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AFKing at Captial Ships


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Something has to be done about this. It is getting out of hand. And these ppl are still getting XP, Credits etc. With F2P starting next week it needs to be part of the download. My suggestion is. You sit at ship more then 2 min you get killed by "friendly fire" (which if you think about it is very true) and automaticly get no pts, be it req, xp credits all the above or what ever. But it is bad. At least every other battle someone is doing it. I have been playing since closed beta and it's not fun anymore when we keep losing so others can do nothing. Please do something about these Scrubs
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Report them.


Whatever solution you want to propose needs to be careful not to mess with:


1- Honest nubs.

2- Gunships who flew back and oh it made you so gosh darned mad.

3- People you want to spawn camp.

4- Three cap situations where there is no hope and the enemy team can't progress far outside of the firing arc of the cap ship, but is still trying to kill any of your team that they can at least.



But we DO need a solution. There are bots. Some fly to nodes (those get way more req) and some sit on the cap ship most of the time.

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And FYI I am now reporting all players that do this :mad:


Report them for what? Being bad players? Sorry, but nothing they're doing is against the rules. You can't report pugs for being bad/uncoordinated any more than you can report premades for being good/coordinated.


When the poor matchmaking system (that is, the one, much like ground pvp, that throws 2 premades together on one team and 8 pugs on the other, all same faction, rather than 1premade+4pugs vs 1premade+4pugs) matches a geared out team with one or more premades against an ungeared team full of pugs and all 3 sats are capped within the first minute, expect players to give up immediately and just camp the spawn to get their daily done, that or quit the match.


Your reports aren't going to do anything, because while it may genuinely deeply anger you to see people leeching their dailies off of your team's efforts, there's nothing in the rules/terms of service/etc. that they're violating. Pretty much the same deal as when people get stomped by premades in ground pvp and the whole team of pugs gives up and camps the single held node. You can report them til the cows come home, but nothing will happen to them. Again, no rule has been broken.


I also think that people are a little quick to throw around the bot claims, much in the same way that people throw around hack claims in ground pvp. Unless you're a Bioware Admin live monitoring, you really don't know what is and what is not a bot. People stopping their engines and chilling at the spawn or boosting to a sat and parking on it, while not really contributing to the team, isn't hard or complex to do and it certainly isn't botting. If there are bots, I'm sure Bioware has ways to auto-detect and auto-ban them and if you see the same people "botting" after reporting them, then they probably aren't bots.


But hey, feel free to PM Eric Musco or any of the other member of the community team and ask them to comment on AFKing/matchmaking/botting/premadesvspugs/etc. I will genuinely be impressed if you can get them to make an official statement on any of that.

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If there are bots, I'm sure Bioware has ways to auto-detect and auto-ban them and if you see the same people "botting" after reporting them, then they probably aren't bots.


So you've never seen the boys spamming the credit buy sites on fleet, the noob planets, etc?!? And they last for quite a long time after I report them... oh yeah and they are totally botting, so your theory about Bioware being able to detect bots doesn't really hold H2O.


And I am pretty sure that accepting a role in a warzone and AFKing in the start area is a violation of some player rule. If it isn't why are they allowed to ruin a dozen or so other players' match? Imagine in an 8 v 8 if 2 or 3 were AFKing on your side... think that is fun? On the other side... think that is fun? Most of us don't.

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It happens even more often in matches where one team is absolutely dominating the other, the kind of match where within 2 minutes you know the score is going to be 1000 to 50 or less. I find it very frustrating when people just AFK to get their dailies/weeklies/XP and I sincerely hope something is done to stop them being able to do so. But in SOME cases I can understand why someone might see how the match is just a farming session, so they go afk to grab a snack or something because they waited for the queue to pop, at least AFKing for the rest of the match they get credit for completion.
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It happens even more often in matches where one team is absolutely dominating the other, the kind of match where within 2 minutes you know the score is going to be 1000 to 50 or less. I find it very frustrating when people just AFK to get their dailies/weeklies/XP and I sincerely hope something is done to stop them being able to do so. But in SOME cases I can understand why someone might see how the match is just a farming session, so they go afk to grab a snack or something because they waited for the queue to pop, at least AFKing for the rest of the match they get credit for completion.


Go AFK under a sat, attack turrets, do SOMETHING. You'll even get more Req this way.

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AFKing because you are losing is stupid, I'm not even convinced winning affects your requisition gain directly at all. Sitting at spawn certainly isn't going to get you requisition though. It's actually easier to get req when the other team is competent, because that means there are turrets to kill and nodes to capture.
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Hey everyone!


I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.



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Hey everyone!


I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.




Awesome. We appreciate you giving us the info as well. Most people here really want this to work!

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Hey everyone!


I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.




Thank you!!!

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Hey everyone!


I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.




I'm sure this will never be abused..:rolleyes:

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Hey everyone!


I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.




How will that work? Will the "non-contributor" be able to prevent the kick by, say doing damage like in Warzones?


-If not, i assume that this system will be in place in ground pvp as well?

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Hopefully it works like in wow. You get flagged for non participation and you have to do some dmg or get a defence tick to stop it counting down.


What they REALLY need to do is create a deserter debuff, but have it so anyone booted for non participation gets a 30 min block on rejoining.

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Hey everyone!


I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.




Excellent. Thank you.


Minor request: please make the map hotkey changable under starfighter hotkeys, or make it more obvious which key it is. I'm honestly not sure myself (I think it's M, but I keep forgetting to test it).

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Hey everyone!


I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.




Define "non-contributing" players, some of us are still learning to play GSF vs the lot who are just missile spammers and gunship FOTM players :D

Edited by DraonaiMimnov
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Hey everyone!


I just thought I would hop in here and let you know that in Game Update 2.6, a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system. You will be able to initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.




I think Tait might be the first one at BW to realize that letting us know that the issue has been passed along doesn't "clog the dev tracker". This is what people want to see -- that issues are being acknowledged, investigated, and resolved.

Edited by idnewton
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So you've never seen the boys spamming the credit buy sites on fleet, the noob planets, etc?!? And they last for quite a long time after I report them... oh yeah and they are totally botting, so your theory about Bioware being able to detect bots doesn't really hold H2O.


Yeah, I've seen the spam bots on the fleet, if you notice, they spam for a day or so, then that toon is never online again, hence the ban. BW isn't going to ban them within 2 seconds of spamming for gold, but their account will be banned, but of course since they're free accounts, they just make more.


And I am pretty sure that accepting a role in a warzone and AFKing in the start area is a violation of some player rule.


It's a ******* move for sure, I'm not defending it, but it's more of a Player code of ethics violation, rather than any game policy violation. Unfortunately, as others have mentioned, if there are new players joining the game and setting up their controls or learning to fly (yes, that's what the tutorial is for, but most people skip that anyway, just like they don't read the instruction manuals when putting stuff together) and they were banned because of that, that would be Very bad business for BW/EA. "I joined a match, but sat at the spawn too long, then got my account got banned?" That would be very bad business. When a BW devs comments on this and specifically says that it IS a violation that can get your account banned, then I'll believe it.


Tait didn't directly comment on AFKing/matchmaking/botting/premadesvspugs. The OP was going off on a rant about how he was reporting AFKers, implying that was somehow against some rule/a bannable offense. It isn't.


Tait simply stated that there will be a new system in place to vote kick people (which I'm sure will be abused, as others have mentioned), he didn't comment on whether or not sitting AFK at the spawn or on a sat was against any bioware policies right now or will be in the future.


He also didn't comment on matchmaking issues, botting issues, premades vs pugs, etc.


Most importantly, he also didn't clarify whether this was specific to Starfighter or applied to normal PVP as well.


a new non-contributor system has been added, which will be replacing our previous AFK system.


The problem right now is that there is NO AFK system of any kind in starfighter, hence all the complaints. So this implies it's a change to normal PVP AFK at the spawn/gates, but I guess we'll have to wait either til monday for a clarification or test it ourselves tuesday when 2.6 goes live.

Edited by SomeJagoff
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sadly i can see this being abused...

for example; during one match i and another were guarding one node all game, there was always someone coming for it, yet someone in chat blamed us for the loss by not participating in their chicken-run-blast-o-rama, because they never saw any red dots near our satellite, yet we had the highest objective scores in the match and we got the blame for the loss... i explained to them after match that we always had someone trying to take the node so we stayed and fought off everyone that tried to take it and the failure lied in no one else trying to take and hold a node, they were all off away from Sats and following the bait back to their Cap ships...

so yeah it can be abused by someone with snap judgment and no awareness of what's really going on...

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