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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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So if you love the ideas from this thread, can I ask when are we going to get the Havoc Squad armor?

Been waiting over 3 years for it.


It looks like this, since you seem to have forgotten about it.




Add this, looks amazing :o

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A more casual looking formal uniform would be cool- like the imperial officer uniform, but unzipped to show an undershirt underneath or something- because I mean who runs around the desert meeting perfectly in uniform?
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I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who isn't subbed; all credit for these ideas go to Galacie/Nevina:


As others have surely mentioned, more casual wear would be lovely!


A bolero! Hooded and/or otherwise.

Thigh-high boots (or stockings)

Shirts that can pass as skirts?


(basically wanting something like the outfit I doodled the other day XD;; It set me on a bolero kick)

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Jedi Progression armor








I'm actually surprised that this one isnt available yet. It is such a beautiful armor set.


EDIT: Please no shoulder pads. Leave as is shown in the images.

Edited by xgigabytex
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My requests:


- Republic Army uniforms (both a duty uniform and a dress uniform).

- Casual attire. I'd love to have something like the SW equivalent of a t-shirt and jeans, or a polo shirt, or something that a character would wear on their "off day" for role-playing. Female characters need something in between a formal ballgown and a dancer's outfit / lingerie.

- Another skirt / miniskirt that actually shows a female character's legs (like the Regal Apparel Miniskirt does).

- More boots that go to the knee or above the knee.

- Hats that don't make the character's hair disappear. I love the Rishi pirate hat for my female Smuggler, but I want her long red hair to show!

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I would really like to see Lucien Draay's robes. He's from the same story as Zayne Carrick who has a set too.




In fact all of the Jedi in that image have very unique robes that would make awesome armour sets. Besides that i'd just like to see the size of lightsaber hilts reduced in the future on the cartel market.

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I absolutely love that this thread is now at 46 pages! Well done, and our many thanks for your continued suggestions!


We have some great armor sets coming up, many of which have been a direct result of this thread! Which ones you may ask? Well, you'll just have to wait and see, but I feel confident they will not disappoint! :tran_cool:


Keep the suggestions coming in!


I would love to see the "Sons of Palawa" armor sets from the Tatooine quest line. They looked pretty bad arse!

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You can get fairly close to Sev's armor: find a crafter willing to make you a set of Battlemaster Supercommando armor, and find a white/red dye on either the GTN or the Security Key vendor.


It's not the same, but it IS along the same vein...and let's face it: this is 3600 years before the Clone Wars. Seeing Katarn-class Clone Commando armor in this timeframe would seriously clash with the aesthetics of the game, even more than most of the Cartel sets that are already in-game.


(Also, FYI: those images you linked to are REALLY small on my end. Do you have larger versions? I'd really like that image of Dealta Squad for my desktop background...)

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So if you love the ideas from this thread, can I ask when are we going to get the Havoc Squad armor?

Been waiting over 3 years for it.


It looks like this, since you seem to have forgotten about it.




So much this :)

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Where do I start?


  • Decent Dark Side robes - none of this flairing shoulder thing, just some decent, evil robes...even something as simple as Palpatine.
  • Variants of Valiant Jedi/Eradicator/Exterminator that have good texturing on the chest.
  • Imperial trooper armor, that actually has some body bulk. The Makeb reputation sets look very skinny unless you're Body Type 4. Skinny and disproportionate.
  • Republic trooper armor without shoulder extensions. How am I supposed to fit through a door I just blew open?
  • On a sub note, I'd love trooper armor that does not have right angles sticking into your crotch.
  • Plain Mandalorian/Hunter armor. We have clansman, mandalorian hunter, 3 Mandalore the [something] and Rolahn's sets, but they are all wierdly textured. I'd like a very plain set of beskar'gam...like a monochrome Jango Fett.
  • Normal uniforms! The Civillain Pilot set is the closest you can get to Republic military uniforms, but its too baggy. And it lacks any insignia. The Clandestine Operative/Reskins of the same in the world - they have too much gaudy stuff on them Just a plain gray imperial uniform. And please, something less sexualized than Formal Militant's.
  • On that subject, can we please get some normal, non-cleavage, non-bare-leg/bare-back, decent femail clothes. Something like, oh, I dunno, a tabardless Atris set. Also just...well....decent sets.
  • I'd like to see a suit or two for males. the Formal Tuxedo was an eyesaw....purple and yellow? eh....
  • And maybe some normal, white shirts.
  • I'd also really, really like non-spit-baggy Jedi Robes.
  • And non-spit-baggy sports uniforms.
  • Would be awesome to get some more cool stuff like the Adept Scout earpiece. Maybe varients of it. The Effeciency Scanners just look "unnatural".
  • Probably crazy, but a Dread Master Set or two would not go amiss.
  • And one last thing....can we please get another Beret....with a Republic Insignia instead of Cartel? That's the only thing stopping my crew of 4 troopers and their 20 comps from looking like Spetsnaz.

Edited by NikSunrider
Derp forgot to close list.
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I'd love to have these robes:


Orgus Din 1

Orgus Din 2




I'm a fan of traditional Jedi outfits, but robes like Relnex and the likes cover up too much of a Knight's body, which makes him look a bit dull in combat. Robes like Orgus' ir Sajar's expose the legs and you can see much more of the acrobatic moves a Knight does when fighting baddies with his light sabers :-)


I'd gladly pay 2000 CC for either of those.

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I absolutely love that this thread is now at 46 pages! Well done, and our many thanks for your continued suggestions!


We have some great armor sets coming up, many of which have been a direct result of this thread! Which ones you may ask? Well, you'll just have to wait and see, but I feel confident they will not disappoint! :tran_cool:


Keep the suggestions coming in!


Nice to know that you are following this thread.


Any chance that we could finally see the Jedi Knight character creation armour being added to the Cartel Market?


It is the only character creation armour that is *not* available, and the last one of those other armours was added over a year ago. It would be really nice to see the Jedi Knight character creation armour finally become a reality.

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So if you love the ideas from this thread, can I ask when are we going to get the Havoc Squad armor?

Been waiting over 3 years for it.


It looks like this, since you seem to have forgotten about it.




This. All of my this.

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So does that mean we will finally see traditional / Kotor 2 Jedi robes? These have been among the most requested in this thread and and in the CM Suggestions.


Please, tell me they're coming:




Will be so amazing to get a version without a cloak as well.

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The Rishi Pirate Captain's armor, from the mission to plant flags on Rishi. Can't remember the name, but it's part of the Rishi mission line. The armor in question looks like medieval plate armor, heavy steel, with big pauldrons, and a smooth texture. Since the model is already in game, maybe release an armor set at a vendor, or as a model for a green or blue set.
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