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What is a "premade" Starfighter?


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Premade is a boogieman that lurks in matches waiting to jump out of the shadows and ruin your match causing you to QQ on the forums because you can't handle losing to it.


Translation: its a excuse that bad players use so they don't have to face the reality that they are bad players.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Exactly as said. You can queue 8 or even 12, but there's no guarantee you all get selected for the game (and often your two teams will face each other in a wargame).


It's "premade" because the group has selected each other for being skilled and dedicated to actually doing well together, to some degree. Often the group will be in voice comms together. Every premade opponent is not some newb, so you are much more likely to lose if you are against them.

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Translation: its a excuse that bad players use so they don't have to face the reality that they are bad players.


While this might be true to some degree, and not all pre-made groups are created equally it does give a advantage against new players that do not have the upgrades that they do. I know when I log into a match (I always solo que) and I see my side most everyone has 2 ships but me and the opponents have several people always in same squad on average of 5 ships several games in a row it will seem like it's a pre-made.

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Oh, you can? I stand corrected then.


To be precise, someone in each group of four queues at the same time. Then you are in adjacent spots in the matchmaking. It doesn't guarantee that your ops will all the same pop, however (each 4 group is guaranteed that, but no more than that).

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Premade referrs to any "pre-made group" as in, they got into a group of four, or 2 groups of four, or 3 groups of four, (possibly got on voice so they could work together) and then que'd up at the same time.



There's nothing wrong with pre-made groups, except that random pug groups (pick-up-groups) of people don't work together well. So generally, an organized team (premade) will beat random people (pug). Pre-made's often fly a lot together (it's fun!) so their ships are leveled and destroy you easy in addition to seeming indestructible.

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"premade" is a misnomer for an organized group of players that play a game together, this is not premade, the word premade used properly for example would be buying a fully modified and maxed out ship on the CM... people like to misuse it to demonize those that play in teams in a team oriented game... it's usually thrown out by people that can't (or most times wont) team up and play well with others, mostly Cowboys that think only of Kill Count and not Objectives, which is completely backwards thinking for a domination match... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Thanks all for clearing that up for me. I thought you could buy or get a maxed out star fighter ship. "Premade" is missed used in this instance. Should be "grouped star fighters" or "ganking star fighters".


No, premade in the MMO world always stands for a group of players that enter a PVP match together. The term is accurate, I don't know what the person above you is talking about.

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No, premade in the MMO world always stands for a group of players that enter a PVP match together. The term is accurate, I don't know what the person above you is talking about.


That definition of the term only really came into common use when WoW became a big thing. A premade in Guild Wars was a build ArenaNet provided for new players with limited options available.

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"premade" is a misnomer for an organized group of players that play a game together, this is not premade, the word premade used properly for example would be buying a fully modified and maxed out ship on the CM... people like to misuse it to demonize those that play in teams in a team oriented game... it's usually thrown out by people that can't (or most times wont) team up and play well with others, mostly Cowboys that think only of Kill Count and not Objectives, which is completely backwards thinking for a domination match...


I don't think it referrs to max'd out ships. Since 2006 at least I know if it referring to pre-made groups in MMOs. The max'd out ships is a coincidence perhaps because pre-mades try to keep up with their friends and impress their friends.:rak_02:

Urban dictionary on pre-mades: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=premade


EDIT: I would refer to the "fully upgraded and max'd ship off of the cartel market" as a pre-max'd ship. Or simply a Pay-to-win ship. Pre-made is kinda already in use.

Edited by Suzina
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Everyone is clearly correct with the definition of "premade" being a group of people who group together to enter a queue, but in my mind, that is just called "a group".

"Those guys are all good players and grouped together, watch out"


"Pre-made" in my head = "Pre-made-to-win" , as in deliberately designed beforehand to dominate everything but another "PMtW" through the power of advantage.


Pre-made-to-win differs as,

-they will have a setup worked out on paper that guarantees superiority,

-will demand each group member uses nothing but the 100% best available builds+gear to join the group at all,

-will make being on voice com for instant communication mandatory,

-will always assemble the ideal group composition, and

-will be ready to eject anyone who strays from their per-determined gameplan and/or hierarchy.


Some people call these "ranked premades" some call them "guild premades" but to me, after seeing this in action, everyone else, regardless of skill, is just a "group" in comparison.


That view is probably what gains me a bag of *** when I say I could care less about "groups" but "pre-mades" need to crash and burn.


Maybe I have my own make-believe terminology here, but the two entities are very different things to me, and a hand full of others are likely only to call only the latter a "pre-made" as well.


So, long as all hell story short, the term does mean predetermined team, but as to what sort of predetermination we are talking about here is usually left to the unwitting victim's imagination.

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Pre-made-to-win differs as,

-they will have a setup worked out on paper that guarantees superiority,

-will demand each group member uses nothing but the 100% best available builds+gear to join the group at all,

-will make being on voice com for instant communication mandatory,

-will always assemble the ideal group composition, and

-will be ready to eject anyone who strays from their per-determined gameplan and/or hierarchy.


No, seriously, did you forget your meds?


These are just competitive strategies. The biggest problem with your post is that these are strategies taken to an extreme. Competitive players use competitive strategies, whether they're in a group or not. I personally use what I consider an ideal build and ensure whatever gear I have available is ideal (why wouldn't I?), and if there's a vent or something around I'll hop on it if I'm on for more than my daily.


Not all competitive groups use them to the same degree. My premades win something like 85% of their games and use none of these. In fact, across both competitive GSF guilds I've been a part of, neither use any of these strategies. There's certainly no "setup worked out on paper" that says you need two burst scouts, one scout with quads, two strikes, and three gunships (or whatever) to maximize efficiency, because that's just not a thing. Neither guild requires ideally mastered ships from their pilots -- and in fact many pilots often switch to their "baby ships" to gear them up -- because there are other measurements of fun (skill of the player is better for victory and "bro-ness" of the player is better for social interaction). Most of the time we don't even check what everyone's running because it's just not important. Likewise, neither requires their pilots to be on vent all the time, though most of us are anyway because it makes the experience more fun. There flat out isn't a predetermined gameplan (besides "cap points, back up points that need backing up, and win", which is kind of the game plan for solo players too), so you can't kick group members for not adhering to it, and the only time hierarchy comes into play is when you have 8+ online and not all of them are in the group. Even then, Black Squadron often makes extra groups to accommodate (I can't speak for Death Squadron anymore, though).


Now, if you're talking about world-level competitive guilds that go for world firsts and PvP championships, that's another thing, partly because they are literally professionals (i.e. they get paid to play the game to the best of their ability)... but the GSF forums aren't the place for that, and given your history of blind hatred for anyone who groups up against you, I doubt that's what you meant anyway.

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Read my forum sig before you address me.

I am not a noob or ignorant.

Stop assuming I am mad at being beat, because I'm not being beaten, so there goes your assumptions about me.


I ***** on behalf of others, not for myself.


Clearly you have not been invited to play with the elites before, nor been in a guild of elites.


To me people like you are just "groupies".

Deal with it.

(Edit: Yes, of course I am talking about the elites! They don't only play in ranked you know, random players WILL encounter them.

The answer to "what is a premade" encompasses more than just GSF, sure there is not a high degree of encounters with PMtW groups in GSF... Yet.)

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Read my forum sig before you address me.

I am not a noob or ignorant.

Stop assuming I am mad at being beat, because I'm not being beaten, so there goes your assumptions about me.


I ***** on behalf of others, not for myself.


Clearly you have not been invited to play with the elites before, nor been in a guild of elites.


To me people like you are just "groupies".

Deal with it.


I see nothing in your sig that I cannot boast about too, and I am quite sure the many of the forum goers are going to be similarly unimpressed by your sig.


But hey since you can't formulate arguments I guess it doesn't matter.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I see nothing in your sig that I cannot boast about too, and I am quite sure the many of the forum goers are going to be similarly unimpressed by your sig.


But hey since you can't formulate arguments I guess it doesn't matter.


That means I have been playing since launch, and I have a 55 of each class on both sides.


Do you?


Are you a double diehard + a founder?


Also, what argument are you talking about?

I was saying that a "group" and a "pre-made" can be perceived as 2 separate entities in some situations.

Good players in a group will not play like gods, but good players in a "PMtW" style group will destroy anything.


The idea that these are not real says something about you.

PvE only I assume?


Lick your venom back up, because you don't hurt what I said at all (and no, I was not talking about just GSF, im talking about groups of players here.)

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That means I have been playing since launch, and I have a 55 of each class on both sides.


Do you?


Are you a double diehard + a founder?


Also, what argument are you talking about?

I was saying that a "group" and a "pre-made" can be perceived as 2 separate entities in some situations.

Good players in a group will not play like gods, but good players in a "PMtW" style group will destroy anything.


The idea that these are not real says something about you.

PvE only I assume?


Lick your venom back up, because you don't hurt what I said at all (and no, I was not talking about just GSF, im talking about groups of players here.)


I have one played since the day the game launched, so your attempted at E-peening is failing really really bad. I have done everything in this game from team ranked to the most recent nightmare operations, and I have enough experience to know that bragging on the forums is the biggest exercise in accomplishing nothing as you can get.


As for your notion of "PMtW" groups, I have only ever seen a couple such groups and they where all in the ground game, I am yet to come across one in GSF, but maybe my server is more civil or something. Besides the game software is never going to be able to tell the difference between a "PMtW" and any other group of four, so deal with it.

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Read my forum sig before you address me.

I am not a noob or ignorant.

Stop assuming I am mad at being beat, because I'm not being beaten, so there goes your assumptions about me.


I ***** on behalf of others, not for myself.


Clearly you have not been invited to play with the elites before, nor been in a guild of elites.


To me people like you are just "groupies".

Deal with it.


Wow. Lets deal, shall we?


Your signature at this time is:

"Republic Diehard-Imperial Diehard-Founder Of The Old Republic"

So... you're die-hard fan of both factions and played the game at launch? I'm guessing? Uhh?... Didn't millions try the game at launch?


In fact, didn't exactly 3,138,687 people sign up for the forums before you on this forum? Are you aware of which posters in this forum have been here longer than you? If not, would you like to know how to check?


The person you quoted had only 2,907,527 people who started on the forum before him. So Basically, you're asking someone who came before you if they were here at launch, and you are unaware of how the community kept track of this kind of thing after they removed the easy-to-see sign-up date under the avatar. Got ya.


FYI, you can change your sig now so that it looks like it said something impressive in the past, since it's retro active. Wanna put something else in there? If you want to sound authoritative you might. :rak_01:


People will respect you if you say intelligent things, even if you're sometimes blunt about it and a witch with a capital B like me. If you didn't hear the term "pre-made" before, did you not get really into PVP when you were playing at launch? Remember how people used the term then?


It's short-hand for pre-made group. Everything else about it is a sterotype of what a pre-made group is capable of doing and what kinds of players play in pre-made groups. Even 4 noobs who don't know how to fly can form a pre-made, just not a successful one.


I'm sure you and your friends could use the term a different way, but there are plenty of references to the term being described as a premade group as 'premade' and that is the primary use of the term used by the community over the last decade.

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Armonddd, chill. You open up retorts with personal attacks for no real reason. Your credibility drops to near zero for a lot of folks when they see that.


DEATHICIDE, also chill. I admit after I saw this exchange I scrolled down to read your "signature" and promptly wondered what the heck you were talking about. Then I saw the second post where you explained that your signature meant that [you have played both sides, all basic classes to 55 since launch]. Hell, I understand you getting defensive after typing out a long post to the OP which explained your viewpoint on the topic that he was asking the general GSF population and getting attacked. But "Read my forum sig before you address me." is just as childish as Armonddd's "No, seriously, did you forget your meds?".


To the TOPIC:

Premades win from coordination, better players, better gear and better strategies. Usually not all of these unless they are VERY elitist and do what DEATHICIDE described. On The Ebon Hawk, it is not nearly that bad but it is noticeable when you queue against the same four (or eight) players in a group over and over. Flying against 8 players that are all 500+ matches with mastered ships all the time with 2-3 new pilots on your side is frustrating to say the least.

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Wow. Lets deal, shall we?


Your signature at this time is:

"Republic Diehard-Imperial Diehard-Founder Of The Old Republic"

So... you're die-hard fan of both factions and played the game at launch? I'm guessing? Uhh?... Didn't millions try the game at launch?


In fact, didn't exactly 3,138,687 people sign up for the forums before you on this forum? Are you aware of which posters in this forum have been here longer than you? If not, would you like to know how to check?


The person you quoted had only 2,907,527 people who started on the forum before him. So Basically, you're asking someone who came before you if they were here at launch, and you are unaware of how the community kept track of this kind of thing after they removed the easy-to-see sign-up date under the avatar. Got ya.


FYI, you can change your sig now so that it looks like it said something impressive in the past, since it's retro active. Wanna put something else in there? If you want to sound authoritative you might. :rak_01:


People will respect you if you say intelligent things, even if you're sometimes blunt about it and a witch with a capital B like me. If you didn't hear the term "pre-made" before, did you not get really into PVP when you were playing at launch? Remember how people used the term then?


It's short-hand for pre-made group. Everything else about it is a sterotype of what a pre-made group is capable of doing and what kinds of players play in pre-made groups. Even 4 noobs who don't know how to fly can form a pre-made, just not a successful one.


I'm sure you and your friends could use the term a different way, but there are plenty of references to the term being described as a premade group as 'premade' and that is the primary use of the term used by the community over the last decade.


Umm... Is that not what I kinda just said???


And the reason I said "look at my sig" is a certain few people keep telling me I am making things up, am a bad player, am angry at getting beaten so im QQing on a forum etc.

When the TRUTH is, none of that is true.


When players in PvP fear "premades" do you really think they are scared of a few guys grouping together?

Hell no.

They are scared of a practiced professional team.

It's like the juniors VS the Pros in sports.


Juniors make premades all the time, and nobody notices because they are juniors.

See what I mean??


So crying "premade" all the time is not very accurate, as in PvP "pre-mades" technically are and at the same time, are not the problem, as we group everything into the same term.


God I'm such a total noob and an ignorant ******e for saying that, also I really love my E-peen because I think that demonstrated experience in this game should grant me a little bit more than "stop QQing noob".

I guess I better go take MY meds, because clearly I am the one who has the problem with being a dick around here.


Ce la vie.

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DEATHICIDE, also chill. I admit after I saw this exchange I scrolled down to read your "signature" and promptly wondered what the heck you were talking about. Then I saw the second post where you explained that your signature meant that [you have played both sides, all basic classes to 55 since launch]. Hell, I understand you getting defensive after typing out a long post to the OP which explained your viewpoint on the topic that he was asking the general GSF population and getting attacked. But "Read my forum sig before you address me." is just as childish as Armonddd's "No, seriously, did you forget your meds?".


To the TOPIC:

Premades win from coordination, better players, better gear and better strategies. Usually not all of these unless they are VERY elitist and do what DEATHICIDE described. On The Ebon Hawk, it is not nearly that bad but it is noticeable when you queue against the same four (or eight) players in a group over and over. Flying against 8 players that are all 500+ matches with mastered ships all the time with 2-3 new pilots on your side is frustrating to say the least.


Thank you.


I suppose "read my forum sig" does sound a touch off.

And you are completely right about the topic.


I was merely outlining a difference though, not implying a certain ratio of premades were elites and that this angers me, as was apparently the assumption, just that crying "premade" and ragequitting a match for example, is usually for no good reason at all, unless of course, you are indeed up against those crazy elite players.

In GSF oh yeah that is rare, in ground PvP not so much though.


I suppose I can sound like a dick, and not that I want to be accepted by forum regulars or anything, I just want people to know that I'm not talking out of my *** as I am being accused of.

If I haven't done it myself, I wont say it to you as if it's some gospel.

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Thank you.


I suppose "read my forum sig" does sound a touch off.

And you are completely right about the topic.


I was merely outlining a difference though, not implying a certain ratio of premades were elites and that this angers me, as was apparently the assumption, just that crying "premade" and ragequitting a match for example, is usually for no good reason at all, unless of course, you are indeed up against those crazy elite players.

In GSF oh yeah that is rare, in ground PvP not so much though.


I suppose I can sound like a dick, and not that I want to be accepted by forum regulars or anything, I just want people to know that I'm not talking out of my *** as I am being accused of.

If I haven't done it myself, I wont say it to you as if it's some gospel.


Oh I am sure that I come across as an *** at times too. I won't back down from the things that I feel strongly about either, so no worries there.


Though a measure of civility on the forums could be used by all. (yes including me)


Now can we just let this post die or at least only reference the OP's Topic? :rak_03:

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