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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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ACtual armor and jedi robes from the movies....


Anikan and obi wans jedi robes from episode 3 or just real jedi robes in general.. tired the bath robe short sleeve ones



The Kreia and Exterminator robes are a step in the right direction


Darth Vaders armor


The Cultist robe the Emperor Wears


Boba Fetts ARmor


now that disney wants them to add more Canon stuff i could see this stuff maybe happening




This is Star Wars: The Old Republic, not Star Wars: The Movies MMO and certainly not Star Wars: The Disney ****.

We can see more original armor and robes inspired on classic robes but you wont get a single costume for characters that wont exist in at least 3000 years.

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This is Star Wars: The Old Republic, not Star Wars: The Movies MMO and certainly not Star Wars: The Disney ****.

We can see more original armor and robes inspired on classic robes but you wont get a single costume for characters that wont exist in at least 3000 years.


I agree, honestly. All this clamoring for "traditional Jedi robes" we always see... The movies are 3000 years from now... fashion changes year to year for us, why would it not change over 3000 years in the Star Wars Galaxy? Plus, take a look at a real life equivalent, the Shaolin Monk. Quick, without cheating and without Googling, what do they wear? What is "traditional"? Odds are most of you will immediately think of the Hollywood look, orange robes. Thing is, in reality they don't just wear orange robes. They wear many colors, sometimes with shirts, sometimes without shirts, many variations on the Shaolin monk "robes."


So, unless you want the 'traditional' look from the Tales of the Old Republic comics, which oh look we got that in how much there isn't a conformed look to anyone, and we have many of the outfits already. Like Ulic Qel-Droma's robes.



Now, to actually make a request, I would LOVE to see a lore version of Shoaneb Culu's outfit!




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I agree, honestly. All this clamoring for "traditional Jedi robes" we always see... The movies are 3000 years from now... fashion changes year to year for us, why would it not change over 3000 years in the Star Wars Galaxy? Plus, take a look at a real life equivalent, the Shaolin Monk. Quick, without cheating and without Googling, what do they wear? What is "traditional"? Odds are most of you will immediately think of the Hollywood look, orange robes. Thing is, in reality they don't just wear orange robes. They wear many colors, sometimes with shirts, sometimes without shirts, many variations on the Shaolin monk "robes."[/url]

In what universe is the Shaolin Monk the real life equivalent of a Jedi? I mean, there are similarities but they are few and far between. Jedi have much more in common with Samurai.


Also, I wish people would stop spouting this 3.000 years time difference nonsense if they can't back it up with actual evidence. Plenty of armor/outfits/attires like the ones we've seen in the movies already exist in the game; in fact, most of the stuff actually looks more advanced and not the other way around - so that argument simply doesn't have any factual basis.


Do Jedi like Orgus Din and Satele Shan look that much different from those we've seen in the movies/animated series? Not really, their outfits are usually just a little bit more fancy.

The same holds true for Vader and Malgus, although I do agree that Vader's armor would be a bit too much, Shae Vizla and Jango/Boba Fett (or all Mandalorians for that matter), Nico Okarr and Cad Bane (different "occupation", very similar outfits) and countless others.

Edited by jupezz
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also adding the pre qual jedi robes.. has nothing to do with the story line... in this game... the cartel market is not apart of the swtor lore.. the new speeder from Ep VI is on the cartel market now... for 1800 cartel coins its just blue.... in another post i mentioned other armor sets that are from a later date... STarkillers armor. daring rogue set....its all about making money and adding core lore to the game , its what disney wants them to do... who cares if the costumes dont fit with swtor lore... according to disney this games lore is a WHAT IF now anyway so they can do anything
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They oppose traditional Jedi robes which were featured in KotOR 2 and Kotor comics but they don't mind the skimpy rubbish. hahahhah right.


This is Star Wars: The Old Republic, not Star Wars: The Movies MMO and certainly not Star Wars: The Disney ****.

We can see more original armor and robes inspired on classic robes but you wont get a single costume for characters that wont exist in at least 3000 years


Humble Hero...


You don't want me to call them traditioanal Jedi robes? Jesus... You have me keep changing their names all the times because there is always someone arguing.


Fine. I'll call them Baran Do robes from now on...



Can we have Baran Do sect robes from KotOR 2?



Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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So if you love the ideas from this thread, can I ask when are we going to get the Havoc Squad armor?

Been waiting over 3 years for it.


It looks like this, since you seem to have forgotten about it.




Please, add my voice to the choir of those that want this.

My wallet would fear the day this armor is released.

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i dont wanna read all the pages, and i dont care if its already said, i wish the revan reborn armor, or darth vader armor.


Master Shadow packs? is like to open a Yugioh cards pack, never gonna appear what you want, just a waste of money, but well, the entire game, is think for that way.

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i dont wanna read all the pages, and i dont care if its already said, i wish the revan reborn armor, or darth vader armor.


Master Shadow packs? is like to open a Yugioh cards pack, never gonna appear what you want, just a waste of money, but well, the entire game, is think for that way.


i honestly think... they will add actual movie armor in the future. specially since Lucas isnt calling continuity shots anymore. disney wants their games to be more iconic. and who wouldnt wanto have origional / pre qual trilogys armor styles. and mounts/ animal mounts/ weapons

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yes, please! :) waiting for it to come back for more than 3 years now. pls bioware!

its the Centurion Force-Masters/Mystics PvP Headpiece


Really? u like that stuff.. i never could get into it.. i still have it on my launch sorcerer , and i always hated it . but everyone has the styles they like and dislike


i want a standard jedi robe like these

1st and 2nd link are just the standard padawan and knight robes. third and fourth are basically the same with cloaks over them i just want one with the hood up in swtor , or the option to put the hood up or down



Anakins Robe without Cloak


Jedi Knight/Master robe with Robe hood down


Anakin or sith / dark jedi Knight Robe with Cloak hood Down





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Really? u like that stuff.. i never could get into it.. i still have it on my launch sorcerer , and i always hated it . but everyone has the styles they like and dislike


yes, indeed. that armor was literally one of the reasons i started playing this game. unfortunately i couldnt play any game during end of 2011 due to exams and other personal stuff.... when i finally found time to strart playing SWTOR it was only a few weeks before the armor-cleansing update 1.2 hit and they removed all the good looking pvp armors :( and i am waiting for the centurion force-masters armor/schematics to come back ever since....

Edited by Phearz
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How about a nice mini-skirt / kilt set of leg armor -- something that shows a bit more leg than most robe bottoms and a bit less than the various panties. There used to be a perfect item -- the Regal Apparel Miniskirt (for females, at least), but that got broken last year (for cutscenes at least), and the Naga Sadow legs has a hard-colored bronze hem, making it unsuitable for most dye combinations.


It would be nice to have it work for males (Naga Sadow's does, but the miniskirt never did). It would be nice to have options between "all" and "none".

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are we ever going to see the Columi/Rakata armor for Warriors the way it was originally designed? I wanted this armor so bad when the game launched I remember it in almost all of the class videos for juggs and then boom big honking eyesore shoulders, please can we get the original design?



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