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A sad day for PVP


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I'm just not a fan of Arenas at all and I hate Hypergate and Huttball. Hypergate and Huttball are tied for my least favorite WZ maps, and Arenas are just a broken meta because this game wasn't designed for 4v4s.


I'd rather want more WZs like ACW and NC and WPvP, although we all know the latter won't ever happen.

What, pray tell, is broken about the 4v4 meta?

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your logic of "some people like it some don't so it shouldn't be added on" is flawed because the people can like or dislike literally any aspect in life. Example, people either like cats or don't. If we went off and did not do things becuase SOME(aka not all) people did not like them then nothing would get done.


This clearly means that we should kill all cats. I'm a professional pet analyst, I represent all pet owners' opinions.

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your logic of "some people like it some don't so it shouldn't be added on" is flawed because the people can like or dislike literally any aspect in life. Example, people either like cats or don't. If we went off and did not do things becuase SOME(aka not all) people did not like them then nothing would get done.

Uhh he never said it shouldn't be added so there goes ur argument. Huttball sucks and I wish they did another node-style WZ than that pos or hyperbore.


Always shafting the pvp playerbase.


What, pray tell, is broken about the 4v4 meta?

Just about everything. Arenas are just dps fest full of smashtards, Op heals and PT DPS. It's not fun. Only a minority in the pvp community actually enjoy them.


They should be focusing on bigger and quite frankly better pvp but no, they result to focusing some resources on this broken garbage. this game's combat system was developed with the 4v4 system in mind in the first place, so why in the world would they put their focus on ranked to this crap?

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Just about everything. Arenas are just dps fest full of smashtards, Op heals and PT DPS. It's not fun. Only a minority in the pvp community actually enjoy them.


They should be focusing on bigger and quite frankly better pvp but no, they result to focusing some resources on this broken garbage. this game's combat system was developed with the 4v4 system in mind in the first place, so why in the world would they put their focus on ranked to this crap?


Lol well that's kind of the point of arenas isn't ?

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You PVP guys were disappointed since this game is released yet you are still here, complaining. Sorry, you don't have much credibility. Fill out those ranked pvp queues first (if you can find time from ganking newbies)


ure butthurt brah, get good

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Well yeah but that's why I really don't like them. Spam ur CC and stunlock them and then ur dead in 3 seconds. Really no skill involved in them and why I leave Arenas I'm put in. Just so unbalanced. I'd rather have more 8v8s where more classes/specs are viable and on top of that Ranked 8v8s and WPvP.


But too bad that's asking for too much. :(


And just be aware of this, I do play a variety of specs and I don't just play squishy ones like Sage heals and Op DPS. I haven't played them all but do play most. 4v4s is just crap and if ea/bw starts balancing around Arenas I'm prob just gonna sell my SWTOR account lol

Sounds to me like you're just unable to adapt to the speed of arenas. There's nothing wrong with the meta in arenas (very few teams run smash comps, or even cleave comps now that AP PT Tank hybrid was nerfed... at least on PoT5). Arenas are exponentially faster than 8v8 WZs, and require extremely fast response time to what your opponent is doing and what you should be doing in response. If you're getting burned in 3 seconds, then there are three possible issues:

1. You aren't using defensive CDs properly.

2. Your tank and healer aren't coordinating properly to get guard on you and keep you alive.

3. You're a while into the fight and have been on your back foot too long such that your team has nothing left to keep you alive (numerous reasons as to why you could end up here).


I could name you easily over 5 comps that are viable in the current arena meta, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Arenas may not be for everyone, but the meta isn't the issue.

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Sounds to me like you're just unable to adapt to the speed of arenas. There's nothing wrong with the meta in arenas (very few teams run smash comps, or even cleave comps now that AP PT Tank hybrid was nerfed... at least on PoT5). Arenas are exponentially faster than 8v8 WZs, and require extremely fast response time to what your opponent is doing and what you should be doing in response. If you're getting burned in 3 seconds, then there are three possible issues:

1. You aren't using defensive CDs properly.

2. Your tank and healer aren't coordinating properly to get guard on you and keep you alive.

3. You're a while into the fight and have been on your back foot too long such that your team has nothing left to keep you alive (numerous reasons as to why you could end up here).


I could name you easily over 5 comps that are viable in the current arena meta, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Arenas may not be for everyone, but the meta isn't the issue.

Lol I know they're fast and I never said I'm getting burned in 3 seconds that was just a way of describing how fast Arenas are. They're broken - the class system in this MMO was never designed for the 4v4 meta and IMO balance should never be focused on i.


Arenas are crap and really the majority would rather have resources spent on more Warzones and WPvP. Anyone who takes this meta seriously is prob someone who could never make into in Ranked 8v8 meta so this is their little way of having that time wasted trying to get into an 8v8 team made up.


I found that when i used to stay in the arenas either I was on the demolishing team or on the team that was about to be demolished. At least in 8v8s it was way more balanced and more classes/specs had a chance. In Arenas it's the complete opposite.

Edited by Gamesux
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Lol I know they're fast and I never said I'm getting burned in 3 seconds that was just a way of describing how fast Arenas are. They're broken - the class system in this MMO was never designed for the 4v4 meta and IMO balance should never be focused on i.


Arenas are crap and really the majority would rather have resources spent on more Warzones and WPvP. Anyone who takes this meta seriously is prob someone who could never make into in Ranked 8v8 meta so this is their little way of having that time wasted trying to get into an 8v8 team made up.


I found that when i used to stay in the arenas either I was on the demolishing team or on the team that was about to be demolished. At least in 8v8s it was way more balanced and more classes/specs had a chance. In Arenas it's the complete opposite.

To the contrary, I enjoyed and played a ton of 8v8 ranked. I enjoy 8v8 ranked and arenas for different reasons.


8v8 ranked allowed for people to be burned just as fast. In actuality, it's harder to burn someone through guard in an arena and requires a lot more coordination of CC and DPS in order to get kills vs an 8v8 with organized groups (though 8v8 could be extremely tough to kill as well, depending on comps).


Honestly, I had more lopsided 8v8s than I've had 4v4s. The 4v4 environment is very unforgiving and makes bad teams give up very quickly because there is no quarter. In 8v8s, you could occasionally win with non-traditional tactics so the subpar teams would queue more than they do in ar enas.. In 4v4, you just get curbstomped because, while there is more diversity in teams than 8v8, there's nowhere near enough to support true matchmaking. Not a failing of arenas, but of Bioware and SW:TOR in general.

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To the contrary, I enjoyed and played a ton of 8v8 ranked. I enjoy 8v8 ranked and arenas for different reasons.


8v8 ranked allowed for people to be burned just as fast. In actuality, it's harder to burn someone through guard in an arena and requires a lot more coordination of CC and DPS in order to get kills vs an 8v8 with organized groups (though 8v8 could be extremely tough to kill as well, depending on comps).


Honestly, I had more lopsided 8v8s than I've had 4v4s. The 4v4 environment is very unforgiving and makes bad teams give up very quickly because there is no quarter. In 8v8s, you could occasionally win with non-traditional tactics so the subpar teams would queue more than they do in ar enas.. In 4v4, you just get curbstomped because, while there is more diversity in teams than 8v8, there's nowhere near enough to support true matchmaking. Not a failing of arenas, but of Bioware and SW:TOR in general.

Fair enough.


Although my points still stand. I just can't stand Arenas and wish I had an option to just no be able to be put in one at all on any class I'm playing. And on my last note if Arenas aren't as bad as what you're trying to tell me, basically of the Ranked 8v8 guilds would have never jumped ship forum this game.

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Fair enough.


Although my points still stand. I just can't stand Arenas and wish I had an option to just no be able to be put in one at all on any class I'm playing. And on my last note if Arenas aren't as bad as what you're trying to tell me, basically of the Ranked 8v8 guilds would have never jumped ship forum this game.

Not all of them did. My biggest knock against 4v4, though, is it removed the need for a "PvP guild". 4v4 is such a small group that guilds serve no purpose for those running arenas... no such thing as a "PvP" guild" anymore really like you would have with 8v8.


On PoT5, the majority of the still active 8v8 guilds continued doing arenas. Those that were already gone when it was announced generally stayed gone. A lot of teams have quit since, but that's more to due tolack of support from Bioware (same crap they did with 8v8s) than anything inherently wrong with the 4v4 setup. Need quicker seasons, cross-server queues and more often, smaller balance updates that alter the meta slightly and keep it from becoming stale.

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