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Starfighter should be part of legacy, not stick to a character


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Starfighter experience boost is available, so it was originally intended to be an alternative way to level a player, just like warzones, flashpoints and space missions.


Problem is, unlike the others, upgrading and unlocking ships takes so long that it is totally unreasonable to start it all over on a different character, therefore you can only level one toon with Starfighter. Furthermore, you really have to be crazy about Starfighter if you bothered to have all the ships mastered for both factions.


I believe every upgrade and ship unlock should be legacy wide (of course it means so would the Daily and Weekly missions). Also, this way players could choose which faction they would like to play Starfighter with in case either their Republic or Imperial guild has more members online at that given moment or organizes a guild run.

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I wouldn't complain if they did this, but it also only takes me about a week to master a ship. I don't think it's an absolutely critical problem, and if the ships were made legacy-wide, it would take out a lot of that feeling of progression.


Whether that feeling of progression has a purpose in PvP is a completely different discussion.


You can see here that they're nerfing a bunch of upgrades on the PTS, which reduces the power of a fully upgraded ship even farther (I'm a strong believer that skill is significantly more important than upgrades except for a few key ones, like AoE ion cannon and the turbo reactor).

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I've leveled characters through GSF, and I would hate to see them make it legacy-wide. It's fun to fly un-upgraded ships and work your way through the progression. Also, with the new "Battle Record" feature on PTS, it's going to be cool to be able to start with a clean slate of stats.
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Rather than being legacy wide I think it would be good to have a legacy ship mastery bonus. So once you master a every character in your legacy will automatically get the mastery req bonus for that ship although still have to buy/upgrade components. This will give a legacy wide reward for mastering a ship without meaning earning req will become pointless on alts (they'd have nothing to spend it on except for components you have no interest in using if mastering a component unlocks all of its upgrades legacy wide).


It would be nice though if they offered some legacy wide perk for mastering a ship and/or component though.

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Amen to the legacy deal. If they did that, rather than focus on a single republic toon's hangar, I would be encouraged to play imperial side as well.


As it stands, there is nowhere near enough time to outfit each individual toon.

A maxed out hangar requires more invested time than going level 1-55 easily, so the fact that this is not legacy wide from the get go urks me big time.

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The biggest thing against this is because of the credits for matches won. The second thing is Republic/Imperial crossover. To the credits part, think about it. You level up on one character, and have those ships and that skill available to all characters. So if you can tip the match in your team's favor, you're able to earn credits without having done the work on that character. Not that you can't just transfer them, of course.


Second, how would you be able to account for cross-faction legacy? The ships are the same, sure, but you've got mastery achievements on both sides. So it doesn't make that much sense that if you master a Flashfire, you get the same mastery for the Sting.

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The biggest thing against this is because of the credits for matches won. The second thing is Republic/Imperial crossover. To the credits part, think about it. You level up on one character, and have those ships and that skill available to all characters. So if you can tip the match in your team's favor, you're able to earn credits without having done the work on that character. Not that you can't just transfer them, of course.


Second, how would you be able to account for cross-faction legacy? The ships are the same, sure, but you've got mastery achievements on both sides. So it doesn't make that much sense that if you master a Flashfire, you get the same mastery for the Sting.


Simple, have an imperial achievement category as well as a republic category.


As far as this whole being able to tip the scales part, I have 10x55s , I have done so much with this game that GSF is all that is fresh at the moment, and I would play other toons and do things while I wait for GSF to pop, but I can't because I am stuck on one single toon, so that is who I stay on, just to make sure I get to play with what I have earned.


If this was legacy wide, at least the other side would have me there 50% of the time now, balancing the faction scales a bit.


As far as the credits go, 2k?

That is a joke and not even worth mentioning.

If you play GSF for the cash, you are going to be poor forever.

Req farming is the only issue with GSF farming, and that is an easy fix which I am sure the devs are going to have done for launch

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Starfighter experience boost is available, so it was originally intended to be an alternative way to level a player, just like warzones, flashpoints and space missions.


Problem is, unlike the others, upgrading and unlocking ships takes so long that it is totally unreasonable to start it all over on a different character, therefore you can only level one toon with Starfighter. Furthermore, you really have to be crazy about Starfighter if you bothered to have all the ships mastered for both factions.


I believe every upgrade and ship unlock should be legacy wide (of course it means so would the Daily and Weekly missions). Also, this way players could choose which faction they would like to play Starfighter with in case either their Republic or Imperial guild has more members online at that given moment or organizes a guild run.


yeah, I plan on maxing out my ships on my imp main and pub main, but that's it, no real point or benefit to grinding on alts unless you like grinding or want a new name, but even then, it would be easier to just get a character rename.

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Well, there's three ways to do it.



The first way is the current way. The ships are all on ONE character. This means that you will honestly be wanting to just play that character in GSF, or those (small number) of characters. Given how much effort it takes to make a mastered ship, and how much EXTRA effort it takes to make a "complete" ship with all unlocks, and considering that you likely want multiple ships, playing extra characters seems foolish. Playing one emp and one rep seems to have some benefit.


The second way would be to make all the ships common across everything. The third would be to do it by faction, such that emp ships wouldn't convert to rep ships. Note that cartel ships couldn't be treated differently than unlockable ships: it would definitely not be fair if your fully reqed out cartel ship could be played for XP on your level 1, but your OTHER ships could not be.


In the second or third way, you would see people level their alts with Galactic Starfighter a lot. You would likely not play it much on your main if you had some < 55 characters to give XP to. I don't think this is in any way a bad thing, but be aware that it would be the big ramification.



I think, given the extraordinary time to level a hangar of ships, that there's no great reason to NOT have them bound to legacy from a game perspective. I think there's a technical limitation at work here, and the fact that it shipped like that means it will never be addressed or changed in any way. I mean, if you get hangars on 8 rep characters, how do you merge them? It's possible but not intuitive.

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Lol, 2k , 5k ? whatever it is, it's definitely peanuts.


It's 7150 per win. Depending how quickly you can finish off a match, it adds up. End of the first week, I had something like 3M creds for all my flying time. Sure, you can GTN manipulate that faster, but I hate jacking prices up on the auctions for personal gain.

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Legacy bound fleet req would be a good compromise. You don't have to use it unless you want too, and it feeds directly into their philosophy of having favourite ships to earn req with. And it won't cut into their profits, because it just means even more CC spent on converting ship req to fleet req.
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Logged online on the website just to make this thread, happy to see that its allready exists.


For me this isnt swtor at all there isnt anything that connects this to any of my toons.. I can make a lvl 1 toon and just go starfighting. Its not like i need to do a series of quests to unlock it or something its just there and its not connected to my toons at all.


I rly want to see this expansion legacy bound!


1. set of ships for my republic toons and 1 for my imperials.


i see that some complains about money, cant see the problem just give money what lvl your toon is. Just as it works with xp atm.


For me this is important, as it is now. I rarely do my dailys because its not fun doing them on a toon with crappy ships. And i dont have the time to grind the **** on all my characters since i work and have a family.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I agree,

Bioware should make GS legacy bound to toons according to faction.

Like if I have 3 imp toons they all share the same hangar and I have 2 rep toon they share the same hangar.

I totally agree with this post and main reason people dont want to do GS is because they get on another toon with an undergeared Hangar it really demotivates reason to play GS.


I mean who wants to get a new Hangar and start all over again, when your other toon has already unlocked a certain ships features only to do it again for the new toon.


Please make it legacy bind according to faction Bioware. :csw_fett:

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I came back a few weeks ago and started levelling a level 31 character that I had, using it also as my GSF main because the XP would be more useful than for one of my level 50+ toons.


By the time I've finally got a decent number of upgrades on a couple ships (neither one still even close to mastered, mind you) that character is already into Makeb content. So once I finish that, if I feel like playing GSF on my character that has upgraded ships, I have to just sit around waiting for it to pop, twiddling my thumbs. I don't mind wasting the XP on a maxed out toon so much, but sitting around waiting for a sometimes 30+ minute queue time at off-peak hours is frustrating and boring.


Basically if you're queued for GSF you can't really do much else besides maybe craft or run around grabbing datacrons. You can't queue simultaneously for WZs. You can't commit to a FP/Op. For me, it's clearly best to do while questing/levelling, but due to the sheer number of matches it takes to upgrade/purchase ships, you inevitably get to a point where your ships are finally where you want them but the character has no more levelling to do.


So yeah; TLDR: It'd be great to fly my upgraded ships while levelling an alt.

Edited by BobBudJones
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It's 7150 per win. Depending how quickly you can finish off a match, it adds up. End of the first week, I had something like 3M creds for all my flying time. Sure, you can GTN manipulate that faster, but I hate jacking prices up on the auctions for personal gain.


It is dependent on your character level...

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