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So I pre-ordered my Collectors Edition, got Beta and Early Access, then the game launched and I stopped playing after a couple of months. :confused:


Stayed subbed "just in case" and did come back for one weekend or something, but my toon was stuck on a class quest that I just wasn't good enough to do yet. Back into limbo for a while.


Galactic Starfighter had my interest, so I came back last weekend. Playing throughout the week, I've finally gotten off Hoth, and my Smuggler is now a comfy level 45. I was by no means an expert when I left, but over the 18months or so since I played properly, a whole lot has changed and been added to the game, and I'm in a weird situation where I know a lot of the basics, but then I get into any real discussion and am totally lost.


Terminology that most experienced players seem fine with is well over my head. I think I understand the Collections thing, and the Cartel Market was pretty easy to get to grips with, even if I'm not particularly happy with the Cartel Pack idea. Achievements make sense, I'm just sad that all the stuff I did previously doesn't count. Are these account, or Legacy wide? I've not levelled any alts yet, but am planning on doing so, so if I can catch up on most of them I won't mind too much.


I really like the change of Planetary Commendations being one generic currency, rather than specific to the vendors for each planet. I had no idea what I was going to do with those Ord Mantel ones. :p Biggest thing I'm struggling with right now is gear. It used to be a right pain keeping stuff up to date, or getting Orange items, now they're all over the place. Heck, I got 4 sets of Adaptive Gear sent to me for Galactic Starfighter for nothing. Would I be right in thinking I'm probably best to stick with the Adaptive oranges for the most part whilst I'm levelling up, and just using Planetary Comms to keep me in mods?


Then there's Augments. I've tried to read up on that and have no idea. Is this something I should even worry about pre-50? I enjoy Flashpoints and was looking forward to doing some Ops, but again, see that they're lvl50+ so no worries there. Have unlocked some Legacy perks and bought some Cartel Packs (and sold most of the stuff off on GTN for plenty of dosh) but are there any big recommendations for how to spend my Cartel Coins?

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[quote=craggy;7147349 Would I be right in thinking I'm probably best to stick with the Adaptive oranges for the most part whilst I'm levelling up, and just using Planetary Comms to keep me in mods?


Then there's Augments. I've tried to read up on that and have no idea. Is this something I should even worry about pre-50? I enjoy Flashpoints and was looking forward to doing some Ops, but again, see that they're lvl50+ so no worries there. Have unlocked some Legacy perks and bought some Cartel Packs (and sold most of the stuff off on GTN for plenty of dosh) but are there any big recommendations for how to spend my Cartel Coins?


1. Get a look from adaptive gear that you like and stick with it using Planetary ( later Basic etc. ) Comms to keep your mods refreshed.


2. Augments probably aren't worth it until you hit cap, then they are well worth it.


3. For spending cc's I would suggest Legacy perks and unlocks.


Not sure if you are a sub or not, but the cap now is 55 and gearing up post 50 uses various new comms like Basic, Elite and Ultimate.

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thanks, yeah, I am subscribed.


good to know I can avoid trying to understand Augments for another few levels.


What Legacy Perks and Unlocks would people recommend? I've had a look and not sure there's much that seems important or useful to me, but I may be missing something. When I get around to alting, I may unlock a new race (Cathar seems like it could be fun) and I have considered Treek.

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What Legacy Perks and Unlocks would people recommend? I've had a look and not sure there's much that seems important or useful to me, but I may be missing something. When I get around to alting, I may unlock a new race (Cathar seems like it could be fun) and I have considered Treek.


I always go with Rocket boots, Fleet Pass, and full class/exploration xp boost upgrades. That's pretty much it for me when leveling. Treek is an awesome healer/tank, but I haven't unlocked her yet, bunch of my guildies have her.


For packs I tend to just save up credits from dalies, to buy them off the GTN, instead of buying more Cartel Coins.

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Augments are just another mod you can put into orange or purple armor or weapons to give them extra stats. You just need to buy and apply a kit to create the slot in the armor where you can then put the augment.


The cost is too high for leveling up, especially if you buy, use, and discard green armor pieces from the GTN as you level. You'll need to augment at max level to maximize your gear for PVP or raids. Stats from the various end-game tier armors are bound to the armorings inside, so you can actually get the tier and then switch the stats to your preferred orange armor (from the GTN for example).


Unlocks: Rocket Boots, Fleet Pass (with 0 cooldown) and all the ship utilities (GTN, Mailbox, droid vendor, practice dummies). Then, account-wide extra inventory and extra hangar space (you get these from the inventory screen rather than from the cartel market).


You'll be given free xp boosts as you level up, and it's easy to overlevel or even skip certain planets if you also do space PVE missions or if you PVP. There's lots of XP everywhere; I didn't bother with buying XP boosts.


I unocked a couple races cause I'm not going to have time to play all of them to 50 to unlock them. Cathar, just so you know, are covered in short fur and have a certain color pattern to their face that you may not be able to remove. I was disappoint after unlocking it.


Otherwise I unlocked orange sets by buying them with credits from the GTN and then paying the coins to unlock account-wide. Some were expensive. Definitely get a level 10 +41 end crystal unlocked (I got a few - liked the colors), and otherwise look in the Collections screens to see what looks good and on the GTN to see if it's cheap.


Treek is a tank/healer so she's good for the off-class. Sith Warrior for example can be Guardian (Tank) or Marauder (DPS), and the game assumes they'll be tank and doesn't give them tank companions. So if you want to play Marauder, Treek is nice as a tank for you. That's what she's for.

Edited by Merouk
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When leveling, wearing Greens or Blues that are close to your level will work just fine. Keeping an entire kit of Orange gear up-to-date can be daunting as you level, but your mileage may vary.


Augmentations can absolutely be dealt with when you're at max-level. They are not that complicated.


As for spending CC, do not waste any of it on XP boosts. As others have said, XP is everywhere and it's already easy to outlevel planets. Instead, open up your inventory slots account wide. It's more expensive that way but it carries over to other servers, as well as every character in your current legacy. Also Rocket Boost and Quick Travel Cooldown upgrades are a must (including the Rocket Boost cooldown upgrades) and affect your whole legacy. If you still have CC left over, it can be nice having Priority Ship travel and the vendor droid, mailbox and GTM terminal on your ship. Read the tooltips carefully on each perk to find out whether it's legacy-wide or single-character. Also check prices credits vs. CC--sometimes the cost of one will be affordably low when compared to the cost of the other.


There are other perks, both single-character and legacy, available in the Legacy panel, but I'll let you figure out which of those are more important to you after the top priorities listed above.

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thanks for the feedback folks! :) I'm no PVPer, but would like to try Raids if I get into a Guild or whatever. So I'll keep that in mind for the future.


I definitely wasn't going to spend money (or CC) on the XP boosts. Got a few as Q rewards already, and as I said, opened a few Cartel packs so have a supply of them already. Also already got a few inventory unlocks. Got one extra cargo hold page and think my bag is up to 70 slots, acc wide. Rocket boots I can see being sort of useful. But Fleet Pass? I'm maybe being stupid, but most of the time I just jump in my ship.

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By following a referral as a former subscriber you get free stuff (like inventory), subscription time and a free character transfer. Feel free to use the one in my sig :t_angel:


Also, I'd very much recommend the "going places" pack or whatever it's called. The rocket boost is awesome (indoors, instances etc.), and works in stealth too!

Edited by Caladhir
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By following a referral as a former subscriber you get free stuff (like inventory), subscription time and a free character transfer. Feel free to use the one in my sig :t_angel:


Also, I'd very much recommend the "going places" pack or whatever it's called. The rocket boost is awesome (indoors, instances etc.), and works in stealth too!


it's cool that you're so eager to get free stuff that you've not read the thread, but thanks anyway

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I think I understand the Collections thing, and the Cartel Market was pretty easy to get to grips with, even if I'm not particularly happy with the Cartel Pack idea. Achievements make sense, I'm just sad that all the stuff I did previously doesn't count. Are these account, or Legacy wide?


Collections, Achievements, and some Legacy unlocks are account wide, yup.


For Collections, at least, if you unlock a Cartel Pack item on one toon, you have to pay Cartel Coins to unlock it for a second toon/the rest of your Legacy. With the monthly subscriber allowance for CC, this isn't too painful (and I have to admit, I can't count the number of things I've unlocked using this--especially the pricier mounts and emotes)


I enjoy Flashpoints and was looking forward to doing some Ops, but again, see that they're lvl50+ so no worries there.


Most of them are, but I heard SM Eyeless had a Bolster effect that allowed people below 55 to join in, and I wouldn't be at all shocked, given that, the previous role neutral CZ-198 SM FPs, and the new Kuat Yards FP if we might begin to see more examples of flashpoints and Operations with bolster effects, allowing lower level toons to participate alongside max level ones.

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Collections, Achievements, and some Legacy unlocks are account wide, yup.
Achievements are Legacy wide, not account wide.


If a perk or unlock is "Legacy wide" it applies to all your characters (both factions) on the one server where you earned it, but only on that one server. If it is "account wide" it applies to all characters on every server, including ones you make in the future.


You can start a brand new character on a server where you've never created a character before, and you will have no legacy (until level 10), and your Achievements will all be 0% completed, but any "account wide" perks/unlocks, like extra inventory slots or cargo bays, will be available at level 1.

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Achievements are Legacy wide, not account wide.


If a perk or unlock is "Legacy wide" it applies to all your characters (both factions) on the one server where you earned it, but only on that one server. If it is "account wide" it applies to all characters on every server, including ones you make in the future.


You can start a brand new character on a server where you've never created a character before, and you will have no legacy (until level 10), and your Achievements will all be 0% completed, but any "account wide" perks/unlocks, like extra inventory slots or cargo bays, will be available at level 1.

thanks for the heads up, but as I'll probably stick with the one server for now that shouldn't be a problem.

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