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A perfect example of the ability delay


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What are you talking about? Clearly it is an advanced feature if SWTOR particularly designed to make us into better players... This ain't no lag, you are simply not pro enough to mount yet, son.


People just need to understand that this is Bw's way of making you a better player by guessing when your abilities fire off.


Don't you get it? You're supposed to wonder if your channel is done or not so that you can improve you mental telepathy!


BW is simply trying to make you into real life force user!


Fricking Awesome!

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Clearly many of the "cryhards" in this string never have participated in the launch of an MMO. Is this game 100%? No. However from experience in numerous MMO releases, this has been one of the better ones. Good job bio, I do look forward to some of the lag, Q, and bug issues. It is all bearable in my view!
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Clearly many of the "cryhards" in this string never have participated in the launch of an MMO.


It's still beta! Wait no...


It's still pre-launch! Wait no...


It's still release! Er...ok. /benefit of the doubt


When this exists months after release much like many other issues, when will people stop making excuses for BW?



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Clearly many of the "cryhards" in this string never have participated in the launch of an MMO. Is this game 100%? No. However from experience in numerous MMO releases, this has been one of the better ones. Good job bio, I do look forward to some of the lag, Q, and bug issues. It is all bearable in my view!


The problem with a "new" MMO is that without some form of security, guarantee, trust that these critical issues are being resolved... no-one wants to waste their invested time with a potentially broken product when there is already a product that is not broken at all and has all the trust already...


My point is that Bioware had a great launch... the game is generally great but all that, is simply not good enough in the light of critical issues when contrasted with long-term time investments...



If these issues are not addressed within a short timespan of release, trust will be lost and Subscriptions will bleed back to the product that already has said trust. If this happens, its a snowballing effect... then: Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

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People just need to understand that this is Bw's way of making you a better player by guessing when your abilities fire off.


Don't you get it? You're supposed to wonder if your channel is done or not so that you can improve you mental telepathy!


BW is simply trying to make you into real life force user!


Fricking Awesome!


Finally someone who comprehends the genius behind this engine...


I tried to use Mind Trick on my gf, but it did not end well... I think I have to go and train harder by timing my mounting and ability usage in SWTOR.

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like i said before, i do not have this issue, nor do any of my guildies. So its clearly not a client or game issues but something in the users end. Granted many people are experiencing it, but that proves noting, other than its something with their computer and/or internet. If i or anyone i play with were experiencing said "delay" id agree with you, but since we dont, i dont see the point of making a big whine thread about it, unless you expect Bioware to magically fix everyone's computer who is having this issue.


My advice, troubleshoot your own hardware before crying to Bioware to fix a nonexistent problem.


Nonexistent problem? How ignorant can you be? Almost everyone is being affected by this.

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This is really killing the whole pvp game for me. The normal game feels exactly like playing WoW when the server is lagging. After a while you just accept that the game is unplayable and wait until the lag dies down. Except in this game, it's a constant. I'm not saying I want this game to be exactly like WoW, but at least give us more responsive controls and fluid gameplay. There's still fun to be had in warzones, but I really see this as crippling for long term 'competition' in any PvP venue.
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like i said before, i do not have this issue, nor do any of my guildies. So its clearly not a client or game issues but something in the users end. Granted many people are experiencing it, but that proves noting, other than its something with their computer and/or internet. If i or anyone i play with were experiencing said "delay" id agree with you, but since we dont, i dont see the point of making a big whine thread about it, unless you expect Bioware to magically fix everyone's computer who is having this issue.


My advice, troubleshoot your own hardware before crying to Bioware to fix a nonexistent problem.



How in the heck is it possible for most of my guildies to have this problem but none of yours?


Let's try go over some of my own testing, three different computers, two different ISP's, 6 different routers (different ones at locations tested), and two different cities....... Still the same problem.


No, not each computer at each location but two at some.


Don't be ignorant. This is real.

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To be quite frank, since this effects EVERYONE equally, as someone has said before, then it is NOT an issue. It is only an issue for the twitch, PvP centric players who want this game to feel the same as World of Warcraft to them.


The fact of the matter is, this is NOT a re-skinned WoW. It has a completely different game engine, and hence will feel different.


If you don't like the 0.5 second delay, and cannot adapt, then simply play something else. I do not want this game to be brought down to the level which the minority demands and I'm sure I am not alone.


It's the same with the people who complain about the lack of mods or UI customisation. It's the same for everyone, it's fair, there are no crutches. You simply have to learn to play the game as the developer would like the game to be played.


Deal with it.




"Since everyone has a 1000 ping in the game its not a problem cause everyone has it", good logic sir.


It just sucks to play like this, there are also other problems with the combat. Like skills getting aborted in middle of the cast (mostly getting this as the sniper class so far) or your ability not even firing at all but it still trigger the GCD. Yes clearly not an issue at all .... Oh yea and the snapback camera and bad UI on top of that, yes PvP is so much fun currently :/


Its fun how fanbois will defend even the worst things in "their" game ... unbelievable.


You can tell me to go play something different and I will after my free month, I enjoy currently the Story somewhat but thats it ... Its really sad, this game could be really good and maybe it will but for sure not yet and not in the near future. There is so much wrong currently with this game and so much missin, so many bugs /ugh ..


This game should have stayed in beta for probably another 6 months :/.

Edited by Nadeya
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Nonexistent problem? How ignorant can you be? Almost everyone is being affected by this.


I would correct you and say that its not "almost" everyone but "absolutely" everyone as its an issue at the core of the game mechanics.


The only thing is, some people don't notice it beause:


A) They can't, they have not come from WoW and have not experienced WoW's level of character responsiveness. Coming from a game like SWG or EQ2, someone would generally not notice any issues here...


B) They don't want to notice the issue, because Bioware can do no wrong... and clearly WoW is the Devil, an abomination. Also, anyone who likes WoW or cites WoW as a good example is an 8 year old spoiled brat...


C) They are not experienced enough in terms of competitive play, as in... they do not understand that 0.5 seconds delay is "a very big deal" etc.




Also, Taboo... I am not criticizing you, just want to really drive home the fact that this is a core game mechanics issue that needs fixing if SW:TOR is to be successful at a grand level.

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How can you say that it proves nothing other than its something wrong with the users computer/internet when its thousands of people noticing it?


Well Ive complained today again about the camera in warzone and someone said he doesnt have any problems with it. So i asked him how the hell he cant have problems with the camera snapback if he is a good PvPer. And you know what ? He didnt even know about it until he tried then, probably he was a keyboard turner or never tried to CC someone behind him while on the run.


So what Iam trying to say is, some ppls are just bad and dont notice things ...

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The only thing is, some people don't notice it beause:


A) They can't, they have not come from WoW and have not experienced WoW's level of character responsiveness. Coming from a game like SWG or EQ2, someone would generally not notice any issues here...


B) They don't want to notice the issue, because Bioware can do no wrong... and clearly WoW is the Devil, an abomination. Also, anyone who likes WoW or cites WoW as a good example is an 8 year old spoiled brat...


C) They are not experienced enough in terms of competitive play, as in... they do not understand that 0.5 seconds delay is "a very big deal" etc.




I posted this yesterday, and hopefully they can fix this KNOWN problem.



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We are not all Roleplayers or Dungeon-crawlers....


Belive me, this issue does not only ruin pvp.


Example on Imperial side: go to Back Talon, reach the last boss, the Jedi padawan.

She casts this huge aoe attack, its a very long cast, easy to interrupt.

Wait till the cast has around 0.5s left on it and interrupt, the cast bar disappears with a red writing saying 'interrupted' and then the spell hits anyways.


I'm only level 34 haven't done any difficult instances yet, but I can imagine that those things could make certain raid fights much, much more difficult or near impossible.

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Example on Imperial side: go to Back Talon, reach the last boss, the Jedi padawan.

She casts this huge aoe attack, its a very long cast, easy to interrupt.

Wait till the cast has around 0.5s left on it and interrupt, the cast bar disappears with a red writing saying 'interrupted' and then the spell hits anyways.


This happens in WOW. It has nothing to do with this ability delay issue. It's just server lag.

Edited by GeLopez
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Waiting for a response from officials. This is the same problem that ruined Warhammer for me. We all want fluid gameplay. Btw, this affects everyone, not just pvpers.


You won't be able to time your heals and the raid will wipe. You won't be able to interrupt that raid wiper cast of the npc, etc.

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Waiting for a response from officials. This is the same problem that ruined Warhammer for me. We all want fluid gameplay. Btw, this affects everyone, not just pvpers.


You won't be able to time your heals and the raid will wipe. You won't be able to interrupt that raid wiper cast of the npc, etc.




I doubt Bioware will respond to this though. That would mean admitting fault, and if they admit fault thousands of idiot fanbois will commit seppuku because their beloved god, Bioware, was wrong about something (again).


Clunky as a toolbox full of wrenches; my god this is getting old.

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