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The game has been out two years now, enough is enough with the damn stuns already!


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Which is why I said dail it back, not remove it, they are never going to remove stuns, but they do need to reduce the number in certain areas.


Just yesterday I was hit with a stun, removed it, and was hit immediately with another, and another before the other wore off. And this was a solo fight, one enemy, it wasn't a heroic were you are expected to team up, it was supposed to be just me and my comp against him, but he was spewwing stuns.


They need to be dialled down in frequency, so you actually have a chance.


TBH I think they should be removed almost all together. Make it so that NPCs with a stun are an exception that mixes up gameplay, not the rule.


No other MMO that I have played does this crap.


Bioware, we play our characters to play our characters, not to watch our characters stand around helplessly.

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All classes get stunned. Big deal. How about NPC's just hand you their weapons and everyone gets XP from drinking games at the cantina? Whether PVP. mobs, operations, or flashpoints it's a mechanic. I disagree with all these requests to dumb down the game. I find a lot of stuns are the result or players not interrupting an ability so look in the mirror if you get stunned too much.
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All classes get stunned. Big deal. How about NPC's just hand you their weapons and everyone gets XP from drinking games at the cantina? Whether PVP. mobs, operations, or flashpoints it's a mechanic. I disagree with all these requests to dumb down the game. I find a lot of stuns are the result or players not interrupting an ability so look in the mirror if you get stunned too much.


Being able to actually have control of my character does not equate to wanting NPCs to just hand me weapons.


Check my sig, I am a progression raider, I am good at this game. I always interrupt anything that NPCs cast. In fact, without even knowing anything about you I would place a fairly large credit wager that I am better at the game than you are. I am not complaining that the game is too hard, I am telling Bioware that being stunned over and over is NOT FUN.


Do you and I even play the same game?

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How proud your family must be.



That's funny. Clearly you have no idea how ridiculous such a statement makes you look. Or you're just trolling.



This is what I see: "This game is too hard to play. I want an easy button."


Bran you are much more likeable in general discussion, why are you trolling?

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Agreed. Too many trash mobs and bosses use knockbacks and it sucks all the fun out of being a melee class. It was especially irritating during the rakghoul resurgance on Alderaan, when you'd go into the heroic area, summon a mob of five or six raks and every.... last... one.... had a stun. Dial it back, Bioware.
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hmm im reminded of Black hole heroics. 3 bots with pull and knockback, 2 dudes with knockback, the combination of the 5 treat me like a yoyo.

droid 1: Knockback (im a tank and thus close already), pull,

droid 2:: pull, knockback

droid 3: Knockback Pull

dude 1: Knockback

Me: Blagh *barfs on nearest enemy*


and that isnt including the chain-stuns i cant avoid cause im a tank




gimme a resolve meter in PVE

Edited by GOLANX
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i agree stuns are annoying. but please dont remove them. make it less maybe. but if there are no stuns. it becomes too easy. i solo heroics 4 black holse on my sage with 72 gear and little 78 already with nadia 69/72..


stuns/knockbacks pulls are what makes it more difficult and needs a bit of thought to play and not just face roll content. oricon is hard since you cant just sleep walk or go on speeder through mobs like in other areas. but, if everything is just like other areas and just a scenery change and mob looks change. does it make fun to play? wont it be same content with a paint job?


if oricon pays so well considering gear and other things. then it should be harder than previous content? i feel its fine as it is. its hard at first. but you will get used to it.


you have cc. use them before fight and start. we can get may be smaller cd on stun free move. but thats all i think is needed. if you want all mob like back in tython/korriban or starter planets with just more damage. game will be just repetitive right? would it make any fun? let there be different types of mob with some annoying mob combos. if you feel its that bad. you can just avoid that? oricon/ black hole heroics is not mandatory right? just saying. i dont understand it why nerf something which is just little harder than rest of easy mobs which you get at leveling planets.


rakhgoul event heroics was fun for me. i have tank and healer. being a tank it was fun. i used to mass taunt as soon as it was about to jump on me(cc me) and then use my aoe attack which generates high threat and i never even used my break free move. i had aggro and i was just in my 69's. not saying i am perfect or good. i am just saying you just need to get used to it.

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I do not need advice on how to play the game, I have successfully completed everything this game has to offer except a few Nightmare Mode bosses. I am voicing my opinion that being chain stunned by trash NPCs is NOT FUN. There are plenty of ways they could increase the difficulty of the game without constantly making us lose control of our characters.
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Being able to actually have control of my character does not equate to wanting NPCs to just hand me weapons.


Check my sig, I am a progression raider, I am good at this game. I always interrupt anything that NPCs cast. In fact, without even knowing anything about you I would place a fairly large credit wager that I am better at the game than you are. I am not complaining that the game is too hard, I am telling Bioware that being stunned over and over is NOT FUN.


Do you and I even play the same game?


I am not sure I play the same game as you. You do realize you can interrupt, and that you can break stuns, don't you? Also, why is knockback ever an issue? You do know you can pull a mob so that your back is to a wall, don't you? It is that crazy idea of playing the game better to avoid negative effects from whatever you are fighting.

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I am not sure I play the same game as you. You do realize you can interrupt, and that you can break stuns, don't you? Also, why is knockback ever an issue? You do know you can pull a mob so that your back is to a wall, don't you? It is that crazy idea of playing the game better to avoid negative effects from whatever you are fighting.

Well, you know, tactical thinking is not in the toolbox of button mashers.

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I am not sure I play the same game as you. You do realize you can interrupt, and that you can break stuns, don't you? Also, why is knockback ever an issue? You do know you can pull a mob so that your back is to a wall, don't you? It is that crazy idea of playing the game better to avoid negative effects from whatever you are fighting.


You can interrupt once every 5-10 seconds, depending on your class. Some of these NPCs cast stuns more often than that. And most of the stuns are not cast, they are instant. I interrupt everything that I can, even when I am soloing. This is not the issue.


You can break stuns once every two minutes. Some NPCs will cast three or four stuns IN A ROW!


You are right, putting your back to a wall is a great idea. There is not always a convenient wall available though, and sometimes the mobs in question will stun you several times in a row while you are still trying to move towards the wall.


Well, you know, tactical thinking is not in the toolbox of button mashers.


Yes I have cleared all HM Ops and almost all NiM Ops by being a button masher. Once again, why are you trolling, bran? You are much more likable in general discussion.

Edited by Icebergy
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You can interrupt once every 5-10 seconds, depending on your class. Some of these NPCs cast stuns more often than that. And most of the stuns are not cast, they are instant. I interrupt everything that I can, even when I am soloing. This is not the issue.


You can break stuns once every two minutes. Some NPCs will cast three or four stuns IN A ROW!


You are right, putting your back to a wall is a great idea. There is not always a convenient wall available though, and sometimes the mobs in question will stun you several times in a row while you are still trying to move towards the wall.


Yes I have cleared all HM Ops and almost all NiM Ops by being a button masher. Once again, why are you trolling, bran? You are much more likable in general discussion.


So plan your fights better. Everything about this thread screams "I want to work less and have easier fights". Have cooldowns/medpacks ready for when a stun breaks, have ranged attacks ready for gap closers to get back to a mob after a knockback. I personally love this game because it is different from other MMOs in this regard. More stuns/knockbacks as well as not being able to make macros make fights actually fun, as opposed to other MMOs where you can practically go to sleep while mindlessly kicking off a few buttons to kill something.

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Agreed with OP


The game needs to develop a balnce and a sense of scale over Crowd Control abilities from both sides, not just the player.


It would seem to me, that level should matter for something, that attributes should matter for something, and gear of course should matter as well.


I would suggest that a 5% per level difference between the victim and the caster be observed, so if the victim is 10 levels higher than the caster, the victim gains a bonus 50% chance to avoid the effect. Conversely a victim tha tis 10 levels lower than the caster would suffer a 50% penalty to avoid getting CCd.


How about attributes? An Inquisitor with max Willpower should hardly be affected by mentally born effects, while a Juggernaut with max strength should hardly be impacted by knockbacks. Classes with aim and cunning could be treated as a half the mark strength/willpower for CC resistance.


I wouldlike to see the bosses cease to enjoy God Mode, you can not interrupt them - buth they can you!; You can't knock them back - but they can you, you can't force choke them - they can you; you can not stun them - but they can you... Frankly is abusive, and a sad substitute for real challenge. I can agree in relative terms, that beating somoene who is cheating to be challenging, but frankly challenge can be achieved without the need of cheating.


So the boss has to be ubber, and he is fighting 16 at a time! Ok, he needs a few boosters here, but God Mode: No!


Simple set the boss to be 15 levels higher than the group, so a level 55 mission is taking on a boss that is level 70. That means the boss has a 75% chance to shrug any CCs, but he is no longer perfectly and totally immune and the players are stuck defeating bosses with a choreagraphy set by the devs to follow. Would be nice, very nice, for variety and to allow players to actually exercise creativity.


There i snothing heroic about being thrown around by the bosses minions as a rag doll



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Agreed with OP


I would suggest that a 5% per level difference between the victim and the caster be observed, so if the victim is 10 levels higher than the caster, the victim gains a bonus 50% chance to avoid the effect. Conversely a victim tha tis 10 levels lower than the caster would suffer a 50% penalty to avoid getting CCd.


So to summarize, you don't want to work to the point where you can take on a mob, you want to be buffed by the game so that you can take on harder content without the effort to get there?

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So plan your fights better. Everything about this thread screams "I want to work less and have easier fights". Have cooldowns/medpacks ready for when a stun breaks, have ranged attacks ready for gap closers to get back to a mob after a knockback. I personally love this game because it is different from other MMOs in this regard. More stuns/knockbacks as well as not being able to make macros make fights actually fun, as opposed to other MMOs where you can practically go to sleep while mindlessly kicking off a few buttons to kill something.


I am the raid leader and main tank for my guild, which has cleared all current content on 16man. I know how to plan fights. There is no plan for "run in, get immediately knocked back, force leap back in, get immediately knocked back again, then get pulled back to the mob, then stunned, use CC breaker, immediately stunned again, then knocked back again, then stunned again." I wish I was exaggerating.


For the eight thousandth time, I am not asking for the game to be made easier, I am asking for it to be made more fun. There are plenty of ways they could increase the difficulty without making us constantly lose control of our characters.


Not being able to play my character is not fun.

Edited by Icebergy
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I am the raid leader and main tank for my guild, which has cleared all current content on 16man. I know how to plan fights. There is no plan for "run in, get immediately knocked back, force leap back in, get immediately knocked back again, then get pulled back to the mob, then stunned, use CC breaker, immediately stunned again, then knocked back again, then stunned again." I wish I was exaggerating.


For the eight thousandth time, I am not asking for the game to be made easier, I am asking for it to be made more fun. There are plenty of ways they could increase the difficulty without making us constantly lose control of our characters.


Not being able to play my character is not fun.


And for the eight thousandth time, yes you are asking for the game to be made easer, and yes there are plans for getting knocked back that many times. I find it very, very doubtful that you are a raid leader or main tank if you think you can't plan around multiple knockbacks or stuns...


Having to plan around stuns and knockbacks is exactly what makes this game more fun than many other MMOs. I am sick of MMOs where you can sit around blindly spamming a macro, not having to deal with the more challenging aspects of a fight. There are plenty of games out there where fights are easy enough that you don't have to think about/plan around stuns or knockbacks. I am glad this isn't one of them.

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You are much more likable in general discussion.

Stop insulting me! I am anything but likable.


As I said way back in this thread, stuns and knockbacks are easy was to give bad guys the "power" to fight players. Think of something else they can give bad guys to give them a fighting chance.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I have been one of this game's biggest supporters since, hell, since 2010. I have been critical when necessary, but I have always tried to be fair and reasonable about it.


But seriously guys, how freaking long is it going to take you to figure out that being chain stunned and knocked all over the place by freaking trash mobs is NOT FUN GAMEPLAY?


Stop with the trash mobs stunning so damn often already.

When they did the Great Crowd Control Nerf (removed most ranged stuns, removed Overload's 360 degree knockback, removed instant cast Whirlwind, etc.) and beefed up that anti-CC bar you get in PvP they also more or less said "Because constantly being stunned over and over isn't fun." It's mind-boggling how they didn't realize that it "isn't fun" being chain-CCed in PvE either. But the truth is more likely that they accomodated whines rather than attempting to make things more fun.


Either the diminishing returns on crowd control that happens in PvP should happen everywhere, or I should get back my fun and useful crowd control abilities.

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And for the eight thousandth time, yes you are asking for the game to be made easer, and yes there are plans for getting knocked back that many times. I find it very, very doubtful that you are a raid leader or main tank if you think you can't plan around multiple knockbacks or stuns...


Having to plan around stuns and knockbacks is exactly what makes this game more fun than many other MMOs. I am sick of MMOs where you can sit around blindly spamming a macro, not having to deal with the more challenging aspects of a fight. There are plenty of games out there where fights are easy enough that you don't have to think about/plan around stuns or knockbacks. I am glad this isn't one of them.


https://www.youtube.com/user/ContrabandIncGaming You'll see that the tank character's name matches the name in my sig.

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So to summarize, you don't want to work to the point where you can take on a mob, you want to be buffed by the game so that you can take on harder content without the effort to get there?


I somehow believe you missed the point of my post...


The concept is to not be forced to follow a "cook book" approach to get to and defeat bosses, it would be a very nice change to allow for players to exercise their creativity and utilize their builds in an "out of the box" manner. It is frankly a cheap-shot at providing group challenge by disabling signatrure abilities of any given class or classes.



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https://www.youtube.com/user/ContrabandIncGaming You'll see that the tank character's name matches the name in my sig.


And yet again, you seem to have missed my point. Everything you post in this thread is nothing but asking to have the game be easier. I am not sure why a guild would want someone leading raids who can't manage crowd control for the raid.


As a side note, aren't you embarrassed by your sig at all?

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And yet again, you seem to have missed my point. Everything you post in this thread is nothing but asking to have the game be easier. I am not sure why a guild would want someone leading raids who can't manage crowd control for the raid.


As a side note, aren't you embarrassed by your sig at all?


If you lack the reading comprehension to be able to tell the difference between wanting the game to be easier and wanting to actually have control of my character, that is not my problem. I do not want the game to be easier, if anything I would like it to be harder. Go through my post history, I have asked for the game to be made harder several times. I have posted several times that the game is easy and that you can solo everything, even group content.


Please feel free to watch our videos and feel free to offer me any constructive criticism on how to manage fights better.


Why would I be embarrassed? I identify myself and what I have accomplished. I don't hide behind anonymity like some.

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