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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Any content is good content" mentality?


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Looking at it objectively: yes any content is good content because any and all content typically brings in:


- players: whether existing, returning, or new, an overwhelming majority of players want to experience new content

- revenue: new playable content also typically brings new CM content, and players will pay: whether by sub or F2P.


The problem is that too many view content subjectively:


- is it content *I* will enjoy? Those who dedicate to PvP and/or do not enjoy running daily quests will say no.

- is the duration of the event long enough? Some complaints have been that achieving a particular status with THORN is not possible in one week

- are the "rewards" good? There are several vanity pets and mounts, and gear sets and weapons. Some players do not like the look of the equipment. Some players do not care about vanity stuff.


All of this leads to players complaining. Are they right to complain? /shrug From their personal perspective...yes. Does the entirety of the game SUCK *** because that one person did not get EXACTLY what he wanted? No.


Oh look! A well reasoned and thought out answer to the OP's supposed topic.

Let's see if the OP can be bothered to come back and answer.

I personally doubt it since I still say that the OP's intent with the thread was that "this event sucks" and bioware should focus on other stuff.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I'd love the hell out of this event too if I was a pvp'er. I wasn't speaking for them all. But there is a particular brand of pvp'ers who found the plague a serious hamper of their play, the vaccines a cost that was forced upon them, and the clicky relics too much of a hassle. That kind of pvp player hates the event, and those are the only complaints I've seen about it.


Ah well, it is sort of a bummer that the vaccines don't persist through death, and I have seen a couple people gripe about this but by and large people appear to be having fun. I don't think it's all that big of a deal though, cause the vaccines are so cheap. Besides, we have had at least two massive open world pvp attacks in the tunnels this week and awesome faction fighting (on a roleplay server no less, lmao). All in all, it seems to be a hit with everyone I know, despite what the noisy few in fleet chat have to say about it.

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Ah well, it is sort of a bummer that the vaccines don't persist through death, and I have seen a couple people gripe about this but by and large people appear to be having fun. I don't think it's all that big of a deal though, cause the vaccines are so cheap. Besides, we have had at least two massive open world pvp attacks in the tunnels this week and awesome faction fighting (on a roleplay server no less, lmao). All in all, it seems to be a hit with everyone I know, despite what the noisy few in fleet chat have to say about it.


Yup, that's the only bit I can kinda agree with when it comes to the complaints about the event.

But it seems people are focusing too much on the fact that it's called a vaccine and think that they have to take it before they get infected.

It actually works as an antidote as well so the can use it to get rid of the plague if they get it.

They don't need to reapply it every time they die in PvP in a warzone. Only take it if you get infeted.

But then I also think that some people that are complaining were not burdened with an overabundance of schooling. :rolleyes:

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Getting any content added to the game is always good. Whether or not people like that content is a whole nother question.


This is a revamp of an event they had once that was requested to return and I actually quite enjoy it except for the Heroic Area should bolster to make group easier for lowbies.

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So how about this:


You say that BW saw many threads asking for the event and decided: "let's bring it to them". Fine. So they all go through all the planning, testing creating the tunnels and do LOADS of work (that probably took them months) to bring this to the playerbase.


Now, for some time now there were dozens and dozens of threads everywhere (PvP forums, customer service, general discussion etc.) about a player on Pot5 that hacked the game, is ruining everything for everyone and is having fun with it. Cumulative evidence from many players was posted and what BW is doing about such a simple thing? Nothing. Yes, he still is running rampant in ranked WZ's. You could not have more documented hacking example in the history of this game and yet BW is only fast in removing the threads without even stating they are looking into the matter. Why no "let's ban this guy so the threads about him will vanish and people will stop unsubbing because of this" mentality that you explicitly gave as a reason for giving us the Rakghoul event?


This is your great BW that is going out of their way to humbly do what the forum playerbase is wishing :rolleyes:


First it isn't my great Bioware, I think this game has flaws, and I don't like this event.


Secondly, I don't know what evidence there was that this guy cheated, if there is clear evidence then he should have been banned. But no software company will ever ban someone just on posts in the forums, apart from the legal aspects (which are quite bad), it would just be opening the flood gates to others trying to get someone banned (not necessarily for any otyher reason than I don't like him/her).

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I will say it one more time, so that you guys can't miss it(although I'm sure you will choose to ignore it)... I am not saying this event is bad, I am asking for your opinion on the statement of "is any content good content?". It could be about any release, it doesn't have to be the rakgoul event in particular.


So please people, continue missing my original question and rush to wrong judgements!


Answer: NO, of course not.


Comment: Your original post does not read as neutral and objectively curious. Why? Because of they way you created a soapbox to place it on. IMO, you are posing the question in a particular context of presumption (see below) to create tension and drama in the forum. If that was not your intention..then why bias the thread with your very first sentence?


I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it


When you begin your thread topic with a biased statement of assumption, while pretending to be neutral... it tends to drive a thread into the ditch early and often. Your anecdotal claim in your first sentence is in many peoples observation countered by the clear and active popularity of the event inside the servers, and the fact that it has been an event that players passionately ask for a return of in the forum here EVERYTIME any other event is released.

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Answer: NO, of course not.


Comment: Your original post does not read as neutral and objectively curious. Why? Because of they way you created a soapbox to place it on. IMO, you are posing the question in a particular context of presumption (see below) to create tension and drama in the forum. If that was not your intention..then why bias the thread with your very first sentence?




When you begin your thread topic with a biased statement of assumption, while pretending to be neutral... it tends to drive a thread into the ditch early and often. Your anecdotal claim in your first sentence is in many peoples observation countered by the clear and active popularity of the event inside the servers, and the fact that it has been an event that players passionately ask for a return of in the forum here EVERYTIME any other event is released.


The OP is now moving the goalposts when he realized that he doesn't speak for everyone.


If he would have said "my personal experience" or "I don't have any proof but I believe that more people...etc" then I could have taken his post a bit more seriously.


But when they start off with "opinion as fact" then the entire convesation falls apart. It just makes it look like the OP doesn't like the event and the conversation is DOA.

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By the numerous threads and posts on here of people flaming the event, and to amount of people I've seen in fleet and Alderaan gen chat flaming the event. Obviously this does not mean everyone hates it, just a lot from what I have seen. I have no feelings on the event, as I have not done it at all(doesn't interest me based on what I read about it).


Let's see...


Multiple instances of tunnels and Alderaan? Check.


Always people in said tunnels? Check.


The simple fact that the people most apt to post on the forums are people with a gripe? Check.


Basically, for every person who posted a hate post or thread, there are a hundred plus people enjoying the event.

If you don't like, don't do. The majority is busy enjoying the event.

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By the numerous threads and posts on here of people flaming the event, and to amount of people I've seen in fleet and Alderaan gen chat flaming the event. Obviously this does not mean everyone hates it, just a lot from what I have seen. I have no feelings on the event, as I have not done it at all(doesn't interest me based on what I read about it).


So you "know" that the majority don't like the event? Do me a favour everyone who doesn't like the event, don't participate. 3 instances of the Tunnels is more than enough proof to me that your "majority" is only a very vocal (not to mention, whiny) minority.

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Shame the OP fled when people didn't support his assumptions, but nice to see these threads doing what they usually do: bringing out logical arguments that present a positive point of view. Even most of the neutral to the event posts were relatively laid back.


It's fine to not like content or have no desire to try it, but it seems every time these threads get started the OP gets upset when it doesn't go his or her way.

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When I did the event yesterday, there were actually 10 instances of the tunnels on Harbinger (there were 15 the first day!), and there always seem to be groups forming for Eyeless and Shellshock. I was even able to do the Heroic on my lowbie character! On my server, at least, there appears to be plenty of people who find the event to be worthwhile, myself included.
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I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it. I haven't taken part in much of the event, however I am leveling a couple alts that are currently on Alderaan, so I've been reading a lot of the planet gen chat. Something that a player said today in regards to the event really made me stop and think... A couple people were complaining about how bad the event in, and the guy said "At least it's new content, so stop crying about it". Now this made me wonder, is that how far we've fallen? That now, no matter how good or how bad, new content = good content?


The fact that BW does not release a lot of new content for SWTOR is paramount, and it's something that detracts a lot of the community from being enthusiastic about the game, we all know this. Do you think BW is counting on that now in terms of they can basically release anything, and we the community will eat it up? Simply because it's something new or different, and that's what we crave. I am not leaning one way or the other, I am simply curious as to what you guys think about that sort of mentality? And is that how far the game has truly fallen.

Not sure where that perception came from, but to each their own. Many are used to seeing major expansions every 24 months, with a few additions in between. BW's added an xpac planet with 5 added levels of VA story roughly the same size as Burning Crusades already, plus a 2nd end game VA story planet complete with fresh FPs and OPs, plus Galactic Starfigher, plus new playable content every 60 days or so - as promised in their earnings call from last summer.


Both scenarios produce fairly similar amounts of playable content over time, even without a cartel market. The difference is that BW chooses to release stuff gradually instead of forcing the core player base to foam at the mouth for 18 months before a subsequent xpac is delivered. Personally, I prefer the steady stream approach. But that's just me.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The OP is now moving the goalposts when he realized that he doesn't speak for everyone.


If he would have said "my personal experience" or "I don't have any proof but I believe that more people...etc" then I could have taken his post a bit more seriously.


But when they start off with "opinion as fact" then the entire convesation falls apart. It just makes it look like the OP doesn't like the event and the conversation is DOA.


Yeah....and his personal view about new content is made clear elsewhere:


lol @ anyone expecting BW to actually NOT be lazy and come up with anything new and exciting...


And his personal view of the company providing this game is made clear elsewhere as well:


EAware hates everybody.


So I am of the personal opinion that any pretense of objectivity and neutrality in the original post was insincere to begin with.

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And yet the tunnels continue to be filled with players. ops groups forming all the time for eyeless and the new wb. my own impression is that its been a big hit. Though I personally take what's happening in game over what's said in this forum.


There you go OP. This^^ is the key. If you sit in the forums long enough you get a very skewed view of what is actually going on. In game, things are vastly different.


As for those who seem to think that the number of instances are not indicative of the events success because it is the only thing to do: If the event was as bad as you say, people wouldn't keep doing it. It is that simple. No body forces anyone to do anything. If you don't like something... you don't do it. Lol. There are plenty of other things to do in game.

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How do you "know" that? Are are you just assuming that driven by this forum and your own feelings over the event?


In my guild, I haven't heard a bad word about the event and with 5-7 instances in the rakghoul tunnels, it seems like either a lot of people are masochists and play the event even if they do not like it... OR... more likely... they actually like it enough to play it.


I was able to do the H4 on 4 different chars within 2 hours last evening. And while I was doing them, there was constant general chat asking for more groups.


So yes... ANY content that does at least reach a good part of the community is indeed good content. Next update might be some arena stuff, which does not interest me at all, but so be it. I will not be claiming that to be no content, just cause I personally do not enjoy it.


I'm on the fence...most people I actually talk to semi-regularly hate this event. Yet gen chat on Alderaan (checked out the event slowly this time around) is always jumping so many do enjoy it. fair enough.


However...Arena is HATED byt he majority of the playerbase so I cannot fathom why they keep dumping resources into making more of them. Arena's are only being played because they are short...most people just crush rush them to get them over even faster I have noticed...abandoning smarter play they regularly use in objective based combat.

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There you go OP. This^^ is the key. If you sit in the forums long enough you get a very skewed view of what is actually going on. In game, things are vastly different.


As for those who seem to think that the number of instances are not indicative of the events success because it is the only thing to do: If the event was as bad as you say, people wouldn't keep doing it. It is that simple. No body forces anyone to do anything. If you don't like something... you don't do it. Lol. There are plenty of other things to do in game.

Oh man ... there is so much going on it's almost too much at times; the caveat being that I manage multiple characters. They all can't do PvP dailies, GSF dailies, FP & HM dailies, planet heroics, leveling, farming, etc. Came out of Life Day and the Gree events and a few weeks later there's the monthly Bounty Week. No sooner does Bounty week conclude and wham! there's the Rakghoul event. I'm actually looking forward to a few weeks of no events to get caught up with everything else. So definitely ... one event does not an MMO make. Edited by GalacticKegger
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One of the points made by some supporters of the event was that you could get a 1,000 credit "reuseable " vaccine/relic that would stop most of the "trauma" of getting infected/dying and losing the 2,000 credit vaccine and having to rebuy same.


Well I tried to get this magic "relic" and can't find it on any reputation vendor, the 2 in the tunnels, or the 2 in the city.


So is it still there? what's its real name and does it exist anymore?



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The content updates started out slow and, well, soon. . .there. . . . . . .will. . . . . . . . . . . .be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .soooooommmmeeee. . . . . . . . ~Sleep mode~


I'm still working on my next to last class story, and still having fun though :D

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One of the points made by some supporters of the event was that you could get a 1,000 credit "reuseable " vaccine/relic that would stop most of the "trauma" of getting infected/dying and losing the 2,000 credit vaccine and having to rebuy same.


Well I tried to get this magic "relic" and can't find it on any reputation vendor, the 2 in the tunnels, or the 2 in the city.


So is it still there? what's its real name and does it exist anymore?



They are on one of the rep vendors at the mission area in the tunnels. Should be the top 3 items: 1 for level 25, 1 for level 35 and 1 for level 45. Edited by GalacticKegger
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They are on one of the rep vendors at the mission area in the tunnels. Should be the top 3 items: 1 for level 25, 1 for level 35 and 1 for level 45.


Thanks for info. But those cost 10K+ not the mentioned 1,000 creds. Bummer. :eek:

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