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How is pub doing on pvp in this server?


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Keep in mind that I am a mediocre level PvP'er, but I wouldn't say the pubs here are terrible. I've seen more than my fair share of really solid pub teams and premades in WZs that absolutely stomp the imps. When it comes to world PvP like Oricon, I see more pubs ganking and wrecking imps than the other way around.
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This is honestly one of the worst Pub sides in the game for doing basically anything (PvE, PvP, etc).


However, if you really want to play ranked arenas, it might still be worth transferring here anyway due to how totally dead they are on pretty much every other server.

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Been a pub since launch. PvP on old server completely died, came here...deleted all my toons and rolled mirrored versions on imp side during the last double xp weekend(except my scrapper...couldn't part with him for some reason). Not to say imps don't have bad players on this server, but the amount of stupid you deal with on the pub side is enough to make you want to go outside and smash your head into a brick wall for an hour to try and forget what you just saw. Edited by Raansu
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Well, I guess I don't know where I am going now.


If you're looking to just do regs I've heard the pubs are pretty good on harbinger and bastion. When I left JC it was pretty even between both factions. For ranked I'm not sure about bastion but JC ranked doesn't exist and I've got a few friends on pot5 that came from harbinger who pretty much said the same thing. So far ranked you're SOL. POT5 seems to be the place to be for ranked on NA servers. Best you can do is look for a guild and group with them.

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this really depends on the times you q up. lately ive noticed that the pubs dont seem to lose from 10pm to the early morning. its either they got good or the imp talent at that time of night has vanished. also (and this was a while ago) the pubs were decent from like 8am to noon most days. mid day is dominated by imps.
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you all must play during the day cause at night the pubs seem to get light years better then they were before. that or the imps at night are just getting that bad


Every time I queue on my pub if I'm not in a premade its disastrous. The amount of stupid scares me on the pub side. Even most of the rep premades are horrible. I got stuck on a team with brazil force once...Good God it was a nightmare. Like not a single one of them broke 100k.

Edited by Raansu
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Every time I queue on my pub if I'm not in a premade its disastrous. The amount of stupid scares me on the pub side. Even most of the rep premades are horrible. I got stuck on a team with brazil force once...Good God it was a nightmare. Like not a single one of them broke 100k.


Played this tonight, hey most these imps didn't break 100k dmg either. This must mean all imps suck. Pubs are not as bad as people make them out to be. Id say the win loss rate is pretty close, maybe slightly in imps favor probably due to imps always seem to have at least 1 premade group going at any given time. Playing imps isn't the solution since imps play imps as much as pubs, if you want a bigger shot at winning and less stupidity, make your own premade.

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Played this tonight, hey most these imps didn't break 100k dmg either. This must mean all imps suck. Pubs are not as bad as people make them out to be. Id say the win loss rate is pretty close, maybe slightly in imps favor probably due to imps always seem to have at least 1 premade group going at any given time. Playing imps isn't the solution since imps play imps as much as pubs, if you want a bigger shot at winning and less stupidity, make your own premade.


Wow, that damage really makes me hope this is lowbies. But it's not...

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Stay away from Republic side PVP on POT5. It's true that there's good, mediocre, and bad people on both factions but from my personal experience, the Pubs here are especially bad for some reason, at least as solo queue. I've PVPed at all times of day and my experience doesn't seem to get much better.


POT5 as an acronym means Probably Only Takes 5 (attempts to win a single PVP match as Republic).


I warned you.


Addendum: The Brazilians have invaded and they're like monkeys with keyboards. No offense towards Brazil as not everyone from there is like this, but Brazil Force and other guilds really make the rest of Brazilian gamers look bad.

Edited by Infestation
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Depends on what time you play. I NEVER win in PvP on my Imp toon during the times I play. That includes Warzones and GSF. And when I say never, I mean NEVER. Pub ALWAYS wins. I could play for hours on end and not win a single match, and in most cases, we get steamrolled and don't even come close to putting up anything that would be considered a challenge. Imp PvPers on this server are horrible. Pub wins pretty much all the time. Edited by TrooperRCH
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Me and healer friend who is a scoundrel I being a 43k health vg tank are planning to transfer to your server in the next few days. How hard would it be to find 2 good dps? We might bring some of our buddies but we dont wanna bring to many since we kinda overstretched on bringing people we knew to harbinger, and harbinger ended up being terrible.
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Me and healer friend who is a scoundrel I being a 43k health vg tank are planning to transfer to your server in the next few days. How hard would it be to find 2 good dps? We might bring some of our buddies but we dont wanna bring to many since we kinda overstretched on bringing people we knew to harbinger, and harbinger ended up being terrible.


There's some good players on the pub side. They stand out like a sore thumb in the crowd of window lickers, so you should be alright finding 2 people to fill a group.

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It can be very frustrating on the Pub side (and the Imp side). But I also notice that the most verbal complainers in game are the worst of the bunch. I am a decent player by contrast. By no means am I in the elite ranks at all, but a lot of players seem to lack the basic knowledge of how to play the Warzones strategically, and usually are never open to help. But adding more better republic players to the mix couldn't hurt, so if you are a decent player, come on over and increase the odds. Both sides have their issues. Premades usually do better, and imps have more at the moment, so finding people to group with is always the better option.
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It can be very frustrating on the Pub side (and the Imp side). But I also notice that the most verbal complainers in game are the worst of the bunch. I am a decent player by contrast. By no means am I in the elite ranks at all, but a lot of players seem to lack the basic knowledge of how to play the Warzones strategically, and usually are never open to help. But adding more better republic players to the mix couldn't hurt, so if you are a decent player, come on over and increase the odds. Both sides have their issues. Premades usually do better, and imps have more at the moment, so finding people to group with is always the better option.


Can I have buffhouse access?



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