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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A perfect example of the ability delay


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This is a game breaking issue


Unfortunately, we'll probably have to wait until 1.1 to see it fixed (not sure it will matter by then, the game might already be in the bargain bin and free to play)


Don't be discouraged by the KOTOR/Star Wars tryhards, who tell you "IT JUST CAME LOL OUT ON A DAY AGO STOP RUSH"; any competitive player recognizes the issue you've brought up as a serious concern


Yes, I'm sure KOTOR/Starwars tryhards would also tell you about how bad World of Warcraft was when it first launched with game breaking issues. Perfect example? Oh wait.


Seriously, you parasites are beginning to get very tedious with your doomsday prophecies and flooding the forums. Why not post something constructive instead of being pessimistic over every thing that is wrong with the game?

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Yes, I'm sure KOTOR/Starwars tryhards would also tell you about how bad World of Warcraft was when it first launched with game breaking issues. Perfect example? Oh wait.


Seriously, you parasites are beginning to get very tedious with your doomsday prophecies and flooding the forums. Why not post something constructive instead of being pessimistic over every thing that is wrong with the game?


The thing about the launch of World of Warcraft, was that all other MMO's were crap, no matter what issues WoW suffered from, it was lightyears ahead of EQ1/Anarchy Online etc. World of Warcraft proved that MMO's didn't have to be masochistic crapfests and since then all MMO's have been forced to launch in a competitive environment.

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Its not an issue at all since it affects everyone equally. Learn to adapt or be eaten. Sounds like you have been the prey one too many times.


This is my view as well. It has been said before and I shall repeat it. The angry ones tend to be more vocal then the satisfied. Some of you get mad, rant to feel better, and slip up saying this game will fail. But you are the minority. Hundreds of thousands of people are hqving the time of thier lives playing thia game and don't have any complaints.

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The rapid resolution of issues such as this are essentially the makers/breakers of my subscription past the free period.


I have already marked combat down as 'clunky' which, loosely means, "inferior to combat in world o warcraft". As serious wow pvper, I find this game less than responsive and downright irritating on occasion in its combat mechanics and the issue on this thread is one of the main issiues. Its disturbingly similar to the flawed combat systems of all the other half baked MMOs that have challenged wow and failed.


They need to fix this stuff as a matter of extreme priority. Bugs and slight irritations can wait in my view. The combat is a fundametal aspect of the game, and if it isn't ab****ely right, it isnt any way right, because people can just go and play wow instead.


The camera reset issue needs a resolution, and the general stuttering clunkiness of pvp needs to be looked at with all the resources they have got. Otherwise people will leave en mass and most wont come back. This is what drove me away from the other games, and its why people keep going back to wow. Wow have got combat and the feel of this asoect of the game close to perfect. Bioware need to match them quickly. If they do, Im sold and will play this game until the cows come home. If they don't I might not last past the month.

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I full agree with the OP. What Bioware failed to deliver is a combat system that is as fluent as WoW's combat. I understand that they want to have more complex combat animations and stuff but you should have never let it affect the responsiveness of abilities. I still generally like the game. You will also probably see many unexperienced mmo players or blind fanboys who claim that combat is super responsive and fluent. They do not know what they are talking about. It still needs serious work on Bioware's side. Any person who played WoW could easly tell you that animation/ability trigger fluentness is lacking in Swtor. Edited by Rendekar
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I have noticed some attacks not firing quickly enough. Is it game breaking? I do not think so. Does it need to be fixed? Yes, and sooner than later.


I love this game and dont think this is a gamebreaking issue at all, but i would like to see it aswell. Theres a lack of code to deal with the incident of you spamming a button and the server/client responding. It makes the game sometimes reset the animation to the start and delay the cast. This is especially the case when i try to throw in an ability off the GCD in there.


Lets keep it to constructive feedback though. No end of the world issue here. Its still an awesome game. Just needs a bit more optimization wich is a natural evolution for an MMORPG.

Edited by Nemmar
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This is exactly how i feel too, and it has me a bit worried. I will continue playing and hope.


We have all been through this sadly. An over-hyped launch with great expectations and you start to notice the serious issues which will kill the game's playerbase in few months. Then, everyone trying to comfort each other saying that incoming patches will fix these problems very soon. You know what happens next ? Almost always nothing. Warhammer Online players, for example, are still waiting for that magic patch that will fix it all. Long story short, I hope I am wrong but I do not expect these sort of fundamental gameplay issues to be solved anytime soon (maybe never because of the game engine or server structure). I have waited Swtor since 2008 and don't want it to fail but facts are facts.

Edited by Rendekar
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This is exactly how i feel too, and it has me a bit worried. I will continue playing and hope.


yeah same here i´m gonna keep playing atleast for a bit and see how they handle this, has me very worried but hoping for the best

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I have the same issue with my smuggler.There is a skill that needs 2 seconds to load and if i keep spamming it it will keep load in 0.3 secs.This is ridiculous.Not to mention that sometimes my skills do not obey.I ve died several times because the cover or some other skills were not working.Ridiculous.I m realy sad of the people who made a bounty hunter and they cant advance.Such is the fate of the game industry we dont get games we get beta testings and i think everything goes this way.Every company releases an unfinished game nowdays so there is no reason to pay for games any more.
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We have all been through this sadly. An over-hyped launch with great expectations and you start to notice the serious issues which will kill the game's playerbase in few months. Then, everyone trying to comfort each other saying that incoming patches will fix these problems very soon. You know what happens next ? Almost always nothing. Warhammer Online players, for example, are still waiting for that magic patch that will fix it all. Long story short, I hope I am wrong but I do not expect these sort of fundamental gameplay issues to be solved anytime soon (maybe never because of the game engine or server structure). I have waited Swtor since 2008 and don't want it to fail but facts are facts.


You are right, I mean you have to wonder if this is fixable due to the fact that the issue has been present since beta and complained about. All BW has to do is say we recognize there is an issue. That alone will be enough to keep the masses pleased for quite a while.

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No MMO is ever finished


Go play Mists of Pandaria if you're not happy. Kung Fu Pandaland.


Seriously, are you actually the most ignorant person on the planet or just making a damn fine hash of it?


This is a fundamental flaw with the basic workings of the combat system. I would advise watching the video posted earlier, which is a clear bug, in that abilities are activating the global cooldown without actually being used.


This is not a question of wanting the game to "be more like WoW", though it wouldn't hurt if the combat system were to be tweaked, this is a question of fixing said flaws so the game doesn't end up like Warhammer Online, merging servers and bleeding money into annihilation.


I want Bioware to succeed, because I want more DA/ME. Bad combat systems will not help them to do so. Neither will blind fanboyism.

Edited by Raurth
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I've noticed this unresponsiveness in both PvE and in PvP and imo it has nothing to do with server latency but with the fact that the client doesn't register abilities for about a 50ms delay until after they're cast.


If you chain press faster than that delay it seems that the combat system becomes over logged and strange issues ensue: abilities just straight not happening, abilities happening after they're pressed seconds later, or happening with no animation.


IMO, this has happened way too often and to too many people to be called a latency issue. I know for a fact this had killed one of my members like a good 6-10 times leveling up when his force cloak just became unresponsive when he tried using it to escape when the battle turned against him. I've noticed this myself happening often when I heal intensely in PvP, which often has me miss a big heal to save someone's life - or the animation stops but the heal still goes through... :confused::confused::confused:


Any good MMO needs a great combat system: it needs to be fluid and functional and operational at all levels of play. For the casual this system is fine. For those of us who PvP regularly or engage in high level PvE where we need to press abilities in rapid succession for extended periods of time for one reason or another: this can potentially be devastating.

Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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I am giving Bioware 1 month to fix up these combat clunkiness issues and make gameplay more fluid. How this made out of internal testing and BETA, is beyond me.


This alone is going to determine whether I am going to play beyond the free initial 30 days.


Edited by jtype_sw
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