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A sad day for PVP


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I just wish they would be honest about what they want, and not feel compelled to dismiss GSF, or any other variant of player-versus-player action in SWTOR as part of expressing their desires. It's a completely dishonest approach, IMO.


Dismissing GSF as PvP IS being honest about what we want. Why is that hard to comprehend? The devs even see it as being a different mode of gameplay, and they are focusing on it instead of ground PvP which os what we are upset about. How is that being dishonest?

Edited by kodrac
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Uh...there are 4 buttons in GSF vs an abundance of skills in ground PvP. There is no "gear" in space PvP, just trees to pick.


It is honestly nothing more than a mini-game AlienEyeTX. I LOVE GSF, I wish the queue's popped more often, but it's got TWO flipping maps...it's the very definition of a mini-game.


Well, it hasn't even "officially" launched yet. :t_wink:

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The amount of trolling from the normal offenders in this thread is sickening. Again, not debating the topic, but nit-picking words and insulting people or play styles...so freaking typical. The forum bullies at their best.
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Dismissing GSF as PvP IS being honest about what we want. Why is that hard to comprehend? The devs even see it as being a different mode of gameplay, and they are focusing on it instead of ground PvP which os what we are upset about. How is that being dishonest?


Maybe they're focusing on it due to how much demand there is for it.


I mean, does it make much sense to put much effort or resources into a mini-game like ground based PVP with so few players involved in it? I hear Ranked PVP is even worse when it comes to # of participants.


I wouldn't put much focus on it, either, to be honest.

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Dismissing GSF as PvP IS being honest about what we want. Why is that hard to comprehend? The devs even see it as being a different mode of gameplay, and they are focusing on it instead of ground PvP which os what we are upset about. How is that being dishonest?


You mean honest about what YOU want. I PvP. Love it now. You most definitely do not speak (write) for me. Space and Ground PvPs both have their place in this game.

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Personally I wouldn't "fill the forums with outrage", I would just cancel my subscription and move on.


Oh really? Even with the current schedule where you're all getting 2 rehashed Ops, and possible 1 new one within the first 6 months of the year, I'm seeing so many people complaining about the so-called "lack" of PvE content that it's entertaining to say the least.


Yah, except no one's ending any sort of PVP content at all. You still have your WZs and Ranked PVP stuff and GSF. Be glad you get what you do, considering it's a niche mini-game.


Yes indeed. Such a tiny mini-game, that Bioware can shut it down tomorrow with no repurcussions, right? I dare Bioware to try that. You clearly would like if PvP was in fact a niche mini-game, but it clearly is not.


Oh I get what they are upset about. They want the PvP style that they want.. and those that do not like GSF see it as a resource drain from their pet PvP preference.


I just wish they would be honest about what they want, and not feel compelled to dismiss GSF, or any other variant of player-versus-player action in SWTOR as part of expressing their desires. It's a completely dishonest approach, IMO.


An even more dishonest approach is arguing the semantics of what is PvP and what is not when the OP's meaning was quite clear to begin with.

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I've played MMOs for about 10 years now, and in every one that I have played, I have considered PvP a mini-game.


Raider mindset with blinders on. You can not see that there are other avenues of gameplay and that not all players share your chosen method of gameplay and you dismiss both the gameplay and the players. if PvP does not concern you then why continue to comment on it? You don't see us ************ about only half a new PvE tier.

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Dismissing GSF as PvP IS being honest about what we want. Why is that hard to comprehend? The devs even see it as being a different mode of gameplay, and they are focusing on it instead of ground PvP which os what we are upset about. How is that being dishonest?


You can say it's not what you want to play. But you cannot pretend that GSF is NOT player versus player game play.


The fact that it is a novel and different form of PvP then what some of you are rigidly locked into in your mindset is not the basis for being dismissive.


Being dismissive of GSF being PvP just takes you off message completely and makes for looking silly. Complain about GSF all you like.. fine. Complain about the lack of ground based PvP all you like.. fine. But stop trying to dismiss one form of player-versus-player as an argument in favor of another form. It's a weak sauce approach to discussing your needs/wants/desires.

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The amount of trolling from the normal offenders in this thread is sickening. Again, not debating the topic, but nit-picking words and insulting people or play styles...so freaking typical. The forum bullies at their best.


Odd that none of them ever have sigs. I wonder where they play.

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The amount of trolling from the normal offenders in this thread is sickening. Again, not debating the topic, but nit-picking words and insulting people or play styles...so freaking typical. The forum bullies at their best.


Some get a Bane Brigade, others get a Brat Brigade... Imagine what we, here in the forum, get.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Odd that none of them ever have sigs. I wonder where they play.


They NEVER say who they truly are in-game or what server they play on - they only make outrageous claims and hide behind their anonymous forum names. They're trolls and bullies.

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I don't want to see it shut down. Some of my guildies love to PVP.


But, I have no illusions about how small of a niche player base it has, either.


Indeed. Like I said, I dare Bioware to try and shut down this "niche" and see how long it lasts without PvP.


Casual and Hardcore PvErs alike seem to have this dislike towards any gameplay style that is not theirs. The majority of the player base participates a lot in both PvE and PvP, and the death of either or the other is the death of the game.


But please, continue convincing yourself that this "niche" gameplay style is unimportant.

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The amount of trolling from the normal offenders in this thread is sickening. Again, not debating the topic, but nit-picking words and insulting people or play styles...so freaking typical. The forum bullies at their best.


I've never had cause to call you a hypocrite before, TUX. I've always respected you even when we've disagreed. But Uelle is the offender in this thread. And you are defending him.

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Isn't that the purpose of these forums? To discuss what we as individuals want, like or dislike about the game? I never said I was speaking for you.


Of course it is kodrac, every person is smart enough to realize WHO you speak for, but the bullies here use that line all the time to try to discredit your statement and throw you off topic. It's so common it's expected.

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Maybe they're focusing on it due to how much demand there is for it.


I mean, does it make much sense to put much effort or resources into a mini-game like ground based PVP with so few players involved in it? I hear Ranked PVP is even worse when it comes to # of participants.


I wouldn't put much focus on it, either, to be honest.


You see PvP as a mini game. I do not. I concede that these devs see it as just a mini game too nad that's the direction they're taking. There lies the bane of my discontent and reason for my eventual leaving. I say eventual because my sub has a long time to run on it and the devs may actually change something during that time, but I don't hold out any hope.

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Indeed. Like I said, I dare Bioware to try and shut down this "niche" and see how long it lasts without PvP.


Casual and Hardcore PvErs alike seem to have this dislike towards any gameplay style that is not theirs. The majority of the player base participates a lot in both PvE and PvP, and the death of either or the other is the death of the game.


But please, continue convincing yourself that this "niche" gameplay style is unimportant.


I don't need to convince myself. lol


All I have to do is sit in Gen Chat and watch PVPers beg for people to queue up for solo-ranked PVP.


Funny how I never see people begging for more people to join their Pug DF/DP groups.


Just PVPers.

Edited by Infernixx
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Of course it is kodrac, every person is smart enough to realize WHO you speak for, but the bullies here use that line all the time to try to discredit your statement and throw you off topic. It's so common it's expected.


Since when did I become a bully? What are you on today, TUXs?

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