only about, I'd say, 99.99999% of healers. You alone being the sole exception, ya know.


As a matter of fact it happened to me just the other night when I was running with 3 of my guildies ... cause I couldn't heal him for squat unless I saw him flash across my screen.

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Ok this is absolute BS. Raid frames show when players take damage, please post a video of a FP or a WZ where there is absolutely no change happening to the raid frames, then I will believe you.


It may be slow to respond, but it is not broken.


UI is bugged and doesn't update.

Since the last patch it has been a lot better, but now we have the "missing team member" bug a lot more often instead. It is more common than not that my party member does not show in my raid frames if we join together.


This has been an issue for a very long time and for very many players.

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Actually UI is bugged and doesn't update health in a raid frames... keep informed..




Ctrl +U to release then Ctrl + U to renew ==> double tape ctrl + u will refresh your user interface and fix the raid bar bug in any situation. Do this every time you enter a WZ and you will get updating hp bars and hp bars for every member in your wz.


Also I see lots of people saying PVP healing is pointless, and that everyone should go damage. Welcome to the world of pugs... pugs are notorious for neglecting their healers, letting them die, not thanking them, etc. Find some friends, use tactics. A tank with "guard" and/or a 2nd healer can keep any healer up on a 3-4 man gank (speaking from experience). My level 33 JC Sage was able to hold strong against a 3 man focused lvl 50 sith assault. Also was able to keep up a level 44 commando against a 5 man assault of various levels.


Healers may not be as absurd as they were in WoW but if that is the only game you've ever healed in then you can't truly cry. There are more tactics in this game then WoW, healers are not necissarily a solo class but thrive on the teamwork of raid members (harpoon, gaurd, force shield, cc, and other such shelters and saves).



I notice that the only complaints are being brought forth from warzone pvp. Have healers had any issue in owpvp? Are sith sorc still cc and dps overpowered in owpvp? Thus far I have had NO issues anywhere on my JC Sage with respect to disadvantaged or overpowered in pvp. I think EA+BW did a great job in formulating the abilities for each class in a way that not only ENCOURAGES teamwork, but DEMANDS it.


PVP with your own 4 man premade. Guild chat, teamspeak --> l2p w/ teamwork

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And you know this because you have interviewed all the other healers that play SWTOR?


Yeah right I call BS.


And you know you're an exception because you've done the same?


Have you spent any times on these boards and in healing threads before today?


If yes, you would have noticed a lot of different people reporting the same issue. So many I actually thought it was something that effected us all. Up until your post today I have not seen one single post claiming the raid frames were fine.

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Ctrl +U to release then Ctrl + U to renew ==> double tape ctrl + u will refresh your user interface and fix the raid bar bug in any situation. Do this every time you enter a WZ and you will get updating hp bars and hp bars for every member in your wz.


Also I see lots of people saying PVP healing is pointless, and that everyone should go damage. Welcome to the world of pugs... pugs are notorious for neglecting their healers, letting them die, not thanking them, etc. Find some friends, use tactics. A tank with "guard" and/or a 2nd healer can keep any healer up on a 3-4 man gank (speaking from experience). My level 33 JC Sage was able to hold strong against a 3 man focused lvl 50 sith assault. Also was able to keep up a level 44 commando against a 5 man assault of various levels.


Healers may not be as absurd as they were in WoW but if that is the only game you've ever healed in then you can't truly cry. There are more tactics in this game then WoW, healers are not necissarily a solo class but thrive on the teamwork of raid members (harpoon, gaurd, force shield, cc, and other such shelters and saves).



I notice that the only complaints are being brought forth from warzone pvp. Have healers had any issue in owpvp? Are sith sorc still cc and dps overpowered in owpvp? Thus far I have had NO issues anywhere on my JC Sage with respect to disadvantaged or overpowered in pvp. I think EA+BW did a great job in formulating the abilities for each class in a way that not only ENCOURAGES teamwork, but DEMANDS it.


PVP with your own 4 man premade. Guild chat, teamspeak --> l2p w/ teamwork


No...sometimes it solves, but a lot of time works only for a few seconds...

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UI is bugged and doesn't update.

Since the last patch it has been a lot better, but now we have the "missing team member" bug a lot more often instead. It is more common than not that my party member does not show in my raid frames if we join together.


This has been an issue for a very long time and for very many players.


Ok please post a vid where there are no updates to raid frames and then I will shut up, but until then everyone who is saying its broken (I can agree they need to speed up the responsiveness, but its not "broken") is just pissing in the wind.


And if it is such a BIG issue that has been around for a LONG time and is game breaking for SO many people, then why hasn't BW addressed the issue?


Maybe its because it doesn't happen to 99.999999% of healers like some people on here think.

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Ctrl +U to release then Ctrl + U to renew ==> double tape ctrl + u will refresh your user interface and fix the raid bar bug in any situation. Do this every time you enter a WZ and you will get updating hp bars and hp bars for every member in your wz.


Never worked for me. Other people also reported that playing in windowed worked, but not for me. Also, the fix with resizing the raid frame before every battle only worked about half the time.


It does work a lot better now, and I don't think I have had the static health bug since this patch.


I'm not complaining, I know the game is new, some things are a bit dodgy with the UI, but I absolutely love healing in SWTOR!

But health frame issue has been in since beta, got horrific around launch and seem to be a bit better now. I'd still love if all team members would show, but he who waits for something good...

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Ok please post a vid where there are no updates to raid frames and then I will shut up, but until then everyone who is saying its broken (I can agree they need to speed up the responsiveness, but its not "broken") is just pissing in the wind.


And if it is such a BIG issue that has been around for a LONG time and is game breaking for SO many people, then why hasn't BW addressed the issue?


Maybe its because it doesn't happen to 99.999999% of healers like some people on here think.


It is an issues, I dont' feel the need to screen shot it for you. Honestly don't care if you claim its not broken, I'm glad it works perfectly for you. It's not even just a WZ issue, its an ops group issue.


BW has lots of glitches to sort through and I AM hoping they get to this one sooner rather than later, so instead of insisting its not broken because it works for you, just let us announce that its broken and does not work for us please.


When I say "broken" I dont mean slow, I mean completely unresponsive --> as in someone could be a 1% health but the ops bar shows 100%

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And you know you're an exception because you've done the same?


Have you spent any times on these boards and in healing threads before today?


If yes, you would have noticed a lot of different people reporting the same issue. So many I actually thought it was something that effected us all. Up until your post today I have not seen one single post claiming the raid frames were fine.


Sigh....learn to comprehend what you read. The responsiveness is a minor problem, but raid frames DO, repeat DO, update. It is not game breaking like a lot of you QQers are making it out to be.


And massive logic fail on your part, regarding your first sentence. I know I'm the exception because of my experience. You are speaking for all the healer playing SWTOR, I'm only speaking for my self. Huge difference, Mr. Intellectual Giant.

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Ok please post a vid where there are no updates to raid frames and then I will shut up, but until then everyone who is saying its broken (I can agree they need to speed up the responsiveness, but its not "broken") is just pissing in the wind.


And if it is such a BIG issue that has been around for a LONG time and is game breaking for SO many people, then why hasn't BW addressed the issue?


Maybe its because it doesn't happen to 99.999999% of healers like some people on here think.


Are you idiot ? we have a lot of people who have that problem... tbh bioware doesn't fix anything ! you can't travel with ship in a group, a lot of times you can't enter in wz without game logged out...try to play more.

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Sigh....learn to comprehend what you read. The responsiveness is a minor problem, but raid frames DO, repeat DO, update. It is not game breaking like a lot of you QQers are making it out to be.


And massive logic fail on your part, regarding your first sentence. I know I'm the exception because of my experience. You are speaking for all the healer playing SWTOR, I'm only speaking for my self. Huge difference, Mr. Intellectual Giant.








Need more ?

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It is an issues, I dont' feel the need to screen shot it for you. Honestly don't care if you claim its not broken, I'm glad it works perfectly for you. It's not even just a WZ issue, its an ops group issue.


BW has lots of glitches to sort through and I AM hoping they get to this one sooner rather than later, so instead of insisting its not broken because it works for you, just let us announce that its broken and does not work for us please.


When I say "broken" I dont mean slow, I mean completely unresponsive --> as in someone could be a 1% health but the ops bar shows 100%


You make a statement w/o any proof to back it up and expect people to believe you?


Like I said earlier if this was such a BIG issue w/ the potential of having many people cancel their subs, then why hasn't BW seen fit to remedy this pre-launch?


if EA is losing money they will force BW by sword and fire to make the necessary changes.


While I admit it can get a little frustrating, I have not seen it where it is to the point where the PC you are healing only has 1% but it shows 100% on the RF, then *poof* he/she is dead.


If you posted evidence of this, it may even make it so BW works on this more diligently.


So don't think of it as to prove me wrong. Instead post evidence to help BW expedite the fix. Because unless you show them evidence that this mechanic is destroying your game play, they will work on other bugs.


Just like you said they have a lot of work ahead of them (BW), especially since they will need to work on adding content as well.

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