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"Any content is good content" mentality?


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I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it. I haven't taken part in much of the event, however I am leveling a couple alts that are currently on Alderaan, so I've been reading a lot of the planet gen chat. Something that a player said today in regards to the event really made me stop and think... A couple people were complaining about how bad the event in, and the guy said "At least it's new content, so stop crying about it". Now this made me wonder, is that how far we've fallen? That now, no matter how good or how bad, new content = good content?


The fact that BW does not release a lot of new content for SWTOR is paramount, and it's something that detracts a lot of the community from being enthusiastic about the game, we all know this. Do you think BW is counting on that now in terms of they can basically release anything, and we the community will eat it up? Simply because it's something new or different, and that's what we crave. I am not leaning one way or the other, I am simply curious as to what you guys think about that sort of mentality? And is that how far the game has truly fallen.

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I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it.

How do you "know" that? Are are you just assuming that driven by this forum and your own feelings over the event?


In my guild, I haven't heard a bad word about the event and with 5-7 instances in the rakghoul tunnels, it seems like either a lot of people are masochists and play the event even if they do not like it... OR... more likely... they actually like it enough to play it.


I was able to do the H4 on 4 different chars within 2 hours last evening. And while I was doing them, there was constant general chat asking for more groups.


So yes... ANY content that does at least reach a good part of the community is indeed good content. Next update might be some arena stuff, which does not interest me at all, but so be it. I will not be claiming that to be no content, just cause I personally do not enjoy it.

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..., and the guy said "At least it's new content, so stop crying about it". Now this made me wonder, is that how far we've fallen? That now, no matter how good or how bad, new content = good content?


That's what happens when your entire policy revolves around lowering the bar constantly. Most people are just happy they can do the event without having to spend a ridiculous amount of CC's in order unlock access.


As far as the event itself goes, I rather like the dungeon feeling the tunnels provide. I didn't realise how much I've missed it until I set foot in the tunnels. Also, the level requirement for the event is reasonable and I really like the way they've implemented the mob spawns. It showed me that there was forethought put into the event's mechanics and forethought in SWTOR is something I've almost given up on. Kudos to the devs, designers and testers.


More thought out content like this in the future. Pretty please. Just tone down stuns and knockbacks. :)

Edited by slafko
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How do you "know" that? Are are you just assuming that driven by this forum and your own feelings over the event?



By the numerous threads and posts on here of people flaming the event, and to amount of people I've seen in fleet and Alderaan gen chat flaming the event. Obviously this does not mean everyone hates it, just a lot from what I have seen. I have no feelings on the event, as I have not done it at all(doesn't interest me based on what I read about it).

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Yes, that is the direction BW set themselves upon some time ago.


Since the move to F2P basically everything here is resembling what Turbine was doing to LOTRO.


They butchered a once great game and it all started with F2P and the "Any content is good content" mentality that was backed up by fanbois on official forums. Can you imagine a popular MMORPG that was known for great hard instances and raids and now devs of that game officialy confirming they will not be adding those anymore? Yes that is Turbine's LOTRO. Critics were and are silenced and official forums became the biggest censored forums i have seen (even though Turbine is from US not North Korea).


The reason i'm writing this here is that i see a very similiar pattern here. Game will get dumbed down, PvP side of the game completely forgotten and in 2 years only hard core Star Wars fans will remain.

Edited by Endel
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Yes, that is the direction BW set themselves upon some time ago.


Since the move to F2P basically everything here is resembling what Turbine was doing to LOTRO.


They butchered a once great game and it all started with F2P and the "Any content is good content" mentality that was backed up by fanbois on official forums. Can you imagine a popular MMORPG that was known for great hard instances and raids and now devs of that game officialy confirming they will not be adding those anymore? Yes that is Turbine's LOTRO. Critics were and are silenced and official forums became the biggest censored forums i have seen (even though Turbine is from US not North Korea).


The reason i'm writing this here is that i see a very similiar pattern here. Game will get dumbed down, PvP side of the game completely forgotten and in 2 years only hard core Star Wars fans will remain.


It is really sad to see, and that is (at least for the time being) why WoW has and will remain on top of the MMO food-chain(and I quit the game a year ago due to how much I hated MoP). I actually enjoy most aspects of SWTOR, and will continue to play it until it really goes to ruins. That being said, I am excited to try out new MMOs such as Wildstar and ESO, and see the direction they take.


I really don't want TOR to go belly-up, or be forgotten about at all. I am a SW and sci-fi fanatic, which is a big part of why I continue to play this game, I just wish it could be taken care of better by the Devs.

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This is a fantastic event. The only 'hate' I've read or heard about were from PVPers who don't participate anyway, and people who were miffed that the original crystals and pets were back. That's all. There are some bugs, but the event itself is great. That said, I get the feeling the OP falls into the first category of haters, seeing as how he said the event doesn't interest him at all.
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By the numerous threads and posts on here of people flaming the event, and to amount of people I've seen in fleet and Alderaan gen chat flaming the event. Obviously this does not mean everyone hates it, just a lot from what I have seen. I have no feelings on the event, as I have not done it at all(doesn't interest me based on what I read about it).


Personal experience is not a basis for making a thread assuming loads of people don't like the event. I'd say the six instances at peak time would disagree. Could all of those people be doing the event just because it's there? I don't think so. Some may not like it, but remember if people enjoy the event they're not going to go out of their way to defend it and praise it, they're too busy having fun with it.

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People have been begging for this event to return. I'll tell you this, four servers at Heavy on a Sunday night, none on light, and nine instances of Alderaan up say that this event has been a great success. Better still is the move to make it a one week event. You can get in and have your fun, and if you're in the group that doesn't enjoy it, it's over quickly and you can move on. For those who enjoy it, the grind doesn't wear you out and there's more for next time.


Interesting that you would take the commentary of one player as the impetus for this thread, but no, any content is not good content; good content is good content. The level of detail in this is great. The lighting effects are much improved and the overall setting is very well laid out. Little things like the raks drinking from pools, the guards joking about "fresh rak meat" as you go by, jettisoning yourself from your ship or incineration being viable options in case of infection, a new WB with good spawn times, an Operation that allows sub 50s to play, learn mechanics, and cooperate without having to face an enrage timer, unique pets, unique mounts, and a Jawa vendor that needs a smack all say that this is a great addition.


You also need to take into account that most of the people who enjoy the event are busy enjoying the event. For whatever reasons humans tend to be very vocal about what they don't like, especially when given a platform like this. If you hop into those threads where the event is being derided in the opening post, most of the following ones are in support of the event and not the OP, same as was the case for the Gree, same as was the case for Lifeday, though I still find it hard to see how snowballs warranted more than one complaint thread.


To answer your question, if this is all we have to look forward to in future events in terms of quality, sign me up. :D

Edited by Prototypemind
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I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it.


Ok, lets see here. I count maby 10-15 people that are voicing their strong dislike of the event.

This morning when I went online before work (this is around 6-7am on european servers so definately not peak time) I saw 20+ people on the republic side doing the event. I'll assume that there were a similar number on the other faction, so that makes around 35-40+ people playing and presumably enjoying the event.


Now, During peak hours these numbers go up drastically.


I'd say that those facts completely invalidates your statement.


But hey, I'm sure I'll be called white knight, apologist or biodrone anyway...

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That's what happens when your entire policy revolves around lowering the bar constantly. Most people are just happy they can do the event without having to spend a ridiculous amount of CC's in order unlock access.


As far as the event itself goes, I rather like the dungeon feeling the tunnels provide. I didn't realise how much I've missed it until I set foot in the tunnels. Also, the level requirement for the event is reasonable and I really like the way they've implemented the mob spawns. It showed me that there was forethought put into the event's mechanics and forethought in SWTOR is something I've almost given up on. Kudos to the devs, designers and testers.


More thought out content like this in the future. Pretty please. Just tone down stuns and knockbacks. :)


Please enlighten me as to what events have cost "ridiculous amounts of CC" to unlock.

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I'll tell you this, four servers at Heavy on a Sunday night, none on light, and nine instances of Alderaan up say that this event has been a great success.


To me, it says that the 9 instances are there not because the event is popular but because it is the only new thing and only new "area" in the game in some time and people may be bored with everything else by now.

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A couple people were complaining about how bad the event in, and the guy said "At least it's new content, so stop crying about it". Now this made me wonder, is that how far we've fallen? That now, no matter how good or how bad, new content = good content


No, good content is good content, bad content is bad content.

But the Rakghoul plague was returned because the forums were constantly asking for it to be returned, basically EA/Bioware gave us what we asked for (us the entire player base, not me specificallly). Personally I don't like the event, but it was asked for, and thus we can't complain to Bioware about it, but we can ask that they change specific aspects next time (because plenty of people love it, why don't ask me).

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No, good content is good content, bad content is bad content.

But the Rakghoul plague was returned because the forums were constantly asking for it to be returned, basically EA/Bioware gave us what we asked for (us the entire player base, not me specificallly). Personally I don't like the event, but it was asked for, and thus we can't complain to Bioware about it, but we can ask that they change specific aspects next time (because plenty of people love it, why don't ask me).


Oh please don't make it sound like BW humbly listened to forum playerbase and added this event. In other words, do you say that BW is making forum playerbase wishes come true? If yes, then they are doing what a small percentage of gamers wan't which would be ridiculous (forum users are nowhere near a majority of playerbase).


Besides, all it takes is to look at PvP forum to know that BW will never do what forum playerbase wants.


To sum up: adding this event was deffinitely NOT done because people were asking on forums.

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Oh please don't make it sound like BW humbly listened to forum playerbase and added this event. In other words, do you say that BW is making forum playerbase wishes come true?.


Not exactly, they did it so we would stop asking for it, they do read the forums, some of the stuff will never happen, and some stuff gets done almost straight away (they love a free idea they can use, dyes for example)


I'm not saying that they are looking at everything and saying can we do that, but the two people who are paid to read these forums were probably sick to death of the Bring Back The Rakghould Plague threads, and had a word with their colleagues, so those threads would vanish. And given how mixed the reception was (half loved it, half hated it), I doubt those threads will be back soon, because those of us that hated it will jump on them viciously.

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Not exactly, they did it so we would stop asking for it, they do read the forums, some of the stuff will never happen, and some stuff gets done almost straight away (they love a free idea they can use, dyes for example)


I'm not saying that they are looking at everything and saying can we do that, but the two people who are paid to read these forums were probably sick to death of the Bring Back The Rakghould Plague threads, and had a word with their colleagues, so those threads would vanish. And given how mixed the reception was (half loved it, half hated it), I doubt those threads will be back soon, because those of us that hated it will jump on them viciously.


So how about this:


You say that BW saw many threads asking for the event and decided: "let's bring it to them". Fine. So they all go through all the planning, testing creating the tunnels and do LOADS of work (that probably took them months) to bring this to the playerbase.


Now, for some time now there were dozens and dozens of threads everywhere (PvP forums, customer service, general discussion etc.) about a player on Pot5 that hacked the game, is ruining everything for everyone and is having fun with it. Cumulative evidence from many players was posted and what BW is doing about such a simple thing? Nothing. Yes, he still is running rampant in ranked WZ's. You could not have more documented hacking example in the history of this game and yet BW is only fast in removing the threads without even stating they are looking into the matter. Why no "let's ban this guy so the threads about him will vanish and people will stop unsubbing because of this" mentality that you explicitly gave as a reason for giving us the Rakghoul event?


This is your great BW that is going out of their way to humbly do what the forum playerbase is wishing :rolleyes:

Edited by Endel
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Oh please don't make it sound like BW humbly listened to forum playerbase and added this event. In other words, do you say that BW is making forum playerbase wishes come true? If yes, then they are doing what a small percentage of gamers wan't which would be ridiculous (forum users are nowhere near a majority of playerbase).


Besides, all it takes is to look at PvP forum to know that BW will never do what forum playerbase wants.


To sum up: adding this event was deffinitely NOT done because people were asking on forums.


PvP players are not the majority in this game or most others. Casual players, whether subscribers or F2P are, same as in Battlefield, or WoW, or whatever game from whatever genre that isn't niche. Your views on who constitutes the player base are skewed.


You're also very clearly a pessimist. Funny that you see 9 instances of planet as meaning people are simply bored and have nothing better to do. They chose to log in, play the game, down the WBs, try for the pets, and that's only the surface that had 9 up, with some instances locked out because they were full. The tunnels were often around 12 instances or so, not to mention groups running the Eyeless Op. I'm sorry that the event's success bothers you for whatever reason, but trying to put angry spin on it isn't going to change the fact that it has offered something new and fun for most who participate.


There were a number of PvPers down there as well, including PvP focused guilds, so clearly there was something for everyone. I'm not sure what else you were expecting from this event, but some constructive criticism rather than using this as a means to vent and ignore the evidence that contradicts your viewpoint would be a lot more helpful.

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PvP players are not the majority in this game or most others.


I agree completely and nowhere have i stated that or even suggested :rolleyes:


You're also very clearly a pessimist. Funny that you see 9 instances of planet as meaning people are simply bored and have nothing better to do.


And what does that have to do with anything?:rolleyes:


And before you will jump into conclusion (like many others will) i am doing this event every day and i am not against it. I'm just trying to counter couple of other things in this thread.


One of them is blind support of the game which may end up very bad (my reference to LOTRO on previous page).

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Sigh, this is why I rarely make threads on this forum, people are so incredibly dense.... I clearly stated that I HAVE NO PERSONAL OPINION ON THIS MATTER, since I have not done the event. I am not flaming the event of BW, so please take your noses out of EAwares *** and calm down. I am not basing this off one ONE persons opinion, I am basing it on the numerous threads and posts I've seen here hating/complaining, and all the people in gen/fleet chat I've seen hating/complaining. I stated all of this in the OP, yet you people jump down my throat attempting to twist my words lol, it's cute, it really is.


I will say it one more time, so that you guys can't miss it(although I'm sure you will choose to ignore it)... I am not saying this event is bad, I am asking for your opinion on the statement of "is any content good content?". It could be about any release, it doesn't have to be the rakgoul event in particular.


So please people, continue missing my original question and rush to wrong judgements!

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In a theme park mmo, isn't any content that gets added to the game a plus? In the OP I read that Bioware releases very few content. That's just not the case at all. It may not all be content that the OP likes so it 'doesn't count' for some reason... but a LOT of people are enjoying it. And... it's definitely NOT indicative of the game having 'fallen' of going 'belly up' , at ALL. It all sounds as a thinly veiled anti-PVE rant from the Pot5/PVP camp, to be honest.
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In a theme park mmo, isn't any content that gets added to the game a plus? In the OP I read that Bioware releases very few content. That's just not the case at all. It may not all be content that the OP likes so it 'doesn't count' for some reason... but a LOT of people are enjoying it. And... it's definitely NOT indicative of the game having 'fallen' of going 'belly up' , at ALL. It all sounds as a thinly veiled anti-PVE rant from the Pot5/PVP camp, to be honest.


Yep that's it, you've uncovered my secret identity and plot! I am the anti-PVE'r here to spoil everyones fun.






The reading comprehension on this forum is truly outstanding, I applaud you all.

Edited by Machshoot
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I know that a lot of people are quite angry/disappointed over this Rakghoul event, far more so than those who are enjoying it. I haven't taken part in much of the event, however I am leveling a couple alts that are currently on Alderaan, so I've been reading a lot of the planet gen chat. Something that a player said today in regards to the event really made me stop and think... A couple people were complaining about how bad the event in, and the guy said "At least it's new content, so stop crying about it". Now this made me wonder, is that how far we've fallen? That now, no matter how good or how bad, new content = good content?


The fact that BW does not release a lot of new content for SWTOR is paramount, and it's something that detracts a lot of the community from being enthusiastic about the game, we all know this. Do you think BW is counting on that now in terms of they can basically release anything, and we the community will eat it up? Simply because it's something new or different, and that's what we crave. I am not leaning one way or the other, I am simply curious as to what you guys think about that sort of mentality? And is that how far the game has truly fallen.


First of all - more players enjoy event than not - complains in forums are not measurement because you will see mostly complainers here, those that have no issue may never look at forums.

Second - any content in general is good yes, it may not be good for you, but for someone else will be... bigger - the better. GSF for example, I don't get it right and not play it... but have friends that are like it much.

Bugs and glitches are whole other thing...

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Sigh, this is why I rarely make threads on this forum, people are so incredibly dense.... I clearly stated that I HAVE NO PERSONAL OPINION ON THIS MATTER, since I have not done the event. I am not flaming the event of BW, so please take your noses out of EAwares *** and calm down.

Always lovely, when an OP calls other people incredible dense and brownnosing, just cause they do not agree with a statement of the opening post.


Really this makes your post so much more... real.

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While having had mixed feelings about the event (basically because at the end it IS very simple, especially compared to the first Rakghoul event where you had ongoing quest-/storylines), I realised the following yesterday:


I did my Rakghoul dailies every day on two chars. And I wanted to do them every day. It is the first event that I did not have to force myself to do at one point (like: "OK, come on, you want this item, so you need to go out there, kill some more; just get it done."). I go into the tunnels, do the missions, am happy that the mobs leave me alone unless I don't leave them alone, I enjoy the beauty of the caves. I'm happy that I need only maybe 20 minutes per char (depending on how fast the heroics are done).


See, not even the first Rakghoul event managed to get me back every day (that is why I am no sharp dresser; curse me for my laziness ;) ). So, if the new Rakghoul event gets me back daily without feeling bored, then I can only assume that the event is good for me. I nearly forgot how it feels to have fun in this game. Just had to get used to it again. That being said. Daily reset just happened. I am on my way to Alderaan then.

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