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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know we've gotten a lot of Heavy Armors and Light Armors in our time... But any chance we could see stuff that incorporates both in a less formal style than armored Jedi robes?


Example styles:

Ubese combat armor: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/4b/Ubese.jpg

Nikto: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/StarWarsRPG/edge-of-the-empire/supplements/lords-of-nal-hutta/SWE11-Nikto.png

Another Nikto: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/cb/a1/0f/cba10fb70ac62458ce6240960afbe8a6.jpg

Boushh: https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7594/16958917325_5a49f7efd9_b.jpg


PS. Really love the Expert Outlaw Head-piece!

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The Furious Legacy gear was a Ranked PvP reward, exclusive to that season. As much as I'd like them to return (so I could get them...and those weapons' F*CKING AWESOME proto-Tuning!), I don't want them to bring them back, purely to avoid the precedent.


If we could get the Dark Reaver/Revanite sets back through some other means, though, I'd be all over it. There were some pretty sweet and unique pieces in there.


Yeah, I'm not a PvP'er but I wouldn't want to see ranked PvP rewards obtainable another way, either.


I would love to see the Dark Reaver sets as shells though, either in the GC crates or direct purchase in the CM or added to some rep vendors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please implement the old forcemystic/master Armor as moddable armor set! INCLUDING the belt!

Orgus Din original armor set

Syo Bakarns original armor set


Dont force me to create another 100 posts about these armors. Syo Bakarns armor for example is already in the new Command-crates but not in his ORIGINAL COLOR!! (And there is no chance to dye it like him cause there is no suitable dye!)

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Lately we've been getting a lot of really cool Jedi, Smuggler/Agent armor sets (and BH if you count the Mandalorian one), but I think we are missing good silver and gold sets inspired by the Imperial navy.

We already have the Imperial Trooper set (collectors edition exclusive), Volatine Shock trooper reskin and the Makeb trooper set (legacy/reputation), but compared to the Republic side there are not many options to choose from. Variations of the Imp trooper NPCs could perfectly be a nice silver armor set (giving us a different helmet style and keeping the 'Sith trooper' feeling in the rest of the armor set).

This Iokath trooper can be a good example. Perhaps it looks a bit simple, but it can be reworked into a really nice set: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/imperial-soldier-208

And while we have several good Officer sets, I'd like to see something inspired by the high ranking Imperials whenever they lead a ground assaul (like General Veers in ESB and Thrawn in Rebels):




This would be great for Agents, RP BHs and Sith, as well as Troopers that joined the Empire on Iokath.

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Lately we've been getting a lot of really cool Jedi, Smuggler/Agent armor sets (and BH if you count the Mandalorian one), but I think we are missing good silver and gold sets inspired by the Imperial navy.

We already have the Imperial Trooper set (collectors edition exclusive), Volatine Shock trooper reskin and the Makeb trooper set (legacy/reputation), but compared to the Republic side there are not many options to choose from. Variations of the Imp trooper NPCs could perfectly be a nice silver armor set (giving us a different helmet style and keeping the 'Sith trooper' feeling in the rest of the armor set).

This Iokath trooper can be a good example. Perhaps it looks a bit simple, but it can be reworked into a really nice set: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/imperial-soldier-208

And while we have several good Officer sets, I'd like to see something inspired by the high ranking Imperials whenever they lead a ground assaul (like General Veers in ESB and Thrawn in Rebels):




This would be great for Agents, RP BHs and Sith, as well as Troopers that joined the Empire on Iokath.


Ba-Bumpin this...definatly would be nice to have a "Chiss Admiral" Wink wink Armor set.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Secretive Dervish's Armor Set:

Based on the Seyugi Dervish Assassin Order from legends:

"The Seyugi Dervishes were a Force-sensitive order of assassins that originated on the sulfuric planet of Recopia, located in the Core Worlds. They were founded several centuries before the Battle of Yavin by a Force-sensitive leader of the Seyugi culture named Karrh." - Wiki Quote



Off-world Raider's Armor Set:

Based on the Ubese race, it's most famous member being Boushh, a bounty hunter whom Leia disguises herself as to meet Jabba the Hutt. (No timeline issue, Ubese had this style of armor well before the battle of Yavin.)

"To most inhabitants of the galaxy, members of the enigmatic Ubese, or Ubesian, species were generally known as mysterious wanderers and nomadic savages. Their xenophobic nature made them ideally suited for professions such as mercenaries or bounty hunters."




Mandalore the Lesser's Armor Set: (Gladiatorial or Post)

Based on Mandalore the Lesser, the Mandalore before Mandalore the Vindicated.

"The whispers of the Imperial Agents became cheers in the arena… 'Mandalore! Mandalore!' The ancient title of the ultimate warrior king was thrust upon the young gladiator. His infamy grew, and when he called, the Mandalorians rallied to their new master. The new Mandalore secretly served masters of his own, however."




Forgotten Crusader's Armor Set:

This has been asked for a lot. Based on the Mandalorian Neo Crusaders who've appeared in several artworks related to this game.

"The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were an order of Mandalorians sponsored by Mandalore the Ultimate following the end of the Great Sith War and his own ascension to the position of Mandalore. Named after the original Mandalorian Crusaders, they fought the Mandalorian Wars, and were later regrouped and reformed under Mandalore the Preserver."




Demagol's Armor Set:

Based on Demagol, a mandalorian surgeon who travelled along-side characters like Jarael, (A lore set already in the game.) Zayne Carrick, etc.

"Though not a warrior, Demagol enjoyed a high status among the Mandalorians and was regarded as a rival by Cassus Fett. He was also believed to have been among Mandalore the Ultimate's advisers, however he refused to don Neo-Crusader armor."




Revanite Assassin's Armor Set:

Based on the Sith Assassin's trained by Revan during the KOTOR era.

"The Sith assassins were a sect of covert Force-sensitive killers secretly founded by Darth Revan on Malachor V during the Jedi Civil War. "



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  • 1 month later...

First off, thank you Bioware for the Shadow Disciple Armor Set. I waited an eternity for this set.

But to say, not for the set in general, more for the belt - Because it looked exactly like the old Battlemaster Belt for Inquisitors (old lvl 60 PvP-Set). I just wanted that damn belt cause its the only armor piece which cant be crafted to suit the old battlemaster armor set. I bought it and finally realised... Its NOT the same as the old battlemaster belt because of that "wonderful" purple glow inside the skulls eyes. THANKS Bioware for AGAIN screwing it up.


Wont you just give us players the items they want? Only one time?

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