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Maps! Moar maps pl0x!


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Don't think I'd like a map creator. Either created maps would be able to be in the game directly after they're made (in which case my first action after patch would be to disable the option to play on them), or bioware would have to spend a lot of time sifting through poorly designed maps to find one or two they'd approve for playing - and all this after the development time to create a map editor that's safe to release to the public. I'd rather they just design new ones from scratch on their own.
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Don't think I'd like a map creator. Either created maps would be able to be in the game directly after they're made (in which case my first action after patch would be to disable the option to play on them), or bioware would have to spend a lot of time sifting through poorly designed maps to find one or two they'd approve for playing - and all this after the development time to create a map editor that's safe to release to the public. I'd rather they just design new ones from scratch on their own.


not necessarily. user-created maps would need to be submitted for approval before going into the map-rotation and they can be tested on the PTS first.


i played a fair bit of FarCry2. one of the best things about that game was the plethora of user-created maps. some were minor tweaks on existing maps, some were completely new and unlike any other maps in the game.


seriously, it's not that hard to make a Domination map. just ensure that both sides start equidistant from the nodes and that both sides have similar obstacles between their spawn points and the nodes.


besides, a map editor probably wouldn't be all that hard to knock out.

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c'mon guys, just the two maps for almost two months now? it's getting very stale.


I'll ask again for a Map Editor so us players can contribute content too.


There are new map coming on Feb the 4th. The death match map are similar, but definitely not the same as the domination ones.

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I love the two current maps, and I'm still having tons of fun in them, but there are still some space battlefields I'd love to fight in...


* Dynamic Asteroid Field -- we've seen plenty of static asteroid fields (where asteroids sit motionless or slowly spin). I want to fly amongst fast moving asteroids of all different sizes going every which way and bouncing off each other ... like in the ESB chase. Reactive piloting skill would be as much a factor of victory as gunnery is currently.


* Fleet Battlespace -- I want to weave in and out of destroyers and dreadnoughts, all of them too busy blasting away at each other to attack fighters, like the Battle of Endor or the beginning of RotS. Of course, this could mesh with a gametype that requires attack/defense of capital ships by fighters.


* Nebula Cluster -- Imagine a field of different colored nebulas, with different nebula types having different effects on your ship when you fly through them. Some would drastically reduce sensor and communication range. Some could disable shields. Some could slow you down or cause slow, steady damage to your hull. Of course, this map would really only work with an objective gametype that gives you reason to fly into the nebulas... but what if each time you played the game, the color/effects of the nebulas was randomized? It'd force you to have a wide range of ships to deal with a wide range of possible battle environments.


* Cloud City -- whether it's really Bespin or not, I don't care ... but imagine flying in and around the buildings of a floating city, jetting through visibility-obscuring clouds, or weaving in and out behind explosive tibanna gas canisters


* A Black Hole -- Imagine a map where between each team's spawn point is a small black hole. The map is wide enough such that you can fly around the Black Hole without suffering its effects, but get closer, and your ship begins to get pulled in. At a moderate distance, you could use this gravitational effect to slingshot around the map at high speed. But get too close, and you slip past the event horizon and fall in.

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I love the two current maps, and I'm still having tons of fun in them, but there are still some space battlefields I'd love to fight in...


* Dynamic Asteroid Field -- we've seen plenty of static asteroid fields (where asteroids sit motionless or slowly spin). I want to fly amongst fast moving asteroids of all different sizes going every which way and bouncing off each other ... like in the ESB chase. Reactive piloting skill would be as much a factor of victory as gunnery is currently.


* Fleet Battlespace -- I want to weave in and out of destroyers and dreadnoughts, all of them too busy blasting away at each other to attack fighters, like the Battle of Endor or the beginning of RotS. Of course, this could mesh with a gametype that requires attack/defense of capital ships by fighters.


* Nebula Cluster -- Imagine a field of different colored nebulas, with different nebula types having different effects on your ship when you fly through them. Some would drastically reduce sensor and communication range. Some could disable shields. Some could slow you down or cause slow, steady damage to your hull. Of course, this map would really only work with an objective gametype that gives you reason to fly into the nebulas... but what if each time you played the game, the color/effects of the nebulas was randomized? It'd force you to have a wide range of ships to deal with a wide range of possible battle environments.


* Cloud City -- whether it's really Bespin or not, I don't care ... but imagine flying in and around the buildings of a floating city, jetting through visibility-obscuring clouds, or weaving in and out behind explosive tibanna gas canisters


* A Black Hole -- Imagine a map where between each team's spawn point is a small black hole. The map is wide enough such that you can fly around the Black Hole without suffering its effects, but get closer, and your ship begins to get pulled in. At a moderate distance, you could use this gravitational effect to slingshot around the map at high speed. But get too close, and you slip past the event horizon and fall in.


These are all very good ideas, maybe you should post them in the suggestion box of the general forum.

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Don't think I'd like a map creator. Either created maps would be able to be in the game directly after they're made (in which case my first action after patch would be to disable the option to play on them), or bioware would have to spend a lot of time sifting through poorly designed maps to find one or two they'd approve for playing - and all this after the development time to create a map editor that's safe to release to the public. I'd rather they just design new ones from scratch on their own.


why not have all player created maps be saved only to an alternate tutorial mode where a player can fly around on the maps with no enemies, objectives (the sats will be there, just non-functional, so you get a visual cue for their location), or time limits. then once you exit you vote yes or no. the maps with > 80% yes votes get sent to the devs, who can then decide which ones they want to implement.


just my first thought, though I don't think mapmaker is going to happen.

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To the OP: being fair what we have now is early access not the full release. It's basically the same as an old school demo where you only get to play 1 level. In that regard now having all the features that will come with GSF's full release should be expected.


I love the two current maps, and I'm still having tons of fun in them, but there are still some space battlefields I'd love to fight in...


* Dynamic Asteroid Field -- we've seen plenty of static asteroid fields (where asteroids sit motionless or slowly spin). I want to fly amongst fast moving asteroids of all different sizes going every which way and bouncing off each other ... like in the ESB chase. Reactive piloting skill would be as much a factor of victory as gunnery is currently.


* Fleet Battlespace -- I want to weave in and out of destroyers and dreadnoughts, all of them too busy blasting away at each other to attack fighters, like the Battle of Endor or the beginning of RotS. Of course, this could mesh with a gametype that requires attack/defense of capital ships by fighters.


* Nebula Cluster -- Imagine a field of different colored nebulas, with different nebula types having different effects on your ship when you fly through them. Some would drastically reduce sensor and communication range. Some could disable shields. Some could slow you down or cause slow, steady damage to your hull. Of course, this map would really only work with an objective gametype that gives you reason to fly into the nebulas... but what if each time you played the game, the color/effects of the nebulas was randomized? It'd force you to have a wide range of ships to deal with a wide range of possible battle environments.


* Cloud City -- whether it's really Bespin or not, I don't care ... but imagine flying in and around the buildings of a floating city, jetting through visibility-obscuring clouds, or weaving in and out behind explosive tibanna gas canisters


* A Black Hole -- Imagine a map where between each team's spawn point is a small black hole. The map is wide enough such that you can fly around the Black Hole without suffering its effects, but get closer, and your ship begins to get pulled in. At a moderate distance, you could use this gravitational effect to slingshot around the map at high speed. But get too close, and you slip past the event horizon and fall in.


I really like these, especially the Dynamic Asteroid and Fleet Battle. I could see a lot of potential for the fleet battle being a return to X-Wing where you have some starfighters (strikers/bombers) making attack runs on enemy capital ships while trying to avoid the point defense systems and other starfighters (strikers/gunships/scouts) try to keep enemy starfighters off their back.


I'd especially like it if the enemy capital ships can damage each other so that the more effective/balanced a team is for destroying capital ship systems (like in BF II) the more desperate the fight will become for the side with capital ships that become weaker (and conversely if all both teams do is dogfight both fleets will destroy each other and produce a draw, penalizing the two teams for not playing the objective). It'd be so much fun if the two fleets engaged in a capital ship slugfest actually damaged each other and weren't just there for scenery.

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People really need to start reading before they post. The devs have already said that GSF was implemented in a limited form to ensure everything works. They have a TON of stuff in development for it.

A "ton"? Where have you seen this stated? I'm VERY skeptical of that claim given their history...we don't have a "ton" of ANY content in this game...only 2 WZ's in 2 years...where exactly did you come up with this?

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I love the two current maps, and I'm still having tons of fun in them, but there are still some space battlefields I'd love to fight in...


* Dynamic Asteroid Field -- we've seen plenty of static asteroid fields (where asteroids sit motionless or slowly spin). I want to fly amongst fast moving asteroids of all different sizes going every which way and bouncing off each other ... like in the ESB chase. Reactive piloting skill would be as much a factor of victory as gunnery is currently.


* Fleet Battlespace -- I want to weave in and out of destroyers and dreadnoughts, all of them too busy blasting away at each other to attack fighters, like the Battle of Endor or the beginning of RotS. Of course, this could mesh with a gametype that requires attack/defense of capital ships by fighters.


* Nebula Cluster -- Imagine a field of different colored nebulas, with different nebula types having different effects on your ship when you fly through them. Some would drastically reduce sensor and communication range. Some could disable shields. Some could slow you down or cause slow, steady damage to your hull. Of course, this map would really only work with an objective gametype that gives you reason to fly into the nebulas... but what if each time you played the game, the color/effects of the nebulas was randomized? It'd force you to have a wide range of ships to deal with a wide range of possible battle environments.


* Cloud City -- whether it's really Bespin or not, I don't care ... but imagine flying in and around the buildings of a floating city, jetting through visibility-obscuring clouds, or weaving in and out behind explosive tibanna gas canisters


* A Black Hole -- Imagine a map where between each team's spawn point is a small black hole. The map is wide enough such that you can fly around the Black Hole without suffering its effects, but get closer, and your ship begins to get pulled in. At a moderate distance, you could use this gravitational effect to slingshot around the map at high speed. But get too close, and you slip past the event horizon and fall in.


Awesome ideas all around. :jawa_biggrin:

Edited by jedimessiah
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* Nebula Cluster -- Imagine a field of different colored nebulas, with different nebula types having different effects on your ship when you fly through them. Some would drastically reduce sensor and communication range. Some could disable shields. Some could slow you down or cause slow, steady damage to your hull. Of course, this map would really only work with an objective gametype that gives you reason to fly into the nebulas... but what if each time you played the game, the color/effects of the nebulas was randomized? It'd force you to have a wide range of ships to deal with a wide range of possible battle environments..


Not a fan of randomly getting my ship screwed over. See also: love taps. It also puts new players at a disadvantage (because they don't have the hanger to perform well in such a randomly generated environment) without giving them any way to predict, prevent, or react to the situation.


* A Black Hole -- Imagine a map where between each team's spawn point is a small black hole. The map is wide enough such that you can fly around the Black Hole without suffering its effects, but get closer, and your ship begins to get pulled in. At a moderate distance, you could use this gravitational effect to slingshot around the map at high speed. But get too close, and you slip past the event horizon and fall in.


Oh... oh dear.


This is great because it doesn't just screw my ship over - it gives me a risk-reward scenario that I can use to my advantage or screw myself with. It's entirely under my control, and there's half a dozen ways I can use it to my advantage.


Give me a good story reason why we're there and I'm in so hard. Maybe it's the outskirts of the Maw and no one's brave enough to get any closer? Maybe it's a newly formed micro black hole that's not on the star charts and pulled two frigates out of hyperspace?

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