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"Any content is good content" mentality?


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Always lovely, when an OP calls other people incredible dense and brownnosing, just cause they do not agree with a statement of the opening post.


Really this makes your post so much more... real.


I am not going to get into an argument simply due to the fact that you lack the ability to comprehend what I was asking in the OP. So I will not be replying to you any more, until you offer something constructive :)



I would love to read at least one opinion about the topic of the thread instead of the one sentence that makes people believe that OP wanted to say that everybody hates the event.

Oh well but people only see what they want to see.


Holy lord Jesus, finally somebody who knows how to read! Thank you, this man right here understands.


I did not state everyone hates this event, I stated that from what I have seen, a lot of people do. I do not hate or love this event, as I haven't done it yet.


And one more time for everyone to read, my point of the thread was to ask the question, in general is any content good content?


Now pleas stop trying to find things that aren't there, and address the question I asked, or don't post at all.

Edited by Machshoot
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Sigh, this is why I rarely make threads on this forum, people are so incredibly dense.... I clearly stated that I HAVE NO PERSONAL OPINION ON THIS MATTER, since I have not done the event. I am not flaming the event of BW, so please take your noses out of EAwares *** and calm down. I am not basing this off one ONE persons opinion, I am basing it on the numerous threads and posts I've seen here hating/complaining, and all the people in gen/fleet chat I've seen hating/complaining. I stated all of this in the OP, yet you people jump down my throat attempting to twist my words lol, it's cute, it really is.


I will say it one more time, so that you guys can't miss it(although I'm sure you will choose to ignore it)... I am not saying this event is bad, I am asking for your opinion on the statement of "is any content good content?". It could be about any release, it doesn't have to be the rakgoul event in particular.


So please people, continue missing my original question and rush to wrong judgements!


And most people have simply tried to point out that the event seems to be popular, in contrary to your opening statement of :

I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it.

Which claims that more people dislike it than like it.

Doesn't matter what your personal opinion of the event is, nobody is claiming that you don't like the event.

We are just pointing out that it seems more people do enjoy it than not.

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I am not going to get into an argument simply due to the fact that you lack the ability to comprehend what I was asking in the OP. So I will not be replying to you any more, until you offer something constructive :)

But I DID answer your question in my last paragraph of my first reply...


Yes, ANY content, that does at least reach a good part of the community is good content. There is no content, that will possibly reach the whole community.

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And yet the tunnels continue to be filled with players. ops groups forming all the time for eyeless and the new wb. my own impression is that its been a big hit. Though I personally take what's happening in game over what's said in this forum.
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This is a fantastic event. The only 'hate' I've read or heard about were from PVPers who don't participate anyway, and people who were miffed that the original crystals and pets were back. That's all. There are some bugs, but the event itself is great. That said, I get the feeling the OP falls into the first category of haters, seeing as how he said the event doesn't interest him at all.


None of the PVPers I know hate this event. As far as I can tell, most of us have had an awesome time blowing up on each other in warzones and kicking each other's backsides during open world pvp in the tunnels.

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I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it. I haven't taken part in much of the event, however I am leveling a couple alts that are currently on Alderaan, so I've been reading a lot of the planet gen chat. Something that a player said today in regards to the event really made me stop and think... A couple people were complaining about how bad the event in, and the guy said "At least it's new content, so stop crying about it". Now this made me wonder, is that how far we've fallen? That now, no matter how good or how bad, new content = good content?


The fact that BW does not release a lot of new content for SWTOR is paramount, and it's something that detracts a lot of the community from being enthusiastic about the game, we all know this. Do you think BW is counting on that now in terms of they can basically release anything, and we the community will eat it up? Simply because it's something new or different, and that's what we crave. I am not leaning one way or the other, I am simply curious as to what you guys think about that sort of mentality? And is that how far the game has truly fallen.


I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it.




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None of the PVPers I know hate this event. As far as I can tell, most of us have had an awesome time blowing up on each other in warzones and kicking each other's backsides during open world pvp in the tunnels.


I'd love the hell out of this event too if I was a pvp'er. I wasn't speaking for them all. But there is a particular brand of pvp'ers who found the plague a serious hamper of their play, the vaccines a cost that was forced upon them, and the clicky relics too much of a hassle. That kind of pvp player hates the event, and those are the only complaints I've seen about it.

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I'd love the hell out of this event too if I was a pvp'er. I wasn't speaking for them all. But there is a particular brand of pvp'ers who found the plague a serious hamper of their play, the vaccines a cost that was forced upon them, and the clicky relics too much of a hassle. That kind of pvp player hates the event, and those are the only complaints I've seen about it.


I admit it can be a hassle in PvP and should prolly be paused during PvP matches but outside of that the Plague is fine. You don't even need a Vaccine if you're just gonna be on fleet. Just need to pay attention.

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Short answer to the topic: No, all content is not good content. However, Bioware hasn't managed to release any truly bad content yet.


Long answer: The rakghoul resurgence event may not shine as a paragon of content design, but it's far from bad. It has a standard mixture of different missions, similar to daily areas or the Gree event. It has a storyline, however short; there are a few NPCs to listen to, and they have emotions if you care to pay attention. I have been doing it every day on at least one character; I think on best days I've ran five characters through the event. The operation's lack of mechanics is a slight disappointment, but the one mechanic it does have manages to make it surprisingly hard.


Now, if they had given us a simple mission terminal with a "kill 300 rakghouls" mission in it, without so much as flavor text? That would be bad content. A few bonus quests on early planets border on bad, with a first stage of "kill 30 things" and a second stage of "kill 45 things". You have to actually go out of your way and kill that many things to get the bonus done.


It would also be bad if the things to kill or collect respawned too slowly and you'd have to camp them in order to get enough. One of the missions in the Gree event was bad in this way, but they changed it so the combat data has a 100% droprate so you'll need to kill much less creatures to get the required 15. It went from "roam the area for 20 minutes looking for packs that are alive" to "kill them while doing the other quests".

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I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it.





What I meant by that is that from my own eyes, I have seen more people talk ill about this event than those who have spoken in favour of it. Do you understand what I am saying now? Or do I need to stop and draw you a picture to help with your comprehension of the matter at hand?


I love how people are focusing more on me saying that one sentence than at the question I posed. I didn't realize I was talking to a bunch of FOX news anchors.

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What I meant by that is that from my own eyes, I have seen more people talk ill about this event than those who have spoken in favour of it. Do you understand what I am saying now? Or do I need to stop and draw you a picture to help with your comprehension of the matter at hand?


I love how people are focusing more on me saying that one sentence than at the question I posed. I didn't realize I was talking to a bunch of FOX news anchors.


It's what happens when you describe yourself as speaking on the behalf of others.



Protip: Don't ever make yourself sound like you're speaking on the behalf of others.


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I love how people are focusing more on me saying that one sentence than at the question I posed. I didn't realize I was talking to a bunch of FOX news anchors.

If that one sentence is of no importance, why did you write it down at all, if you yourself do not care for the event at all.


Why did you not try the event and judge for yourself? What kind of content would be needed and what kind of delivery for you to even try it?

The fact that you did not even try it implies, that you do not see the event as content. Obviously many people do see it as content though, as they are playing it... assuming that most players are not braindead wookiee, who'd do anything just to do something.


Many in this thread argued, that a content that is reaching so many players is indeed good content. "Any content"... that one is arguable... but can you name a part of SWTORs content, that is not good content for at least a good part of the community?

And if you cannot name such content, then wouldn't it be safe to answer your own question with a flat out "Yes"?

Edited by JPryde
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why are people doing the rakghoul event?


its new content and there's nothing...NOTHING...else atm for people.


Paticipatory numbers, especially in the content cycle we are in currently with GSF being the focus, are terrible indicators to be looking at for whether or not content is "good".


I honestly think its a personal opinion and nothing more. That being said, it is very similar to the past 2 event updates (ie bounty hunter/gree) in that dailies = faction = rewards. Not very dynamic in its design or exection. Also, we completely lost what made the first even fun, the spontaneous event rollout.


The rakghoul event's saving grace is that the tunnels are a new make and the operations boss isnt a push over on HM. Its a fun mechanics driven encounter.


All in all, i cant say i enjoyed the event immensly this year, but, i realize this is personal preferance and not alot more.....


I really wish GSF and copypasta events were within the realm of my "personal preferance" but i cant enjoy all the content i suppose.

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It's what happens when you describe yourself as speaking on the behalf of others.



Protip: Don't ever make yourself sound like you're speaking on the behalf of others.


My intent however was not to spaek on the behalf of others, my intent was simply to convey what I have heard others say in an attempt to ask my question to the rest of you. But of course, like most threads on here, people take things the wrong way and it turns into a silly argument rather than an actual discussion of the topic at hand.


Clearly my mistake for venturing into General Discussion.

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My intent however was not to spaek on the behalf of others, my intent was simply to convey what I have heard others say in an attempt to ask my question to the rest of you. But of course, like most threads on here, people take things the wrong way and it turns into a silly argument rather than an actual discussion of the topic at hand.


Clearly my mistake for venturing into General Discussion.


Be more precise next time and this won't happen.

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Be more precise next time and this won't happen.


I am simply going to stop posting and hope this thread dies now. I have no desire to be mocked for simply asking a question about the future of the game and wanting a discussion on the matter. Instead I get page after page of people attempting to twists my words and **** on me, it's pretty sad behaviour.


Thanks to the very select few of you who actually read and understood my OP and gave real discussion.

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I am simply going to stop posting and hope this thread dies now. I have no desire to be mocked for simply asking a question about the future of the game and wanting a discussion on the matter. Instead I get page after page of people attempting to twists my words and **** on me, it's pretty sad behaviour.


Thanks to the very select few of you who actually read and understood my OP and gave real discussion.


Come back Billy! You left your tricycle!

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its new content and there's nothing...NOTHING...else atm for people.

Oh yeah, I always hate it when Bioware takes away all of the operations, flashpoints, daily areas and even story planets so I have to do whatever crummy event they come up with.


I'm having quite the opposite problem. With three max level characters to run endgame stuff with and another three alts to level, I have nowhere enough time to do everything I want. I had to put some other activities on hold for the week so I could participate in the event. I'm certain there are those who focus on one character and have already done everything with their pro raiding guild, but not everything in the game can be about them.

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I would love to read at least one opinion about the topic of the thread instead of the one sentence that makes people believe that OP wanted to say that everybody hates the event.

Oh well but people only see what they want to see.


Looking at it objectively: yes any content is good content because any and all content typically brings in:


- players: whether existing, returning, or new, an overwhelming majority of players want to experience new content

- revenue: new playable content also typically brings new CM content, and players will pay: whether by sub or F2P.


The problem is that too many view content subjectively:


- is it content *I* will enjoy? Those who dedicate to PvP and/or do not enjoy running daily quests will say no.

- is the duration of the event long enough? Some complaints have been that achieving a particular status with THORN is not possible in one week

- are the "rewards" good? There are several vanity pets and mounts, and gear sets and weapons. Some players do not like the look of the equipment. Some players do not care about vanity stuff.


All of this leads to players complaining. Are they right to complain? /shrug From their personal perspective...yes. Does the entirety of the game SUCK *** because that one person did not get EXACTLY what he wanted? No.

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That's what happens when your entire policy revolves around lowering the bar constantly. Most people are just happy they can do the event without having to spend a ridiculous amount of CC's in order unlock access.


I do the event because I like variety. I don't use Cartel Coins much at all.


Variety, diversity is what drives me.


And the Rakghul Event is an display of variety of things happening within the SWTOR universe.


And from an Lowbies' point of view, yes, "any content is good content", because the developers don't do new content for them. Only for Highbies, but not for Lowbies. So, as a Lowbie, I'm perfectly happy with the event. You you don't want to hear that.

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I am simply going to stop posting and hope this thread dies now. I have no desire to be mocked for simply asking a question about the future of the game and wanting a discussion on the matter. Instead I get page after page of people attempting to twists my words and **** on me, it's pretty sad behaviour.


Thanks to the very select few of you who actually read and understood my OP and gave real discussion.


In your op you said more people hate it then like it. That's a pretty inflammatory comment to make, and because it was the basis of your post, it is completely valid and relevant for people to call it what it is: completely subjective and probably untrue.


You even say that you base this assertion on threads in the forum and comments on general chat. That's a bad way to judge something's popularity, because generally ppl only speak up when they don't like something, not when they do. The sheer number of ppl in the event tunnels is evidence that the event is hugely popular.


Any content that is hugely popular is good content.



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I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it.


You cannot make that claim with any degree of accuracy. People that enjoy the event don't sing the praises of it, to the extent that people do not complain about it. It's just human nature to complain about the bad and not vocalize the good.


All you can do is say you personally (or you and your friends, or random people in general chat) do not like it.

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The thing is - if you don't like the event you can ignore most of it easily. Just because you don't like an event is no reason to blast it. I don't like the event, didn't like the original one. And i didn't like the Wow event it was loosely based on. But there's no point in attacking devs about it - at best you're just going to slow down or halt production of the good events (which we're lucky to get - BW is not obliged to make them and I doubt they're as noticeably lucrative as new packs are). Sure, if the same things you don't like in this event show up in other events then maybe it would be time to pipe up. But this is going to be a distant memory in 2 weeks and some people are having fun now. More power to them.
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The thing is - if you don't like the event you can ignore most of it easily. Just because you don't like an event is no reason to blast it. I don't like the event, didn't like the original one. And i didn't like the Wow event it was loosely based on. But there's no point in attacking devs about it - at best you're just going to slow down or halt production of the good events (which we're lucky to get - BW is not obliged to make them and I doubt they're as noticeably lucrative as new packs are). Sure, if the same things you don't like in this event show up in other events then maybe it would be time to pipe up. But this is going to be a distant memory in 2 weeks and some people are having fun now. More power to them.


Yea the only thing I'd change is let the vaccine persist through death for those of us that really don't want to take part (and this is really only a big deal on lowbies where 2k a death is kind of expensive). I mean just avoiding the fleet or warzones for the week or whatever works too, but that's kind of intrusive to your gameplay. Yes I know there's some kind of relic that lets you stay immune but you still have to do the event to get that. Some of us just aren't interested at all.

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