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separating ranked rewards and increasing participation


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Ranked is just not happening


I think the best solution is to seperate the rewards pvp gear and comms

As it is now people are just doing normals to grind their obroan gear and ranked is suffering because of this


So I'd like to see for normal wz conquer and obroan at current prices eg, 1250wz comms for a conquer weapon and 3500 wz comms for a obroan weapon increase the wz comm cap to 4500


And for ranked add new comms and a new tier of armour that's only accessible through participating in ranked arenas

Increase the price of armour sets and weapons and relics etc to make it a fairly long grind


These changes would guarantee ranked participation

Devs Please look into this.

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Rewards aren't the problem with ranked. It doesn't need new gear, it won't help. The problem with ranked is that Arenas suck. It's that simple. They suck. People don't do content that sucks.


No one did 8v8s ranked either, so no, that's not it.


It's just easier and more fun for ranked teams to farm pugs in reg wzs than it is to get comms in ranked. One easy mode win after another, cash in the comms. Done.

Especially if one has a lot of alts.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Reasons I will likely never Q for ranked:


1. Find arenas boring.

2. Any rewards you earn for it are either not statistically needed, nor do their cosmetics do any good when I likely will have to trade them in when the next tier comes out

3. 2 in mind, I can just improve the gear as I go doing the dailies and regular WZs.

4. Arenas. Kind of boring



Reasons I could see me Qing for them outside of addressing the above:

1. friends really need a 4th guy and think I could help...



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No one did 8v8s ranked either, so no, that's not it.


It's just easier and more fun for ranked teams to farm pugs in reg wzs than it is to get comms in ranked. One easy mode win after another, cash in the comms. Done.

Especially if one has a lot of alts.



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Rewards aren't the problem with ranked. It doesn't need new gear, it won't help. The problem with ranked is that Arenas suck. It's that simple. They suck. People don't do content that sucks.


And yet if BW added a weekly and daily quest that rewarded say 40 ranked comms for the daily and 100 for the weekly, you would see the majority of PvP players doing at least the solo queue.

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The reason I don't often run arenas has very little to do with the rewards offered. Frankly they could give me a chest full of shinies just for showing up and I'd still hate them.


The irony of your sig saying waiting for wildstar, a game of which pvp is almost entirely based on arena style gameplay yet you hate arenas? Lawl.

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Rewards aren't the problem with ranked. It doesn't need new gear, it won't help. The problem with ranked is that Arenas suck. It's that simple. They suck. People don't do content that sucks.


Ever heard of the word OPINION? That's what your statement here is

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Remove the ability to convert comms into ranked comms. Remove ranked comms from the daily. Add a daily for ranked pvp. Now the only way to get tier 2 is to do ranked. At the very least it would increase the solo queue.


You don't even need to remove the ability to convert, and doing so would not be popular with much of the population. If you simply add a ranked quest people will quickly realize you can gear up twice as fast doing the ranked quest as well and will start doing it regularly. Some will not, but most will do precisely that.

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If people start doing ranked for the reward of top gear, doesn't that conflict with the point of calling it ranked? Rank is kind of pointless when most the players are doing it "under-geared" in order to get gear rather than being at the top of their game striving to prove who's the best, IMO. As it is, isn't that what solo-rank has become when it does pop? Edited by Technohic
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Wouldn't exactly have hurt if BW actually had announced the rewards for Season 1 before it started....or at least by now. But in all honesty...im looking around in here really hard but i see no surprised faces...
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Wouldn't exactly have hurt if BW actually had announced the rewards for Season 1 before it started....or at least by now. But in all honesty...im looking around in here really hard but i see no surprised faces...


Yeah if they gave a sneak peak or something it would certainly help spark some interest.

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LOL I forgot about the season rewards. Bet Bioware did also.


"It will be a new skin for your starship. Please go do space...."


Some unique skins for PvP gear would probably be pretty cool, but I am not holding my breath.

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LOL I forgot about the season rewards. Bet Bioware did also.


"It will be a new skin for your starship. Please go do space...."


Lol kind of like the 2 year anni gift? "Don't play GSF or want anything to do with it? Have a dye kit for your ship".

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You don't even need to remove the ability to convert, and doing so would not be popular with much of the population. If you simply add a ranked quest people will quickly realize you can gear up twice as fast doing the ranked quest as well and will start doing it regularly. Some will not, but most will do precisely that.


Personally I don't like that you can covert comms into ranked comms. Really at that point calling obroan "ranked" gear is kinda dumb. If you want ranked gear you should do ranked to get it.

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"It will be a new skin for your starship. Please go do space...."


Yeah, it's either that or a 1,5% discount on the next CM item you buy within the next 24h.


Seriously though...how hard can it be to get some shinies made and announce them on the site? Stuff like that is what really gets me, after they make statements about Ranked 8vs8 saying it failed due to them not supporting it enough..


So come on BW, you removed 8vs8 - how are you supporting Arenas?

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Lol kind of like the 2 year anni gift? "Don't play GSF or want anything to do with it? Have a dye kit for your ship".


I just don't get why they gave every alt of mine skins for both factions. So I can click one so its available to me but the other is left to sit in my bank box?


I do like the bind on legacy suits though. Probably didn't need all 4 sets on every toon but I do like having that for free.

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I just don't get why they gave every alt of mine skins for both factions. So I can click one so its available to me but the other is left to sit in my bank box?


I do like the bind on legacy suits though. Probably didn't need all 4 sets on every toon but I do like having that for free.


Yeah the legacy sets will certainly come in handy.

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