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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Solo que...why not?


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Why not keep ques as they are now, and add a solo que option?


Give the que system as it is now (non ranked arena) a slight boost in comms gains then add a solo que that is slightly lower then comms gains as they are atm.


This way, a solo player can choose to join the regular que and potentially gain more comms, but also perhaps face premade teams...or...solo que, gain less comms but have a better atmosphere for competition?


With this method, you may still cater to the premades group since soloers will still have the oppurtunity to join them in reg random WZ's when they feel they are ready for a stronger pvp experience, and not have the crazy long que times that comes with ranked queing.


Just some ideas, take them as you will.

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Because then the "group" queue would die and have long wait times due to no cross server queuing and then everyone will just queue sync into the "solo" queue. Until BW adds cross server the current queue system is fine as is. Adding anymore restrictions would simply split and slow the queue's even more in a game that already has up to 4 different pvp queue's already in a single server queue system and the two ranked queues are pretty much all but dead on every server except for the 3 big pvp servers.
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Give the que system as it is now (non ranked arena) a slight boost in comms gains then add a solo que that is slightly lower then comms gains as they are atm.


This would pose a problem if the comms gains were messed with.


As it is now, you can get your 8 medals and get rolled by a premade in 5 minutes or less in huttball and get 80 comms.


A solo Only queue would inevitably lead to balanced, but Long, back and forth matches....so you could be looking at a 12 minute match...get your 8 medals...then lose 2 to 1 for?....50 comms?


Given those 2 choices, I'd rather just get rolled by premades in the queue system as it is now.



How it should be:



-Convert current solo/group queue to Solo Ranked/Group Ranked, BUT, with the addition of being able to get Warzones instead of just Arenas. Remove the limit of 4 and allow 8 to queue together. Earn ranked comms here.


-Add SOLO-ONLY non-ranked Warzones/Arenas. Earn regular warzone comms here.


-Remove regular-to-ranked comms conversion.


-Don't require regular warzone gear to trade in for ranked gear.


-Remove the whole ranked leaderboards thing and team rating completely, because fear of having a low rating has obviously driven even more people away from ranked.


-Possibly use individual rating just for matchmaking (if that's even a priority...which it doesn't appear to be).


-Remove rating loss for DC/leaving a match/not taking a ranked pop.


This would be a good compromise and would give both solo queuers and premades something to aim for.


--Casual players will get their solo-only matches, but could only possibly ever get normal pvp gear unless they joined the ranked queue.


--The more dedicated could still possibly roll solo queuers in ranked or get competition in the form of facing an 8man team, but get rewarded with higher end ranked pvp gear.


All of that would alleviate pretty much all of the pug vs premade complaints. Admittedly, this would leave basically no room for any serious team vs team competition, but the number of people in this game who genuinely Want to go against the top teams (that they'll likely lose to) in an effort to better their own play and develop strategies is incredibly small. That said, while not terribly important, said teams could still time their queues of 8 to go against each other.

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Not really interested in longer Qs. On POT5 yesterday, it took me half an hour to get into a warzone. Part because I got an arena first, then quit and waited 2 minutes. Then when I re-Qed it took a few, and when I did, there I was without my HUD at all. Had to close the game and log back in.


Already delayed enough here with my arena dodging and the random bugs in game.


Here's an idea. Make solo ranked not ranked then there is your solo Q.

Edited by Technohic
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Apparently you haven't been in match where a team of full geared obroan premades faces a mixed pvp/pve (yes pve gear, everyone has to start some where) random pug, in those matches people can sometimes only get 2-5 medals from being spawn camped. Your solution is flawed.


So basically all i keep hearing is screw soloers, keep catering to premades? When premades are clearly the minority due to the fact that when ranked ques are an option the que time is ridiculously long....Nope, the problem is most ,(NOT ALL) premades want the easy fast comms farmed from pugs. Take that away as an option , give them fair competition....and their pvp world comes to a screeching halt. See, i have history to base my finding from since we have seen ranked ques fail, where competition is a lot more fair.....Lets try having Solo ques...that way we have another source to pull information from. If solo ques fail, then fine...go back to what it was before, i have a feeling that they would be such an enormous hit, that pug smashing premades would be crying all over these boards about not getting comms fast enough.

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Not really interested in longer Qs. On POT5 yesterday, it took me half an hour to get into a warzone. Part because I got an arena first, then quit and waited 2 minutes. Then when I re-Qed it took a few, and when I did, there I was without my HUD at all. Had to close the game and log back in.


Already delayed enough here with my arena dodging and the random bugs in game.


Here's an idea. Make solo ranked not ranked then there is your solo Q.


had to lol

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PvP in this game is just a farm fest. Is it any wonder players quit in droves.


ROFL facerolling other players is fun in the short term. In the long term it will just lead to longer queues and eventually RIP PvP.


There's a laundry list of things that have drove PvPers away from this game.

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