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Gunships Are Balanced and a Fun Part of the Game


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Thought I'd just put this out there. The anti gunship threads get too much exposure and would lead people to believe the game is more out of balance than it really is. Sure ion spamming is annoyimg but its nerf is right around the corner and actually is far from unbeatable.


So, quit yer cryin and LTP all you naysayers. For the rest, RELAX and enjoy what is actually a really fun game.

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I got no problems with gunships, just maybe one side just about having them all fly them and the other only has one or two and they set up to kill anyone getting close to them. My solution is what they did to warzones with specs not being able be changed is you choose what ship you are going to use and that is only one you fly, no changing in match and have matches matched up with a mix of the ships, think that make it more fun personally.
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I got no problems with gunships, just maybe one side just about having them all fly them and the other only has one or two and they set up to kill anyone getting close to them. My solution is what they did to warzones with specs not being able be changed is you choose what ship you are going to use and that is only one you fly, no changing in match and have matches matched up with a mix of the ships, think that make it more fun personally.


A big part of the fun for me is being able to change ships before re-spawning. It adds a bit of strategic depth to the game, as I am able to change what ship I'm using (and thus what role I'm performing) based on what is happening at the sats.


I have to disagree with this suggestion.

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Should I be concerned by the fact that gunships feel compelled to create "we are fine l2p" threads?


Considering there are two or three whine threads about gunships on every page, no you shouldn't. I think it's a fairly warranted concern from them. I much prefer the threads that go "Yes, gunships are a pain in the ***, here is how to curbstomp those lameass campers and make them useless."

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Should I be concerned by the fact that gunships feel compelled to create "we are fine l2p" threads?


I should have put this in my first post but I don't fly gunships often. My main is my Nova followed by my Starguard. I pull out my gunship once a day for the double xp. Usually its not even in my five ship rotation. I have the store bought scout as my number five.


I honestly love when the other team chains multiple gunships because I can usually flank up to three at a time and make them all run for cover if they line up well. I dont even try to kill them when there are that many. Just keep them occupied. Those guys are awfully skittish.

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A big part of the fun for me is being able to change ships before re-spawning. It adds a bit of strategic depth to the game, as I am able to change what ship I'm using (and thus what role I'm performing) based on what is happening at the sats.


I have to disagree with this suggestion.


Yeah, this is why you get 5 choices. They want you to react to the situation and be able to perform in a variety of roles.

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Hi. I'm one of the Gunship pilots that's apparently causing all the fuss by...err...crushing people too ruthlessly.


And I'm here to tell you that, contrary to popular belief, we Gunships are not immune to our own tricks.


Believe me, it's bad news when we get hit by that maxxed-out Ion Cannon and are left floundering in space, hoping to the nearest convenient deity that we can recharge before that bogey can switch out their barrels and smoke us. Gunship duels are won by the Gunny that gets the first shot off. Almost always.


If you think that something's mean, overpowered, or somehow exploitative...try it yourself. You'll either discover one of two things: One, that it's actually harder than it looks. Or Two, that it IS actually OP, and it's a lot of fun.


The folks, I find, that are most likely to complain about Gunships are the people who don't fly them.

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Thought I'd just put this out there. The anti gunship threads get too much exposure and would lead people to believe the game is more out of balance than it really is. Sure ion spamming is annoyimg but its nerf is right around the corner and actually is far from unbeatable.


So, quit yer cryin and LTP all you naysayers. For the rest, RELAX and enjoy what is actually a really fun game.


I agree with you 1 Million %. I highlighted the point that should be emphasized.

I'm not trying to be mean, but I think that the Debbie Downers out there need a little more practice.

I play with some friends that I have known for a long time and they didn't like it at first. They were some of the Ney-sayer's on these forums, but after we started quing together and they started to get the hang of the game they don't post at all.


I qued for GSF the other day on a brand new toon and ended up in a match against a bunch veterans I recognized. I ended the match 6-11-6 for 28k damage. Even though I died 2x as much as I usually do I felt that was a darn good match for being on a lvl 5 toon with a Stock scout.

I say that to show that even a noob pilot can have success in a match against veterans.

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Yeah, I know how that goes Bleeters. When GSF launched I didn't play much else beside a gunship. Now that I can actually hit something other than the broad side of an asteroid I spend most of my time in my strikes and scouts, while only popping into my sniper when the other ships have their bonus drained and I feel the ion rail could clear a sat better than my flashfire/sting could.


Come Tuesday, even that role might be switched out for a bomber since I usually only pull out a gunship for use against pilots that are really good at orbiting sats and evading close range fire.

Edited by Luneward
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Should I be concerned by the fact that gunships feel compelled to create "we are fine l2p" threads?


I play as all ships, some mastered and some I play as ungraded, as a scout with no mods I can take gun ships out, and as a gunship ive seen many strikers and scouts take me and other good gunships out.


a lot of it is l2p issues. number of times a scout comes up to my gunship comes to a stand still and wonders why hes dead and im alive?


or the ones that fly a straight line towards me with no engines etc and wonder why they die?

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Thought I'd just put this out there. The anti gunship threads get too much exposure and would lead people to believe the game is more out of balance than it really is. Sure ion spamming is annoyimg but its nerf is right around the corner and actually is far from unbeatable.


So, quit yer cryin and LTP all you naysayers. For the rest, RELAX and enjoy what is actually a really fun game.


He says as he waves his hand in front of your face like he is attempting a Jedi mindtrick.

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He says as he waves his hand in front of your face like he is attempting a Jedi mindtrick.


Yeah I'm just tired of whiney posts. The game is really quite fun and the more I play the more balanced it appears. Individual results may vary I'm sure but I'm of the strong opinion most of these overly dramatic nerf/balance/fix the game threads would disappear if the OP in each thread would play the game more and get more experienced. There are a few little tweaks here and there I'd probably agree to as far as game balance goes but that wasn't the point of thos thread.

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Should I be concerned by the fact that gunships feel compelled to create "we are fine l2p" threads?


You should be concerned about the fact that everyone is so butthurt about snipers that they can't stop crying while running around owning face on their flashfire/sting, because every once in awhile someone can attack them from ranged and they might actually bleed their own blood.

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You should be concerned about the fact that everyone is so butthurt about snipers that they can't stop crying while running around owning face on their flashfire/sting, because every once in awhile someone can attack them from ranged and they might actually bleed their own blood.


You know, I had a very long discussion in a Viop channel not too long ago, and the conlusion reached was that the only way to kill a gunship that is taking the full advantage of Dfield and barrel is with another gunship. And the scary part? This was the gunship's belief. And he as proved it over and over, since you literally have to kill him faster than he can click a button.


If you need a gunship to kill a gunship, that's the very definition of overpowered.


I suppose a BLC scout could do it with overcharge and bypass combined but that's such a niche setup available to only one class that it doesn't really count.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I would love to fly something other than a flashfire for a change. But since gunships just aren't my thing, novadives don't have any specific benefit to them over flashfires and strike fighters might as well have 'hello gunship, please destroy me for I am a free kill' painted all over them, well, yeah. What do people expect. Of course people use evasion flashfires, they're the only effective counter gunships have besides another gunship.


'Course, then you get into the situation we have at the moment where flashfhires are best countered by gunships and other flashfires, and the game becomes incredibly annoying.

Edited by Bleeters
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You know, I had a very long discussion in a Viop channel not too long ago, and the conlusion reached was that the only way to kill a gunship that is taking the full advantage of Dfield and barrel is with another gunship.


Because he can run back to the cap ship from scouts? That's the same as dying without the heal. And he can still get killed that way, it's just unlikely, and he is definitely contributing less than if he were sticking around a bit more.


A gunship is a good thing because it breaks the moronic turn fighting and node hugging that the game becomes without them. The bypass=killing spree is being taken out.

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