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"5 ways to tell that you are getting too old for video games"


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Gaming is part of our generation. Something that did not exist before. I am in my 30s and have even playing video games since hanging in arcades and Nintendo.


I work at the fire dept and you better believe we play GTA 5 at the station on our down time.


Games have evolved with our generation, look at the popularity of war games, no coincidence that games have matured with us. They were aimed at kids at first but as we have grown into adults the games have also matured, and they will continue to do so. We played Mario brothers as kids and saved the princess, then played wave race 64 and bad fur day. Now we play war games and the sims.


Gaming is going no where and growing out of gaming is a concept that has never really occurred yet because video games are not that old.


There is a high possibility the retirement homes for people born the 70s and 80s will have a video game room

Edited by kirorx
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All I can say is... don't make fun of "old people"... you're either gonna be one or die young.


Also... we outnumber you.



And... when I get my pension, I'll be able to play 24 hours a day AND pay to win.



I all most play now 24/7 lol


retried at 45 un willing my DR won't let me go back to work i wanted to 2 years ago i am now 57 about to be come 58 .. but my mom and few others about her age play games wow rift swtor :) .. she 78 and others i know around 64,,

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0:16 - "E. T." on the Atari 2600. Probably the worst computer game of all time. I still have a working copy of that game and I actually tried it out again some months ago to see if it is really as bad as I remembered it (and as it was voted everywhere). Yes. Yes, it is. ;)


Ontopic again: I find it soooo sad that many grown-ups are so mature and... boring. Even my friends. I mean, I can be responsible and correct and with both feet on the ground, but I also love to play, fool around, have fun, be funny. Most of my friends don't get this anymore. Why do you have to be so strict and dull, just because you are in your 30s or 40s.


Especially if you have kids. I don't have one yet unfortunately, but one day I (hopefully) will have. When I got my Atari 2600 back in the days for christmas, it was my father who played Pac Man until 6 in the morning, not me. When my future child gets his/her - I don't know - Sonyntendo PlayCube V27, I'm gonna play Zeldario Duty 8 until 6 in the morning. And honestly, with whom have kids more fun: With the father/mother who plays games with them or the ones who say: Playing is for you kids, I'm gonna read the newspaper now with a black, sugarfree coffee, please don't play too loud.


I feel pity for all the grown-ups who don't remember what it is like to have fun. Eventually it will be all over one day anyway. My last thought shall be: Yeah, you had a fun life, good job, JattaGin.


P. S. Since my father (~70) is retired, he plays computer games several hours per day. He recently bought a DVD with card games on it. He also has a SEGA Master System emulator on his laptop and likes to play "Wonder Boy". I wished that had a multiplayer-version. :D

Edited by JattaGin
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I all most play now 24/7 lol


retried at 45 un willing my DR won't let me go back to work i wanted to 2 years ago i am now 57 about to be come 58 .. but my mom and few others about her age play games wow rift swtor :) .. she 78 and others i know around 64,,


oh, lol. I am so tainted by the online terminology, that i thought you were talking about (DR) Dimenishing Returns....not DR as in the obvious Doctor. :cool:

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Hello, everyone,


I found this article elsewhere - reposted by someone else.




It has 2 pages.


It's funny and it is indeed a good way to tell whether you are getting too old for video games or not. ;)


The other articles are also interesting.




is way number 6 that you read articles saying you're too old for stuff :p

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Hello, everyone,


I found this article elsewhere - reposted by someone else.




It has 2 pages.


It's funny and it is indeed a good way to tell whether you are getting too old for video games or not. ;)


The other articles are also interesting.




So much truth to this article. It's why I'm VERY picky about what I play.

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Its not that we are getting too old for video games, we are getting to old for boring gaming companies who won't get off their butts and actually bring out something worthwhile. Makeb was a joke, and endless dailies is just another WOW move. Class story and companion story is what made this game unique, why not continue with that?
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I disagree with this article because you're never too old for video games.


i agree; you may change tastes as you get older, but that just means changing which games you play


personally i've been playing video games for 37 years with a minimum of 20 hours a week (and quite a few years where i was playing 60 to 80 hours a week) i have over 50,000 hours in game play; more than 15,000 hours of that are from MMO's


i dont feel too old to game; but i am getting picky as i get older. i used to buy around 100 games a year and would play more than that (access to games at jobs or from friends); i think i only buy around 50 a year now


but ive always had this feeling like im collecting them for my retirement because i dont think ill out grow gaming.


with digital downloads it isnt as big an issue anymore; but what i used to do with console games and with old boxed pc games; thinks i like that i thought i might play again some day i kept. things that were only worth playing once i would sell. i do the same thing with movies. than when i retire i can just replay my entire collection; it should take a few years to cycle through it.


im at something like 1000 games and nearing 2000 movies/tvseasons; and thats just the ones ive kept, its a drop in the bucket compared to the number ive played/watched that weren't worth saving for the future

Edited by Kunovega
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What most gaming companies fail to understand is that games must have a HIGH replay value. If they do not, they will crash a burn hard. That is why the games of old will always be better than these newer better graphic games. Because no matter what, people will always go back to them. Swtor could be a game like that, but with EA at the helm, it won't. EA wants to just milk this game instead of re-inspiring people to continue to play.
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What most gaming companies fail to understand is that games must have a HIGH replay value. If they do not, they will crash a burn hard. That is why the games of old will always be better than these newer better graphic games. Because no matter what, people will always go back to them. Swtor could be a game like that, but with EA at the helm, it won't. EA wants to just milk this game instead of re-inspiring people to continue to play.


That's nice, but it's also an opinion.


I've got plenty of new games that I can replay loads of times and am happy doing do. Just because you don't like them as much doesn't mean they don't have replay value.

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  • 11 months later...
I'll sum it up from a jingle from an old TV commercial, "I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys'R,Us kid..."


"I bet you those people are still there to this day! Don't believe me? The sequel commercial years later proves it!"

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I totally agree with this article.


When I picked up Dragon age inquisition I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of it and the never-ending little icons. Also somehow the Dragon age developers forgot to include generally helpful tips on what the heck you are supposed todo next. Seriously I feel like I'm wandering in the middle of a vast empty deserted land.


The second point was the frustration with getting into groups and having someone screaming " SPACE BAR". I understand that when it's like running that first flashpoint and you have done it a dozen times. But not everyone wants to do a flashpoint at blazing speeds. I loved his comment that he would rather fist fight a wolf than do multiplayer.


I'm not all that old either I'm only 31.

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ROFLMAO at the article..... Especially #4. But I gotta say....there's no better feeling than the one you get after you've successfully defended the world heavyweight title against your 13yr old daughter in WWE 2K13 (ok...just barely, but a win is a win lol). Then perform an "ultimate combo" on your 12yr old son who thought he was a BEAST in killer instinct. (Then tell him to keep practicing son, I was pulling ultimate combos on cats in tha arcade before you were born! Lol)


*Drops mic, pats kids on head, then goes back to playing DA:I

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