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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In Game Barber Shop


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I'd love a barbershop and plastic surgeon.


I think the reason you don't see these all the time in MMOs is that developers hope if a player is dissatisfied enough with their character's appearance, they'll reroll. Rerolling means more time in game. More time in game means... more time in game... which sucks.


Anyway, +1 for barbershop/plastic surgeon.

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This should've been in at release, it's a simple feature. We have to spend the entire game looking at our character's faces (unless you hide it under a helmet) so we should be able to customize it whenever we want.


I like changing my character's hairstyles alot, and from a RP point of view I wanted my character to start without a beard, then add more facial hair as time goes on, but alas it's not possible.


The "Barber Shop" should give us the option to change Hairstyle, Hair Colour, Beard, Eye Colour, Scars/Tatoos/Markings and Complexion.

Then a plastic surgeon for everything else (Head, Body, Skin Colour)

Edited by Jimbe
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This should've been in at release, it's a simple feature. We have to spend the entire game looking at our character's faces (unless you hide it under a helmet) so we should be able to customize it whenever we want.


Indeed Jimbe, thats the main point here I think. An issue should not be rated on how demanding it should be or judged on priority status, but merely - why was this not implemented from the beginning ? That is something more puzzling than the process of placing it in a city or in game while levelling, while all other games understand the basic-simplicity of this important concept. While I understand many issues need and have been addressed, what is preventing Bioware from this installment is something I probably will never understand. Why does James Ohlen have to wait till we demand this feature to put it in ? we shouldn't have to demand anything. We can surely discuss this in a professional manner - as my last thread about this issue was closed because it was too demanding being in "petition-format". Regardless, I have remained respectful about this for the most part, as I encourage anyone here to check my previous posts for thought, detail, respect, diplomacy and concern, or lack there of. I think we deserve either an explanation for this soon, or a full installment of postcreation character editing via barbershop.


Note : Please, for new posters that are just eager to respond about the importance of this subject, I ask that you read from the beginning of this thread (especially pages 6-10) to get an idea before commenting.


Thanks to those who have contributed their thoughts to this subject, it means alot, and this will be my final post on this matter for quite some time,




Edited by vosspacer
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This is very much the crux of it in a way.

I find it a bit hard to understand the reactions of some of those who are posting "All very well, but this isn't a priority", etc etc... since from what I've read, nobody in favour of this has *anywhere* suggested that adding a 'barber shop' is in any way 'more important' than, for example, fixing the peculiar lag in most spaceports (compared to other places and apparently not proportionate to the number of players around), thinning out the loading screens, fixing assorted bugs, etc...


However, I'm assuming the dev team handle assorted different projects... bugfix is *one* strand of any update process on a new game... adding new features and 'flavour' elements is quite another.... so, no, our requests for the ability to change our hairstyle do in no way whatsoever slow down the process of fixing the Jedi Knight's companion who goes into an irreversible sulk, or whatever that bug is. Arguably, quite the reverse. Suggesting new 'cool stuff' motivates Bioware to put out patches, and the more patches that go out, the more bug fixes that will get packaged in with the new features.


Ultimately, it's a question of priorities for the gameplayer as well. Really don't understand the "This isn't WoW..." disparaging comments. I'm far from being an accomplished or experienced gamer- SWTOR, WoW, and SL, the latter of which isn't exactly even a game, are about all I play... but from what I see, the absolute *critical* difference between TOR and WoW in gameplay terms, more fundamental than the sci-fi/fantasy distinction, is that in WoW, your character is, basically, a pretty sprite.


You might *imagine* an underlying personality for them, you might daydream or even write fanfic, if you're of the mind, about how the events they go through affect them.... but ultimately, that's irrelevent to the game. You're given tasks, you do them.


In SWTOR- your character's personality, how you envisage him or her as a person, how they react, how events shape them, and how that in turn affects how you relate to NPCs and other players... *is* the game, to a massive extent. That's why I prefer this game, because I want to play a 'person', to craft them, not just a sprite to carry my weapon around.


So... whereas in WoW the whole 'Barber Shop' thing *is* pretty much just about player vanity... in SWTOR it would be a part of gameplay, and a functional part.

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the introduction of an in-game customization shop would be really nice to have. i dont thiink it should be only limited to hair and beards though. i think that along with complexion and hair, anything that defines a species should be able to be altered i.e tattoos, zabraks and mirialan should be able to change that patter. the face mask on the miraluka is honestly like a hat which is probably the easiest thing to change even in real life. the cybernetics on cyborgs and patterns on twi'leks should also have this option. Along with scars complexion and hair changes for all species.
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But I'd think along with they'd have to add more customization options. Different hair styles, jewelry, makeup, etc. Eyebrows that aren't a part of the complexion. (I know that last one is hoping for a bit much). There currently isn't enough variation to warrant a barber shop imo. But if there was, it would be an excellent addition to the game.

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Not Barber Shop but Image Designer system and much much more™ body customization features.



That would be nice. But in the meantime, allowing us to reactivate the last window from the character creation screen where you can at least change already existing cosmetic choices with the exception or race/class/gender would be grand.

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Last time I checked this wasn't WoW.


Is that your basis for not wanting the feature? Very insightful.


Whew! Anyway, I'm sure this is coming down the road. Probably not for quite some time with more pressing features / bugs to take care of... but I can't see any reason for it to never be added.

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That would be nice. But in the meantime, allowing us to reactivate the last window from the character creation screen where you can at least change already existing cosmetic choices with the exception or race/class/gender would be grand.

That would be a start for sure.


BTW people can have their sex changed in real life in so why could we not do this either in a even more advanced civilization?

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Fun thought about *how* to implement it- rather than having it as yet another vendor-type thing to hunt down in the cities... have it as a conversation option on your starship, with your droid, available all the time, functioning sort of like a crew mission.


After all, one of the droid's emotes is something like "Can I get you anything; hot meal, foot massage?" So, why not have an option for "Yeah, I need a haircut/shave/makeover/my cyber-implants rewired a bit".... etc? That opens the character screen, you make the changes you want... Possibly followed by a short 'conversation movie' of your character lounging in one of the med-bay couches while the droid does whatever you've requested.


It'd be a bit more interactivity and fun on the ship, it'd give the droid something to do other than stand there like a hat stand, and it'd mean the feature could be implemented without involving the cities or any NPCs there.


For bonus points, maybe let one other companion have the feature as well- just because the thought of "Khem Val, give me a make-over" is too good to miss.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Fun thought about *how* to implement it- rather than having it as yet another vendor-type thing to hunt down in the cities... have it as a conversation option on your starship, with your droid, available all the time, functioning sort of like a crew mission.


After all, one of the droid's emotes is something like "Can I get you anything; hot meal, foot massage?" So, why not have an option for "Yeah, I need a haircut/shave/makeover/my cyber-implants rewired a bit".... etc? That opens the character screen, you make the changes you want... Possibly followed by a short 'conversation movie' of your character lounging in one of the med-bay couches while the droid does whatever you've requested.




For bonus points, maybe let one other companion have the feature as well- just because the thought of "Khem Val, give me a make-over" is too good to miss.


I like this idea. A LOT.

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I also feel a barber shop or recustomization feature should be implemented, it would not affect the game in any way only give people more freedom to play and express themselves, this feature should be put into affect ASAP. No one wants to reroll a character they spent ages playing and gearing up.
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Lovely. Topic pops in the hate-brigade subforum (general) and summarily gets tossed into the obscurity of this thread.


If they would at least acknowledge the topic in the Q/A like they did with the hoods up/down issue people could at least have a vague sense of certainty of how long it might take before the feature is implemented.

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