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Will someone chain Jeelvic to a rock or something?


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That's a terrible thing to do. Can't they still do that though, even when he pats?


I can't say I see anyone near him as a general rule (I usually play at offpeak times though so maybe it's different earlier in the day), so the thought never occurred to me.

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"Some of us like to browse, ok?"


If that is implying what I think it is (that you want to stand in place and see the list, amirite?), it is possible to do so. Jeelvic stops moving when you right click.


He stops moving for a little when you do that, but then he wanders off while you are still browsing and the window closes if you are taking your time :(

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He stops moving for a little when you do that, but then he wanders off while you are still browsing and the window closes if you are taking your time :(


Really? Never happened to me. Are you sure you won't infected at the time? 'Coz that is what causes my window to close.

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Really? Never happened to me. Are you sure you won't infected at the time? 'Coz that is what causes my window to close.



Yes, really. Nothing to do with infection. First time I found him, the window stayed open for a while. But every single time thereafter, it has closed fairly quickly, usually within a few seconds. Incredibly annoying.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Yes, really. Nothing to do with infection. First time I found him, the window stayed open for a while. But every single time thereafter, it has closed fairly quickly, usually within a few seconds. Incredibly annoying.


Meh, I can see why that would be annoying then. Bioware should fix it.

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They did it for a reason.


When it first came out, imps or pubs depending on the day would flag themselves and mount up clustering around him to greif people.


What first day? Because if you mean this events first day. He was already patrolling.


And if you mean the event prior. Wouldnt make more sense to just make two copies of Jeelvic, one for each HQ and simply NOT put him in a Heroic where people spend more time chasing him then purchasing his items?

Edited by Foxtrotmikelima
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Its not that big a deal, outside of the crystals, vaccine and sample trade in, he has 5 items, which are the 2 mounts and 3 pets. You dont need long with him.

Also, http://dulfy.net/2014/01/21/swtor-thorn-rakghoul-resurgence-event-guide/#3 has a guide to make it easy.

It shows you what you need and where to get them, to buy each item.


I haven't been back to him since the first quest to find him as its pointless for me till I get the rep required to purchase the items I want.

Edited by Mowermanx
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Yep he will walk away from you, even though you have the window open. Which I agree is a but on the ridiculous side.


You can still control that area though, be it Imp or Pub. The Imps had it the other day while they were either shopping or looking for him. Couldn't get up to him. Group mate ran up the hill & around the corner into the imps that annihilated him. lolz

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They did it for a reason.


When it first came out, imps or pubs depending on the day would flag themselves and mount up clustering around him to greif people.


I remember that. That maybe one of the reasons the devs started taking out large mounts, it was too easy to block mail boxes and NPCs.


May not sound like an issue on a PvP server but on PvE servers it can cause problems.

Edited by illgot
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YES!!! Chain that little beast down, because it's annoying. I'm glad I'm not the only one bothered by this lol.


I suggest making a stationary version of Jeelvic that you can access outside of the cave, but only after you've found him first. Once you have credit for that quest, give access to the stationary vendor.

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We should dissect Jeelvic to find out why the Rakghouls aren't eating his brains. Or maybe he's secretly just the galaxy's biggest badazz where even the Rakghouls won't mess with him. ;P


Jeelvic is probably the most ****** Jawa under the two suns of Tatooine. I mean, setting up shop in rakghoul infested cave? You need to be some really BAMF to pull that off.

Maybe Blizz is his cousin?

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