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A sad day for PVP


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Rest in peace in peace?

ATM machine

PIN number

ABS anti lock break system


So, back to the OP topic... obviously PvP is alive and well in multiple forms. Don't call for the hearse just yet.

A corpse is a corpse, of course, of course

And no one can talk to a corpse, of course

Unless, of course, the corpse, of course, is the famous Mr. Dead,

Edited by branmakmuffin
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So, back to the OP topic... obviously PvP is alive and well in multiple forms. Don't call for the hearse just yet.


^^^ Buzz-kill to the drama elite. :p


And... never try to take a chew toy away from a doggie. :p


None the less ... well said. :)

Edited by Andryah
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PvP refers to players vs players. GSF is players vs players.


However, they are different communities on the server. For example on our server Jedi Covenant, most of whats left of the ground PvP community do not play GSF. They are looking for ground PvP content. Looking for a long time actually. And they are not finding it.




Prime Defense

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However, they are different communities on the server. For example on our server Jedi Covenant, most of whats left of the ground PvP community do not play GSF. They are looking for ground PvP content. Looking for a long time actually. And they are not finding it.




Prime Defense


You speak for yourself, not JC as a whole. From what I've seen of GSF on JC is that it's pretty popular with steady queue pops.

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However, they are different communities on the server. For example on our server Jedi Covenant, most of whats left of the ground PvP community do not play GSF. They are looking for ground PvP content. Looking for a long time actually. And they are not finding it.




Prime Defense


I play on Jedi Covenant. Who is this they you speak of?

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June 10th: Game Update 2.8


Nightmare Mode Dread Palace Operation

New ships and an entirely new Ship Role for Galactic Starfighter

And much more… this is going to be the biggest update up to this point - we will reveal more once we are a bit closer to June


So back to the OP again....The roadmap shows that you'll get your Huttball arena in April, but who's to say that you won't get anything else in June?


This whole thread is pointless until they reveal more details.

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I play on Jedi Covenant. Who is this they you speak of?


I believe the "they" are those who are actually good at pvp. While GSF is fun for a couple matches "we" feel if they spent that time on "ground" PvP then this game's pvp wouldn't be going down the hole.





Edited by Rynis
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I believe the "they" are those who are actually good at pvp. While GSF is fun for a couple matches "we" feel if they spent that time on "ground" PvP then this game wouldn't be going down the hole.






How many people do you have in your pockets?


You speak for yourself and no one else.

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How many people do you have in your pockets?


You speak for yourself and no one else.


I use a sample size of my MASSIVE FRIENDS LIST. 90% of whom believe the resources used to make a minigame could have been used for better things.


Captain Obvious is too good. Obviously I speak for myself...I did say "I believe" in my previous post. I don't feel like going out and making a survey. I have asked past and present players that I associate with about their opinion on GSF and it's all the same.


Maybe I will do that survey after all :cool:

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Maybe I will do that survey after all :cool:


Why bother? It can't possibly produce a statistically valid result and it will just be shouted down on the forums.


BioWare already knows all the metrics they need. They know how many unique accounts play GSF. They know how many times each of those players play each session. They know how much everyone is spending on CM for GSF stuff.


The more productive action might be to watch what BioWare does WRT GSF.


Do they keep investing in it? If yes, it's popular and/or profitable. If no, it's unpopular or unprofitable.


If they do invest, is the investment in scenarios / ships / etc. or is it in CM? If the former, it's probably because it's popular. If the latter, profitable. If both, both.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I use a sample size of my MASSIVE FRIENDS LIST. 90% of whom believe the resources used to make a minigame could have been used for better things.


Captain Obvious is too good. Obviously I speak for myself...I did say "I believe" in my previous post. I don't feel like going out and making a survey. I have asked past and present players that I associate with about their opinion on GSF and it's all the same.


Maybe I will do that survey after all :cool:


I'm sure we'll all just take your word for it, too. lol

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Why bother? It can't possibly produce a statistically valid result and it will just be shouted down on the forums.


BioWare already knows all the metrics they need. They know how many unique accounts play GSF. They know how many times each of those players play each session. They know how much everyone is spending on CM for GSF stuff.


The more productive action might be to watch what BioWare does WRT GSF.


Do they keep investing in it? If yes, it's popular and/or profitable. If no, it's unpopular or unprofitable.


If they do invest, is the investment in scenarios / ships / etc. or is it in CM? If the former, it's probably because it's popular. If the latter, profitable. If both, both.


While I agree with this, I'd say that investment could also happen where GSF is "unpopular" as a way to help make it more popular and, ultimately, profitable. Just as is done with the game generally.

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While I agree with this, I'd say that investment could also happen where GSF is "unpopular" as a way to help make it more popular and, ultimately, profitable. Just as is done with the game generally.


I think that's the case only if it's right on the edge of profitability and they think that investment will shove it over the edge. I don't think the current SWTOR (executive) management team is very keen on chasing bad money with good. Just an opinion though.

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I use a sample size of my MASSIVE FRIENDS LIST. 90% of whom believe the resources used to make a minigame could have been used for better things.


Interesting fact -----> like minds tend to attract like minded people, even in MMOs. And awareness tends to be focused on what one's attention is placed on.


Research example, to help keep it real here: people who acquire a new car, suddenly begin to notice many other people on the road driving the exact same car, even though the week before they were oblivious to this. This is the nature of human focus and awareness. Humans have to actually consciously extend their awareness to get past their own self-interest.


TL;DR your massive friends list is not as globally indicative as you wish it was. :)

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While I agree with this, I'd say that investment could also happen where GSF is "unpopular" as a way to help make it more popular and, ultimately, profitable. Just as is done with the game generally.


They set up a dedicated team to build GSF, and have retained this team post launch to continue developing and expanding GSF separate from continued efforts to extend other parts of game content. They have made this clear in recent weeks as they have interacted with the forum and in internet interviews.


It's not like GSF is poaching resources from other PvP.. it was an incremental project effort. You can argue that they should have simply put those resources into ground PvP in 2013, but they did not.. so in 2014 GSF represents no resource bleed from ground PvP.


Just like every other segment of game content in this MMO, if they see it is popular and well received.. they will continue to invest in it as they see value and proportion of effort to results. If it's wildly unpopular, then they will slowly strangle off resources from it and reallocate them somewhere else in Bioware.


People act like they had to starve the dog to feed the cat. :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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I believe the "they" are those who are actually good at pvp. While GSF is fun for a couple matches "we" feel if they spent that time on "ground" PvP then this game's pvp wouldn't be going down the hole.






If I didnt know better I would say you're trollin' me son ....

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This thread started via a drive-by R.I.P declaration for PvP on the basis of a new HuttBall map coming in the future. It then evolved into a circular firing squad dedicated to is GSF PvP or not.. and then to some pretty dismissive commentary on GSF (with a biased interest in "real" PvP, as in on the ground). All well sauced here and there with classic PeeWee Herman style "I know you are, but what am I".


I'd say the OP has trolled the forum good and proper here with this thread. :D

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That's not rest in peace pvp. That is a good thing! More things added all around is always a good thing for an mmorpg. There is lots to do for pvp in this game and I'm glad we are getting a new Huttball map. I'm actually surprised they keep adding things for pvp in this game. They don't have to add anything to pvp at all cause this game is mainly pve. But the pvp is very fun and they will keep adding more things to it.
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RIP in peace PvP...GROUND PVP...not GSF PvP which is PvP, just not what we refer to as "PvP" in SWTOR...PvP is PvP, GSF is GSF...and RIP in peace is ok too.


Ok, we got it for the 1,000th time. How many times do you need to type it?


And, I still maintain, none of it is dead. When people stop arguing about it and my queues stop popping, I will consider it dead.

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