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Marauder Pvp Anniliation and carnage . Which one is is used to most?


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Carnage is impossible to play in wz because of these worthless rage maras that made every marauder target for half of the enemy raid.


Yes, very impossible.

@OP, Carnage is better for PvP but if your doing regs then Anni will be fine. Just pick the one you prefer. Carnage is more utility and burst but is easily able to be countered by well timed (or in most cases, lucky) CCs. Where as Anni is more survivability and sustained damage (though it does have some burst moments when you have an annihilate crit / ravage channeling and your 3 stacks deadly saber auto crits up) but it takes a little time to get the damage going to its max (and if you die or lose it then you have to build it up all over again) and it is probably the easiest marauder spec to kite around.

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Carnage is impossible to play in wz because of these worthless rage maras that made every marauder target for half of the enemy raid.


Impossible is a strong word. Carnage is hard because you can hit gore and then the enemy can stun you, push you, etc, and the wind gets knocked out of your burst. Rage will always be the top PVP spec for marauders because auto-critical smash essentially can't fail.

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FYI, Annihilation isn't bad in regs. I do it every now and then for fun, and 99% of the time it goes unnoticed because most people are expecting the Smash. Before they realize what is going on, they have already started to melt. Definitely don't take it into ranked though, because you will just face a cleanse train. I wish they gave the dots an ability to reapply a lesser dot when they are cleansed, to give you time to reapply the main ones. Unfortunately though, that doesn't really solve the burst issue. Edited by Vecte
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Rage will net you more damage at the end of the warzone but you can 1v1 a Rage marauder as Carnage (generally speaking, its all the player).


Meh most monkeys get completely demolished in 1v1's, especially against carnage...

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