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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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Can someone please tell me when they will release the other variety of NPC Mandalorian armor, the blue and white with the jetpack? I've been a Swtor player since 2012, and I remember first getting to Dromund Kaas and seeing the Mandalorians and thinking : "I can't wait to get that armor set later in the game" ... and it sort-of happened with similar mando-style sets, but I never got the real deal...


Then they released the Mandalorian hunter set, and I'm thinking : "they're definitely going to release the other one now"... and still, it's been a long time since that star fighter pack... When I started this game I was a senior in high school... now I'm a senior in College and I've been a Bioware fan since KOTOR and always loved the Mandalorians and the Mandalorian look Bioware Designed in both games...


I know Bioware is releasing a new Mando-set in these new Alliance packs, but I really just want the one the NPC's wear.

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The hood is down because of the visor. The original Jedi Battlelord set's visor does the same thing.


(I can provide photos of my Guardian for reference.)


As someone has said above, you are still wrong. The visor removes the Hood completly. And that is ugly as hell.. This set has the Hood DOWN, not removed.

Edited by lKile
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I've been wanting a armor piece like the chest of the new "Sith Recluse" armor set ever since they introced adptative gear and modable gear and then they ruin it (in my opinion) by adding a damn sirkt like thing to the chest piece and make it uneven with 2 diferent shoulder pads... I hate non simmetrical gear. If they took out the skirt thingy and make the right shoulder pad equal to the left I that would be my perfect set to use! Can you please do it? It shouldn't be too hard the model already exists just needs a few teaks... :p

In my opinon the are some items that I would use but I don't since they aren't simmetrical, like the darth sion gloves, or xoxaan gloves. At least in the darth sion one you managed to create a very similar let that was simetrical I do use those gloves. So this one proves you could do a simmetrical "Sith Recluse" if you wanted.

Also there are many chest pieces that in my opinion are ruined by having skirts attached or some flapping apendages of cloth or armor hanging below the belt , like the bikini set from having a security key, or many operative based gears which i can't remember the names.

Personally I would like to see options of gear that are simmetrical and without those skirts.


But for now I would love if you could introduce a version 2 of the "Sith Recluse" like I mentioned above.


Anyone agrees with me?

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I'm I the only who would like to have Valkorion's armor/robes??


I'd pay CC for that, for sure!!


Probably right now it would diminish the awesomeness of it - but in another expansion or two, they should definitely allow it to be wearable.


Then again, you could face Revan Reborn as Revan Reborn.....

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Probably right now it would diminish the awesomeness of it - but in another expansion or two, they should definitely allow it to be wearable.


Then again, you could face Revan Reborn as Revan Reborn.....


I honestly believe it would be ok in a month or two. Or perhaps in january, to coincide with the release of chapter X.

Specially considering a certain story spoiller:rolleyes:

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I'd love to see Valkorion and Vaylin armor (without the hood for Vaylin armor) and also all of the PVP sets from the original game, before the 2.0 that haven't been released yet in Cartel Market, especially the Battlemaster Force-Master from the imperial side ( http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/13/battlemaster-force-master/battlemasterforcemasterfront.jpg) , the Centurion Eliminator from the republic side ( http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/15/centurion-combat-medic/cent_angle.jpg ) and the Centurion Force-Master from imperial side ( http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/25/centurion-force-mystic/centurionforcemysticfront.jpg ).
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I'd like to see more helmets like the Commando/Lacqerous Mesh helmet but without the goggles (based on some SW cutscenes I think that model already exists in game). Also helmets like the Rugged Infantry/Protector/Czerka Security etc. but also without the goggles. I'd also be fine with those models where the goggles are in an raised position (like on the Republic Officer's helmet).


I basically like those helmets expect for how the goggles obscure part of my character's face.


EDIT: I also really like the Rugged Infantry helmet due to it's similarity to the ROTJ Rebel Commando helmets. But if we could get a model that was basically the Rugged Infantry helmet minus the neck armor piece that'd be great. If we got variants where some had goggles down and others had goggles up, even better.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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I'd love to see Chantique armor too, she has so much charisma and her armor fits pretty well with any female character I'm sure.

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I'm sure it's been mentioned but I would like to see the older Sith Trooper armor. The kind from the TOR comics and in the old cutscenes. You can find this armor in game on the dead Troopers on Ziost. Would love to have it.
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Darth Malgus's armor set!!


Please i don't see any reason why we don't get that since we got the sets for the dead and the living so far, this is something many of us want and something we wished since we saw Malgus!


Please do it BW!

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The armor set from the trailer, which shows the male and female Jedi. Sorry the link just takes you to the page. But it is the guy with the blue light saber and he is wearing what looks like trooper armor with a Jedi brown tunic . The girl is standing with him with a red light saber. If this is already in the Cartel Market, I couldn't find it.




The female armor set from the loading screen for Knight of the Fallen Empire.


Koth Vortena's armor set


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Please for the love of the CM gods - the armor of the Sith Master Assassin from one of the Pub Heroics on Hoth, and can also be seen chilling around the Imp Fleet. http://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/sith-master-assassin Pretty much the old Centurion Marauder set (hood down!) with Thana's gloves and boots. Since the Reaver set is the old Jugg set with the hood up, it'd be a nice symmetry to have the Mara set be hood down. Edited by Sangiban
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