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End game, I am disintersted in outfits due to Legacy Bound armor.


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I have 4 level 55s, 3 level 50s that are being leveled to 55 and a few characters below that.


I am at the point where I have so many characters that share the same stats that all I ever use is Legacy Bound armor with high level mods plugged into them. One set of gear can cover at least 2 classes, more if I have duplicate classes on the opposite faction.


Because of this, end game, I am no longer interested in character customization. All those outfits in the Cartel Packs, the special outfits for events... no longer hold an interest for me.


I spent a lot of Cartel Coins and in game credits for outfits before I started shelling out all my gear, but now there is no reason for me to spend money.



There are only two ways to change this for a lot of end game players that use legacy bound gear:


1) lock legacy bound gear to 1 character as long as it has mods in it. I do not want to see this happen and I am sure most feel the same way.


2) create outfits tab.



If outfit tabs are created I would suggest a few ideas so they remain a money sink.


Release them according to level range only or sell them on the Cartel market. Unlocking more than 1 outfit tab should have a high cost.


Charge credits, based on character level, any time a player wants to change an item in an outfit slot or switch between outfit tabs.


I am sure a lot of people do not play like I do or have as many max level characters, but eventually everyone will reach the roadblock I hit and their interest in the Cartel Market will quickly wane.

Edited by DarkMontie
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I'm unfamiliar with legacy bound gear beyond the inheritance items. What is legacy bound gear and where can I get it?


Legacy Bound gear can be purchased at your Capitol Planet (high cost) or through reputation based venders (low cost). Some people also have 4 whole legacy bound outfits sent to every character they make because they were subscribers during the release of Galactic Starfighter.


You can take your end game mods out of the ops/PvP armor and put it in the Legacy Bound gear. Once it is in the Legacy Bound gear you can then mail it to any of your characters on that server.

Edited by DarkMontie
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Legacy armor is fine as is. No change is needed.


Binding to a character is a bad idea. Its legacy bound for a reason.


Also, I grinded up 4 pieces of campaign gear for my commando when he was ~49. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to play on my man so as much as I am. Why? The boring process of grinding gear in really crappy correlia-grade gear is something I hate doing.

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Dont get what the problem use mods on legacy gear then send it to alt rip out mods and use mods in any gear you like. how does legacy gear denies costumization? ofcourse that will cost some credits but credits are realy easy to get in this game
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Dont get what the problem use mods on legacy gear then send it to alt rip out mods and use mods in any gear you like. how does legacy gear denies costumization? ofcourse that will cost some credits but credits are realy easy to get in this game


Pulling out a full set of mods and augments once per character to maintain a look is not feasable, especially if you add in the additional cost of mod slots to each characters appearance related gear.


Running 6 characters on weeklies pulling out rank 72-78 mods and MK-9s twelve times is extremely expensive to maintain an appearance.

Edited by DarkMontie
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So... I think I'm missing the point. Legacy armor is great. I use it to transfer mods, armorings, etc. between alts. That makes the drops on any toon relevant. Other armor including the CM stuff I use to customize the look. That and color dyes go a long way.


But here is the trick, at least for me. When a particular set of armor drops as part of a new pack, I check it out in Collections. If that set has a few good pieces I acquire the complete set via GTN. And... the beauty of that is using collections, I then unlock it for all of my toons. Once unlocked I can use different pieces on different toons mixing and matching with whatever catches my eye. I've done this on several sets of armor and I know have quite a variety to choose from when it comes to a specific look.


So... collections opens the whole thing up. One unlock and all of your toons benefit from it account wide. Yes, the unlocks cost you a few CCs, but the sets can be purchased from GTN. I'm more than satisfied as via collections I have an armory of sorts.


I'm not clear on how Legacy diminishes that as I mix and match Legacy and CM and Drops to get the look I want.

Edited by Rafaman
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So... I think I'm missing the point. Legacy armor is great. I use it to transfer mods, armorings, etc. between alts. That makes the drops on any toon relevant. Other armor including the CM stuff I use to customize the look. That and color dyes go a long way.


But here is the trick, at least for me. When a particular set of armor drops as part of a new pack, I check it out in Collections. If that set has a few good pieces I acquire the complete set via GTN. And... the beauty of that is using collections, I then unlock it for all of my toons. Once unlocked I can use different pieces on different toons mixing and matching with whatever catches my eye. I've done this on several sets of armor and I know have quite a variety to choose from when it comes to a specific look.


So... collections opens the whole thing up. One unlock and all of your toons benefit from it account wide. Yes, the unlocks cost you a few CCs, but the sets can be purchased from GTN. I'm more than satisfied as via collections I have an armory of sorts.


I'm not clear on how Legacy diminishes that as I mix and match Legacy and CM and Drops to get the look I want.


If you put your mods on legacy-bind gear, you can move it between your characters without ever having to worry about pulling mods out of stuff to keep the appearance. As he said before, what if you have 4 characters using the same kind of gear. If you use non-legacy gear, thats 30 mods you have to pull out every time you swap characters - a huge monetary cost.

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In Lotro you have an appearance tab, you can drop any piece of armour in there for "the look" while wearing your stat gear.


I rarely change my characters / companions appearance in SW:ToR due to the cost of ripping out mods etc. When you have a lot of characters it becomes very expensive.

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This is a very strange thread. I get what the OP is asking for, but it's a very round-about way to request it and quite murky in presentation.


Secondly, I have multiple 55s and change their looks as whims take me. Would be nice to have an appearance tab where you can rotate outfits without having to rip mods, but I certainly haven't lost my desire to customize my characters because of the cost. Again, an appearance tab would make things much more concise though.

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If you put your mods on legacy-bind gear, you can move it between your characters without ever having to worry about pulling mods out of stuff to keep the appearance. As he said before, what if you have 4 characters using the same kind of gear. If you use non-legacy gear, thats 30 mods you have to pull out every time you swap characters - a huge monetary cost.


Hmm... ok. I don't have the problem because the costs are not prohibitive for me. I don't swap mods everyday, but when I want too, I don't have an issue with creds. I make a bunch so I spend a bunch I guess.


BTW, I have 14 toons so... yeah, I use legacy gear freely to send stuff to different alts. But as I said they all wear a variety of gear not all legacy.

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I swap mods every week. I change the look of my character all the time based on various circumstances. I spend hundreds of thousands of credits in that process. I have no issue spending that money having played since launch and accruing quite the nest egg. You have a choice to look how you want in this game. You choose to stick with legacy gear due to being conservative with your credits. That's fine. But where I will offer my dissent is your desire for said choice to not have consequence. I prefer the game as is when it comes to customization. I don't like the concept and execution of appearance tabs in any MMO so far. There isn't anything terrible, but I feel that it is just another one of the many shortcuts players demand because they don't want to work on their gear and manage their inventory.


Bare with me when I say that there are many who like customizing their gear and many who enjoy collecting all the different armors. Being able to just toss on whatever takes away the satisfaction of customizing them. Adds a huge sense of immersion for me! Making choices and living with the consequences and all. Since the game has had this system since launch I do not want it changed to that degree. Yes I am being selfish and the call for an appearance tab or outfit thing may not be detrimental, but I treat customization as one of the highest retention factors for me. Working to optimize and customize your toon is tons of fun to me and the appearance tab kind of kills it for me. :(

Edited by Rasen
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Legacy armor is good and have nice outfits (all reputation based ones are legacy)... most of time I use some legacy sets mixed for the look of them, but also have 2 made for character swapping.

Easy - keep your vanity modable setup, you will soon be so loaded with elite comms to able to fill them all... and use legacy BiS one only when needed.


Vanity tab will be good but it would make CM armors obsolete therefore I suppose not going to happen.

Only way this can work is total CM and moddable armor rework so shells would have slots for look and also behave like reusable dyes - you put other item in sloth to change look of equipped one.

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This isn't a complaint about the existence of Legacy Gear, so why is it phrased as such?


Seems to me that it's a complaint about the cost of removing mods. Getting rid of Legacy Gear would make you less happy not more, so it seems unfair for it to be shouldering the blame for your grumpy mood in the topic title.



I have got used to the idea of not having a wardrobe/appearance feature in this game, but I always loved having that option in other games, so I certainly would not be against it happening in SWTOR. I'm sure they would sell even more Cartel Market tat than they already do if it was implemented, and they could even charge you for unlocking the feature in the first place (other F2P MMOs do this). It would be win/win for everybody.

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Vanity tab will be good but it would make CM armors obsolete therefore I suppose not going to happen.


I'm afraid I don't see why this is the case. In fact it is quite the opposite as far as I can see. CM armours are all about the look, not the stats (most of them come without any mods). They are perfectly suited to the idea of a vanity tab. What am I not seeing? How does a vanity tab make them obsolete? It makes them more attractive as you could buy as many as you like without having to worry about the credit cost of transferring your mods every time you want to switch outfits.

Edited by PLynkes
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I'm afraid I don't see why this is the case. In fact it is quite the opposite as far as I can see. CM armours are all about the look, not the stats (most of them come without any mods). They are perfectly suited to the idea of a vanity tab. What am I not seeing? How does a vanity tab make them obsolete? It makes them more attractive as you could buy as many as you like without having to worry about the credit cost of transferring your mods every time you want to switch outfits.


Read rest of it please.

Just adding a vanity tab will make them obsolete...

Total redesign of CM items as vanity tab items or way armor work vanity slot similar to dye one will be needed.

What about those that need the shell to use not only look of it if they make them "dyes" or unlocks?

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Don't understand what you are saying. Why do they need to make them separate "vanity tab items?" You simply have another set of slots available on your character sheet (a whole other page of armour slots, like how companions get their own page). This would be the Vanity or Wardrobe section (which as I said, could be unlocked with CCs if they want to monetize it even more).


Whatever item of clothing you put in this new section determines your appearance, overriding the look of the gear that is generating your stats. If you put nothing in there your appearance defaults to whatever is in your regular gear slot for that body area. So if you want the appearance and the stats of an item you just put it in your regular slot and put nothing in the vanity slot.


This works perfectly fine in other games I have played. You do not need a separate "vanity item" class of gear.

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UMMMMMMMMMMMM! Are you CRAZY, thats just nuts. IF that &^%$ was to happen I'm DONE with this GAME!

I beta tested this game for a long time, I've been playing at Pre-release and still am through EVERY CHANGE of this Game.

Again if those kinds of change happened. Well, Stick a Fork in Me, I'm DONE!!!! :mad:

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Don't understand what you are saying. Why do they need to make them separate "vanity tab items?" You simply have another set of slots available on your character sheet (a whole other page of armour slots, like how companions get their own page). This would be the Vanity or Wardrobe section (which as I said, could be unlocked with CCs if they want to monetize it even more).


Whatever item of clothing you put in this new section determines your appearance, overriding the look of the gear that is generating your stats. If you put nothing in there your appearance defaults to whatever is in your regular gear slot for that body area. So if you want the appearance and the stats of an item you just put it in your regular slot and put nothing in the vanity slot.


This works perfectly fine in other games I have played. You do not need a separate "vanity item" class of gear.


Now I got it, you mean second character sheet that allow you to equip second shell/item and get it change primary (stats) one look... nice.

It may work that way... especially if 2nd sheet is not restricted to CM items only and have no class/armor type restrictions.

That way they can also allow classes to wear and "use" weapons they are not eligible now.

Edited by morfius
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